Poster Award Bernhard Gasselhuber

Bernhard Gasselhuber, PhD student at the Department of Chemistry and member of the PhD doctoral program BioToP, won the Poster Award at the „European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference – EuroBIC12“ (Zürich, August 2014).

His poster shows novel insights into the class of bifunctional catalase-peroxidases. These metalloenzymes comprise two different enzymatic activities within one unique active site. A unique posttranslational modification enables them to dismutate hydrogen peroxide at high rates. The investigations focus on a eukaryotic extracellular catalase-peroxidase, which is predominantly present in pathogenic fungi and seems to play a distinct role in plant disease. The extracellular enzyme of the so-called “rice blast fungus” Magnaporthe grisea is scrutinized for spectroscopic and structural details. Structural and mechanistic insights lead to a better understanding of this enzyme group and might improve modern pest management. This work is supported by the FWF and the PhD program „BioToP – Biomolecular Technology of Proteins“ and supervised by Prof. Christian Obinger. Website of the PhD program BioToP:
