Bioeconomy in Action: National Bio-Economy Strategies in Comparison
280815, 13:00‐17:00, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria The aim is to compare different national Bioeconomy approaches (Finland, Germany, India, Italy, USA) and to derive viable trajectories for an Austrian Bioeconomy Strategy. Currently, Austria concentrates its activities in the field of research, technology and innovation (RTI). Initial results of the RTI‐WG2 onlineconsultation will be presented at the breakout session - for strong political support and social acceptance further steps certainly remain to be taken. Those shall be discussed with international experts and decision-makers lifting the Austrian process on the next level. Franz Fischler, President, European Forum Alpbach, will link the morning debate and the guiding theme InEquality with this comparison of international Bioeconomy approaches. Bioeconomy Highlights in Alpbach 2015