International Day of Action for Rivers
The Interreg Alpine Space Project «SPARE» (Strategic Planning for Alpine River Ecosystems), under the lead of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, aims to engage citizens, farmers, associations, private companies and all other actors in the management of Alpine rivers. These actors are not only “receivers” of policies or decisions, who should be convinced, educated, surveyed, helped. They can actually contribute toward river management in many ways: by observing fish migrations, proposing ideas, explaining how some infrastructure development projects may impact them, educating others, sharing their views on forthcoming trends and possible changes. Isn’t it much more satisfying to implement a decision to which you have contributed?
For more information about the SPARE project, please visit the website here or contact the project lead Ao.Univ.Prof. Susanne Muhar.
For more information on the International Day of Action for Rivers, please visit the website here.