Public talk from Nipun Mehta at BOKU

Nipun Mehta, winner of the Unsung Hero Award of the Dalai Lama and founder of ServiceSpace (USA) will hold a public keynote at the BOKU Sustainability Day on 26 April 2018.

Nipun Mehta (USA) is coming to Austria and will give a lecture (in engl.) at the evening event of the BOKU Sustainability Day on April 26th, 6 to 8 pm, EH01.

He is the recipient of the Unsung Hero Award of the Dalai Lama and the founder of ServiceSpace, an incubator of projects with over 500,000 members, that works at the intersection of volunteerism, technology and gift-economy. In 2015, Barack Obama appointed him to a council on poverty and inequality. Nipun is routinely invited to share his message of "giftivism" to wide ranging audiences, from inner city youth in Memphis to academics in London to international dignitaries at the United Nations. At BOKU he will talk about "Being the Change, Changes the Being". We are looking forward to an inspiring evening that invites everybody to reflect and contemplate on the necessary societal transformation. Take the unique opportunity to see Nipun Mehta in Austria!

By the way BOKU Sustainability Day: Like every year this special day offers a wide programme with keynotes, workshops, discussions and creative interactions from morning to night. The event is designed for all employees, students and all interested people. No registration required, free admission. More information HERE...
