X-LArch III International Conference on Landscape Architecture: April 29th - May 1st, Schwackhöferhaus SR 06 and SR09, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

Keynote Speakers: Marc Treib (Professor of Architecture, scholar of Landscape History, University of California, Berkeley, USA) Helen Armstrong (Professor-Emerita of Landscape Architecture, Queensland University of Technology; Adjunct-Professor, Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney, AUS) In the year of 2008, 50% of the people worldwide are living in cities,
and this number is yet to increase, changing urban landscapes at an
accelerated pace. Edward Soja and Miguel Kanai announce the global urban
age consisting of the urbanization of the globe on the one hand and the
globalization of urbanism as a way of life on the other. Globally the
structures of landscapes and settlements are converging - resulting in
types of urbanity which are hard to distinguish. In the context of
spatial development landscape plays a crucial role (at least) in the
professional discussion. 35 scholars and practitioners from around the world present new
thoughts and findings. Find out more on the Conference's website:

