Poster Prize for Dominik Jeschek
At the European Congress on Biotechnology in Geneva (Switzerland) Dominik Jeschek, Department of Biotechnology, was awarded the Brian Clark Award for Early Career Biotechnologists for his poster presentation.
Domink Jeschek is PhD student of the working group “Microbial Biotechnology” and his research is focused on understanding transport processes for improved metabolic engineering approaches of microbial cells. The prize winning poster presentation is on phospholipid vesicles to determine transport functionality of mitochondrial carrier proteins.
The results of his research are important for a deeper understanding of mitochondrial carrier proteins and help to develop metabolic and metabolic engineering strategies which have great potential to push the frontiers of microbial organic acid production.
This work is part of the strategic programme of acib (Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology). Dominik is PhD student of the international PhD programme in protein biotechnology (BioToP) - funded by FWF and BOKU and Priv.Doz. Dr. Michael Sauer and Prof. Karola Vorauer-Uhl are his supervisor.
The European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB2018) is an international conference series under the auspices of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) and was organized by this in July 2018. The Brian Clark Award for Early Career Biotechnologists was sponsored by Elsevier.
Website of the working group "Microbial Biotechnology":
Website of the international PhD programme BioToP:
Website of the Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (acib)