BOKUonline is the new education information system of the BOKU university.

How can it be used by students and lecturers?

The new education managment system BOKUonline is available since August 18th 2009. The old system BLIS remains available as an archive system in the read-only mode. Within the BLIS archive, you can still read the old data. New data, however, can be accessed only in the new system BOKUonline. Here you find answers to the most frequently asked questions:

  • FAQ for students
  • FAQ for lecturers

Here you find some hints about the migration:

  • Hints for students
  • Hints for staff members

Here you find information about how to use the new system:

  • BOKUonline for students
  • BOKUonline for lecturers
  • BOKUonline for other staff memebers

We keep working on improving and expanding this information.
