Urban-Net Workshop of the GDUS network

European Seminar on Gender awareness and Diversity for Urban Sustainability at BOKU Vienna, 15th - 18th September 2009

The GDUS network consists of planning, social and political scientists, freelance planners and experts in administration from different european countries. Goal of the seminar is to establish an international and interdisciplinary research group concerning the topics of gender awareness, diversity and urban sustainability. Furthermore the research project will be worked out in detail. The workshop aims at linking and gaining intensified knowledge on the topics by joint research activities in the 7th framework program and other international programs. Dates and venue of the workshop: Vienna, 15th - 18th September 2009

University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
H854 Institute of Landscape Planning http://www.boku.ac.at/lap
Peter-Jordan-Straße 65 (Simony-House)
1180 Vienna More: http://www.rali.boku.ac.at/14899.html
