Guest Professor Kristina Hill
“If we were designing a house and landscape for ourselves and everyone we care about to live in, together, 30 years from now, we wouldn't design it based on our income and needs today.” Kristina Hill
The Institute of Landscape Architecture (ILA) welcomes Professor Kristina Hill as Guest Professor. Prof. Kristina Hill is the Director of IURD (Institute for Urban and Regional Development) and Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning and Urban Design at the University of California, Berkeley. Her primary area of work focuses on the socio-cultural and ecological adaptation of the built environment in shore zones to new challenges associated to climate change.
Professor Hill studies urban ecology and hydrology in relationship to physical design and social justice issues. She received her Ph.D. from Harvard University and was a member of the faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Washington in Seattle, and the University of Virginia before coming to California. She was honored as a Fellow of the Urban Design Institute in New York, and has conducted research in Stockholm, Sweden, as a Fulbright Scholar.
In the past, she helped to develop new ideas for urban water system design that support salmon health in the Pacific Northwest. Her involvement as a citizen in urban system advocacy led her to serve as the head of a transit agency in Seattle, after helping to found that agency as a volunteer board member.
Public Lecture:
Title: Underground, underwater: design for a new planet.
08.06.2022, 18:00
Schwackhöfer-Haus Seminarraum 06 (54 seats)
Information on the BOKU Master Curriculum (German): UH 066 419 Masterstudium Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsarchitektur