ELLS Scientific Student Conference

Submit your abstract - whatELLS?

ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2024

"The puzzle of Life Sciences - Add your piece"

BOKU warmly invites all students to the  ELLS Scientific Student Conference:
"The puzzle of Life Sciences - Add your piece"

    Shaping the new economy; achieving prosperity within the planetary boundaries
    Creating food in a changing world; shaping systems for nutritious meals
    Following the steps of the farmer; caring for fields, animals and pastures
    Designing sustainable transitions; navigating the intersections of design and implementation
    Resilient use of natural resources; the balance of utilizing and preserving forests, minerals, water and air
    Discovering life's code; microscale innovations with macro impact

Where: Wageningen University (Netherlands)
When: 22-23 November 2024
New Deadline for abstract submission: 30 June 2024

Get inspired by the master's and bachelor's theses of your colleagues, network with students from all over Europe and overseas, listen to keynotes of high ranked researchers and use the broad offer of the ELLS Scientific Student Conference!

No participation fee, travel grants for presenters and prizes for the best presentations!

Further information and abstract submission:



