Participation for BOKU students possible for the "Summer School Organic Food Production Chain". August 7-20, 2011, Poland.

August 7-20, 2011, Poland

Summer School Organic Food Production Chain

The Summer School “Organic Food Production Chain” introduces students to all aspects of organic food production along the food chain: Agricultural production, processing, trade and consumer issues.

Participation for BOKU students possible, preference for students studying the Masters Organic Farming

The summer school Organic Food Production Chain takes place at the University of Life Sciences, Warsaw. It starts with an e-learning sessions in July and is followed by teaching and excursions in and around Warsaw. The course participants should have the study in the following subjects: M.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences, Food Science and Environmental Sciences and related subjects, preferably with a basic knowledge on Economics; Advanced B.Sc. students who completed at least two years of study and PhD students are also welcome.

Organic Agriculture is a holistic approach connecting all steps of the organic food chain from field to fork. Moreover, organic production methods influence the properties of organic produce in way which differs from conventional farming.

The Summer School “Organic Food Production Chain” introduces students to all aspects of organic food production along the food chain: Agricultural production, processing, trade and consumer issues.

The organic sector grows steadily in most European countries, nevertheless, market situations and structures in the organic sector differ to a large degree. During the Summer School, students will be introduced to the current status in Poland by working on different topics in the field.

