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Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2025-01-01 - 2027-12-31

The aim of IEA Bioenergy Task 33, "Gasification of Biomass and Waste for a Sustainable Future," is to exchange information on the production and use of heat and synthesis gases from biomass and waste within member countries, identify barriers to the commercialization of gasification technology, and provide recommendations. The focus is particularly on sharing information about research and development programs in the gasification of biomass, waste, and residues, as well as on commercial plants and the market opportunities for biomass gasification systems. Another key task of Task 33 is monitoring the global status of gasification. For this purpose, a database of pilot, demo, and commercial plants has been created, currently containing around 200 registered facilities. Additionally, a status report is published every triennium. For the upcoming triennium, Austria's representative, Dr. Jitka Hrbek from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), has been elected as the head of the Task. This is expected to further increase the chances of implementing various gasification technologies in Austria and promoting Austrian technologies worldwide. As such, the future leader has proposed Task projects that are highly relevant for Austria. The planned Task projects for the upcoming triennium are: "Implementing pathways of gasification" A video on gasification technology and its potential "Gasification for developing countries" A status report on gasification Additionally, the following projects are planned in collaboration with other Tasks: "Expanding the resource base for energy and material production" "Renewable hydrogen production" BECCUS Networking and information exchange will continue as usual through Task meetings, international workshops, and webinars. To disseminate information, the website will be regularly updated with current workshop presentations, country reports, newsletters, and other resources. Furthermore, there are plans to organize the "International Biomass Gasification User Conference" in the D-A-CH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) in 2025 and 2027, especially for stakeholders from Austria.
Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2024-09-01 - 2025-05-31

Austria's endeavour to achieve climate neutrality by 2040 is an ambitious and crucial goal that requires a comprehensive and cross-sectoral transformation. Waste management plays a central role in this context, as it offers both challenges and opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This R&D service aims to develop innovative solutions and strategies to lead the waste management sector in Austria towards climate neutrality, especially in the area of thermal treatment of municipal waste. The motivation for this project lies in the realisation that, despite ongoing efforts to reduce and recycle waste, certain emissions, particularly from municipal waste incineration plants, are unavoidable. About half of the CO2 emissions from municipal waste incineration plants (subject to strong fluctuations and depending on the input material) are currently considered to have an impact on the climate because they are of fossil origin. By investigating efficient Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technologies for this sector, the project offers the opportunity to make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A further driver for the project is the need to understand and shape the economic and social impact of these technological changes. It is crucial that the transition to climate neutrality in waste management is not only environmentally, but also socially just and economically viable. This requires analysing the cost structures, possible financing models and the effects on pricing in the waste management sector as much detail as possible. In addition, one focus is on analysing the integration of CCUS technologies into the existing energy system, both at plant level and in the nationwide energy supply.
Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2024-09-01 - 2027-08-31

The main objective of the GreenChar project is to investigate the possibilities of improving the microclimate in the regions of Trnava and Vienna in order to prevent the formation of urban heat islands and better adapt to the effects of climate change. Green roofs as part of the green infrastructure in cities improve rainwater retention and reduce the impact of urban heat islands, thus helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. The GreenChar project combines detailed analyses of the properties of biochar produced from sewage sludge as an innovative feedstock to improve the properties of roof substrates, with a focus on increasing water retention capacity, with studies of the environmental impact of the improved substrates (leaching of nutrients and metals, microbial diversity, plant stress, ...) using experimental roofs and roof lysimeters. The latter make it possible to monitor the processes in the complex substrate-water-plant system. Another focus of the project is the selection of suitable plants for extensive green roofs in the Central European urban climate with a high degree of ecosystem services and added value. As part of the project, three experimental green roofs equipped with sensors for measuring environmental data will be installed on both sides of the border at the project partners' sites. A modular green roof at the Slovakian partner and an equally unique MUGLI mobile exhibition space on both sides of the SK-AT border will be used to disseminate the results and communicate with the target group (residents and visitors to the SK-AT border regions). The project makes an important contribution to the handling and treatment of sewage sludge as a residual material and resource.

Supervised Theses and Dissertations