Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop 2025

For the 28th time, the Austrian Carbohydrate Work Shop (ACWS), the annual meeting of the Austrian carbohydrate and glycoconjugate community (, took place. The meeting which is held annually alternating between Vienna and Graz, traditionally does not require participation fees and focuses mainly on young scientists. The event was jointly organized by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and TU Vienna.

Due to the support of numerous sponsors (TU Vienna, BOKU, Büchi, Thermo Fisher, and Bartelt), it was again possible to host internationally renowned speakers, and enjoy snacks and drinks in between the exciting scientific program.

The high scientific qualitity was underlined by the two guest speakers Sabine Flitsch (University of Manchester) and Marthe Walvoort (University of Groningen), who offered an inspiring insight into their broad fields of research.

The community is looking forward to seeing you again in Graz in February 2026.