BIGER – BIodiversity and BioGEochemistry of Riverine landscapes
Leader: Thomas Hein
Deputy: Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze
BIGER WG Homepage:
Riverine landscapes are exposed to multiple stressors, such as changes in the hydrological regime, hydromorphological changes, human overuse, altered nutrient and organic matter inputs from the catchment, and climate change. As a consequence, freshwater ecosystems are highly endangered and sustainable management approaches are urgently needed.
Our research group “Biodiversity and Biogeochemistry of Riverine landscapes (BIGER)” studies the interactive effects of these stressors related to spatial effects and long-term changes on biogeochemical processes and biodiversity in running water systems and wetlands considering the interaction with socio-ecological aspects and aquatic ecosystem management.
Key research areas
- Metacommunities and Meta-Ecosystems
- Nutrient and carbon biogeochemistry and GHG emissions
- Ecohydrology
- Biodiversity and species distribution
- Metapopulation Dynamics and Genetics
- Algal and fish ecology
- Multiple stressor effects
- Restoration ecology
- Interactions between river systems and societies
- Ecosystem services
- Sustainable management
- Freshwater aquaculture
- Floodplain ecology
- Connectivity research
Key Persons
- Anthony Basooma (auch AG IMMA/RHEOPHYLAX)
- Olena Bilous
- Carolina Boom
- Flavia Byekwaso
- Nadija Cehajic
- Silke-Silvia Drexler
- Andrea Funk
- Sharon Gubamwoyo
- Johannes Kowal
- Paul Meulenbroek
- Florence Nansumbi
- Sonia Recinos
- Martin Tschikof
- Shu Wang
- Jun Zhao

Retreat 2023