FISH: Fischökologie, nachhaltige Fischerei und Aquakultur
Leader: Günther Unfer
Deputies: Kurt Pinter, Thomas Friedrich
Key research areas
- Fish ecological research on all scales – from individual behaviour to ecosystem level
- Exploring new avenues to merge recreational fisheries and conservation requirements
- Conservation and restoration of native fish populations - ranging from small headwater streams to large rivers
- Development of tools and strategies to mitigate human impacts on aquatic ecosystems
- Sustainable aquaculture for nature conservation and human consumption
- Research towards (fish)ecologically compatible hydropower use
- Freshwater fish and climate change
- Fisheries, river ecology and capacity building supporting the global south
- Innovative strategies and solutions concerning the areas of conflict of fish predators and invasive species
The working group covers a broad range of topics reaching from basic to applied research related to fishes.
Firstly, the group investigates fish ecological issues under both natural and anthropogenic-altered habitat conditions. A major aim is the conservation and restoration of vital fish populations. The development of monitoring tools plays a crucial role within this task.
The formulation and testing of fisheries management concepts, to harmonize fishing demands and ecology based on nature conservation, forms a second cornerstone of the group. This topic includes dealing with fish eating animals, fish diseases, invasive species and problems related to global change. A third focus is the re-introduction of endangered species developing alternative rearing processes as well as research on sustainable aquaculture systems with emphasis on developing countries. The fourth main pillar targets behavioural research and autecology, strongly connected to basic and applied issues within the three other major subjects.