Volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland - Scientific background information
Volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland - Scientific background information

A contribution to the SAVAA project of
(latest additions at the bottom of the page)
Relevant links A volcanic eruption in Iceland has lead to a closure of the air space in wide parts of Europe because of volcanic ahs hazard. The Institute of Meteorology of BOKU is involved in a project for the improvement of the forecasts of such volcanic ash clouds and has created a collection of scientific background information. Volcanological information and measurement data
- Volcanoes of the World - Smithsonian Insitution:
- Basisinformation on Eyjafjallajökull (e.g. eruption history)
- Information on spring 2010 eruption
- Informal web page of IAVCEI-RSC (Internation Association of Volcanology, Remote Sensing Comission) with detailled retrievals of ash and SO2 from satellite data, FLEXPART simulation by NILU, and extensive link collection. (Link added 17.4./23:45)
- Institute of Earth Sciences, Univ. Reykjavík
- Information on the current eruption (radar images of the surface, latest MODIS satellite image (15.4.2010, high resolution as pdf, 2.4 MB), overview map of lava streams, deformation analysis through interferometry before the eruption, etc.)
- Daily status information by IES und IMO (Icelandic Met. Service) (Link added 16.5.)
- Mila webcam Eyjafjallajökull from Valahnúk
- Vodafone webcam Eyjafjallajökull image gallery - Link to real-time web cam) (Link added 18.4./13:05)
Vodafone-Webcam-image from 20.4., noon
Vodafone-Webcam-image from 24.4., abends (image added 26.4./16:15) - Impressive time-laps video of the eruption on 17.4. (Link added 19.4./12:15)
- Erik Klementti's Eruption Blog
- Images of the ash cloud at Xinhua and Reuters
- EUMETSAT up-to-date Meteosat SEVIRI ash product (RGB out of infrared channes IR8.7, IR10.8 and IR12.0, volcanic ash is pink) - always up-to-date. (Link added 19.4./13:10)
- NASA-JPL has many interesting satellite images and evaluations, which can be found on this page (click on image).
- Most interesting: stereoscopic plume height estimate (Link added 21.4./18:55)
- NASA Earth Observatory image here r.h.s: NASA Earth Obs. MODIS-Terra image 2010-04-19 (click for higher resolution)
(Link added 26.4./16:15)
- NASA-JPL has many interesting satellite images and evaluations, which can be found on this page (click on image).
- Particulate matter measurements at Austrian mountain station Sonnblick (3106 m), needs Flash. (Link added 18.4./12:45)
- Measurements at the Swiss mountain station Jungfraujoch (3506 m) with aerosol size spectrum (peak at 3 um). (Link added20.4./19:05)
- DLR-Inst. for Phsics of the Atmosphere:
- Info on DLR measurement flight with Falcon on 19.4. A short report in German (Kurzbericht der DLR (pdf, 12 Seiten)) with measurment results (lidar, particle counter) was online at BMVBS, now on the DLR web site. (Link added 20.4./23:05, mod. 18.5.)
- More measurement flights in May, see report in German (Bericht). (Link added 18.5.)
- Lufthansa also carried out a measurement fligh on 20 April with one of their CARIBIC instrumented air planes. (Link added 20.4./19:05)
Dispersion calculations - simulation of volcanic ash proxy Attention, all presently (i.e., April/May 2010) available simulations are qualitative and are based on coarse emission estimates, thus concentrations are also not quantitative.
- Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre London (UK Met. Office). This is the institution officially responsible for warnings.
- up-to-data ash warning maps (updated in 6 h intervals, forecasts up to +24 h). Shows contaminated regions in different layers of the atmosphere.
SF=surface, FL200 = flight level 200 = 20.000 ft = ca. 7 km
- up-to-data ash warning maps (updated in 6 h intervals, forecasts up to +24 h). Shows contaminated regions in different layers of the atmosphere.
- NILU.no (SAVAA project coordinator, see below for information on SAVAA project) has online automated FLEXPART simulations for Eyja with rich options for output visulation: (Links hinzugefügt 20.4./18:45)
- Eyja page
- Direct link to vertically integrated concentrations of the aerosol tracer and
- the same with zoom on Europe
- Interactive Product Browser many visualisation options including vertical cross-sections
Choose Project EYJAFJALLAJOKULL. Needs javascript von nilu.no and openlayer.org. If unsuitable values are entered, a python error message appears, then try changing input!
- Eyja page
- Norwegian Meteorological Service (Met.no)
- has calculated different forecasts (up to 4 days in advance) of ash dispersal
- Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie (Austrian Met. Service) Vienna
- MSG satellite image movie shows the ash cloud tranport and dispersal
- Trajektory calculations
- FLEXPART simulation from 16.4. (particle dispersion model)
GIF movie showing concentration in the layer 1-2 km assuming emissions between 2 and 12 km above the volcano. The ash cloud may cover larger areas as shown in this chart. - FLEXPART simulation from 17.4.
This simulation is calculated with an emission between 1.5 and 8 km and shows concentration in the whole troposphere (0-11 km). In addition, the dry and wet deposition is considered. Colours sho the amount of ash in qualitative form. - Simulations were updated continuously, look at menu on l.h.s. on the ZAMG page!
- RIU/Uni Köln: Simulation with EURAD chemistry-transport-model (Link added 20.4./12:15). Assumption for source: continuous emission in the layer 0-10 km, after 19.4./18 UTC only 0-4 km) Only concentrations at 5 km and 10 km height.
- GMES-MACC Eyja page und detail page (MACC: EU-GMES Project Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate): with global simulation and regional simulation (=RIU-EURAD as above). Loops require Java! All these simulations with Euler models, thus smoother distributions and fewer filaments of the plume! (Link added 20.4./15:30)
Project SAVAA
BOKU-Met is participating in a project to improve volcanic ash warnings for air traffic:SAVAA.
- Project information at BOKU
- SAVAA Home page at NILU. Includes FLEXPART simulations, satellite retrievels etc. For project background information, see "Science".
- Model calculations for Eyjafjallajökul on ESA's website (more on volcanic ash and air traffic)
and on NILU.no web site - Article Estimation of the vertical profile of sulfur dioxide injection into the atmosphere by a volcanic eruption using satellite column measurements and inverse transport modeling, by Eckhardt, Prata, Stebel, Seibert, Stohl, in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2008, 8(14), 3881-3897.
EGU 2010 General Assembly Vienna: Union Symposium Eyjafjallajökull - eruption, plume, and consequences
Oral Programme | / Room 36 / Tue, 04 May, 18:30–20:00 / Room 36 / Thu, 06 May, 18:30–20:00 |
Poster Programme | / Hall A / Wed, 05 May, 08:00–19:30 Posters will be BOTH in HALL A (A516 to A538) and HALL XL (XL377-XL395. |
(Link hinzugefügt 30.4./15:10) ESA/EUMETSAT Workshop on Volcanic Ash Plume Monitoring on 26/27 May at Frascati
- Home page des Workshops with links to all the presentatons, list of participants etc.
- Press release und News-Artikel
(update 6 Oct 2010) European Commission response: DG Mobility and Transport's Ash cloud crisis page, includes "Volcano Crisis Report": Report on the actions undertaken in the context of the impact of the volcanic ash cloud crisis on the air transport industry (PDF). (update 9 Dec 2010)
Special Report on Volcanic Ash Cloud web page with a lot of information, including Ashcloud Impact on Air Traffic Analysis, June 2010 (PDF). (update 9 Dec 2010)
Responsible for this page: Univ.-Doz.in Dr. Petra Seibert Corrections and additions welcome Last update: 9 Dec 2010