Summer School 2017
Language: English Topic: The climate and environment protection, with a special focus to the mitigation of adverse effects. Lectures will coverthe improvement of efficiency of technological processes ofwithin industrial sector, decrease of CO2 emissions in varioussectors in transportation, and protecting life conditions ofhabitats in the region. Examination: Oral examination by assignment in a freely chosen topic in team discussion during the last day. As a writ-ten examination each participant shall prepare a report (min.10 pages) by 30 September, 2017. Number of Credit Points: 2 - 5, depending on university. Remote transmission of the lessons by Skype from the fol-lowing universities:
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Tokyo University, Japan
- Cornell University, USA
- Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany
- Greenwich University U.K.
- Ouagadougou University, Burkina Faso
- Kuwait University, Kuwait
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
- Monterrey University, Mexico
- Puebla University, Mexico
Excursions will be organised by: Travelling by highly com-fortable busses free of charge for students.
- Tuesday: Traveling to BOKU Vienna, where lectures are pro-vided to climate modelling methods and sustainability in ag-riculture in Middle Europe. Visit of Simmering Power Station,which is supplied by both, fossil and biomass fuels.
- Wednesday: Travelling back to Sopron, where guided sight-seeing tour of the city is available. Visiting a folklore Wine cel-lar in Sopron’s downtown for a common evening.
- Thursday: Field trip to ELTE Eötvös Lóránd University of Nat-ural Sciences Budapest, the Hungarian National Museum andthe Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Friday: Visiting the BME Technical University Budapest forlectures. Topics of lectures will include climate researching,building technology and language education in Hungary. Afterlunch: visit the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the closingreception.
Apply to: palocz-andresen.michael(at) tuetyi(at) felix_pahl(at)
Member of consortiums: University Sopron US, Leuphana University Lüneburg LUL, University Vienna BOKU, Kraftwerk Simmering, Vienna, TU Budapest, ELTE Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
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