BOKU-Met Weather BOKU-StartDepartment of Ecosystem Management, Climate and BiodiversityInstitute of Meteorology and ClimatologyWeather This page is available under these URLs: UV Radiation Index || Stratospheric Ozone Current weather at the institute location in the northwest of Vienna(Roof of Schwackhöfer House, Peter-Jordan-Str. 82, 1190 Wien, in German) in neuem Fenster öffnen Monthly summaries of the weather at the Institute (in German) Monthly summaries of the weather at the old location of the Institute at Türkenschanzstr. 18, in old format (01/1998-01/2005) Information on the BOKU-Met weather station with site map (in German) The webcam is temporary offline due to construction work. Webcam BOKU roof Schwackhöfer House, Peter-Jordan-Str. 82, 1190 Wien - view towards NW with Vienna Woods hills renewed in 2 min intervals Webcam Loops