WINALP 21 - Mountain Forests Fit for Climate Change

Funded by Interreg Bavaria - Austria
WINALP 21 Mountain Forests Fit for Climate Change
How can our forests in the Northern Alps be proactively adapted to climate change? The WINALP21 project is developing transnationally coordinated information systems to provide forest owners with practical recommendations and best practice examples for the management of mountain forests in the 21st century. As a basis, the site factors and forest types in the Northern Alps developed in earlier Interreg projects will be dynamized with regard to climate. The medium-term survival rate and development of various tree species will be documented in reforestation trials and natural regeneration sites from previous projects (including Interreg). In addition, we are setting up demonstration and monitoring sites to illustrate the effects of climate change using practical examples. On this basis, strategies and concepts for the proactive adaptation of mountain forests to climate change will be jointly developed and integrated into operational and official information systems and practical silvicultural aids.
Projekt Identifier BA0100020
Funding Period: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025
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