New at BOKU

to all new employees of BOKU
We have compiled useful information around BOKU for you. But first of all please listen to the welcome words of our Rector:
Welcome Note by Univ.Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr.iur. Eva Schulev-Steindl, LL.M.
And now we come to our glossary from A like 'accessibilty' to Z like ... or let's take W like 'working time' ;)
Useful information from A to Z
You will continue to develop at BOKU. We are happy to support you:
Offers for Personnel Development
How do you get 'on board'? Your supervisor and your colleagues are challenged: With preparation and support during the orientation period, they can make your start at BOKU much easier. The Checklist for Onboarding offers valuable recommendations: (only available in German at the moment)
Do you already have your BOKU pin?
You will get the pin with the BOKU logo when you attend the welcome lecture. You will find the next date in BOKU Training Passport.
For international colleagues with insufficient German language skills, a digital version of the 'Welcome Lecture' is available as a Moodle course in the BOKU Training Passport. Take the self (learning) test provided in it and send a screenshot of the successful test result to personalentwicklung(at) We will gladly send you your BOKU pin.