Wachau Routes on the road

The research team from the Institute of Landscape Architecture and the University of Arts Linz presented first results of their artistic-scientific approach to Wachau's traffic routes.

The micro-exhibition on the Wachau Road took place on October 6th in Emmersdorf. The Georg Prunner Square, laid out and designed by landscape architect Herbert Ursprunger, is located right next to the Wachau Road and provided the perfect setting for our presentation. An essential part of the event was the encounter and exchange with residents and users of the road. The team of the research project Wachau Routes presented posters and short films that highlight the creation, design and perception of the Wachau Road through artistic and landscape-architectural methods. An inspiring exchange with the visitors about hitherto undiscovered aspects of the road and new ways of looking at the Wachau took place over bread and wine.

More impressions of the micro exhibition on wachauroutes.at and Instagram.
The event was supported by Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich (Public Art Lower Austria) and the municipality of Emmersdorf. Many thanks!

A project of the Institute of Landscape Architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna: Roland Tusch, Daniela Lehner, Dominik Rosner and the Department Artwork Practice at the University of Arts Linz: Hubert Lobnig, Iris Andraschek. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF [AR 762-G]. Parts of the living bequests of Herbert Ursprunge are archived in the LArchiv – Archive of Austrian Landscape Architecture at BOKU.
