
To begin the online application process, please log in to BOKUonline and select “Recognitions / Achievement supplements”. Further information can be found in the guidelines for recognition. Once you have completed the entry, please send the certificates or supporting documents by email to the Study Services (anerkennungen(at) Please use BOKUdrive. The instructions can be found here.

If the examinations were completed at BOKU, it is sufficient to inform the Study Services by email. The Study Services will formally examine the application and inform you of the result (e.g. when an opinion is required from the course director, or additional documents are required).

Please note that the data entry in BOKUonline (also of free electives) does not constitute a valid recognition and you have to inform Study Services!

Once a decision has been made regarding each individual request, the Dean of Studies will make a decision regarding the entire application. A written decision will be issued regarding recognition; you will receive the officially signed notification by email. After expiry of the appeal period or after submission of the waiver of appeal, the recognised examination(s) will be confirmed in the system.  

Examinations which have been completed as part of a Bachelor's programme cannot generally be counted towards a Master's programme, because examinations in Master's programmes reach higher levels of learning objectives.

NO recognition procedure required

The following courses are usually recognised upon graduation:

  • Equivalent courses according to the equivalence catalogue of your degree programme, equivalence catalogues for the recognition of examinations can be found here.
  • Identical courses (i.e. same course number, title, type and ECTS) which you have already completed in another degree programme and which you need for a further degree programme ("1:1 recognitions").
    Exceptions: Courses originally completed at BOKU as non-degree student or as co-registered student or if they are to be recognised by a study programme for an individual study programme
  • Courses of the Master's programme that were completed in the Bachelor's programme, provided they are completely identical courses (i.e. same course number, title, type and ECTS).
  • Courses that must be completed at other educational institutions in accordance with the curriculum.
  • Courses that are to be used as FREE electives for a degree programme. You do not enter free electives from other universities as an application for recognition, but as Achievement supplements entries under "New achievement". These will be confirmed upon graduation. Free electives completed at BOKU should not be entered here. These will be assigned to your degree programme by Study Services upon graduation.

For questions that cannot be answered by phone or email, you are welcome to make a personal appointment.