Evidence of adequate competence in German for the programmes taught in German starting from winter semester 2018/19 on
For our German-language studies, sufficient knowledge of the German language must be demonstrated at level C 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
If you do not have sufficient knowledge of German, you will be accepted as a non-degree student at our university as part of the pre-study course at the University of Vienna. As soon as you have successfully completed the supplementary examination in German (EPD)*, admission to the regular course of studies can take place in accordance with the admission notice.
The following certificates are recognized as proof of sufficient knowledge of the German language and must be presented at study services together with the application for admission to the course:
- School leaving certificate from a German-speaking country or an Austrian or
German school abroad - Completion of at least three years of study in a German-speaking country
with German as the language of instruction - Successful completion of the supplementary German exam as part of a
pre-study course at an Austrian university (unlimited validity)
German certificates (valid for three years from the date of the examination):
- Austrian Language Diploma - ÖSD Certificate C1, previously: C1 Oberstufe German
- Goethe Institute - Goethe Certificate C1
- telc German "C1 Hochschule"
- Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer StudienwerberInnen (German language examination for university entrance) DSH2
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz DSD II
- Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Test DaF), minimum level TDN 4 in all parts
- University of Vienna Language Center course and successfully passed exam at level C1/2
For admissions to German-language master's courses, the abovementioned proof shall be waived if the student has excellent German language skills. The decision is made by the responsible member of the Rectorate via official notification in individual cases.
*BOKU University, Vienna, no longer accepts ÖSD certificates from students that are already registered in the university preparation programme. Due to changes in law concerning foreigners, only the supplementary examination German (EPD), which has to be passed directly at the VWU, can be accepted once you are participating in the VWU.