
Courses::Institute of Geomatics::Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences::BOKU

857303 VU Satellite-based positioning and navigation (GPS) 3 857303 VU 3 Satellite-based positioning and

WP1: Mechanical Characterization of Components of Fastening Systems::Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards::BOKU

interaction. Depending on the type of system, the base material can range from concrete or masonry to e [...] was made in accurately modeling single components based on extensive experimental investigations, see e [...] e.g. [2]. In addition to traditional continuum based elastic or elastic-plastic models, a broad range

Courses::Institute of Structural Engineering (IKI)::Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards::BOKU

and objective based protection measures 4 875325 VX 4 Structural and objective based protection measures

RAISE::Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research (IWA)::Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU

was further developed. The evaluation, which is based on the Hydromorphological Evaluation Tool (HYMET [...] events (this is also relevant for the Danube). Based on a flood event in October 2018, an attempt was [...] corresponding event (2018: approx. 20,000 tons). Based on the knowledge gained through process analysis


as interdisciplinary ecohydrological approaches based on a combined high resolution observational, ex [...] Pollution Control. His research focus is on nature-based solutions (NBS) and resources-oriented sanitation [...] of climate and socio-economic change; protocol-based, participatory scenario development to describe

Course list::Study services::BOKU

and water bioengineering in the context of nature based solutions 874310 PR Practial course to soil bio [...] compulsory courses 853325 VO Planning for nature based tourism 853319 VS Applied leisure and recreation [...] Recreation in riverine landscapes 819309 VU Computer based river modelling 811332 VU Water resources management

Evaluation and Decision Procedure::BOKU

DocService. Peers may not be scientists and researchers based at institutions in Austria and are expected to be [...] l structure of the proposal will be evaluated. Based on the results of the evaluation the SC may suggest [...] list of the competing applications to be funded. Based on the ranked short list the Rectorate will finally

BOKUvote::E-Learning and Didactics::Teaching and Learning Services::BOKU

Starting in 2013W, BOKUvote has been a software-based Personal Response System for educators that uses

Presentations::Institute of Geomatics::Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences::BOKU

D. Tiede, Ch. Hoffmann Process oriented object-based algorithms for single tree detection using laser [...] using LiDAR Ch. Straub et al. Standwise delineation based on 3-D information from Lidar A. Barilotti et al

Courses::Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences::BOKU

wood-based products and its protection 2 916065 VX 2 Diseases and pests of wood and wood-based products [...] wood-based products and its protection 1,5 916103 VO 1,5 Diseases and pests of wood and wood-based products [...] wood-based products and its protection 1,5 916107 VO 1,5 Diseases and pests of wood and wood-based products

Team::Institute of Analytical Chemistry (DCH/AC)::Department of Chemistry (DCH)::BOKU

Research topics: ion mobility-mass spectrometry, LC-MS based metabolomics, separation sciences Technicians Oksana


experience for a department or an organisation. Based on a tree structure, it is possible zoom in from [...] competence clusters. By defining uniform rating scales based on the EQF (European Qualifications Framework), [...] addition, the conference participations are the base to start and establish their own professional and


material science using a reductionist approach based on statistical mechanics and computer modelling [...] regeneration aspects. Experimental material science-based techniques are used to understand tissue response [...] respectively, and the plasmonic tuning of graphene-based nanosheets for triggered photothermal and self-cleaning

Transforming CO2 into animal feed::Department of Biotechnology (DBT)::BOKU

feed is regularly ensured by the addition of soy based supplements. The production of these supplements [...] CO 2 into the carbon backbone of their biomass. Based on these strains, a commercial process for the [...] autotroph organisms in nature, like all plants. Based on these findings, a novel yeast technology will

Stable isotope labelling assisted experiments::Core Facility Bioactive Molecules Screening & Analysis::BOKU Core Facilities::BOKU

isotope labelling assisted experiments Stable isotope based concepts are widely used in untargeted metabolomics [...] are present in native and 13 C labelled forms. Based on the omnipresence of carbon in all metabolites [...] assisted workflow for improved untargeted LC–HRMS based metabolomics research." Metabolomics 10 (4): 754-769

Research Molecular Enzymology::Institute of Biochemistry (DCH/BC)::Department of Chemistry (DCH)::BOKU

Furthermore, we design and test specific mechanism-based inhibitors of MPO and EPO and investigate the i [...] chlorite by its conversion into chloride and dioxygen. Based on our successful elucidation of the X-ray (and


agency staff at different geographical scales, based on existing literature and our personal experience [...] survey to provide methodological specifications based on current best-practice for collecting and using


Use of Captured Urban Streams Supported by Nature-Based Stormwater Management Supervisor: Thomas Ertl, [...] HR21: Modeling multi-scaled effectiveness of nature based solutions in river systems Supervisor: Thomas Hein

Research::Institute of Biotechnology in Plant Production::Department of Agrobiotechnology, IFA-Tulln::BOKU

markers. In this project, we will develop an omics-based predictive breeding approach for breeding superior [...] which will be used to develop multi-kernel omics-based prediction models, which interconnect the information

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