
Zeller::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

the last decades has greatly narrowed the genetic base of cultivated rice ( Oryza satiua L.).The preservation

Alphafold::Core Facility Bioinformatics::BOKU Core Facilities::BOKU

prediction tool developed by DeepMind. The online web based interface is designed to get the input samples which

Hanschmann::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

Site Summary Balances of N, P, K, Mg and Ca are based on a three years lysimeter experiment with three

Fischer::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

Biological means and/or agricultural methods are the base of all actions against this pest. Key words: slugs

Wake up Yoga::BOKU

energy. This session will provide an easy yoga based movement flow - perfect for everyone who would like

Research::Institute of Production and Logistics::Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo)::BOKU

pollution, noise emissions and traffic congestion). Based on this motivation, the KONZIB project analyses

Publications::Core Facility Bioactive Molecules Screening & Analysis::BOKU Core Facilities::BOKU

assisted workflow for improved untargeted LC–HRMS based metabolomics research." Metabolomics 10 (4): 754-769 [...] Berthiller and R. Krska (2019). "Untargeted LC–MS based 13C labelling provides a full mass balance of d [...] Metabolomics: Combination of Global and Tracer-Based Labeling for Enhanced Untargeted Profiling and Compound

Winter term 2019/20::Institute of Law::Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo)::BOKU

there will be an opportunity for public discussion. Based on the Anglo-American model of the Lunch Time Series [...] recognition technology creates a biometric template based on a person’s facial features. Screening faces in [...] automated risk assessments of airline passengers based on information they provide. [2] The use by the

Master theses::Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG)::Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU

Kenya inferred from microsatellite genotyping based on next genereation sequencing Abstract , Full text [...] Mangleswori Dhonju , 2013, Nepal: Biodiversity based on micro- and mesohabitat distribution of macro [...] Namaalwa Susan , 2008, Uganda: Influence of wetland-based agriculture on nutrient status and buffer capacity

Florian A. Peloschek::Institute of Development Research::Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems::BOKU

Investigation of options of setting up a community based breeding programme for crossbred cattle where Ankole

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