
Support in using BOKUlearn for teaching and learning as well as communication.
E-Learning - BOKUlearn
According to Kerres, e-learning encompasses those forms of learning "in which electronic or digital media are used to present and distribute learning materials and/or support interpersonal communication."
E-learning cannot replace learning, but in our opinion it will change teaching sustainably. At BOKU, the approach of blended learning is being pursued: the classic course is not replaced by the new media, but expanded in a meaningful way.
As a service provider of BOKUlearn, the Moodle-based university-wide learning platform, we are responsible for its operation and support. We regularly hold internal training sessions for lecturers and, together with the didactics group, we are the first point of contact at BOKU for questions regarding multimedia-based teaching content, blended learning and e-learning.
The integration of the learning platform BOKUlearn into teaching enables the continuous updating of learning materials and exercises, facilitates the conducting and evaluation of exams and promotes the teaching of new competencies. We are happy to support you in the use of and in case of difficulties with the learning platform BOKUlearn.
If you have any questions, please contact e-learning(at)boku.ac.at.