Generation and composition of waste are analysed regarding socio-economic and demographic factors of influence. Based on these factors at ABF-BOKU prognosis models are developed and applied for the forecast of the future waste generation. Results from this forecast are applied as planning criteria for the development of measures like preferable treatment technologies, capacities, economics and their evaluation. A holistic approach is used at ABF-BOKU for the optimisation of waste management systems, taking into account mutual effects between waste generation, collection and treatment. Options are developed and analysed in terms of technical, environmental, economic as well as social aspects. We use established methods for analysis and assessment, at the same time new approaches are developed, eg. cost models. For developing and emerging countries we develop specific and adapted wastemanagement systems, eg. taking into account the role of the informal sector. Waste Electronic Equipment will play an important role in the future, as critical resources can be recovered from this waste stream. Aim of our research is to utilise resources from complex products up to buildings in the future (“urban mining”). This requires to link product related information with recyclingrelated data, and taking into account the quality of secondary resources. Waste management systems for complex products such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment represent a specific challenge. click here to learn more
Contact: Prof. Stefan Salhofer, MSc, PhD