Teaching at
The faculty of InFER offers political science courses covering the themes mentioned in the research section. Moreover, methodological courses and interdisciplinary seminars (most of them in cooperation with other BOKU departments) are conducted. In addition to the courses offered within the BOKU curricula (most of them in German), the faculty of InFER is also engaged in the following international study programmes:
- Summer schools of the European Forestry Institute
- Mountain Forestry (BOKU)
- Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering (BOKU; Lincoln University, NZ)
- Mountain Risk Engineering (BOKU)+
- European Forestry Erasmus Mundus (University of Joensuu, Universität Freiburg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, University of Lleida, Wageningen University, BOKU)
- Forest Policy and Forest Economics (University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo)
- European Master in Environmental Science (EnvEuro) (University of Copenhagen, University of Hohenheim, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, BOKU)