Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Rainer Haas
Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Marketing & Innovation
Feistmantelstraße 4
1180 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: + 43 1 47654-3565
Fax: + 43 1 47654-3562
E-Mail: rainer.haas(at)boku.ac.at
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rainer Haas is a graduate of the Institute of Agricultural Economics at the Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (www.boku.ac.at). Doctorate 1998 for his research about customer satisfaction with an online food shopping mall. He got several awards such as the Austrian Agricultural Marketing Award 1998 and the Austrian Agrana Research Award in 2001 and 2006. Habilitation (venia docendi) in Marketing in 2004. He is Assoc. Prof. at the Institute of Marketing & Innovation at the Department of Economic and Social Sciences. He currently supervises 2 PhD students and 10 master students. Besides basic and spezialised Marketing courses he teaches 'Communication and Media Planning', 'Knowledge Management', 'E-Business in the Food & Value Chain' and 'Cross Cultural Communication'. He is reviewer for Appetite, Journal of Applied Economics, Journal of Market-Focused Management, Die Bodenkultur and the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics. He published as author or editor several books and since 2007 he is member of the Scientific Advisory Board, International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation (Bonn, Germany). Since he started teaching at the BOKU he supervised 1313 exams.
Current and recent projects:
e-trust: Building Trust for Quality Assurance in Emerging E-Commerce Markets in Food Chains (6th framework programme of the European Commission)
US-organic: Purchase intention form in Austrian distribution channel operators towards organic products from the US. (USDA)
Trophelia: Student food innovation award in Europe at the SIAL (the global food marketplace), Paris. (LVA-Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt)
BEAN-QUORUM: Overall improvement of the quality of agri-food products is a strategic task for agriculture and rural economic development and has become a policy priority. The key words when talking about agriculture and food products are quality and safety. The Asia-Link BEAN-QUORUM project is aimed at creating a network of Asian and European higher education institutions that are interested in the marketing issues regarding quality food and organic food products.
Courses Winter Semster
735.110 Computergestützte Marketingsimulation, 3.0 ECTS
735.308 Marketing Projektstudie, 5.0 ECTS
735.315 E-Business in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, 3.0 ECTS
Courses Summer Semester
735.184 Datenstrukturierung (Datenmanagement, Decision support systems, Expertensysteme, Wissensmanagement), 4.0 ECTS
735.322 Global Networking, 6.0 ECTS
735.323 Kommunikation und Mediaplanung, 3.0 ECTS
735.329 Decision Making in Management with Special Emphasis on Cultural Differences, 3.0 ECTS
Unpublished presentatons
Evaluated as best presenter in 2007 and 2008 at Future Network Seminars.
for Appetite, Journal of Applied Economics, Journal of Market-Focused Management, Die Bodenkultur and the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics.
PhD canditates / MSC canditates / Finished Diploma thesis
Member of Scientific Societies in ...
ÖGA, EFITA, Space, European Association of Agricultural Economics, Forum Agrarmarketing, Verband der Agrarjournalisten Österreichs
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation. Bonn, Germany.
Member in Administrative Groups at BOKU
Erasmus coordinator for environmental and bio-resource management
Member of the international plenum of the BOKU