Institute of Marketing and Innovation BOKU-StartDepartment of Economics and Social SciencesInstitute of Marketing and Innovation This page is available under these URLs: Sustainable consumption Agricultural marketing Socio-economic research on innovations in the bioeconomy Value chain in forestry and wood industry weiter zurück Invitation to the public habilitation colloquium: Dr. Franziska Hesser Innovation research and technology assessment March 3, 2025 Welcome to the Institute of Marketing and Innovation! The Institute presents itself >> Welcome at the Institute of Marketing and Innovation! Opening hours Secretariat Monday until Thursday: 9-12 am Monday and Wednesday: 1-3 pm Please register in advance. All requests can be e-mailed to at any time. Management and Administration Head Univ.Prof. Dr. Petra Riefler Deputy ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Oliver Meixner Secretary Kerstin Hafenscher Addresses & Contact Institute of Marketing and Innovation A.v.Guttenberg-Haus, 1. Stock links Feistmantelstraße 4/I 1180 Wien Contact: Tel.: +43 1 47654-73500 Fax: +43 1 47654-73509 wiso-main(at) ×