BioHub4all - Facilitating agricultural infrastructure to cooperatively consolidate regional organic food deliveries
Background & Motivation
To support a reduction in shipping costs and transport emissions, this project investigates the option to facilitate existing agricultural infrastructure to consolidate multiple food shipments to end customers of various providers. Therefore, agricultural business provide free capacity for transshipment as part of a sharing economy to generate additional income and enable cost savings at logistics provider. By the development of corresponding logistical simulation and optimization-based decision support systems, sustainable deliveries of organic food to urban city as well as rural areas are supported. Through a systemic view considering a wide range of organizational and regulative factors, business models based on cost and risk-sharing mechanisms are formulated and tested to enable future developments and the acceptance of generated results. By a reduction in transportation and related emissions as well as an increase in vehicle utilization as a result of consolidation, sustainable food logistics operations are supported. Results of this project will be disseminated in a demonstrator to show potentials and promote consolidations of organic food deliveries. Planned activities in close cooperation with various stakeholders further facilitate future activities and enable the project team to acquire valuable feedback to improve developed methods. Consequently, the aim of this project is to support future implementations and sustainable food logistics operations.
Software Demonstration
The main results and the developed decision support systems were implemented in a software demonstration. The software demonstration is intended to illustrate various possibilities for customers to buy regional and organic food. It shows what actors within food supply chains can do to improve existing systems and how they can contribute to more sustainable supply chains.
To take a look at the software demo, please click here.
- BOKU Wien, Institute of Production and Logistics
- BOKU Wien, Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics
- BioAustria-Verein zur Förderung des Biologischen Landbaus
Duration: April 2017 -March 2019
Programm „Mobilität der Zukunft“ – eine Initiative des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit)
Presentation OR 2017Leithner_OR2017.pdf
Leithner M.; Fikar C. (2017): Simulating fresh food supply chains by integrating product quality. OR2017 - International Conference on Operations Research, SEP 6-8, Berlin. -
Präsentation EURO 2018 Leithner_EURO2018.pdf
Leithner M., Fikar C., 2018. A decision support model simulating quality data in fresh food supply chains. EURO2018 - 29th European Conference on Operational Research, July 8-11, Valencia