Wood Supply Chain Management
Plan, design, operate, control and monitor wood supply chains
Major shifts concerning climate change, globalization, digitalization as well as the promotion of bioenergy or the rapidly increasing wood demand in emerging markets challenge sustainability, supply security and competitiveness of the forest-based industry. This requires the evaluation of risk impacts and the derivation of strategic and operative measures ensuring a constantly increasing sustainable wood supply to other industries. Innovative wood supply chain management considers the potential of digitalization and cooperative planning and focuses on supply security, sustainability and efficiency as well as resilience. In order to strengthen competitiveness of bioeconomy, quantitative methods optimizing wood transportation on strategical, tactical and operative levels simulation models are developed and implemented. Thereby, improvement of daily business as well as coping strategies for changed environmental conditions such as contingency plans to overcome logistical challenges of catastrophic events (e.g., storms or massive bark beetle outbreaks) are developed.
Research group leader:
Hon.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. DI Peter Rauch (peter.rauch(at)boku.ac.at)
Alexander Beiglböck, BSc
Markus Buchebner, BSc
Currently running master theses:
Johannes Kircher BSc.: Damaged wood management under special consideration of wet storage (in german)
Alexander Beiglböck BSc.: Damaged wood management with special consideration of dry storage (in german)
Michael Klien BSc: GIS-supported site search for wet storage areas (in german)
Valentin Sinko BSc.: Process analysis and process redesign of damaged wood management in East Tyrol (in german)
Markus Buchebner BSc: Maturity models for the analysis of resilience, sustainability and digitalization of the Austrian timber value chain in stakeholder workshops (in german)
Michael Seitinger BSc: Simulation-based decision support in log storage logistics (in german)