Wet Storage Concept Vorarlberg
Wet Storage Concept Vorarlberg
This project aims to develop a wet storage concept for Vorarlberg with the following objectives and results:
- Survey of the urgent need for additional wet storage capacities for small forest owners and small enterprises.
- Strategic evaluation of the spatial distribution of additional wet storage capacities
- Analysis of the required size of individual wet storage sites and the required number of new wet storage sites
- Site search in the proposed regions and examination of the concrete availability of sites as well as the availability conditions
- Calculation of the required investment costs for available and suitable sites
- Survey of the willingness of landowners, municipalities, regional planning communities and other potential developers to actually construct wet storage sites and to bear the investment costs after deduction of the subsidy or to pre-finance the projects.
- Concrete operator models for the operation of the wet storage facilities and possible operators
- Calculation of the wet storage and operator costs as well as the logistical effort required to operate the wet storage facilities.
- Derivation of suitable framework conditions, acceptance modalities and costs for potential suppliers and buyers of the wet storage facilities.
Funded by
Project partners:
Michael Klien, BSc., Mag. Georg Geutze Unternehmen. Beraten. Entwickeln.
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Honorarprofessor Dr.nat.techn. Peter Rauch
Ing. Christoph Kogler B.Sc. MSc.
BOKU organizational units involved