24th BOKU CAS students' conference of agricultural sciences

On June 5, 2023, our 24th BOKU CAS Semester Touchdown of Agricultural Sciences will take place.
The Touchdown is held in the SR19/01 at the Oskar Simony Haus, Gregor-Mendel-Strasse 65, 1190 Vienna.
This time 8 theses from the sommer semester 2023 will be presented.
You are all dearly invited to spend this day with us and be presented with exciting lectures and discussions on the student research work in agricultural sciences at BOKU.
The invitation is addressed to interested people inside and of course outside BOKU, the participation is free of charge!
The program of the event you can download here!
23. BOKU CAS students' conference of agricultural sciences on January 25, 2023
The 23rd Semester Touchdown of Agricultural Sciences took place on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 in the BOKU Festsaal of the Gregor Mendel House on the Türkenschanze. A total of one dissertation and six master's theses were presented.
Theses from the departments of economics and social sciences, farm animal sciences, soil research and food science and technology were presented. In the field of economic and social sciences, a thesis was presented that dealt with modeling the occurrence of plant pests and regulatory measures under the influence of climate change using the case of the corn rootworm. Another paper focused on meat policy and the analysis of corresponding actors, strategies and power relations in meat production and consumption in Austria. In the area of livestock science, three papers were presented. Two of them dealt on the one hand with the importance of infrared spectral ranges for the prediction of mastitis and ketosis in dairy cows and on the other hand with the use of somatic and differential somatic cell count as well as MIR spectra of milk for the prediction of mastitis. The third work involved an on-farm survey of health and welfare of pasture-raised sheep. In a student research paper from the soil science area, the effect of NH4+ fertilization and clay minerals on 133Cs in soil solution was investigated. A research paper on Swiss millet varieties and their chemical and physical characterization as well as their use in bakery products was presented from the field of food science.
The three best oral presentations were selected by the present jury consisting of university professors, BOKU staff members and the present representatives of the ÖH student representation of agricultural sciences. The prizes sponsored by the Agricultural Graduates Association were increased at this touchdown. Thus, the 1st prize was endowed with an amount of 500€, the 2nd prize with an amount of 400€ and the 3rd prize with an amount of 300€. The prizes were presented by the chairman of the Association of Agricultural Graduates of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, DI Johann Steinwider.
Winners* of the lecture session
1st place lectures: Stefan GRUBER: Importance of mid-infrared spectra regions for the prediction of mastitis and ketosis in dairy cows
2nd place lectures: Gesa Marianne FRICKE-CUSTODIS: Chemical and physical characterization of Swiss millet varieties and their use in bakery products
3rd place lectures: Charlotte VOIGT: Meat politics in Austria - Analysing actors, strategies and power relations governing meat production and consumption.
The program of the 23rd Semester Touchdown can be found here!
The next Semester Touchdown of the BOKU Center for Agricultural Sciences will take place in June 2023. All information on this and past Touchdowns, as well as on other activities and events of the BOKU CAS can be found at:
Translated with (free version)
You can download the program of the event here!
22nd BOKU CAS Semester Touchdown of Agricultural Sciences
The 22nd semester touchdown of Agricultural Sciences was held on Monday, June 13, 2022 for the first time in 2 years in presence, in EXHS 01. A total of 4 dissertations and 8 master's theses were presented.
The 6 theses, which were presented as talks in the first 2 blocks of the Touchdown, dealt on the one hand with the subject areas of the Department of Crop Sciences: Here, two final theses were presented in the field of crop protection, one of them dealing with the effect of spinach and hop extract on the feeding activity of turnip weevil, the other thesis investigated the pathogenicity of Austrian Tilletia caries isolates on wheat. In the field of crop production, a paper was presented on the influence of a potato dam cover on selected soil and crop management criteria in potatoes and the subsequent crop winter wheat. Also, 3 papers were presented from the subject areas of the Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems: One paper was completed in the area of organic agriculture and agroecology and showed the results of a study on the short-term fertilization efficiency of bio-based phosphate fertilizers. The area of digitization in agriculture was also represented with a research paper on spectral-based analysis of plant composition of permanent grassland stands. The last of the presentations then addressed the area of livestock science, looking at risk indicators and farmer motivation for improvements in animal welfare in dairy farming in Austria.
In the poster presentations, 2 other student research papers in the field of animal welfare were presented, one on stress in alpacas during shearing, the other on play behavior of calves as a parameter of positive animal welfare. A paper prepared in the framework of the international master program "Environmental Sciences in Europe" in cooperation with SLU in Sweden investigated the effects of regenerative farming methods on soil health and carbon sequestration in Gotland/Sweden. A poster on the role of RimO in the secondary metabolism of Aspergillus nidulans was also presented from the field of phytomedicine, and a paper was presented from the field of organic agriculture that addressed issues related to the producer perspective in the field of social sustainability of community-supported agriculture.
The three best oral presentations were selected by the attending jury of university professors, Boku staff and the attending representatives of the ÖH Agrar, the three best poster presentations were determined by audience voting. The prizes, which were sponsored by the Agricultural Graduates Association, were presented this time by Florentine Kranzler from the ÖH AW, representing the chairman of the Agricultural Graduates Johann Steinwider:
Long presentations:
1st place: Josef SCHENKENFELDER: Dairy cow welfare in Austria - risk indicators and farmers' motivation for improvement.
2nd place: Roland BRITZ: Spectral-based analysis of plant composition of permanent grassland stands.
3rd place: Vanessa KAISER: The effect of spinach and hop extract on the feeding activity of the turnip weevil Asproparthenis (Bothynoderes) punctiventris.
Short presentations:
1st place: Angelika Rosa SEIDL: The Role of RimO in Secondary Metabolism of Aspergillus nidulans
2nd place: Natalia NÖLLENBURG: Stress in alpacas: physiological and behavioral responses during the shearing procedure
3rd place: Verena GRÖßBACHER: Playing behavior as a parameter of positive animal welfare in calves: effects of
milk quantity and social environment on automatically recorded play behavior and the motivation to play.
The program for the 22nd Touchdown can be found here!
The next semester Touchdown of the BOKU Center for Agricultural Sciences will take place in January 2023. All information about this and past Touchdowns, as well as other BOKU CAS activities and events can be found
We would like to thank the Association of BOKU Agricultural Graduates for donating the prizes!
21. BOKU CAS Semestertouchdown of Agricultural Sciences
This time with a certain focus on crop sciences, the 21st Semester Touchdown of Agricultural Sciences took place online on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, now for the third time. A total of 2 dissertations, 11 master theses and one bachelor thesis were presented.
The 6 theses, which were presented as long presentations in the morning of the touchdown, dealt in the field of plant sciences with socio-economic issues around orchard management and with the characterization of old Austrian cherry varieties. In addition, a long-term varietal study of the three-lobed Papau, which is still very unknown in Austria, was presented. In the field of livestock science, three papers were presented dealing with the analysis of potential reductions of the greenhouse potential in dairy cattle feeding, with the use of larvae meal in broiler fattening, and with questions of pig breeding and here in particular with the genomic analysis of sperm quality traits in Austrian pigs. The short presentations, which replaced the poster presentations in the online format, were primarily student research papers from crop sciences, with scientific questions covering a wide range of topics from plant breeding and crop production to the opportunities and challenges in crop protection.
The three best long presentations were selected by the attending jury of university professors*, and the three best short presentations were determined by audience voting. The prizes, sponsored by the BOKU Agrarabsolvent*innenverban, were "handed over" virtually by chairman Johann Steinwider:
Long presentations:
1. place: Elisabeth Schüller: Morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of old, regional sweet cherry Prunus avium L.) varieties in Austria supporting the conservation of agrobiodiversity and cultural landscapes.
2. place: Martin Bauer: Genome wide association study and genomic prediction of sperm quality traits in Austrian pigs
3. place: Martin Seiringer: Greenhouse potential reduction versus food competition in dairy cow feeding. An analysis based on model calculations
Short presentations
1. price: Annalena HABELER: Addition of millet to wheat bakery products and investigation of the rheological properties of sorghum and millet.
2. price : Nazli GOLESTANI: Digital learning and teaching for plant and tree breeding
3. price: Emil PLATZER: Agronomic and qualitative properties of alpine spring wheat landraces
The program for the 21st Touchdown can be found here!
The next Touchdown will take place in June 2022. All information about this and past touchdowns, as well as other BOKU CAS activities and events can be found at:
19th BOKU CAS Semestertouchdown (student conference)
19th BOKU CAS Semester Touchdown of Agricultural Sciences
For 10 years now, the BOKU Agricultural Graduate Students Association has been supporting young scientists through the BOKU CAS Semestertouchdown. However, due to Covid 19 related uncertainties, and the conversion of research and teaching to digital methods and the corresponding burden on students, especially at the end of the semester, the Touchdown could not be held for the summer semester `20.
But postponed is not canceled, and so the summer semester touchdown `20 was combined with the touchdown of the winter semester 20/21.
The result was a full-day event that would be held online on January 15, 2021 and inspired with very diverse, exciting and, above all, qualitatively outstanding student, agricultural science content. A total of 27 final papers were presented, with the 10 talks and 17 short presentations divided into thematic focuses: While the morning was devoted to papers from economics and social sciences, livestock sciences, and organic agriculture and sustainable agricultural systems, the afternoon was primarily devoted to crop sciences from the fields of plant production, plant protection, plant breeding, and viticulture and fruit growing. Prizes, sponsored by the Agricultural Graduates Association for the best papers and short presentations, were awarded by its chairman, Johann Steinwieder.
The program of the 19th Touchdown can be found here.
Presentations in the morning:
1: Sarah Gorr
Feeding Systems for lactating sows influence sows’ and piglets’ welfare and productivity
2.: Mathias Marginter
Association of somatic cell count and differential somatic cell count with acute and chronic mastitis events
3.: Laura Eckart
Der Effekt räumlicher Abhängigkeiten auf den Agrarstrukturwandel in Österreich
Presentations in the afternoon:
1.: Lorenz Delle Donne
Wirksamkeit und Persistenz von Hefe-Insektizid-Gemischen für die Formulierung eines Attract-and-Kill-Verfahrens gegen Drosophila suzukii
2.: Susanne Katharina Riedel
Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) grown in Lower Austria: exploring the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of extracts obtained from different organs
3.: Elias Dorfmann
Komplementäre Geschlechtsbestimmung (complementary sex determination: CSD) in der gregären Brackwespenart Glyptapanteles liparidis
Short presentations morning:
Session 1: Moritz Egger
SMART sustainability assessment of organic coffee farming systems in the Yanesha indigenous community of Ñagazú, Peru
Session 2: Josef Kirchler
Einfluss der Mähgut-Aufbereitung bei der Heuwerbung auf das Futteraufnahmeverhalten und die Leistung von Milchkühen
Session 3: Johann Weilhartner
Hofnachfolge in bäuerlichen Familienbetrieben aus Sicht weichender ErbInnen – Eine qualitative Untersuchung in Österreich
Short presentations afternoon:
Session 1: Maria Ladinig
Potential natürlicher und kommerziell erhältlicher Mykorrhiza-Inokula im Maisanbau
Session 2: Hermann Gregor Dallinger
Genomic Prediction of Stripe Rust Resistance in Wheat – Opportunities, Limitations, Lessons Learned from a Breeders Population
Session 3: Theresa Krexner
Life cycle assessment of biogas and nano-cellulose production from manure: A solution proposal to upcycle elephant poop
Der nächste Semester-Touchdown des BOKU Zentrums für Agrarwissenschaften findet im Juni 2021 statt. Sämtliche Informationen zu dieser und zu vergangenen
The next semester touchdown of the BOKU Center for Agricultural Sciences will take place in June 2021. All information about this and past Touchdowns, as well as other BOKU CAS activities and events, can be found at: