Navigating from Phenotypic Analysis to Genomic Selection in Plant Breeding | Two week intensive course for breeders | Africa Uninet Project | Egerton University, ACTS and BOKU

Target group: students, researchers, extension service, industry, NGOs, etc.

Where:  Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

When: September 23 - October 4, 2024.

Your instructors: Dr. Sebastian Michel and Dr. Barbara Steiner
Plant Breeder and Geneticists. Lecturers and researchers at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna.

For further information please contact:
Dr. Sebastian Michel,  sebastian.michel(at)
Dr. Mercy Wamalwa,  mercy.wamalwa(at)


Course content

During this lecture you will learn how to use the statistical package R for field trial analyses, genetic mapping and genomic selection.
The following topics will be discussed during this two-week intensive course:

  • Phenotypic analysis of multi-location field trials
  • Genetic mapping and marker-assisted selection in  structured and diverse population
  • Application of modern mutagenesis tools, such as TILLING, for gene identification
  • Implementation and evaluation of predictive breeding approaches for genetic improvements

Participants will be able  to conduct phenotypic analyses of multi-location plant breeding field trials and interpreted the results. Participants will acquire the skills to implement advanced breeding strategies like genetic mapping and marker-assisted selection techniques. Participants will be familiar with the application of cutting-edge mutagenesis tools like TILLING for precise gene identification, and the implementation of predictive breeding approaches in applied breeding programs

Prerequisites for participation:

  • Basic knowledge of plant breeding and genetic
  • Basics in biostatistics and data analysis
  • Laptop with an installation the latest versions of R and RStudio (freeware)

Download the Course Poster

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