Prof. Juan Antonio Carrasco Montagna
Prof. Juan Antonio Carrasco Montagna
Prof. Juan Antonio Carrasco Montagna
Dr. Juan Antonio Carrasco Montagna graduated in Engineering Science with in 1999 and received his M.Sc. (Transportation Engineering) in 2001 from Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, and Doctor of Philosophy (Transportation Engineering and Planning) from the University of Toronto in 2006.
Dr. Carrasco is a Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile. He is one of the world leading experts in the travel behaviour analyses, in particular in the issues of time use, social interactions, equity, and sustainability.
In particular, He is one of the pioneers that linked individuals’ social interactions with their travel decision making processes and built environment and transport systems. He has worked a lot with the disadvantaged communities, including indigenous population, in Conception and Chile, to improve their accessibility and, subsequently, opportunities in planning practice.
He is also the President of the Board of the EFE Sur (state-owned Chilean Railway Company operating the South of Chile), the Board Member of the EFE Trenes de Chile (state-owned Chilean Railway Company at the national level), and the Board member of Pan American Society of Transport Research.
Among the international research community, he is the Handing Editor of the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, US National Academy of Science, i.e. the official journal of the largest annual transport conference in world (with more than 16,000 attendees). He was also the Associate editor of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, one of the highest cited journals in Transportation field. Besides this, he is also editorial board members of five other transportation journals, including Research in Transportation Business & Management, Transportation Letters, Latin American Transport Studies, and Journal of Transport and Land Use.
Dr. Carrasco’s research has mainly focused on developing analytical methods for modeling and understanding travel behavior and its implications in the overall urban context. He is a pioneer in studying the role of social networks in travel behavior, both in the development of new data collection techniques and in the analysis of the role of social structure in space and its travel implications. Dr. Carrasco has also focused on the relevance of understanding travel demand as derived from the people’s need on performing activities and the relationship between people’s travel decisions and other key aspects of their lives, such as their use of information and communication technologies, and the characteristics of their urban environment. He also has focused his research on studying how changes in land use patterns are related to the transportation system, focusing both on existing empirical evidence and on the method to analyze this relationship. Finally, Dr. Carrasco has studied the role of transportation in people’s social inclusion, developing conceptual frameworks and empirical indicators to understand how transportation affects the quality of life of different population groups.