Selected publications

  • Lizana, M., J.A. Carrasco, and A. Tudela, “Studying the relationship between activity participation, social networks, expenditures and travel behavior on leisure activities,” Transportation, aceptada.
  • Matus, C., R. Ganter, J.A. Carrasco, and C. Barraza, “Neoliberal Urbanism and Synergistic Violence in Concepción – Chile, Post-Earthquake 2010,” Latin American Perspectives, aceptada.
  • Calastri, C., S. Hess, A. Daly, J.A. Carrasco, and C. Choudhury (2018), “Modelling the loss and retention of contacts in social networks: The role of dyad-level heterogeneity and tie strength,” Journal of Choice Modelling, 29, 63-77.
  • Chávez, O., J.A. Carrasco, and A. Tudela (2018), “Social activity-travel dynamics with core contacts: Evidence from a two-wave personal network data,” Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 10(6), 333-342.
  • Calastri, C., S. Hess, A. Daly, and J.A. Carrasco (2017), “Does the social context help with understanding and predicting the choice of activity type and duration? An application of the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Nested Extreme Value model to activity diary data,” Transportation Research Part A, 104, 1-20.