Standort: Muthgasse 107/I, 1190 Wien, Österreich Leiter: Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Christoph Pfeifer Tel.: +43-1-3709726-201 E-mail: christoph.pfeifer(at) Sekretariat: Sandra Gold Tel.: +43-1-3709726-200 E-mail: Prüfungseinsichtnahme ist immer zu den Sekretariatsöffnungszeiten (Mo.-Do. 9.00-11.00 Uhr) möglich! Das Sekretariat ist vom 08.08.2016-28.08.2016 und vom 05.09.2016-09.09.2016 geschlossen!

Innovation Award 2016

Wir gratulieren Bsc. Christoph Hammerl zum 2.Platz des Innovation Award 2016 mit dem Thema "Entwicklung eines Systems zur kontinuierlichen und energieeffizienten Klärschlammentsorgung mittels hydrothermaler Carbonisierung (HTC)"!


New chance for Polluted Lands: Recovery of agricultural soil function by non-food farming and adapted soil management at degraded sites

In many of our regions, agricultural soils are contaminated by various pollutants. Moreover, these lands are still used for growing food or animal feed, leading to an uncontrolled uptake of pollutants into the human food chain. This project offers an innovative and coherent management program to restore agricultural activity on contaminated and marginal land, including soil improvement and reduction of pollutant uptake with biochar as a soil additive. The partners disseminate knowledge gained from pilot areas and propose economically viable solutions to support the agricultural production of non-foods or environmentally-friendly conversion of contaminated soils.

Duration: 2024-2026

Funding program: Interreg Central Europe

Project consortium:

Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (project leader) with 9 international partners, including the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Institute of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Institute of Soil Science)