The project Sani60ies, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), demonstrates minimally invasive retrofitting of buildings from the 1950s and 1960s.
The basic concept is the subsequent thermal activation of the buildings by means of a facade-integrated heat distribution system, which is installed between the existing wall and the insulation material. The building can thus be supplied with low-temperature heat. This circumstance offers the best conditions for the efficient use of heat pumps. At the same time, the best conditions are created for a sustainable and efficient cooling option.
The decarbonization of heating and hot water production in existing urban residential buildings should - for social and economic reasons - be carried out with minimal intervention in the housing stock and should also - for reasons of efficiency in the operation of heat pumps - enable a reduction in the heating flow temperatures. The Sani60ies project meets both of these challenges: a system of façade-integrated component activation is being developed, which is applied between the former exterior of the existing wall and the newly applied full thermal insulation in the course of thermal refurbishment of existing buildings without interfering with the apartments.
With this highly innovative system, a base load of the winter heat supply is managed at low flow temperatures, while at the same time utilizing potentials for energy flexibility. The coupled measure of thermal refurbishment and new external wall heating relieves the existing radiators and also enables a significant reduction of the flow temperature for them. Beyond the effect of climate-friendly heating supply, the system offers the quality of a climate-neutral cooling effect in summer.
This concept is being tested on several properties. The first demonstration object is located in the center of Vienna and will be put into operation in the course of 2022.The other demonstration buildings will follow in 2023 and 2024. For further informations regarding the project Sani60ies don´t hesitate to contact DI Dr. Magdalena Wolf.
The project will be implemented together with the Institute for Building Research & Innovation (IBRI), VASKO+PARTNER INGENIEURE Ziviltechniker für Bauwesen und Verfahrenstechnik GesmbH and Sozialbau AG until July 2024.