Wednesday, 31st January 2024 [09:30 - 13:30]

The seminar is addressed to all scientific employees.


Providing basic knowledge on social media.
Creating an understanding for this online form of communication in the field of the research.
Giving an introduction to the systematic use of Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram & Co.
Showing how researchers can use social media to promote their research.
Inspiring researchers to network with international colleagues, and improve their own standing in a specific scientific field.


How does BOKU practice science communication on social media?
What are the benefits of this type of communication?
How can scientists use Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram & Co for their own benefit?
Which goals are realistic?

These and many other questions will be answered during the course.


Interactive lecture

Group size: max. 15 participants

The workshop will take place at Seminarraum Cieslar-Haus, EG, Peter-Jordan-Str. 70, 1190 Vienna.

Mag.phil. Jakob Vegh
has been BOKU's social media manager since 2019. As a master of journalism and communication science, he optimizes the social media channels in a target group-oriented way and generates exceptional content to present BOKU authentically to the outside and inside.

Info for registration

Registration only via  BOKU online (Login is necessary) --> Services --> BOKU's-Trainingpassport/Trainings

The participation is free of charge.
Please note our terms and conditions.