Barbara Stadlmayr, Dr.nat.techn.

Institut für Entwicklungsforschung

+43 1 47654-93413
Peter-Jordan-Straße 76/I
1190 Wien
Zusätzliche Info
Barbara joined the CDR in 2015 and was involved in the SAF-BIN project “Strengthening adaptive farming in Bangladesh, India and Nepal (SAF-BIN)”. Before that she worked at the nutrition division of FAO supporting countries in establishing national/regional food composition databases and assisting in trainings. She is currently involved in projects with the World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi on food trees for diversified diets and improved nutrition. Together with colleagues from FAO she is coordinating an international expert group on food composition issues. Her research interests include the link between agriculture and food systems for better nutrition, and the role of indigenous foods to improve diet quality.