Social Ecology Newsletter

Ausschreibung einer Universitätsprofessur für Soziale Ökologie
An der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) ist ab 1. Dezember 2023 eine Professur für Soziale Ökologie am Department für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (WiSo) zu besetzen. Die Stelle wird gemäß § 98 Universitätsgesetz 2002 in Form eines zeitlich unbefristeten vertraglichen Dienstverhältnisses besetzt.
Positionspapier für das Berufungsverfahren
Informationen zur Ausschreibung
Informationen zu dieser Stelle, zur BOKU und dem Department können dem Web entnommen werden.
Ende der Bewerbungsfrist: 15.09.2023

Social Ecology with a focus on socio-ecological long-term research
The Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Social Ecology wishes to fill
a career position in compliance with § 99 (5) UG (tenure-track) in the field of
Social Ecology with a focus on socio-ecological long-term research
Working time: 40 hours a week
Term of the employment relationship: limited to a period of 6 years
Allocation in compliance with the Collective Agreement for University Staff to job group: B1 lit. b Gross monthly salary (depending on previous eligible experience) at least: € 3,889.50 (14 x a year, in addition we also offer an attractive career development programme and an extensive range of social benefits)
Target group
§99 (5) positions offer academics with high potential and the relevant achievements the opportunity of an academic carrier ranging from a postdoc position to that of assistant professor and on to associated professor. The position of associated professor can be achieved at the latest six years after the appointment. §99 (5) positions are aimed at academics with a doctorate/PhD degree, with high potential, who are close to or have already successfully completed a habilitation. Experience at other universities or research institutes abroad is expressly welcome.
Tasks and focus areas
- Research in the field of Social Ecology with a focus on socio-ecological long-term research
- Development of concepts and methods for an inter- and transdisciplinary analysis of long-term changes in society-nature relations, informed by socio sciences or humanities
- Focus on societal problems induced by industrialisation in a multi-scale approach (local to global)
- Teaching and supervision or co-supervision of final papers within the scope of legal possibilities
- Transfer of knowledge and the promotion of junior researchers in line with the social responsibility of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
- Assumption of administrative tasks within the framework of university self-administration
- Acquisition and management of competitively funded national and international research projects
- Independent teaching in German and English in the field of Social Ecology
- Representation of the field at scientific conferences and other events (in Austria and abroad) as well as through high-ranking scientific publications
- Collaboration in the interdisciplinary fields of competence of BOKU as well as in national and international scientific networks
Requirement profile
- Completed doctorate in a relevant field
- Sound professional experience in the scientific field as a postdoc
- Excellent publication achievements as well as international orientation and recognition
- Willingness and ability to lead your own research team incl. the necessary funding this requires (third-party funding)
- Enthusiasm for outstanding teaching
- Experiences in the acquisition and management of interdisciplinary, competitive research projects in the field of socio-ecological long-term research
- International publications on socio-ecological long-term research especially with regard to the links between social and ecological dimensions of sustainability
- Proof of ability to develop and apply interdisciplinary approaches and methods
- National and international visibility and networking at relevant conferences and in relevant research communities
Other desired qualifications
- Experience abroad as well as in teaching and leadership at universities and research institutions
- Initiative and commitment to further qualification
- Management and communication skills
- Very good ability and willingness to work in a team
- Ability to form networks and willingness to participate in public relations activities
- Very good knowledge of English (spoken and written)
Publication date: 3rd of March 2020
Closing date for applications: 7th of April 2020
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna seeks to increase the number of its female faculty and staff members. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference unless reasons specific to an individual male candidate tilt the balance in his favour.
Please submit your application in English incl.
- Curriculum vitae with detailed presentation of professional, teaching and research activities
- List of all publications (refereed & non-refereed), lectures and projects
- Electronic transmission of the PDF files of five own publications which you consider to be particularly important
- Rough concept for future plans in research and teaching including your contribution to the scientific profile of the Department
- Teaching portfolio including evaluation results
- Brief explanation why you think you should be particularly suitable for this position (max. 1 page) Presentation of planned research priorities at BOKU in the field of long-term social-ecological research (max. 4 pages A4)
and indicating the reference code 47 to until 7th of April 2020. Applicants are not entitled to reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs incurred as a result of the selection procedure.

Postgraduate Research Associate
The Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Social Ecology (SEC) is currently seeking a
Postgraduate Research Associate
Extent of employment: 30 Hours per Week
Duration of employment: 1st of December 2019, limited to 30th of November 2022
Gross monthly salary and pay grade in terms of collective Agreement for university staff (payable 14 times per year): B1, € 2.096,00
The institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC) is part of the Department of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). Research and teaching at the Institute of Social Ecology deal with the interrelationship of social and natural systems in the context of sustainable development. Researchers come from different disciplinary backgrounds such as biology, ecology, sociology, anthropology, political and technical sciences and usually work in interdisciplinary teams. SECs methodological spectrum includes material and energy flow analysis (MEFA), geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing methods, systemic actor-oriented and organizational analyses, and the use of historical sources. SEC offers a doctoral program on Social Ecology and a master program on Social and Human Ecology.
The thesis is part of Module 5 (M5) of the ERC Advanced Grant MAT_STOCKS, which focuses on the Stock-Flow-Service-(SFS)-nexus of infrastructure development. The SFS-nexus approach broadens the scope of social metabolism studies, traditionally focusing on energy or material flows through socioeconomic systems, by adding two key components:
(1) information on material stocks. For example buildings, infrastructure, machinery etc. and
(2) the services societies derive from specific stock-flow combinations, e.g. mobility, housing, workspace, nutrition and many more (Haberl et al. 2017).
Within this project, M5 analyses the implications for sustainability transformations, asking: how can the build-up of stocks be shaped towards a lower resource use level while providing similar services for societies? (Görg et al. 2017)
Haberl H. et al. 2017: Sustainability, 9, 1049; doi:10.3390/su9071049
Görg, C. et al. 2017: Sustainability, 9, 1045; doi:10.3390/su9071045
PhD Project
Conducting a PhD thesis on urban and regional development of the Vienna-Bratislava metropolitan region with a focus on infrastructure development and resource use. As case study, the PhD-thesis shall analyse the twin-city region Vienna-Bratislava with a focus on infrastructure development and its implications for urban and regional development in a multi-scale perspective. It will focus on the driving forces of regional development under the conditions of European integration and neoliberal globalisation, but with a link to conflicts at regional and local scale.
Different regional development strategies and planning policies will be analysed by scrutinising the contested reasoning behind these strategies, identifying the actors involved and their interests, and distinguishing alternative development options. The results will be linked to analyses of the material stock sand resource flows involved in these alternative options (build-up and use phase), provided by other researchers in MAT_STOCKS Particular emphasis should be given to important infrastructure conflicts like the third runway at Schwechat Airport or the Lobau highway, focusing in particular on the different actors involved an their interests and power relations.
Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Christoph Görg
Required skills and qualifications
Excellent MA (or equivalent degree) in social sciences (Political sciences, sociology, human geography, political economy or planning sciences or related fields)
Familiarity with conceptual approaches from critical urban and regional studies and their conceptual foundations in political economy and human geography
Experience in qualitative methods (e.g. policy or institutional analysis)
Excellent communication skills in German and English (orally and in writing)
Experiences in interdisciplinary research and willingness to cooperate with quantitatively oriented natural sciences
Desirable skills and qualifications
Familiarity with approaches from social or political ecology and their conceptual foundations
Experience in research projects and academic publishing are beneficial
Knowledge in Slovak is beneficial but not compulsory
Applications can be submitted until: 23rd of September 2019
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna seeks to increase the number of its female faculty and staff members. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference unless reasons specific to an individual male candidate tilt the balance in his favour.
Please send your job application to Personnel department, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan-Straße 70; E-Mail: (Reference code: 153)
We regret that we cannot reimburse applicants travel and lodging expenses incurred as part of the selection and hiring process.

New Publication in German:
Die Beschleunigung der Berge.
Eine Umweltgeschichte des Wintertourismus in Vorarlberg/Österreich, 1920-2010
Groß, R. Die Beschleunigung der Berge.
Eine Umweltgeschichte des Wintertourismus in Vorarlberg/Östrreich, 1920-2010
Böhlau, Köln, 2019 Buy this publication
Am Beginn stand die Skitour im frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Nach stundenlangem Aufstieg konnte eine einzige Abfahrt absolviert werden. Ein Vergnügen für wenige. Die Bereitstellung von mechanischen Aufstiegshilfen veränderte den Sport völlig. Auch Ungeübte zog es in die winterlichen Alpen. Um sie zu unterstützen, wurden Pistenraupen unumgänglich. Eine Spirale von Modernisierung, Ausweitung und Intensivierung begann sich zu drehen, an deren vorläufigem Ende gänzlich verwandelte Peripheren stehen. Diese Entwicklung wirft Fragen auf, die in dem Buch „Die Beschleunigung der Berge“ diskutiert werden, das auf der gleichnamigen Dissertation beruht. Jahr für Jahr das große Zittern. Kommt er oder kommt er nicht, der Schnee, den die Wintertourismusindustrie so dringend braucht. Aktuell leben ganze Talschaften von dem gewinnbringenden Weiß, vor allem dort, wo keine alternativen Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten bestehen. Dabei ist der Wintertourismus historisch betrachtet ein eher junges Phänomen. Am Beginn stand die Skitour im frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Nach stundenlangem Aufstieg konnte eine einzige Abfahrt absolviert werden. Ein Vergnügen für wenige. Die Bereitstellung von mechanischen Aufstiegshilfen veränderte den Sport völlig. Auch Ungeübte zog es in die winterlichen Alpen. Um sie zu unterstützen, wurden Pistenraupen unumgänglich. Eine Spirale von Modernisierung, Ausweitung und Intensivierung begann sich zu drehen, an deren vorläufigem Ende gänzlich verwandelte Peripheren stehen. Diese Entwicklung wirft Fragen auf, die in dem Buch „Die Beschleunigung der Berge“ diskutiert werden, das auf der gleichnamigen Dissertation beruht. Wie wurden aus nur auf Saumpfaden erreichbaren Dörfern in den Alpen, die von der Abwanderung bedroht waren, Orte des internationalen Skitourismus? Was geschah im Zuge dieser Transformation mit den alpinen Landschaften? Welche Rolle spielten mechanische Aufstiegshilfen? Wie veränderten diese das Verhältnis zwischen Landwirtschaft und Tourismus? Mit welchen Strategien versuchten die Menschen den Einfluss der Natur auf die Tourismusindustrie abzuschwächen? Wie erfolgreich waren diese Maßnahmen und welche Konsequenzen hatten sie für die Transformationsdynamik in den Bergen? Diesen Fragen geht das Buch anhand einer breiten Quellenbasis und einem interdisziplinär-umwelthistorischen Methodenmix nach. Buchpräsentation: Die Beschleunigung der Berge. Eine Umweltgeschichte des Wintertourismus in Vorarlberg/Österreich, 1920-2010 Präsentation:Dr. Robert Groß, Universität Innsbruck und Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Moderation:Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Andreas Muhar, Institut für Landschaftsentwicklung, Erholungs- und Naturschutzplanung, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Anschließend laden wir zu einem kleinen Umtrunk und bitten daher ausnahmsweise um Ihre Anmeldung bis zum 8.3.2019 unter Place / Ort: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | Hauptbibliothek Wilhelm Exner-Haus, Zeitschriftenlesesaal, Peter Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 WienTime / Zeit: Dienstag, 12. März 2019, 18:15 - 20:00 Uhr

New Publication in German:
Chancen der Landwirtschaft in den Alpenländern. Wege zu einer raufutterbasierten Milch- und Fleischproduktion in Österreich und der Schweiz
Stolze, M., Weisshaidinger, R., Bartel, A., Schwank, O., Müller, A., Biedermann, R. (Hg.)
Haupt Verlag, Bern, 2019 Buy this publication Für die sogenannten «Grasländer» Schweiz und Österreich stellt sich die Frage, welche Lösungen für die Milch- und Rindfleischproduktion zu einer ökologisch nachhaltigen Landnutzung beitragen können. Vor diesem Hintergrund unterziehen die Autoren die Landwirtschaft in diesen beiden Alpenländern einer umfassenden Bestandsaufnahme hinsichtlich ihrer agrarpolitischen Entwicklung und deren Folgen für die Umwelt. Dabei stellen sie den Faktor Stickstoff in das Zentrum der Analyse, die in einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen FiBL Österreich, Umweltbundesamt GmbH Wien, FiBL Schweiz, und Schwank Earthpartner erfolgte. Die Autoren entwickeln aus verschiedenen Perspektiven Ansätze und Leitlinien, die zentral sind, um mittelfristig eine ökologisch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft zu erreichen. Eine wichtige regionale wie auch globale Leitfrage ist dabei, wie sich eine sichere Ernährung der Bevölkerung erreichen lässt, ohne die Tragfähigkeit des Ökosystems zu gefährden. Mit der «Regenerativen Milch- und Rindfleischproduktion» stellen die Autoren einen neuen und innovativen Lösungsweg für eine ökologisch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft im Alpenraum vor, der sich von der momentanen Hochleistungsstrategie unterscheidet. Doch zeigt dieser Lösungsweg auch positive Effekte auf die Umwelt in der Schweiz und in Österreich? Und inwieweit verändert er die Produktion von Lebensmitteln? Diese Fragen werden anhand verschiedener Modellberechnungen beantwortet, deren Machbarkeit mittels Praxisbeiträgen veranschaulicht wird. Mitherausgeber Rainer Weisshaidinger ist neben seiner leitenden Positition am FiBL seit 1.1.2019 auch am Institut für Soziale Ökologie angestellt.

New Publication:
Environmental Histories of the First World War
Tucker, R.P.; Keller, T.; McNeill, J.R.; Schmid, M. (Eds.)
Environmental History of the First World War
Cambridge University Press, 2018 Buy this publication
This anthology surveys the ecological impacts of the First World War. Editors Richard P. Tucker, Tait Keller, J. R. McNeill, and Martin Schmidt bring together a list of experienced authors who explore the global interactions of states, armies, civilians, and the environment during the war. They show how the First World War ushered in enormous environmental changes, including the devastation of rural and urban environments, the consumption of strategic natural resources such as metals and petroleum, the impact of war on urban industry, and the disruption of agricultural landscapes leading to widespread famine. Taking a global perspective, Environmental Histories of the First World War presents the ecological consequences of the vast destructive power of the new weaponry and the close collaboration between militaries and civilian governments taking place during this time, showing how this war set trends for the rest of the century.
•Provides a new environmental perspective on industrial warfare with implications for the twenty-first century
•Suggests a decades-long environmental legacy of World War I and provides a narrative of neglected regions of the War
•Meant for readers interested in both military and environmental history
Reviews & endorsements
Advance praise: 'Anyone who wants to learn about the global ecological catastrophe that the First World War precipitated must read this book. It is an eye-opener and a disturbing reminder that those who set the Great War in motion had no idea as to what they had let loose on the world.' Jay Winter, author of War beyond Words: Languages of Remembrances from the Great War to the Present
Advance praise: 'This exciting collection represents the best of the innovative new field of environmental history of war. Looking at the ways that the First World War impacted land, food, and animals it will give us new insights and fresh ways of thinking. This book will be a must read for those wishing to understand the war.' Michael S. Neiberg, author of The Path to War: How the First World War Created Modern America
Advance praise: 'The truly global coverage of this pioneering environmental perspective on the Great War breathes new life into the notion of 'total war' by venturing far beyond the battlefield and the hellish mud of the Western Front's trenches to investigate the feeding and fuelling of military support systems, and wider environmental transformations, from Austria-Hungary to Africa and Japan. This ambitious study of nature's mobilization stands out amidst the onslaught of new books accompanying the centenary.' Peter Coates, co-editor of Militarized Landscapes: From Gettysburg to Salisbury Plain
Advance praise: 'This collection of essays deserves a broad audience. The innovative studies not only enrich the literature on the First World War as a 'total' global conflict; they also present powerful evidence of the interpretive insights that await historians in the broader field in which environmental history and military history intersect.' Roger Chickering, author of Imperial Germany and the Great War, 1914–1918
Advance praise: 'This engaging collection represents a welcome addition to the previously neglected environmental history of World War I. Sharply written chapters focus on the mobilizing of food, oil, and other resources for war, while offering much needed coverage of the environmental consequences of World War I in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. This book represents a vital contribution to the burgeoning literature on war and the environment.' Charles E. Closmann, author of War and the Environment: Military Destruction in the Modern Age
Advance praise: 'This is something truly new – a wonderful, global collection on one of the most important yet neglected topics in history: the legacy and impact of war on the environment. It brings together some of the best scholars in the field of World War I and environmental history and covers a dazzling array of topics.' Christof Mauch, Director, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

PhD Position:
Analyzing the ongoing forest transition in Laos from a socio-ecological perspective
The Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Social Ecology (SEC) is currently seeking a
Postgraduate Research Associate
PhD Position: Analyzing the ongoing forest transition in Laos from a socio-ecological perspective (Project Employment)
Extent of employment: 30 Hours per Week
Duration of employment: 1st of January 2019 to 31st December 2022
Gross monthly salary and pay grade in terms of collective Agreement for university staff (payable 14 times per year): B1, € 2.096,00
The Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC) is part of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). Research and teaching at the Institute of Social Ecology deals with the interrelations of social and natural systems in the context of sustainable development. Researchers come from interdisciplinary backgrounds such as ecology, sociology, anthropology, political science, and history. The methodological spectrum includes material and energy flow analysis (MEFA), geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing methods, qualitative social research, and historical analyses.
Research on forest transitions traditionally focuses on economic and/or political change affecting forest areas and/or forest carbon stocks. A socio-ecological perspective broadens the scope of analyses by linking forest change to changes in the energetic resource base of societies. In this context, the recently started ERC Starting Grant project “Hidden emissions of forest transitions” (HEFT; led by Simone Gingrich) aims at identifying those socio-metabolic processes which relieve forests from pressure, the emissions they cause, and their socio-political context. These “hidden emissions” will then be compared to the carbon sequestration of reforestation in order to identify the net climate change mitigation effect of forest transitions. The ultimate aim is to draw lessons for climate change mitigation policies.
PhD Project
The PhD project investigates the ongoing forest transition in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Laos) from a socio-ecological perspective. Relevant socio-metabolic forest relief processes are identified in Laos for periods of decreasing deforestation, forest area stagnation, and recent forest regrowth. Such processes include the decrease of traditional swidden farming, large-scale agricultural intensification and regional specialization, changing trade patterns, and shifts in energy use. Specific political-economic processes and policies affecting forest change (e.g., REDD+ activities, international investments, agricultural and foreign trade policies) are analysed with regard to their impact on forest change, based on both field work and desk research. The aim is to establish integrated socio-ecological GHG budgets, comparing the carbon sink of forest transitions to the emissions caused by forest relief processes, and to understand the politics affecting them. In addition to analyses at the national level, regional-scale case studies will be conducted, addressing the diversity of trajectories involving different constellations of actors and interests.
The successful candidate will collaborate with the HEFT project team and will be given access to existing databases and methodological tools. The candidate is expected to contribute to further methods development and establishment of databases. The PhD candidate will be supported to publish peer-reviewed scientific articles and to participate in international scientific conferences. The candidate has the option of compiling a cumulative thesis based on these publications.
Required skills and qualifications
Excellent MSc or equivalent degree in interdisciplinary environmental sciences, such as Social Ecology, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Ecological Anthropology, or Ecological Economics
Knowledge of relevant quantitative methods of sustainability accounting, e.g., Material and Energy Flow Analysis, HANPP, Carbon and GHG accounting and/or GIS.
Knowledge of qualitative research methods, e.g., conducting interviews, focus groups and/or surveys
Excellent communication skills in English (oral and in writing)
Readiness to engage in interdisciplinary team work
Desirable skills and qualifications
Working experience in quantitative methods of sustainability accounting
Experience in field research
Knowledge of or research experience in Laos or another Southeast Asian country
Basic knowledge of forest ecology
German language skills
Applications can be submitted until: 27th of November 2018
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna seeks to increase the number of its female faculty and staff members. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference unless reasons specific to an individual male candidate tilt the balance in his favour.
Please send your job application including
Motivation letter (max. 1-2 pages)
Research proposal, including references (max. 2-3- pages)
Full academic CV, including publications (if available)
Proof of eligibility, in particular details on education and Master’s degree
Names and contact details of max. three references
to Mag. Dr. Simone Gingrich, Institute of Social Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29/1; E-Mail: simone.gingrich(at) (Reference code: 149)
We regret that we cannot reimburse applicants travel and lodging expenses incurred as part of the selection and hiring process.
For more information:

Einladung zum Symposium "Soziale Ökologie" und Preisverleihung an Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Im Rahmen des vom FWF veranstalteten "BE OPEN - Science & Society Festival" laden wir zur Festveranstaltung zu Ehren von Marina Fischer-Kowalski:
Symposium "Soziale Ökologie - Forschen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft"
Society Prize der International Society of Industrial Ecology (ISIE) an Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Montag, 10. September 2018, 9h30-12h30 BE OPEN - Science & Society Festival Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Wien
Marina Fischer-Kowalski ist Gründerin des Instituts für Soziale Ökologie (SEC) und Pionierin der interdisziplinären Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. Ihr Anliegen war und ist der Brückenschlag zwischen Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften, den das Institut für Soziale Ökologie seit nunmehr 30 Jahren erfolgreich umsetzt. Ihre Forschung zu den Gesellschafts-Natur-Interaktionen ist nicht nur wissenschaftlich herausragend, sondern auch gesellschaftlich und politisch relevant. Marina Fischer-Kowalski beweist durch ihr Beispiel, dass Wirksamkeit in Praxisfeldern und wissenschaftlicher Erfolg kein Widerspruch sein müssen, sondern einander verstärken können. Die International Society of Industrial Ecology (ISIE) verleiht Marina Fischer-Kowalski für diese außergewöhnliche Leistung den Society Prize im Rahmen dieses Symposiums. Aus diesem Anlass sollen sowohl die heutigen Herausforderungen der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung diskutiert als auch die Frage aufgeworfen werden, wie die dafür notwendige Inter- und Transdisziplinarität besser gefördert werden kann. Begrüßung: • Klement Tockner, Präsident, FWF
• Hubert Hasenauer, Rektor, BOKU
• Edgar Hertwich, Präsident ISIE, Professor, Yale University
Festvortrag plus zwei Impulsvorträge mit Diskussion • Marina Fischer-Kowalski, em.Professorin Soziale Ökologie, BOKU
• Helga Weisz, Professorin, Humboldt Universität Berlin
• Uwe Schneidewind, Präsident Wuppertal Institut, Professor, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Verleihung des ISIE Society Prize an Marina Fischer-Kowalski • Laudatio Edgar Hertwich
Podiumsdiskussion "Wie lassen sich Nachhaltigkeit und Interdisziplinarität in der Grundlagenforschung fördern?" • Marina Fischer-Kowalski
• Edgar Hertwich
• Uwe Schneidewind
• Klement Tockner
• Helga Weisz Anlässlich seines 50-jährigen Jubiläums verwandelt der Wissenschaftsfonds (FWF) gemeinsam mit Partnern aus Wissenschaft und Forschung den Wiener Maria-Theresien-Platz in einen Garten der Neugier. Freuen Sie sich auf österreichische Spitzenforschung zum Entdecken, Mitmachen und Mitreden. Das Festival für Alle, die neugierig sind. Festival-Programm (pdf, 2.5MB) Um Anmeldung bei Gerda.Hoschek(at) wird gebeten.

PhD position: Analyzing the stock-flow-service nexus at the national scale
This is to comply with new European and Austrian data protection and privacy regulations. We send you occasional e-mails to inform you about activities related to the Institute of Social Ecology (SEC) at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo). |

New at BOKU: Institute of Social EcologyThe Institute of Social Ecology (SEC) has changed its affiliation and is part of the University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) since March 1st, 2018. SEC is an Institute at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo). For the foreseeable future, SEC will remain at its current location in Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna. Please find us on the new Website:
This is to comply with new European and Austrian data protection and privacy regulations. We send you occasional e-mails to inform you about activities related to the Institute of Social Ecology (SEC) at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo). |
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 40 – February 2018
Projects - Publications - Media Resonance - Publication Download - Data Download - Job Announcements
The Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC) at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt (UNI-KLU) seeks highly qualified and motivated candidates for 1 PhD position (3 years) in |
Topic International trade of land-based products is one major process behind telecouplings. Trade is growing exponentially, much faster than aggregate global production and consumption of land-based resources, thereby resulting in growing challenges with managing telecouplings for sustainability.However, the relation between traded products flows and impacts of land is all but straightforward. Land is a hugely heterogeneous resource due to its vastly differing quality (e.g. soil fertility, ruggedness, accessibility, precipitation or temperature) and land-use intensity. Empirically tracing telecouplings associated with flows of traded products needs to take these differences into account, while still generating indicators facilitating quantitative assessments.This ESR will be focused on using and expanding the social metabolism framework to develop robust biophysical indicators to quantify the extent, magnitude, and dynamics of telecouplings due to biomass trade (e.g., embodied land demand, HANPP, nitrogen use, agricultural labor, changes in ecosystem carbon stocks, or biodiversity impacts.) These indicators will be used to quantify and analyze the global to regional effects of telecouplings on land-use efficiency, resource-use intensity and trade-offs for the period 2000-2015. One major task will be to establish consistent global databases allowing to trace and account for global trade flows on a high level of disaggregation using bilateral (country-by-country) trade matrices for all countries with a high product resolution (dozens to hundreds of products), including an assessment of uncertainties and variability of patterns over time. The developed framework will be applied to Leuphana University of Lüneburg's trade-related cases, in order to explore analytical usefulness in the context of governance analysis at different scales.Expected results are:a global database on telecouplings resulting from biomass trade, the development of indicators tracing how telecouplings affect resource efficiency and environmental impacts, an insights into the trade-offs and synergies of different strategies to manage and govern telecouplings. |
Location The Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC) is a subdivision of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF) at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt (UNI-KLU). Research and teaching at the Institute of Social Ecology deals with the interrelationship of social and natural systems in the context of sustainable development. The institute's staff comprises 25 researchers and 6 administrative staff members as well as a number of PhD students. Researchers come from interdisciplinary backgrounds such as biology, ecology, sociology, anthropology, political and technical sciences. SECs methodological spectrum includes material and energy flow analysis (MEFA), geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing methods, systemic actor-oriented and organizational analyses, and the use of historical sources. SEC researchers make increasing use of modelling techniques for data simulation, a synthetic presentation of results and as a basis for scenarios. SEC offers a doctoral program on Social Ecology and a master program on Social and Human Ecology. |
We seek A candidate with an above-average MSc (or equivalent degree) in interdisciplinary environmental sciences such as Ecological Economics, Social Ecology, Human Ecology, Geography or or related fields. We expect strong interest in land use and land system science and sustainability problems and interdisciplinary work. Required skills include a sound background in quantitative methods, handling of large databases, proficiency in database management software, programming ability and strong analytic skills. GIS expertise is welcome. |
If you consider applying, please go to: |
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Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
sec.newsletter [at] To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 39 – January 2018
Projects - Publications - Media Resonance - Publication Download - Data Download - Job Announcements
New Publication Social Ecology. State of the Art and Future Prospects
Kramm, J., Zimmermann, M., Pichler, M. and Schaffartzik, A. (Eds.)
Social Ecology. State of the Art and Future Prospects" Special Issue in Sustainability
MDPI, 2017 Buy this publication Over the last decades, social ecology has made important contributions to interdisciplinary sustainability studies. Established in the late 1980s, social ecology was developed as a deliberate provocation to the more 'disciplined' natural and social science environmental research. With its focus on the specific interrelations between societies and their natural environment (consisting of social and biophysical processes), it has challenged disciplinary assumptions about environmental problems. The particular conceptualization of society-nature interrelations in social ecology yields strong arguments for the necessity of inter- and transdisciplinary analyses of and responses to the ecological crisis which integrate different knowledge types and stakeholder perspectives.While both the hybrid subject matter and the inter- and transdisciplinary approach were highly contested at the beginning, social ecology is now widely accepted within sustainability research and beyond. The contributions to this special issue should take stock of these developments and evaluate major conceptual and empirical achievements and current frontiers of social ecology.Inter- and transdisciplinarity are fundamentally integrated into the social ecology research framework. This integration rests on the development of concepts and methods for the specific purpose of this type of research. Through the transdisciplinary participation of societal actors, socio‑ecological research is faced with both the advantage and challenge of working with heterogeneous knowledge. The concept of regulation and transformation of societal relations to nature as well as the model of social-ecological provisioning systems (SEPS), for example, can be used to specify these interrelations and can be combined with analytical tools such as an ideal model of a transdisciplinary research process and social-ecological lifestyle analysis. A strong focus on the systemic framework within which these society-nature relations can be researched has led to the development of socio-economic metabolism research. The concepts of metabolism and of colonization help to characterize society-nature relations and are complemented by analytical tools such as material flow accounting and the human appropriation of net primary production.The aim of this special issue is not to present one monolithic approach to social ecology but to present the variety in the existing research, to discuss how mutual irritation can be productive and to reflect on how the different conceptual achievements must be understood in light of the current socio‑ecological challenges to which they respond.</header> Download all 11 chapters: Gizicki-Neundlinger, M., Güldner, D. and, 2017. Surplus, Scarcity and Soil Fertility in Pre-Industrial Austrian Agriculture-The Sustainability Costs of Inequality. Sustainability 9. Görg, C., Brand, U., Haberl, H., Hummel, D., Jahn, T., Liehr, S., 2017. Challenges for Social-Ecological Transformations: Contributions from Social and Political Ecology. Sustainability 9. Haas, W., Andarge, B.H., 2017. More Energy and Less Work, but New Crises: How the Societal Metabolism-Labour Nexus Changes from Agrarian to Industrial Societies. Sustainability 9. Haberl, H., Wiedenhofer, D., Erb, K.-H., Görg, C., Krausmann, F., 2017. The Material Stock-Flow-Service Nexus: A New Approach for Tackling the Decoupling Conundrum. Sustainability 9. Hummel, D., Jahn, T., Keil, F., Liehr, S., Stieß, I., 2017. Social Ecology as Critical, Transdisciplinary Science-Conceptualizing, Analyzing and Shaping Societal Relations to Nature. Sustainability 9. Kramm, J., Pichler, M., Schaffartzik, A., Zimmermann, M., 2017. Societal Relations to Nature in Times of Crisis-Social Ecology's Contributions to Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies. Sustainability 9. Liehr, S., Röhrig, J., Mehring, M., Kluge, T., 2017. How the Social-Ecological Systems Concept Can Guide Transdisciplinary Research and Implementation: Addressing Water Challenges in Central Northern Namibia. Sustainability 9. Mehring, M., Zajonz, U., Hummel, D., 2017. Social-Ecological Dynamics of Ecosystem Services: Livelihoods and the Functional Relation between Ecosystem Service Supply and Demand-Evidence from Socotra Archipelago, Yemen and the Sahel Region, West Africa. Sustainability 9. Schaffartzik, A., Pichler, M., 2017. Extractive Economies in Material and Political Terms: Broadening the Analytical Scope. Sustainability 9. Schleyer, C., Lux, A., Mehring, M., Görg, C., 2017. Ecosystem Services as a Boundary Concept: Arguments from Social Ecology. Sustainability 9. Völker, C., Kramm, J., Kerber, H., Schramm, E., Winker, M., Zimmermann, M., 2017. More Than a Potential Hazard-Approaching Risks from a Social-Ecological Perspective. Sustainability 9.
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Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
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IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 38 – October 2017
Projects - Publications - Media Resonance - Publication Download - Data Download - Job Announcements
Call for application in ITN COUPLED network on "Operationalising Telecouplings for Solving Sustainability Challenges for Land Use" Become part of a new generation of young scientists solving sustainability challenges in land-use - the call for 15 PhD positions is now open! Deadline: 24 November 2017, 23:59 CET PhD at the Institute of Social Ecology: Socio-ecological metabolism approaches to analyse telecoupling related to international trade International trade of land-based products is one major process behind telecouplings. Trade is growing exponentially, much faster than aggregate global production and consumption of land-based resources, thereby resulting in growing challenges with managing telecouplings for sustainability. However, the relation between traded products flows and impacts of land is all but straightforward. Land is a hugely heterogeneous resource due to its vastly differing quality (e.g. soil fertility, ruggedness, accessibility, precipitation or temperature) and land-use intensity. Empirically tracing telecouplings associated with flows of traded products needs to take these differences into account, while still generating indicators facilitating quantitative assessments. This ESR will be focused on using and expanding the social metabolism framework to develop robust biophysical indicators to quantify the extent, magnitude, and dynamics of telecouplings due to biomass trade (e.g., embodied land demand, HANPP, nitrogen use, agricultural labor, changes in ecosystem carbon stocks, or biodiversity impacts.) These indicators will be used to quantify and analyze the global to regional effects of telecouplings on land-use efficiency, resource-use intensity and trade-offs for the period 2000-2015. One major task will be to establish consistent global databases allowing to trace and account for global trade flows on a high level of disaggregation using bilateral (country-by-country) trade matrices for all countries with a high product resolution (dozens to hundreds of products), including an assessment of uncertainties and variability of patterns over time. The developed framework will be applied to LUL's trade-related cases, in order to explore analytical usefulness in the context of governance analysis at different scales. Expected results are:
- a global database on telecouplings resulting from biomass trade,
- the development of indicators tracing how telecouplings affect resource efficiency and environmental impacts, and
- insights into the trade-offs and synergies of different strategies to manage and govern telecouplings.
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Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
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IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 37 – March 2017
Projects - Publications - Media Resonance - Publication Download - Data Download - Job Announcements
2 PostDoc Stellen am Institut für Soziale Ökologie PostDoc-Assistentin / PostDoc-Assistent (Dienstort Wien) am Institut für Soziale Ökologie (SEC), Fakultät für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung (IFF), Standort Wien, im Beschäftigungsausmaß von 50 % (20 Wochenstunden, Uni-KV: B1 lit. b). Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt € 1.813,30 brutto (14 x jährlich). Voraussichtlicher Beginn des auf sechs Jahre befristeten Angestelltenverhältnisses mit Dienstort Wien ist ehestmöglich. Der Aufgabenbereich umfasst:
- selbständige Forschung im Bereich inter- und transdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung mit Schwerpunkt nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung auf unterschiedlichen Skalenebenen (von lokal bis global) und unter Berücksichtigung gesellschaftlicher Aspekte
- Mitarbeit an und Leitung von interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten
- selbständige Lehrtätigkeit im Rahmen des Masterstudiums "Sozial- und Humanökologie" und des DoktorandInnen-Kollegs "Soziale Ökologie"
- Mitarbeit an administrativen und organisatorischen Aufgaben in Institut, Fakultät und Universität
- Mitwirkung am Ausbau der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Kontakte des Instituts für Soziale Ökologie
Voraussetzung für die Einstellung:
- abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit einem fachlich der Sozialen Ökologie zuzuordnenden Doktorat
- Erfahrung in der universitären Lehre
- Publikationstätigkeit in internationalen wissenschaftlichen Büchern und peer-review Zeitschriften im Bereich nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung auf unterschiedlichen Skalenebenen (von lokal bis global), vorzugsweise unter Einbeziehung gesellschaftlicher Aspekte
- Vortragstätigkeit (insbesondere auch bei internationalen Konferenzen) mit Schwerpunkten im oben genannten Bereich
- Erfahrungen in einschlägigen inter- und transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten im oben genannten Bereich
Erwünscht sind:
- Erfahrung in der Akquisition und Leitung von Forschungsprojekten im Drittmittelbereich
- Eigeninitiative und Engagement zur Weiterqualifizierung (z.B. Habilitationsvorhaben oder einschlägige Projekte)
- gute Englischkenntnisse (Wort und Schrift)
- kommunikative Kompetenz und Teamfähigkeit
Die Stelle wird ohne die Möglichkeit des Abschlusses einer Qualifizierungsvereinbarung ausgeschrieben.
Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen zur Bewerbung auf. Menschen mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Erkrankungen, die die geforderten Qualifikationskriterien erfüllen, werden ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert. Allgemeine Informationen finden BewerberInnen unter Bewerbungen sind mit den üblichen Unterlagen bis spätestens 22. März 2017 unter der Kennung 811/16 an die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Dekanatekanzlei/Recruiting, ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerbungsformular unter zu richten. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Abgeltung von Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstehen.
PostDoc-Assistentin / PostDoc-Assistent (Dienstort Wien) am Institut für Soziale Ökologie (SEC), Fakultät für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung (IFF), Standort Wien, im Beschäftigungsausmaß von 50 % (20 Wochenstunden, Uni-KV: B1 lit. b). Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt € 1.813,30 brutto (14 x jährlich). Voraussichtlicher Beginn des auf sechs Jahre befristeten Angestelltenverhältnisses mit Dienstort Wien ist ehestmöglich. Der Aufgabenbereich umfasst:
- selbständige Forschung im Bereich integrierte, partizipative sozial-ökologische Modellierung mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Wechselwirkungen zwischen sozio-ökonomischen Faktoren, Entscheidungsverhalten von Akteuren und deren Auswirkungen im Hinblick auf die Nutzung biophysischer Ressourcen (Land, Materialien, Energie)
- Mitarbeit an interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten
- selbständige Lehrtätigkeit im Rahmen des Masterstudiums "Sozial- und Humanökologie" und des DoktorandInnen-Kollegs "Soziale Ökologie"
- Mitarbeit an administrativen und organisatorischen Aufgaben in Institut, Fakultät und Universität
- Mitwirkung am Ausbau der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Kontakte des Instituts für Soziale Ökologie
Voraussetzung für die Einstellung:
- abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit einem fachlich der Sozialen Ökologie zuzuordnenden Doktorat
- Erfahrung in der universitären Lehre
- Publikationstätigkeit in internationalen, peer-reviewed wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften im Bereich integrierte sozial-ökologische Modellierung, vorzugsweise unter Einbeziehung von partizipativen Elementen
- Vortragstätigkeit (insbesondere auch bei internationalen Konferenzen) mit Schwerpunkten im oben genannten Bereich
- Erfahrungen in einschlägigen interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten im oben genannten Bereich
Erwünscht sind:
- Erfahrung in der Akquisition und Leitung von Forschungsprojekten im Drittmittelbereich
- Eigeninitiative und Engagement zur Weiterqualifizierung (z.B. Habilitationsvorhaben oder einschlägige Projekte)
- gute Englischkenntnisse (Wort und Schrift)
- kommunikative Kompetenz und Teamfähigkeit
Die Stelle wird ohne die Möglichkeit des Abschlusses einer Qualifizierungsvereinbarung ausgeschrieben. Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen zur Bewerbung auf. Menschen mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Erkrankungen, die die geforderten Qualifikationskriterien erfüllen, werden ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert. Allgemeine Informationen finden BewerberInnen unter Bewerbungen sind mit den üblichen Unterlagen bis spätestens 22. März 2017 unter der Kennung 812/16 an die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Dekanatekanzlei/Recruiting, ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerbungsformular unter zu richten. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Abgeltung von Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstehen.
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Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
sec.newsletter [at] To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 36 – September 2016
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New Book - Out Now! Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics
Pichler, M., Staritz, C., Kublbock, K., Plank, C., Raza, W., Ruiz Peyre, F. (Eds.)
Routledge, 2016 book launch with editors and authors: 12 December 2016, 6 pm,
C3 - Library for International Development (Sensengasse 3, 1090 Vienna) Buy this book As demand for natural resources increases due to the rise in world population and living standards, conflicts over their access and control are becoming more prevalent. This book critically assesses different approaches to and conceptualizations of resource fairness and justice and applies them to the analysis of resource conflicts. Approaches addressed include cosmopolitan liberalism, political economy and political ecology. These are applied at various scales (local, national, international) and to initiatives and instruments in public and private resource governance, such as corporate social responsibility instruments, certification schemes, international law and commodity markets. In doing so, the contributions contrast existing approaches to fairness and justice and extend them by taking into account the interplay between political scales, regions, resources, and power structures in "glocalized" resource politics.
Various case studies are included concerning agriculture, agrofuels, land grabbing, water resources, mining and biodiversity. The volume adds to the academic and policy debate by bringing together a variety of disciplines and perspectives in order to advance both a research and policy agenda that puts notions of resource fairness and justice center-stage.
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Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
sec.newsletter [at] To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 35 – August 2016
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New Book - Out Now! Land Use Competition. Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives
J. Niewöhner, A. Bruns, P. Hostert, T. Krueger, J.Ø. Nielsen, H. Haberl, C. Lauk, J. Lutz, D. Müller (Eds.)
Land Use Competition. Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives
Series: Human-Environment Interactions, Vol. 6
Springer, 2016 Contributors from the Institute of Social Ecology:
L. Bartels, H. Haberl, C. Lauk, J. Lutz, A. Mayer, M. Pichler, G. Pollack, A. Schaffartzik, C. Spitzbart-Glasl, M. Theurl Buy this book
- Provides new conceptual frames for analyzing land use competition
- Offers a diverse range of case studies, reflecting the global context of research
- Bridges various disciplines to encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaboration?
This book contributes to broadening the interdisciplinary knowledge basis for the description, analysis and assessment of land use practices. It presents conceptual advances grounded in empirical case studies on four main themes: distal drivers, competing demands on different scales, changing food regimes and land-water competition.
Competition over land ownership and use is one of the key contexts in which the effects of global change on social-ecological systems unfold. As such, understanding these rapidly changing dynamics is one of the most pressing challenges of global change research in the 21st century. This book contributes to a deeper understanding of the manifold interactions between land systems, the economics of resource production, distribution and use, as well as the logics of local livelihoods and cultural contexts. It addresses a broad readership in the geosciences, land and environmental sciences, offering them an essential reference guide to land use competition.
Like us on Facebook Impressum
Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
sec.newsletter [at] To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 34 – June 2016
Projects - Publications - Media Resonance - Publication Download - Data Download - Job Announcements
New Book - Out Now! Land Use Competition. Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives
J. Niewöhner, A. Bruns, P. Hostert, T. Krueger, J.Ø. Nielsen, H. Haberl, C. Lauk, J. Lutz, D. Müller (Eds.)
Land Use Competition. Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives
Series: Human-Environment Interactions, Vol. 6
Springer, 2016 Contributors from the Institute of Social Ecology:
L. Bartels, H. Haberl, C. Lauk, J. Lutz, A. Mayer, M. Pichler, G. Pollack, A. Schaffartzik, C. Spitzbart-Glasl, M. Theurl Buy this book
- Provides new conceptual frames for analyzing land use competition
- Offers a diverse range of case studies, reflecting the global context of research
- Bridges various disciplines to encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaboration?
This book contributes to broadening the interdisciplinary knowledge basis for the description, analysis and assessment of land use practices. It presents conceptual advances grounded in empirical case studies on four main themes: distal drivers, competing demands on different scales, changing food regimes and land-water competition.
Competition over land ownership and use is one of the key contexts in which the effects of global change on social-ecological systems unfold. As such, understanding these rapidly changing dynamics is one of the most pressing challenges of global change research in the 21st century. This book contributes to a deeper understanding of the manifold interactions between land systems, the economics of resource production, distribution and use, as well as the logics of local livelihoods and cultural contexts. It addresses a broad readership in the geosciences, land and environmental sciences, offering them an essential reference guide to land use competition.
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Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
sec.newsletter [at] To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 33 – April 2015
- New Professor of Social Ecology: Christoph Görg
- Summer Term 2015
- Guest Professors: Tiago Domingos, Stefania Gallini
- ERASMUS Exchange Opportunities
- Austrian Science Book of the Year 2014: Verena Winiwarter
- "Aftermath" Review in NATURE
- Comment to NATURE: Global dietary patterns and the responsibility of food industries
- EJOLT Report 20
- Memorandum of Understanding AAU - IIASA - Video link
- IFF Lecture Paul Mohai: Which Came First, People or Pollution? - Video link
+ Upcoming conferences
- CASTLE conference October 2015
+ Research projects
- Risch-Lau
- Lubio
- Carbon Stubaital
- ClimBHealth
- Sustainable Care
+ Public outreach / Media resonance (German only) + Staff news + International Guests + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News New Professor of Social Ecology: Christoph Görg
Christoph Görg will serve as full professor of Social Ecology starting in April 2015. He studied sociology, political science and philosophy in Frankfurt and recently worked at the Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ in Leipzig where he was director of the centre for Environmental Policy. He also held a professorship for political science in environmental research at the University of Kassel. We look forward to an exciting collaboration. Welcome, Christoph!
Contact: christoph.goerg [at] Summer term 2015: Course information online
Detailed information on our website:
For further information please contact: wolfgang.deutsch [at] Guest Professors: Tiago Domingos, PhD is Assistant Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon/Portugal. His research mainly focuses on Sustainable Agriculture, Ecological Economics, Thermodynamics and Dynamic Energy Budget Theory in Biological Systems. In summer term 2015 Tiago Domingos will give a seminar on "Energy and Economic Growth"(814.536)
Stefania Gallini, PhD is Director of the History Department of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá, where she also works as an Associate Professor. Her research interests are located in the fields of Environmental History, Latin American History, Digital History and Historical Cartography. In the last years she was working on the Environmental History of agriculture in Latin America and the history of waste in Bogota. Currently, she is collaborating with SEC members within a project on "Sustainable Farm Systems", in which socio-ecological approaches are used to reconstruct long term trends in agrarian metabolism.
In summer term 2015 Stefania Gallini will give a seminar on "Environmental History in Theory and Practice - Perspectives from South/Central America"(814.534). ERASMUS Exchange Opportunities at SEC Vienna
Issues of sustainable development are gaining momentum within science, politics and public discourse. For the design and implementation of sustainability strategies, which are equally based upon social, economic and ecological criteria, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches are required. The Masters Programme in Social Ecology integrates approaches from the humanities, social and natural sciences and focuses on co-evolutionary interactions between social and natural systems across temporal and spatial scales.
Our teaching activities allow students to look beyond the limits of their conventional disciplines and give insights into the interdisciplinary research field of Social Ecology. We try to acquaint students with research processes and scientific practise and engage them in vivid interdisciplinary discussion with each other, with us, and with our international partners. The Masters Programme in Social Ecology is open to international students holding BA/BSc-degrees in natural or social sciences, economics or technical sciences. We are looking forward to welcome you in Vienna. The applications deadlines are following: 1st of July (for winter term) & 1st of December (for summer term).
Further information: Austrian "Science Book of the Year" co-authored by Verena Winiwarter
The book "Geschichte unserer Umwelt: Sechzig Reisen durch die Zeit" by Verena Winiwarter and Hans-Rudolf Bork has been named the Austrian Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres (science book of the year) for 2015 in the category Science and Technology. This award is given by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and the publisher Buchkultur to spotlight top German-language non-fiction titles. It is especially dedicated to encouraging dialogue between academics and the general public, encouraging books which present new, relevant research topics in a manner that is both engaging and readable. Commentary on the documentary THE AFTERMATH in NATURE
"Aid's inconvenient truth" titles Erin Bohensky in NATURE (vol.519, March 5, p.32) his commentary on the documentary THE AFTERMATH by Raphael Barth (Golden Girls Filmtank), following the path of Simron Singh's (SEC) research engagement on the Nicobar Islands. The last phase of this research, after the major tsunami that hit in 2004, was financed by the Austrian National Science Fund and dealt with scientific and practical support for the indigenous population in the face of a flood of international aid. The film reveals "how disaster relief can have disastrous impacts", says Erin Bohensky in NATURE. Comment to NATURE: Global dietary patterns and the responsibility of food industries In their comment to NATURE Ulli Weisz, Helmut Haberl and Willi Haas point to the crucial role of food industries in the development of global dietary patterns. The comment responds to a commentary accompanying the Tilman and Clark article on how diet links environmental and human health (Tilman and Clark in Nature 515, 518-522, Stehfest in Nature 515, 501-502).
Online comment: EJOLT Report 20
The latest EJOLT Report explains the history and causes of the booming business of palm oil production in Indonesia, of soy production in Paraguay and the large land investments in Ethiopia. These case studies serve to illustrate a broader analysis of patterns in the global biomass trade. Author Andreas Mayer from SEC commented that "The current expansion of agricultural lands in the global South puts massive pressure on local populations that are often threated with losing their livelihoods. This report aims to reveal the biophysical conditions and structural drivers of these conflicts and thus to identify conflict potentials that result from the dominant model of industrialized agricultural production". Video link: Memorandum of Understanding between IIASA and AAU
The internationally well-known Research Centre IIASA and University of Klagenfurt will strengthen their cooperation. At the time of signing the "Memorandum of Understanding" Researcher of the Year 2014 Verena Winiwarter and Pavel Kabat, CEO von IIASA held two lectures. Video link: Which Came First, People or Pollution? How Race and Socioeconomic Status Affect Environmental Justice
Paul Mohai, Ph.D. from the School of Natural Resources and Environment of the University of Michigan, was invited for an IFF-Lecture titled "Which Came First, People or Pollution? How Race and Socioeconomic Status Affect Environmental Justice"
For more information: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming conferences CASTLE conference October 2015
Moving towards a bioeconomy is one of the key policy strategies of the EU. Its vision is of a knowledge-based Europe turning to green growth via innovation, which presents opportunities for the agricultural and forest-based sectors. Sustainable production of renewable resources will be needed, with the conversion of these resources and waste streams into value added products, such as food, feed, bio-based products and bioenergy. Even though we currently lack a transparent and common understanding of the definition of a bioeconomy, we require improved tools and assessment methodologies to ensure that this intensified use of renewable biological resources is done sustainably. The first announcement of the CASTLE conference has been published!
The conference call is open on the CASTLE website at ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Research projects Risch-Lau: A Visual History Approach to the Environmental History of the Alps
Originally developed as a means of everyday communication, postcards were used by tourists to send holiday greetings to the significant others at home. Starting point of this project is John Urry's notion of commercial photography as "desire-producing knowledge-machine". It stimulates desires of the beholder to transport his/her body to the depicted places but also provides knowledge of the Alps as serviceable nature. In this project, a serial-iconographic approach is applied to study ski lift motifs (n=1746) in the oeuvre of the Austrian picture postcard producer Risch-Lau from 1945 to 1970. The photographer created a stereotype of Alpine winter sport landscapes by selecting what was worth seeing and not worthy of being seen. The studied landscape stereotypes refer to a desirable relationship between environment and society. While they were constructed by few photographers, countless peoples' choices were influenced by them. The project is financed by the Vorarlberger Landesregierung (Provincial government of the province Vorarlberg, Austria).
Contact: verena.winiwarter [at], robert.gross [at] MISO - A model of material stocks and flows in the global metabolic transition
Understanding global patterns and trajectories of socio-economic metabolism is of key importance to develop effective policies to reduce society's resource demand and for the transition towards a more sustainable industrial metabolism. This project develops a dynamic integrated model of material inputs, stocks and outputs (MISO). Using an existing database of global material use we provide a comprehensive estimate of historic stocks and stock related flows and calculate resource use scenarios for 2050. In its retrospective part, the project investigates the evolution of global socio-economic material stocks and flows since 1900, applying a dynamic top-down modelling approach and taking uncertainties into account. The results serve as basis for an analysis of global patterns of stocks and flows and their development during the metabolic transition. In the prospective part of the project we use the developed model and the insights from the analysis of historical stock-flow dynamics to calculate scenarios for the future development of material demand, stocks and waste production. This yields insights how changes in inflows, in average lifetimes of stocks and in recycling rates interact and how they determine future demand for virgin materials and waste production. The outcomes of the project contribute to the advancement of the understanding of the ongoing metabolic transition. They provide new insights into potentials and limitations for a circular economy of high significance for sustainability science and policy makers.
Contact: fridolin.krausmann [at] Lubio - Land Use, climate change and BIOdiversity in cultural landscapes (LUBIO): Assessing feedbacks and promoting land‐use strategies towards a viable future
Land-use and climate change are important, pervasive drivers of global environmental change and pose major threats to global biodiversity. Climate change will not only alter the pool of plant and animal species capable of thriving in a specific area, it will also force land owners to re-consider their land use decisions. Such changes in land-use practices may have major additional effects on local and regional species composition and abundance. The LUBIO project focuses on the anticipated systemic feedbacks between climate change, land owner's decisions on land use, land-use change, and changes in biodiversity patterns during the coming decades in a regional context which integrates a broad range of land use practices and intensity gradients. An integrated socioecological model is designed and implemented, consisting of three principal components: an agent based model (ABM) that simulates decisions of important actors, a spatially explicit GIS model that translates these decisions into changes in land cover and land use patterns, and a species distribution model (SDM) that calculates changes in biodiversity patterns following from both changes in climate and the land-use decisions as simulated in the ABM. This model is used to generate scenarios of future land-use decisions of landowners under climate change and, eventually, the combined effects of climate and land use changes on biodiversity. Model development of the ABM is supported by a participatory process intended to collect regional and expert knowledge through a series of expert interviews, a series of transdisciplinary participatory modelling workshops, and a questionnaire-based survey targeted at regional farmers.
Contact: veronika.gaube [at], alexander.remesch [at] Carbon Stubaital - Climate extremes and land-use change: effects on ecosystem processes and services
Extreme climatic events, in particular droughts and heatwaves, have significant impacts on ecosystem carbon and water cycles and a range of related ecosystem services. It is expected that in the coming decades the return intervals and severities of extreme droughts will increase substantially and may result in the passing of thresholds of ecosystem functioning, potentially causing legacy effects, which are so far poorly understood. Observational evidence suggests that different land cover types (forest, grassland) are differently influenced by extreme drought, but there is a lack of knowledge whether and how future, increasingly severe climate extremes will affect their concurrent and lagged responses, as well as land-use decisions determining future shifts in land cover. In the proposed project we aim to understand how extreme summer drought affects carbon and water dynamics of mountain ecosystems under different land uses, and to analyse implications for ecosystem service provisioning. Overall, we hypothesize that land-use change alters the effects of extreme summer drought on ecosystem processes and the related services. The proposed study will be located at the LTSER (long term socio-ecological research) site Stubai Valley, building on and integrating results from previous and ongoing national and European project. It will thus provide a profound baseline for understanding drought responses and legacy effects on biogeochemical processes in mountain ecosystems and the consequences for land-use decisions and ecosystem service provisioning.
Contact: karlheinz.erb [at] BACI - Detecting changes in essential ecosystem and biodiversity properties - towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index
The alarming rate of biodiversity loss and ecosystem transitions make it clear that new strategies are required to sustain functioning of the coupled ecological-societal system. Existing space data archives and data streams from the ESA Sentinels, offer unprecedented opportunities to provide rapid, high quality indicators necessary for informed management of key ecosystem services. Yet, it remains largely unclear how space and ground-based observations can be optimally integrated to generate products required by end user communities (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2014). By fusing extensive expertise on optical and radar remote sensing, ground data on ecosystem state and function, "big data" scientists, and active participation of user groups, BACI will advance this integration. BACI will translate space data to new variables (not directly observable from space) that encode ecosystem functional properties and status metrics. This will empower concepts of "essential biodiversity variables". Advanced machine learning methods will be employed to reveal new and fundamental relationships between space observations and ecosystem status. BACI will incorporate a wide range of original data and downstream data products specifically targeting needs for early-warning systems, including a novel "Biosphere-Atmosphere Change Index". We will prioritize selected key European and African regions now undergoing massive societal-ecological transformations, offering perspective towards operational assessments. A formal attribution framework will disentangle climate-induced ecosystem changes and socioeconomic/ecological transformation processes. Overall, BACI will advance usage of European space data to monitor relevant vegetation traits, status, and ecosystem functioning. By capitalizing on existing datasets, we will prototype new algorithms to rapidly implement these metrics and thus space-to-ground integration of the new ESA Sentinels.
Contact: karlheinz.erb [at] ClimBHealth - Climate and health co-benefits from changes in urban mobility and diet: an integrated assessment for Austria
ClimBHealth addresses the issue that measures to mitigate climate change could partly offset their own implementation costs via health co-benefits. The project focuses on changes in urban mobility and diet in Austria, two areas highly relevant for both climate and health. The study integrates climate, health and economic effects to assess their combined efficiency of selected climate mitigation measures. Basically, both areas follow the same methodological approach: After the definition of baseline and measures potential climate effects in terms of potential reductions in GHG emissions and potential health effects in terms of reduction of "disability adjusted life years" (DALYs) of the selected measures are estimated. The results are used for the economic assessment of the question to what extent costs of climate mitigation measures of the two focal areas could be offset by costs saved via health (e.g. treatment costs) and climate co-benefits (e.g. saved costs for the acquisition of emission certificates); it includes potential macroeconomic "knock on" effects. In this way, we will assess the net cost effects of climate mitigation measures for the public budget. Finally the project aims for an integrated assessment that summarizes climate, health and economic effects in both quantitative and qualitative terms. The project aims at fostering decision making and social acceptance.
Contact: willi.haas [at], ulli.weisz [at] Sustainable Care - Nursing students explore potentials for Sustainable Care
In the light of the demographic transition and ever-scarcer resources, the question of how the care of vulnerable persons is and should be organized in the future is becoming an increasingly pressing societal challenge. Against this background, the project deals with potentials for sustainable care in hospitals. The project promotes an approach of care with respect and dignity of patients - particularly of older, seriously ill, and dying patients as well as people with dementia. Furthermore the project's approach addresses the responsible handling of ecological, social and financial resources in hospitals. We thus combine two approaches from two separate fields of research: Palliative Care and socioecological sustainability research. The project aims at contributing to a greater awareness of future actors of the health care system for the possibilities and conditions of a "caring society". SUSTAINABLE CARE moves towards "research frontiers" and bears great challenges with regard to contents, planning and communication. To face these challenges the project team is supported by an interdisciplinary scientific advisory board and by accompanying research. The project is carried out with both classes of the same grade (more than 50 nursing students) as school-autonomous special focus of this year group. It is thus completely integrated in teaching and interdisciplinary in character. The collaboration with the students will start in January 2015 with an initial workshop in the school.
Contact: willi.haas [at], ulli.weisz [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (German) Sean O´Neill
Witness to a catastrophe
New Scientist, 21 March 2015, 35 pp. Klimawandel: Ab 2036 bis zu 3000 Hitzetote jährlich
Kurier, 17. März 2015 The global biomass robbery, 13. März 2015 Verena Winiwarter
Vom Einteilen und Abwürgen
Die Furche 9, 26. Februar 2015, Seite 5 Ulli Weisz und Elisabeth Reitinger
Auf dem Weg zu einer Sorge-Kultur.
Die Furche 6, 5. Februar 2015, Seite 4 Günter Pilch
Klimawandel kostet Österreich Milliarden
Kleine Zeitung, Freitag, 16. Jänner 2015, Seite 12-13 Klimawandel kostet Österreich bis 2050 jährlich 8,8 Milliarden
Der Standard, Freitag, 16. Jänner 2015, Seite 1 Klimawandel greift tief in Wirtschaftsstrukturen ein
Der Standard, Freitag, 16. Jänner 2015, Seite 17 Esther Farys
Skipiste als Nebenprodukt der Seilbahn
Kleine Zeitung Kärnten, Wissen, Samstag 27. Dezember 2015, Seite 28 Astrid Kuffner
Lernen aus der Vergangenheit. Maria Niedertscheider untersucht die menschliche Dominanz über Ökosysteme
Der Standard, 19. November 2014, Seite 20 Jochen Stadler
Alternative Energien: Humbug oder Rettung der Welt?
Profil, 17. November 2014, Seite 92-95 Helmut Haberl
Hinter uns die Industriegesellschaft
Wirtschaft und Umwelt, Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Nachhaltigkeit, 3/2014, Seite 21-24 Klaus Taschwer
Ein Planet vor dem Burnout
Der Standard, Forschung Spezial, Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2014, Seite 11 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News Robert Groß completed a guest scholarship at the interdisciplinary Research Training Group Topology of Technology, TU Darmstadt from October to December 2014. The Research Training Group is based on the assumption that technology shapes spatial arrangements and creates conditions which influence sensory perception and bodily experience. In turn, these human factors contribute to the spatial construction of technology. In the course of the guest scholarship Robert Groß presented parts of his Doctoral thesis and deepened his understanding of the interplay of technology and space. Irene Pallua and Christoph Virgl, former member of the administrative staff at SEC, accepted new challenges. All the best! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + International Guests: Shao Qing-long, PhD student at the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Autonomous University Barcelona (UAB), is trained in economics and now works in the field of Ecological Economics, whereas the main research interests are econometrics, material flows, and the relation between working time and economic recession. During his research stay at SEC, he would like to advance his work on Chinese material flows (provincial- or municipal- level), by linking material flow analysis and econometrics. Jana Krcmarova, PhD student in historical anthropology at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, works on traditional agricultural knowledge on agroforestry in the Czech Republic. She won an "AKTION" grant to spend April and May 2015 as a guest researcher at SEC. During her stay, she will finalize her PhD project and work on a publication. David Soto Fernandez, associate Professor in contemporary history at Universidad Pablo Olavide Sevilla, Spain, is a project partner in the ongoing research project "Sustainable Farm Systems". From July to September 2015, he will be a guest researcher at SEC and work on the Agrarian metabolism of Spain in the XIXth and XXth centuries. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Creutzig, F., Ravindranath, N.H., Berndes, G., Bolwig, S., Bright, R., Cherubini, F., Chum, H., Corbera, E., Delucci, M., Faaij, A., Fargione, J., Haberl, H., Heath, G., Lucon, O., Plevin, R., Popp, A., Robledo-Abad, C., Rose, S., Smith, P., Stromman, A., Suh, S., Masera, O., 2014. Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment. Global Change Biology - Bioenergy online first. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12205 Dressel, G., Berger, W., Heimerl, K., Winiwarter, V., 2014. Interdisziplinär und transdisziplinär Forschen, Praktiken und Methoden. transcript, Bielefeld. Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Agrawala, S., Bashmakov, I.A., Blanco, G., Broome, J., Bruckner, T., Brunner, S., Bustamante, M., Clarke, L., Creutzig, F., Dhakal, S., Dubash, N.K., Eickemeier, P., Farahani, E., Fischedick, M., Fleurbaey, M., Gerlagh, R., Gómez-Echeverri, L., Gupta, S., Gupta, S., Harnisch, J., Jiang, K., Kadner, S., Kartha, S., Klasen, S., Kolstad, C., Volker, K., Kunreuther, H., Lucon, O., Masera, O., Minx, J.C., Mulugetta, Y., Patt, A., Ravindranath, N.H., Riahi, K., Roy, J., Schaeffer, R., Schlömer, S., Seto, K., Seyboth, K., Sims, R., Skea, J., von Stechow, C., Sterner, T., Sugiyama, T., Suh, S., Urama, K.C., Ürge-Vorsatz, D., Victor, D., Zhou, D., Zwickel, T., Baiocchi, G., Chum, H., Fuglestvedt, J., Haberl, H., Hertwich, E., Kriegler, E., Rogelj, J., Rogner, H.-H., Schaeffer, M., Smith, S., van Vuuren, D., Wiser, R., 2014. Summary for Policy Makers, in: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-30. Eitzinger, J., Haberl, H., Amon, B., Blamauer, B., Essl, F., Gaube, V., Habersack, H., Jandl, R., Klik, A., Lexer, M., Rauch, W., Tappeiner, U., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., 2014. Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Wasser, Ökosysteme und Biodiversität, in: Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, pp. 711-856. Exner, A., Lauk, C., Zittel, W., 2015. Sold Futures? The Global Availability of Metals and Economic Growth at the Peripheries: Distribution and Regulation in a Degrowth Perspective. Antipode Early View. Antipode - A Radical Journal of Geography 47, 342-359. Gierlinger, S., 2015. Food and feed supply and waste disposal in the industrialising city of Vienna (1830-1913): a special focus on urban nitrogen flows. Regional Environmental Change 15, 317-327. Gierlinger, S., 2014. Die landwirtschaftliche Produktion im Wiener Stadtgebiet um 1830, in: Die Versorgung Wiens 1829-1913. Forschungen Und Beiträge Zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte. StudienVerlag, pp. 111-130. Haas, W., König, M., Pech, M., Prettenthaler, F., Prutsch, A., Steininger, K., Themessl, M., Wolf, A., Wagner, G., 2015. Die Folgeschäden des Klimawandels in Österreich. Dimensionen unserer Zukunft in zehn Bildern für Österreich. Klima- und Energiefond der Österreichischen Bundesregierung. Haas, W., Krausmann, F., 2015. Rural Metabolism: Material flows in an Austrian village in 1830 and 2001. Social Ecology Working Paper 155, 41. Haas, W., Krausmann, F., Wiedenhofer, D., Heinz, M., 2015. How Circular is the Global Economy? An Assessment of Material Flows, Waste Production, and Recycling in the European Union and the World in 2005. Journal of Industrial Ecology online first. doi:10.1111/jiec.12244 Haas, W., Weisz, B.U., Maier, P., Scholz, F., 2015. Human Health, in: Economic Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts: Development of a Cross-Sectoral Framework and Results for Austria, Part III. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 191-213. Haberl, H., 2014. Competition for land: a sociometabolic perspective. Ecological Economics online first. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.10.002 Haberl, H., 2014. Hinter uns die Industriegesellschaft. Wirtschaft und Umwelt 3, 21-23. Haberl, H., Erb, K., Krausmann, F., 2014. Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production: Patterns, Trends, and Planetary Boundaries. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 39, 363-391. Kastner, T., Erb, K., Haberl, H., 2015. Global human appropriation of net primary production for biomass consumption in the European Union, 1986 - 2007. Journal of Industrial Ecology online first. doi:10.1111/jiec.12238 Krainer, L., Pretis, S., Campbell, D.F.J., Haas, W., Miechtner, G., Plunger, P., Reitinger, E., Spök, A., Karner, S., Weisz, U., 2014. TREX Transdisziplinarität messen? Indikatoren für gesellschaftliche Wirksamkeit von Forschung am Beispiel der IFF. Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, IFF, Wien. Krausmann, F., Schaffartzik, A., Mayer, A., Eisenmenger, N., Gingrich, S., Haberl, H., Fischer, M., 2015. La société industrielle ne connaît aucune dématérialisation depuis le XIXe siècle. La Revue Durable 53, 22-24. Krausmann, F., Weisz, H., Eisenmenger, N., Schütz, H., Haas, W., Schaffartzik, A., 2015. Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting. Introduction and Guide. Social Ecology Working Paper 151, 133. Kromp-Kolb, H., Nakicenovic, N., Steininger, K., Ahrens, B., Auer, I., Baumgarten, A., Bednar-Friedl, B., Eitzinger, J., Foelsche, U., Formayer, H., Geitner, C., Glade, T., Gobiet, A., Grabherr, G., Haas, R., Haberl, H., Haimberger, L., Hitzenberger, R., König, M., Köppl, A., Lexer, M., Loibl, W., Molitor, R., Mooshammer, H., Nachtnebel, H.P., Prettenthaler, F., Rabitsch, W., Radunsky, K., Schneider, J., Schnitzer, H., Schöner, W., Schulz, N., Seibert, P., Seidl, R., Stagl, S., Steiger, R., Steiger, R., Stötter, J., Streicher, W., Winiwarter, W., 2014. Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungstragende, in: Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, pp. 27-44. Lauk, C., 2014. Das Ende der Freiheit?, in: Schöpfer der zweiten Natur. Metropolis Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Politik GmbH, Marburg, pp. 63-92. Lauk, C., 2014. Die nächste große Transformation. Biophysische Probleme und gesellschaftliche Implikationen eines erneuerbaren Energiesystems, in: Risiko und Entscheidung. Gesellschaft im Anthropozän. Profil Verlag, München, Wien, pp. 153-184. Mayer, A., Schaffartzik, A., Haas, W., Rojas Sepulveda, A., 2015. Patterns of global biomass trade - Implications for food sovereignty and socio-environmental conflicts 20, 106. Mirtl, M., Bahn, M., Battin, T., Borsdorf, A., Dirnböck, T., Englisch, M., Erschbamer, B., Fuchsberger, J., Gaube, V., Grabherr, G., Gratzer, G., Haberl, H., Klug, H., Kreiner, D., Mayer, R., Peterseil, J., Richter, A., Schindler, S., Stocker-Kiss, A., Tappeiner, U., Weisse, T., Winiwarter, V., Wohlfahrt, G., Zink, R., 2015. Forschung für die Zukunft, LTER-Austria White Paper, Zur Lage und Ausrichtung von prozessorientierter Ökosystemforschung, Biodiversitäts- und Naturschutzforschung sowie sozio-ökologischer Forschung in Österreich. Persson, M., Henders, S., Kastner, T., 2014. Trading Forests: Quantifying the Contribution of Global Commodity Markets to Emissions from Tropical Deforestation 384, 52. Petridis, P., Varvarousis, A., 2015. Transformation or replication? On the aftermath of the Greek government shift. degrowth. Ringhofer, L., 2015. La relación biofísica de los tsimané con su entorno natural, in: Cambio global, cambio local: La sociedad tsimané ante la globalización. pp. 203-230. Ringhofer, L., 2015. Time, Labour and the Household: Measuring "Time Poverty" through a Gender Lens. Development in Practice 25, 322-333. Schaffartzik, A., Eisenmenger, N., Weisz, H., 2014. Consumption-based Material Flow Accounting: Austrian trade and consumption in raw material equivalents 1995-2007. Journal of Industrial Ecology 18, 102-112. Schaffartzik, A., Haberl, H., Kastner, T., Wiedenhofer, D., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K., 2015. Trading Land: A Review of Approaches to Accounting for Upstream Land Requirements of Traded Products. Journal of Industrial Ecology online first. doi:10.1111/jiec.12258 Schaffartzik, A., Sachs, M.S., Wiedenhofer, D., Eisenmenger, N., 2014. Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis. Social Ecology Working Paper 154, 20. Schmid, M., 2015. Buchrezension: Frank Zelko: Greenpeace. Von der Hippiebewegung zum Ökokonzern. Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 63, 214. Schmid, M., 2014. Dealing with Dynamics: The Preindustrial Danube as an Interdisciplinary Challenge. Man, Nature and Environment between the Northern Adriatic and the Eastern Alps in Premodern Times 48, 228-240. Schmid, M., 2014. Schneller, höher, weiter? Die Verwandlung der Donau aus Sicht eines Umwelthistorikers, in: Österreichs Donau: Landschaft - Fisch - Geschichte. Institut für Hydrobiologie & Gewässermanagement (IHG), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), pp. 164-165. Smith, P., Bustamante, M., Ahammad, H., Clark, H., Dong, H., Elsidding, E.A., Haberl, H., Harper, R., House, J., Jafari, M., Masera, O., Mbow, C., Ravindranath, N.H., Rice, C.W., Abad, C.R., Romanovskaya, A., Sperling, F., Tubiello, F.N., 2014. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), in: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, pp. 811-922. Volker, K., Masera, O., Hanemann, M., Blanford, G., Bruckner, T., Haberl, H., Hertwich, E., Mueller, D., 2014. Annex II: Metrics & Methodology, in: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1281-1328. Weisz, B.U., Haberl, H., Haas, W., 2014. Comment on "Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health" by David Tilman Michael Clark, Nature [online]. Weisz, U., Heimerl, K., 2014. Sustainable Care. Startverwendungsnachweis. ,Institut für Palliative Care und Organisationsethik. Wiedenhofer, D., Eisenmenger, N., Haas, W., Steinberger, J.K., 2015. Maintenance and Expansion: Modelling Material Stocks and Flows for Residential Buildings and Transportation Networks in the EU 25 online first. doi:10.1111/jiec.12216 Winiwarter, V., 2014. Danube: Future - A Sustainable Future for the Danube River Basin as a Challenge for the Interdisciplinary Humanities (Project Review). ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA 209-214. Winiwarter, V., 2014. Designing trans-disciplinary projects for sustainable development, in: DIAnet International School Proceedings. pp. 45-59. Winiwarter, V., 2014. Environmental History of Soils, in: The Basic Environmental History. Springer, pp. 79-119. Winiwarter, V., 2014. Kampf auf dem Wasser - Die Donau als Kriegsschauplatz, in: Österreichs Donau: Landschaft - Fisch - Geschichte. Institut für Hydrobiologie & Gewässermanagement (IHG), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), pp. 80-81. Winiwarter, V., 2014. Vom Wiener Prater ins Dschungelcamp. Die Furche 1. Winiwarter, V., 2014. Vorwort, in: Gesäuse - Landschaft im Wandel. Nationalpark Gesäuse, Admont, pp. 5. Winiwarter, V., Groß, R., 2014. Zur Kulturgeschichte der Wildbach- und Lawinenverbauung, in: Retrospektive, Perspektive, Visionen. 130 Jahre Wildbach- und Lawinenverbauung. Eigenverlag der Wildbach- und Lawinenverbauung (BMLFUW), pp. 18-21. For free downloads of some of our current publications have a look at our publication download area: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Gabriela Miechtner Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC) Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU) A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 32 – October 2014
- Fall Term 2014/15
- APCC Report
- Guest Professor: Laurence Lestel
+ Upcoming Events
- Premiere of the documentary film AFTERMATH
- New Book: Interdisziplinär und transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden.
- ZUG-Minisymposium: "At the Age of the Wild"
- Video link: IFF-Lecture with Morgan Grove, PhD
+ New Research projects
- HSRM Sustainable Development of the Danube
- LTSER Concept
- Pasture Intensification
- Creating a Global MFA Database
+ Staff news + International Guests + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News Fall term 2014/15: Course information online
Detailed information can be found on our website:
For further information please contact: wolfgang.deutsch [at] APCC Report
Several researchers at the Institute of Social Ecology contributed to the Austrian Assessment Report 2014 published Sept 2014 by the Austrian Panel of Climate Change or APCC. Helmut Haberl acted as coordinating lead author for the chapter on climate-change mitigation and adaptation to climate change in agriculture, forestry, water management and biodiversity conservation; Veronika Gaube was lead author and Christoph Plutzar contributing author for the same chapter. Willi Haas and Ulli Weisz were lead authors for chapter climate change in Austria and impacts on anthroposphere.
For more information: Guest Professor: Laurence Lestel
Laurence Lestel, PhD is researcher at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique -CNRS in France. After having worked in the Chemical Science Department in CNRS (1988-1999), she changed her research interests towards Environmental History in order to investigate environmental impacts of increasing industrialization and urbanization in France during the 19th and 20th centuries. Her research mainly focuses on environmental degradation and its perception and management by several actors e.g. state, experts, media. Currently, she works on the Seine river basin, in which she deals with water quality related to the anthropogenic influences. In winter term 2014/15 Laurence Lestel will give a seminar on "Environmental History of European Cities and their Rivers". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Events in Vienna Premiere of the documentary film AFTERMATH
AFTERMATH is a documentary film directed by Raphael Barth. Over a period of seven years Raphael Barth has followed the fate of the Nicobarese in the wake of aid and development after the Tsunami. The film is a high profile international co-production made in India, the Nicobar Islands, Austria, Germany, and UK. Approaching the 10th anniversary of the Tsunami, the film offers unique insights into the lost culture of the Nicobar Islands. In never before seen images, Scientist Simron Jit Singh takes us onto an emotional journey with his video recordings of this mysterious ancient culture. Together with his friends, Journalist Denis Giles and Nicobari Prince Rasheed Yusuf, he is soon confronted with the suffocating pressure of aid and development. They decide to help in a different way: They raise their own money, they start their own aid organisation and they train their own activists from within the Nicobar Islands. A 60-minute documentary of AFTERMATH was first broadcast on Austrian national television (ORF) in December 2009. The final 92-minute film version is now ready for launch to mark the 10th anniversary of the tsunami. Aftermath is produced by acclaimed Golden Girls Filmproduktion, Wien ("Everyday Rebellion", "Mama Illegal", "Exile Family Movie" etc.).
Tuesday 21. October 2014, 18h30, Weltmuseum Wien, Neue Burg Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna.
Please reserve here: New Book: Interdisziplinär und transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden.
Societal problems, like demographic change, regional development, sustainable diet or energy safety are challenges, which can´t be solved within one discipline. Interdisciplinary research is important, but in order to find practicable solutions and a way to implement them partners from the relevant environment have to be involved. Each inter- and transdisciplinary team and project is confronted with the challenge to organise the research process in a way that ensures a good understanding as a fundament of cooperation.Based on thirty years of experience the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies published a book which concentrates on research practices and reflects, how projects start, proceed and end - in short: doing inter- and transdisziplinarity.
Dressel, G., Berger, W., Heimerl, K. Winiwarter, V. (Hrsg.) (2014). Interdisziplinär und transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transcript.
Book presentation: 19.11.2014; 18-19:30 h, Planetarium Wien.
For more information: ZUG-Minisymposium: "At the Age of the Wild" by Harriet Ritvo
The analogy between artificial selection and natural selection powerfully introduces Darwin's argument in On the Origin of Species. The parallel between wild species and domesticated breeds was and is far from complete, however, and the combination of similarity and difference that made Darwin's juxtaposition of wild and domesticated animals both effective and ambiguous still persists. Indeed, as human impact on the environment has become increasingly pervasive, the reciprocal resonance of these categories has intensified; the animal wild has become more appealing as it has become less available. And as the valence of wildness has altered, the stakes around its definition have increased, with implications for such varied enterprises as livestock breeding and environmental conservation. This talk will explore the shifting understandings of wildness in animals and the practices that these understandings have inspired and shaped over the past three centuries, as well as the shifts in societal values that have had important consequences for people, for other animals, and for the environments that we all inhabit.
IFF, 1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Wednesday, 22. October 2014, 18.00 c.t.
For more information:,8717,Kopie+63.+Minisymposium+am+22.10.2014.html Video link: IFF-Lecture with Morgan Grove, PhD
Developments in Long Term Social Ecological Research
Watch the IFF-Lecture here: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Research projects HSRM Sustainable Development of the Danube Region
is a cooperation project of AAU with BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) to further develop aspects of the Danube:Future Initiative,, a Flagship Project of Priority Area 7 of the EUSDR, the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region. AAU and BOKU together with the Universities of Trieste and Novi Sad, manage the initiative on behalf of the Danube Rectors Conference and the Alps-Adriatic Rectors Conference. In partnership with IDM, the permanent secretariat of the Danube Rector's Conference, the project engages in capacity building for inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research in the Danube River Basin. Verena Winiwarter is Project Coordinator.
Contact: verena.winiwarter [at] investigates the potential contribution of domestically produced biomass to the establishment of a low-carbon society in Austria. Using an integrated model, all types of current and potential biomass uses (food & feed, conventional material uses, advanced biomaterials and energy) are considered for the development of integrated biomass scenarios for Austria up to 2050. In the context of these scenarios, we analyze trade-offs and synergies resulting from competing and cascading uses of biomass, in particular related to greenhouse gas emissions related to land use and its mitigation. The societal dimension will be examined based on stakeholder interviews and a theoretical analysis of social and political implications of different transformation pathways.
Contact: christian.lauk [at]
LTSER Concept
Commissioned by "LTER Austria", the Institute of Social Ecology is coordinating a process to conceptualise the research focus of the LTSER platform Eisenwurzen. A scientific board of researchers from various disciplines who are currently working in the region is holding a series of workshops. In these workshops, researchers present their current activities and identify the actual state of work being carried out in the region. This state of work is discussed in view of previous conceptual considerations on LTSER research in order to revise existing concepts and, based on an identification of current knowledge gaps, agree upon future research foci.
Contact: veronika.gaube [at], martin.schmid [at] and simone.gingrich [at]
Pasture Intensification
The aim of the project is the assessment of output-intensification potentials for global pastures and meadows, e.g. by means of fostered cultivation of brachiaria sp. The project, commissioned by the World Resource Institute (Washington, USA), is conducted in close collaboration with the Chalmers University in Sweden, CSIRO in Australia, the International Livestock Institute in Kenya, IIASA in Austria, and the Colorado State University (USA). The role of the Institute of Social Ecology is to develop and provide global, spatially explicit information that allows to identify and assess areas suitable for intensification, compute land productivity (e.g. net primary production), and to estimate production increase potentials for ruminant livestock products. The overall goal of the project is to improve the understanding of option spaces for future developments in the livestock sectors, with a particular focus on land use competition and food security at the global scale. Contact: karlheinz.erb [at]
Creating a Global MFA Database
The purpose of this project is to form an international consortium of prime research institutes involved in establishing national material flow accounts with a global reach, to regularly report on material use and resource efficiency for the globe, for major world regions and for all countries, and to make data available online for academic researchers, government agencies and business leaders. An information base will be established on the history and state of global material use for all major natural resources - biomass, fossil fuels, metal ores and industrial and construction minerals - with a particular level of detail for specific materials and a set of high level indicators for policy planning and policy evaluation. The global material flow and resource productivity accounts will be institutionalized under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), to ensure regular updates and reporting on global trends for natural resource use. Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] and nina.eisenmenger [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News Ex SEC Staff member Helga Weisz, co-chair of PIK's research domain Transdisciplinary Concepts & Methods, was appointed professor for Industrial Ecology and Climate Change at the Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences in May. This professorship is assigned to both the Institute for Cultural Studies and the Institute for Social Sciences. "This unique combination of humanities, the social and the natural sciences, the latter being represented by PIK, in fact pursues a highly ambitious goal," says Weisz. "It aims at understanding the role of natural resources for creating both the inertia and the transformation potential inherent in modern societies."
A molecular biologist and cultural scientist by training, Weisz has held guest professorships at Yale University in the US and at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Before joining PIK, Weisz was associate professor at Alpen-Adria University in Vienna, where she is also habilitated in Social Ecology. We welcome Stefan Nirschl, who started on June 16th in our finance department. We welcome Nora Philadelphy, our student assistant for the winter term 2014/15 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + International Guests Thays Ricarte has complete an LL.M in Environmental Law and is currently a Ph.D candidate in Environmental Law at the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain. She has previously worked as a Judicial Assisted judge at State Court in Sergipe, Brazil. She has also an LLM in Procedural Civil Law in Brazil. Thays´s Ph.D thesis is on "Energy Transition as a Matrix to Sketch a New Global Governance". She has been a Research Fellow for CEDAT with a specific focus on ecological debt, ecological economic, and environmental justice.
At our Institute, Thays pursues her interest in ecological economy, energy transition, energy democraticdeficit, social metabolism, the relation of energy poverty and natural resources, environmental justice with the focus of the institute. Julian Fulton is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California Berkeley. His dissertation analyses recent historical trends in California's water footprint, including direct use of local resources as well as indirectly via consumption of traded products such as food and energy. He has published on sustainability issues around California's water footprint and more broadly on the topic of how embodied water in international trade relates to global water sustainability. At SEC he plans to further develop analytical and theoretical tools relating his work to social metabolism and sustainability transition studies. Sara Bakhshaei is a PhD student in Agroecology at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. She is working in crop production and carbon footprinting of major crops in Iran. Apart from agricultural production, Sara is going to examine the whole supply chain including processing, storage and retailer facilities and transport. International guests: SEC currently hosts two guest researchers from Nagoya University: Natsuko OKAZAKI develops a model of wood-biomass material flows in a Japanese region and investigates spatial patterns in carbon stocks in buildings and forest ecosystems. Shohei KURODA's research focusses on global material stock distribution using nightlight data. In December and January Kento TAMURA from Ritsumeikan University will join the team at SEC. He investigates land constraints associated with future food and biofuel demands in Eastern and South Eastern Asia. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Arnold, Markus, Gaube, Veronika, and Wieser, Bernhard (2014): Interdisziplinär forschen. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 105-120. Arnold, Markus and Schmid, Martin (2014): Science as Culture und Studium Integrale. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 287-296. Balas, Maria, Baumann, Martin, Bruckner, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, Haas, Willi, Kienberger, Stefan, König, Martin, Köppl, Angela, Kranzl, Lukas, Matzenberger, Julian, Mechler, Reinhard, Nakicenovic, Nebojsa, Omann, Ines, Prutsch, Andrea, Scharl, Arno, Steininger, Karl, Steurer, Reinhard, and Türk, Andreas (2014): Emissionsminderung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel. In: Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Wien: Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC), Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bd. 3, pp. 109-316. Berger, Wilhelm, Winiwarter, Verena, Dressel, Gert, and Heimerl, Kathrina (2014): Methoden und Praktiken interdisziplinärer und transdisziplinärer Wissenschaft. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 17-28. Bustamante, Mercedes, Robledo-Abad, Carmenza, Harper, Richard, Mbow, Cheikh, Ravindranath, Nijavalli H., Sperling, Frank, Haberl, Helmut, de Siqueira Pinto, Alexandre, and Smith, Pete (2014): Co-benefits, trade-offs, barriers and policies for greenhouse gas mitigation in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector. In: Global Change Biology 20(10), pp. 3270-3290. Dearing, John A., Wang, Rong, Zhang, Ke, Dyke, James G., Haberl, Helmut, Hossain, Sarwar S., Langdon, Peter G., Lenton, Timothy M., Raworth, Kate, Brown, Sally, Carstensen, Jacob, Cole, Megan J., Cornell, Sarah E., Dawson, Terese P., Doncaster, C. P., Eigenbrod, Felix, Flörke, Martina, Jeffers, Elisabeth, Mackay, Anson W., Nykvist, Björn, and Poppy, Guy M. (2014): Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems. In: Global Environmental Change 28(September 2014), pp. 227-238. Dressel, Gert, Heimerl, Kathrina, Berger, Wilhelm, and Winiwarter, Verena (2014): Interdisziplinäres und transdisziplinäres Forschen organisieren. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 207-212. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haas, Willi (2014): Exlporing the Transformation of Human Labour in Relation to Socio-Ecological Transitions. In: Beblavý, Miroslav et al. (Eds.): Let's get to Work! The Future of Labour in Europe. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, pp. 56-84. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Wiedenhofer, Dominik (2014): Policy Brief: An optimal policy mix for resource use. European Comission, pp. 1-21 Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Pallua, Irene, Xenidis, Lazaros, and Singh, Simron J. (2014): Samothraki. Die Geschichte einer griechischen Insel, die sich aufmachte, ein UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat zu werden. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 239-246. Fishman, T., Schandl, Heinz, Tanikawa, H., Walker, P., and Krausmann, Fridolin (2014): Accounting for the material stocks of nations. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 18(3), pp. 407-420. Haas, Willi and Hellmer, Silvia (2014): Differenzen wahrnehmen und erfahren. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 51-64. Haidvogl, Gertrud, Lajus, Dmitry, Pont, Didier, Schmid, Martin, Jungwirth, Mathias, and Lajus, Julia (2014): Reconstructing historical changes of riverine fish: Typology of historical sources and the reconstruction of long-term historical changes of riverine fish: a case study of the Austrian Danube and northern Russian rivers. In: Ecology of Freshwater Fish 23/4 (October 2014), pp. 489-515. Heimerl, Kathrina, Zepke, Georg, Heller, Andreas, and Schmid, Martin (2014): Abschiede. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 193-206. Heimerl, Kathrina, Dressel, Gert, Winiwarter, Verena, and Berger, Wilhelm (2014): Doing Inter- und Transdisziplinarität. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 297-312. Jonas, Matthias, Ometto, J. P., Batistella, M., Franklin, O., Hall, M., Lapola, D. M., Moran, E. F., Tramberend, S., Lanza Queiroz, B., Schaffartzik, Anke, Shvidenko, A., Nilsson, S. B., and Nobre, C. A. (2014): Sustaining ecosystem services: Overcoming the dilemma posed by local actions and planetary boundaries. In: Earth's Future 2(8), pp. 407-420. König, M., Loibl, W., Steiger, R., Aspöck, H., Bednar-Friedl, B., Brunner, K. M., Haas, Willi, Höferl, K. M., Huttenlau, M., Walochnik, J., and Weisz, Ulli (2014): Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Antroposphäre. In: Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Wien: Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC), Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 641-704. Krainer, Larissa and Smetschka, Barbara (2014): Ein Forschungsteam finden. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 65-78. Krausmann, Fridolin, Richter, R., and Eisenmenger, Nina (2014): Resource use in small Island states: Material flows in Iceland and Trinidad and Tobago 1961-2008. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 18(2), pp. 294-305. Martinez-Alier, Joan, Anguelovski, I., Bond, P., Del Ben, D., Demaria, F., Gerber, Julien F., Greyl, L., Haas, Willi, Healy, Hali, Marin-Burgos, V., Ojo, G., Porto, M., Rijnhout, L., Rodrigez-Labajos, B., Spangenberg, Joachim, Temper, L., Warlenius, R., and Yanez, I. (2014): Between activism and science: grassroots concepts for sustainability coined by Environmental Justice Organizations. In: Journal of Political Ecology 21, pp. 19-60. Neundlinger, Michael, Gierlinger, Sylvia, Pollack, Gudrun, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2014): An Environmenal History of the Viennese Sanitation System - From Roman to Modern Times. In: Tvedt, Terje and Oestigaard, Terie (Eds.): From Jericho to Cities in the Seas. A History of Urbanization and Water Systems. London: I.B. Tauris, A History of Water Series, pp. 325-350. Schaffartzik, Anke, Sachs, M., Wiedenhofer, Dominik, and Eisenmenger, Nina (2014): Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis. Wien: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 154). Schmid, Martin (2014): The Environmental History of Rivers in the Early Modern Period. In: Knoll, Martin and Reith, Reinhold (Eds.): An Environmental History of the Early Modern Period - Experiments und Perspectives . Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT-Verlag, Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft - Geschichte, Bd. 10, pp. 19-25. Veselková, Marcela, Beblavý, Miroslav, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Haas, Willi, Wiedenhofer, Dominik, Weisz, Ulli, Pallua, Irene, Possanner, Nikolaus, Weis, Ekke, Behrens, Arno, Serio, Giulia, and Alessi, Monica (2014): Emerging megatrends and scenarios in the socio-ecological transitions. In: Beblavý, Miroslav et al. (Eds.): Let's get to Work! The Future of Labour in Europe. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, pp. 14-28. Weisz, Ulli, Karner, Sandra, Grossmann, Ralph, and Heintel, Peter (2014): Zwischen Welten. Transdisziplinäre Forschungsprozesse realisieren. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 121-137. West, J., Schandl, Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Kovanda, Jan, and Hak, Tomas (2014): Patterns of change in material use and material efficiency in the successor states of the former Soviet Union. In: Ecological Economics 105(September 2014), pp. 211-219. Winiwarter, Verena and Haidvogl, Gertrud (2014): Danube:Future. Herausforderung für interdisziplinäre Geisteswissenschaften. In: INFOEuropa.Informationen über den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa 04(2014), pp. 16-17. Winiwarter, Verena (2014): Die Donau als Umwelt. Neue Blicke auf die Geschichte eines europäischen Stroms. In: INFOEuropa.Informationen über den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa 04(2014), pp. 14-15. Winiwarter, Verena (2014): Ein historischer Blick auf die Gegenwart. In: VIEL.FALT / Jugend & Wort.Die brandneue Schulzeitung für ganz Kärnten Schwerpunkt: Intelligenz&Fleiß(Juni 2014), pp. 12-12. Winiwarter, Verena (2014): Land Use and Agrarian Knowledge as Topics of Early-Modern Environmental History. In: Knoll, Martin and Reith, Reinhold (Eds.): An Environmental History of the Early Modern Period: Experiments and Perspectives. Wien-Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 55-60. Winiwarter, Verena (2014): Nichts ist so zuverlässig falsch wie Prognosen. In: Klima- und Energiefonds (Ed.): energy2121. Bilder zur Energiezukunft. Bad Vöslau: omninum, pp. 32-38. Winiwarter, Verena (2014): Von Ewigkeitslasten und Nebenwirkungen. Der Beitrag der Umweltgeschichte zu einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft. In: Soziale Technik 03(2014), pp. 2-4. Winiwarter, Verena (2014): Wege finden, beteiligt zu sein ... In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 11-12. Winiwarter, Verena and Groß, Robert (2014): Winteralpenglück? Umweltgeschichte des Schitourismus. In: Bergauf - Das Magazin des Österreichischen Alpenvereins 02(2014), pp. 10-12. For free downloads of some of our current publications have a look at our publication download area: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Gabriela Miechtner
Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 31 – August 2014
- New curriculum
- New book out now: Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability
- Job offer: Senior scientist positions at the Institute of Social Ecology
- GAIA masters student paper award
- New publication: Changes on land system dynamics in Germany despite drastic political changes stable since 1883
- New publication: Climate Change: Management boundaries
- IPCC report: Climate Change 2014
- It's launch time! Global Atlas of Environmental Conflicts
- Greening history: Studying the environment across disciplines, past, present and future - Call for papers
+ Public outreach / Media resonance + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News New curriculum
The master program in Social Ecology has been established in 2005 and it has been a success in many respects. Student numbers have been growing rapidly in the last years with currently c. 180 students enrolled. After almost a decade of experience with the initial curriculum, an evaluation of the program and new developments in the field of sustainability science, we have started a process to thoroughly revise and update the curriculum last year. The new curriculum, which is in effect as of fall 2014, emphasizes inter- and transdisciplinary methods and approaches even stronger, integrates internships and offers a range of thematic specializations in the broad field of Social and Human Ecology. Most courses are currently offered in German, but the share of courses held in English shall be further increased in the future.
For more information: New book out now: Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability
It is with great pleasure we can announce the release of our book "Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability. Orientations for Contemporary Research". This book is the fourth volume in the human-environment interactions series which provides a broad scope of the research on the pervasive impact that human activities have on the earth system. Within this series, the book at hand has a unique focus as it proposes a re-evaluation of Ester Boserup's pioneering work in the field of sustainability science by tracing her impact on current research. Boserup's theories on the role of women in development, first published in 1965 and followed by a second book in 1970, and on the interplay between population dynamics, agricultural growth and the environment, as outlined in her most comprehensive book in 1981, continue to resonate in many fields of research and in the current discourse on sustainability.
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Reenberg, Anette, Schaffartzik, Anke, and Mayer, Andreas (Eds.). (2014): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability - Orientations for Contemporary Research. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer (Human-Environment Interactions; 4).
To the full version of the book: Job offer: Senior scientist positions at the Institute of Social Ecology
The Institute of Social Ecology at the School of Interdisciplinary Studies & Continuing Education (IFF) of Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt (Vienna campus) announces five positions of senior scientists. Deadline of applications: 27th of August and 10th of September 2014.
Details: GAIA masters student paper award
Opportunity to publish in GAIA: The international journal GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society invites Master students to participate in the GAIA Masters Student Paper Award. Master students are encouraged to publish their results from research-based courses or Master Theses in the field of transdisciplinary environmental and sustainability science.
Details: New publication: Changes on land system dynamics in Germany despite drastic political changes stable since 1883
Germany is an especially interesting case study for land system dynamics due to fundamentally changing economic and institutional conditions: the two World Wars, the separation into East and West Germany, the accession to the European Union, and Germany's reunification. A team of researchers of the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna show, that land system change in Germany was surprisingly gradual, indicating high resilience to the drastic socio-economic and institutional shifts that occurred during the last 125 years.
Details: New publication: Climate Change: Management boundaries
Changes in the management of existing agricultural land can warm the local climate to an extent similar to that resulting from the conversion of natural vegetation to farmland, according to research published in Nature Climate Change. These findings demonstrate the challenges of meeting growing food demand without exacerbating climate change. A team of scientists, including Karlheinz Erb of Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna found out, that the net effect - when all cooling and heating influences were accounted for - was localized warming of around 1.7 degrees Celsius. Consequently, the intensification of agriculture to meet growing food demand will have direct climatic implications that should be considered alongside greenhouse gas emissions when weighing up different policy options.
Paper preview: IPCC report: Climate Change 2014
Concluding four years of intense scientific collaboration by hundreds of authors from around the world, this report responds to the request of the world's governments for a comprehensive, objective and policy neutral assessment of the current scientific knowledge on mitigating climate change. The report has been extensively reviewed by experts and governments to ensure quality and comprehensiveness. The quintessence of this work, the Summary for Policymakers, in which Helmut Haberl of the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna was involved, has been approved line by line by member governments in April at the 12th Session of IPCC WG III in Berlin, Germany. The Working Group III contribution to the AR5 deals with the mitigation of climate change. It sets out the technological, economic and institutional requirements and associated risks of climate change policies at the global, national and sub-national level, investigates mitigation measures for all major sectors, and assesses investment and finance issues.
For more information: It's launch time! Global Atlas of Environmental Conflicts
The Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) project launches today its Global Atlas of Environmental Justice, a visually attractive and interactive online mapping platform detailing around 1000 environmental conflicts (and growing). It allows users to search and filter across 100 fields and to browse by commodity, company, country and type of conflict. With one click you can find a global snapshot of nuclear, waste or water conflicts, or the places where communities have an issue with a particular mining or chemical company. Click on any point to find the actors and a conflict description with the outcome and sources. Featured maps will focus on issues ranging from fracking to conflicts over mega-infrastructure projects to maps on violent targeting of activists (and more).
The Atlas is a product of the EU-funded EJOLT project. Over 100 people from 23 universities and environmental justice organisations in 18 countries plus dozens of independent collaborators from all around the world have joined forces to create this huge and valuable resource. The project is coordinated by Professor Joan Martinez-Alier and his team of ecological economists from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB).
For more information: Greening History: Studying the Environment across Disciplines, Past, Present and Future - Call for Papers
The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) is pleased to invite proposals for sessions, individual papers, roundtables, posters and other, more experimental forms of communicating scholarship for its 2015 biennial conference "Greening History: Studying the Environment across Disciplines, Past, Present and Future". The University of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines will be hosting the conference in Versailles, France, from 30 June to 3 July 2015. Deadline for submissions: Proposals are due no later than October 1, 2014. For more information: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance "Climate Change: Global Development Model on Trial"
Helmut Haberl in BRIDGES
See: People in the Spotlight: Austrian Scientist of the Year 2013, Environmental Historian Verena
Verena Winiwarter in BRIDGES
BRIDGES is the free, online magazine of the OSTA published since April 2004. Bridges - and their association with connection and communication - reporting on European, American or Canadian science, technology and higher education policy.
See: For more media resonance, see: and +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Bartels, Esther Lara (2014): Socio-Ecological Impacts of Land Grabbing for Nature Conservation on a Pastoral Community: A HANPP-based Case Study in Ololosokwan Village, Northern Tanzania. Wien: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 149) Erb, Karl-Heinz, Niedertscheider, Maria, Dietrich, Philipp J., Schmitz, Christoph, Verburg, Peter H., Rudbeck Jepsen, Martin, and Haberl, Helmut (2014): Conceptual and Empirical Approaches to Mapping and Quantifying Land-Use Intensity. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina et al. (Eds.): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human-Environment Interactions, Bd. 4, pp. 61-86 Fehlinger, Julianna (2014): Teilweise waren Frauen auch Traktorist. Geschlechtliche Arbeitsteilung in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben Ostdeutschlands heute - Unterschiede in der biologischen und konventionellen Bewirtschaftung. Wien: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 150) Fetzel, Tamara, Gradwohl, Markus, and Erb, Karl-Heinz (2014): Conversion, intensification, and abandonment: A human appropriation of net primary production approach to analyze historic land-use dynamics in New Zealand 1860-2005. In: Ecological Economics 97, pp. 201-208 Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Mayer, Andreas, and Schaffartzik, Anke (2014): Boserup's Theory on Technological Change as a Point of Departure for the Theory of Sociometabolic Regime Transitions. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina et al. (Eds.): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability - Orientations for Contemporary Research. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human-Environment Interactions, Bd. 4, pp. 23-42 Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Pallua, Irene (2014): A Sociometabolic Reading of the Anthropocene: Modes of subsistence, population size and human impact upon Earth. In: Anthropocene Review 1(2014), pp. 8-33 Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Hausknost, Daniel Hg. (2014): Large scale societal transitions in the past. The Role of Social Revolutions and the 1970s Syndrome. Wien: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 152) Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Reenberg, Anette (2014): Conclusions: Re-Evaluating Boserup in the Light of the Contributions to this Volume. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina et al. (Eds.): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability - Orientations for Contemporary Research. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human-Environment Interactions, Bd. 4, pp. 259-265 Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Reenberg, Anette, Schaffartzik, Anke, and Mayer, Andreas (Eds.). (2014): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability - Orientations for Contemporary Research. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer (Human-Environment Interactions; 4). Fritz, S., See, L., You, L., Justice, C., Becker-Reshef, I., Bydekerke, L., Cumani, R., Defourny, P., Erb, Karl-Heinz, Foley, J., Gilliams, S., Gong, P., Hansen, M., Hertel, T., Herold, M., Herrero, M., Kayitakire, F., Latham, J., Leo, O., McCallum, I., Obersteiner, M., Ramankutty, N., Rocha, J., Tang, H., Thornton, P., Vancutsem, C., van der Velde, M., Wood, S., and Woodcock, C. (2013): The need for improved maps of global cropland. In: Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94, pp. 31-32 Haberl, Helmut (2014): Climate Change: Global Development Model on Trial. In: Bridges - the Office of Science and Technology's Publication on S&T Policy. 40(July 2014) Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): Global human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP). In: Victor, P. A. (Ed.): The Costs of Economic Growth. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Elgar Research Collection, pp. 304-319 Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Lauk, Christian, and Plutzar, Christoph (2013): Menschliche Aneignung von Nettoprimärproduktion in Europa: Schlussfolgerungen für Bioenergiepotentiale. In: Stellungnahme: Bioenergie, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Halle and der Saale: Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 116-132 Hausknost, Daniel (2014): Decision, choice, solution: 'agentic deadlock' in environmental politics. In: Environmental Politics 23(3), pp. 357-375 Hausknost, Daniel and Haas, Willi (2013): The Role of Innovation in a Socio-Ecological Transition of the European Union. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Kastner, Thomas, Schaffartzik, Anke, Eisenmenger, Nina, Erb, Karl H., Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2014): Cropland area embodied in international trade: Contradictory results from different approaches. In: Ecological Economics 104(August 2014), pp. 140-144 Kastner, Thomas, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Haberl, Helmut (2014): Rapid growth in agricultural trade: effects on global area-efficiency and the role of management. In: Environmental Research Letters 9, pp. 034015 -(10pp.) Krausmann, Fridolin (2014): Gesellschaftlicher Stoffwechsel, Biomasse und Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Eine globale Perspektive auf Potenziale und Limitationen der Nutzung von Biomasse. In: Soziale Technik 1, pp. 2-4 Krausmann, Fridolin, Gingrich, Simone, Eisenmenger, Nina, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2013): Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century. In: Victor, Peter A. (Ed.): The Costs of Economic Growth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, pp. 421-430 Loy, Christian (2013): The rise of the semi-periphery: A physical perspective on the global division of labour. Material flow analysis of global trade flows (1970-2005). Wien: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 147) Luyssaert, Sebastiaan, Jammet, Mathilde, Stoy, Paul C., Estel, Stephan, Pongratz, Julia, Ceschia, Eric, Churkina, Galina, Don, Axel, Erb, KarlHeinz, Ferlicoq, Morgan, Gielen, Bert, Grunwald, Thomas, Houghton, Richard A., Klumpp, Katja, Knohl, Alexander, Kolb, Thomas, Kuemmerle, Tobias, Laurila, Tuomas, Lohila, Annalea, Loustau, Denis, McGrath, Matthew J., Meyfroidt, Patrick, Moors, Eddy J., Naudts, Kim, Novick, Kim, Otto, Juliane, Pilegaard, Kim, Pio, Casimiro A., Rambal, Serge, Rebmann, Corinna, Ryder, James, Suyker, Andrew E., Varlagin, Andrej, Wattenbach, Martin, and Dolman, A. J. (2014): Land management and land-cover change have impacts of similar magnitude on surface temperature. In: Nature Clim.Change 4(5), pp. 389-393 Mayer, Andreas (2014): 40 Jahre globaler Ressourcenverbrauch: Ein Überblick aktueller Debatten. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 01(2014), pp. 55-72 Meyfroidt, P., Lambin, E. F., Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Hertel, T. W. (2013): Globalization of land use: distant drivers of land change and geographic displacement of land use. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5, pp. 438-444 Niedertscheider, Maria, Kuemmerle, Tobias, Müller, Daniel, and Erb, Karl-Heinz (2014): Exploring the effects of drastic institutional and socio-economic changes on land system dynamics in Germany between 1883 and 2007. In: Global Environmental Change 28(2014), pp. 98-108 Niedertscheider, Maria and Erb, Karl-Heinz (2014): Land system change in Italy from 1884 - 2007: Analysing the North-South divergence on the basis of an integrated indicator framework. In: Land Use 39(July 2014), pp. 366-375 Nwakeze, Ngozi M. and Schaffartzik, Anke (2014): Revisiting Boserup's Hypotheses in the Context of Africa. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina et al. (Eds.): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability - Orientations for Contemporary Research, Human-Environment Interactions. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human-Environment Interactions, Bd. 4, pp. 175-188 O´Brian, Karen, Reams, J., Caspari, C., Dugmore, A., Faghihimani, M., Fazey, I., Hackmann, H., Manuel-Navarrete, D., Marks, J., Miller, R., Raivio, K., Romero-Lankao, P., Virji, H., Vogel, C., and Winiwarter, Verena (2013): You Say you want a Revolution? Transforming Education and Capacity Building in Response to Global Change. In: Environmental Science and Policy 1145(28), pp. 48-59 Pallua, Irene (2013): Historische Energietransitionen im Ländervergleich. Energienutzung, Bevölkerung, Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Wien: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 148) Peters, M., Herrero, M., Fisher, M., Erb, Karl-Heinz, Rao, I, Subbarao, G. V., Castro, A., Arango, J., Chará, J., Murgueitio, E., Hoek, R. v. d., Läderach, P., Hyman, G., Tapasco, J., Strassburg, B., Paul, B., Rincón, A., Schultze-Kraft, R., Fonte, S., and Searchinger, T. (2013): Challenges and opportunities for improving eco-efficiency of tropical forage-based systems to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In: Tropical Grasslands - Forrajes Tropicales 1, pp. 156-167 Petridis, Panos (2013): From economism to autonomy: A Greek economic emergency and the transformative vision of degrowth. Greek Politics Specialist Group Petridis, Panos (2013): Potentials of the debate on de-growth for socio-ecological transformation and climate change policy. Wien: TrafoReview - Transformation Review Plutzar, Christoph, Hejjas, F., Zika, Michael, and Kohler, B. (2013): Linking the wilderness continuum concept to protected areas Mittersill, Salzburger Nationalparkfonds Ringhofer, Elisabeth, Singh, Simron J., and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2014): Beyond Boserup: The Role of Working Time in Agricultural Development. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina et al. (Eds.): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability - Orientations for Contemporary Research. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human-Environment Interactions, Bd. 4, pp. 117-138 Schaffartzik, Anke, Mayer, Andreas, Gingrich, Simone, Eisenmenger, Nina, Loy, Christian, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2014): The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950-2010. In: Global Environmental Change 26(May 2014), pp. 87-97 Schaffartzik, Anke, Plank, Christina, and Brad, Alina (2014): Ukraine and the great biofuel potential? A political material flow analysis. In: Ecological Economics 104(August 2014), pp. 12-21 Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2014): Working Time of Farm Women and Small-Scale Sustainable Farming in Austria. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina et al. (Eds.): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human-Environment Interactions, Bd. 4, pp. 221-238
L.Turner II and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2014): Ester Boserup: An Interdisciplinary Visionary Relevant for Sustainability. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina et al. (Eds.): Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability - Orientations for Contemporary Research. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London, Human-Environment Interactions, Bd. 4,: Springer, pp. 3-11 Weisz, Ulli, Karner, Sandra, Grossmann, Ralph, and Heintel, Peter (2014): Zwischen Welten. Transdisziplinäre Forschungsprozesse realisieren. In: Dressel, Gert et al. (Eds.): Interdisziplinär und Transdisziplinär forschen. Praktiken und Methoden. Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, pp. 121-137 Winiwarter, Verena and Bork, Hans R. Hg. (2014): Geschichte unserer Umwelt. Sechzig Reisen durch die Zeit. WBG Verlag Winiwarter, Verena (2013): The 2013 DIAnet International School, its aims and principles against the background of the sustainability challenges of the Danube River Basin Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste Winiwarter, Verena and Bork, Hans R. Hg. (2014): Umweltgeschichte: Ein Plädoyer für Rücksicht und Weitsicht. Picus Verlag +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Gabriela Miechtner
Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 30 – February 2014
+ News
- Verena Winiwarter is "Scientist of the Year 2013"
- Habilitationsvortrag von Martin Schmid
- Job reminder: Full Professor position at the Institute of Social Ecology
- Summer term 2014: Course information online
- Guest Professors: Univ. Prof. Dr. Ingolfur Blühdorn and Prof. Richard Tucker,
- New journal: Anthropocene Review (Sage), co-edited by Marina Fischer-Kowalski
- Regional Environmental Change co-editor: Helmut Haberl
- NCC article: Efforts to curb climate change require greater emphasis on livestock
- PlosOne article: A wake-up call about the economic reality of a green society
- World Social Science Report 2013
- Leaping over disciplinary shadows
- AAU and Humboldt University join forces
+ Sustainability events
- 12.3.2014: FWF Am Puls: Climate Change and Politics
- 'The Green Economy'
+ Research projects
- Erasmus Intensive Programme SUSAKI
- Milestone in WWWforEurope
- EU project: ASOREE
- Marie Curie Grant: Water and Transition
- UNEP: Global Trade in Natural Resources
+ Public outreach / Media resonance
+ Staff news
+ New publications
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News CONGRATULATIONS: Verena Winiwarter is "Scientist of the Year 2013"!
Environmental Historian Verena Winiwarter was elected by the Club of Education- and Science Journalists for "Scientist of the Year 2013".
For more information:
For all media resonance on Verena Winiwarter as Scientist of the Year 2013, please visit:
Habilitationsvortrag von Martin Schmid: Umweltgeschichte als Verwandlung sozio-naturaler Schauplätze: Die Donau im Vergleich zu anderen Fluss-Umwelt-Geschichten
Habilitationsvortrag Dr. Martin Schmid,
Thursday, 20.2.2014, 14:00, IFF Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Seminarraum 6 (6. Stock) Job reminder: Full Professor position at the Institute of Social Ecology
The Institute of Social Ecology at the School of Interdisciplinary Studies & Continuing Education (IFF) of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Vienna campus) announces a full time position of a Full Professor of Social Ecology in accordance with Austrian university law (§ 98 Universitätsgesetz). The position is available as of October 1, 2014 and limited to an employment period of five years. The position can be converted into a permanent position afterwards. Place of work is the Vienna campus of the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Deadline of applications: 26th February 2014.
Job description in English: Summer term 2014: Course information online
Detailed information can be found on our website:
For further information please contact: [at] Guest Professors: Univ. Prof. Dr. Ingolfur Blühdorn and Prof. Richard Tucker Univ. Prof. Dr. Ingolfur Blühdorn (University of Bath) has authored and edited several books as well as many journal articles on issues of social movements, Green Parties, socio-political theory and environmental policy. Course "Nachhaltigkeit und Demokratie" Prof. Richard Tucker (University of Michigan) is active in the American Society for Environmental History (ASEH), where he was program chairman for the national conference in 2011, and is a member of the editorial board of its journal, Environmental History since 2006. In recent years he has concentrated on the global history of the environmental consequences of warfare and militarization; he is coordinator of its international research network. Course "Warfare and Environment through History" New journal: Anthropocene Review
Marina Fischer-Kowalski is Co-editor in the new SAGE Journal Anthropocene Review, and Author in the first Volume (presumably April 2014, online now)
The Anthropocene Review is a trans-disciplinary journal issued 3 times per year, bringing together peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of research pertaining to the Anthropocene, from earth and environmental sciences, social sciences, material sciences, and humanities. The journal provides a significant opportunity to communicate key scientific work to a wider audience.
For more information:;
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Pallua, Irene 2014. A socio-metabolic reading of the Anthropocene: modes of subsistence, population size, and human impact on Earth. The Anthropocene Review 1/2014 (online first)
DOI:10.1177/2053019613518033 Regional Environmental Change editor: Helmut Haberl
Helmut Haberl has been appointed as senior handling editor of Regional Environmental Change (Springer; editor-in-chief: Wolfgang Cramer)
Environmental change is accelerating worldwide, posing significant challenges for humanity. Solutions are needed at the regional level, where physical features of the landscape, biological systems, and human institutions interact. The goal of Regional Environmental Change is to publish scientific research and opinion papers that improve our understanding of the extent of these changes, their causes, their impacts on people, and the options for society to respond. "Regional" refers to the full range of scales between local and global, including regions defined by natural criteria, such as watersheds and ecosystems, and those defined by human activities, such as urban areas and their hinterlands. For more information: NCC article: Efforts to curb climate change require greater emphasis on livestock
A reduction in non-CO2 greenhouse gases will be required to abate climate change, the researchers said. Cutting releases of methane and nitrous oxide, two gases that pound-for-pound trap more heat than does CO2, should be considered alongside the challenge of reducing fossil fuel use. "Reducing demand for ruminant products could help to achieve substantial greenhouse gas reductions in the near-term," said co-author Helmut Haberl, "but implementation of demand changes represent a considerable political challenge." Haberl conducts research in the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna. The analysis, "Ruminants, climate change, and climate policy," was published as an opinion commentary today in Nature Climate Change, a professional journal. William Ripple, professor in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University, and co-authors from Scotland, Austria, Australia and the United States reached their conclusions on the basis of a synthesis of current scientific knowledge on greenhouse gases, climate change and food and environmental issues. They drew from a variety of sources including the Food and Agricultural Organization, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and recent peer-reviewed publications.
For more information:
PlosOne article: A wake-up call about the economic reality of a green society
Policymakers often talk about moving towards a green society, but in a new study a team of researchers from the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna (Fridolin Krausmann), Leeds University (Julia K. Steinberger) and CSIRO (Heinz Schandl) found that this would restrict economic growth. The study shows that, over the longer term, emerging and developing countries tend to have significantly larger material-economic coupling than mature industrialized economies (although this effect may be enhanced by trade patterns), but that the contrary is true for short-term coupling. Moreover, they demonstrate that absolute dematerialization limits economic growth rates, while the successful industrialization of developing countries inevitably requires a strong material component. Alternative development priorities are thus urgently needed both for mature and emerging economies: reducing absolute consumption levels for the former, and avoiding the trap of resource intensive economic and human development for the latter.
Steinberger, J.K., Krausmann, F., Getzner, M., Schandl, H., West, J. 2013. Development and dematerialization: an international study. PLoS One, 8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070385 World Social Science Report 2013
Scientists of the Institute of Social Ecology Vienna have participated in the World Social Science Report 2013 titled "Changing Global Environments", which has been published recently. The Report issues an urgent call to action to the international social science community. Social scientists need to collaborate more effectively with colleagues from the natural, human and engineering sciences to deliver relevant, credible knowledge that can help to address the most pressing of today's environmental problems and sustainability challenges. And they need to do so in close collaboration with decision-makers, practitioners and the other users of their research. WSSR2013 Report:
To the article form Prof. Ulrich Brand about socio-ecological responsibility of the social scienes:
Leaping over disciplinary shadows
Research increasingly crosses disciplinary boundaries and draws in outside stakeholders. Karl-Heinz Erb, Veronika Gaube and Marina Fischer-Kowalski report from two decades of experience in inter- and transdisciplinary research at the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna, Austria. They advise on how to succeed in three not-so-easy steps.
Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2013): Leaping over disciplinary shadows. In: Global Change(81), pp. 36-39.
AAU and Humboldt University join forces
As a formal framework for the collaboration of the Institute of Social Ecology with IRI THESys on global land use research over the next years, the AAU and the Humboldt University have signed a collaboration agreement to facilitate exchange of researchers, students and lecturers, and to plan joint research activities and project development. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sustainability events FWF Am Puls 12. March 2014: Climate Change and Politics
In September 2013 the first Chapter of the new IPCC Reports has been published: Basic of Natural Sciences and Climate Change. Next Chapters will be published in Spring 2014. The IPCC is a scientific body under the auspices of the United Nations (UN). It reviews and assesses the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change.
Helmut Haberl as the lead autor of the topics of agriculture and forestry and land use will speak about the structure and history of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), also known as "Weltklimarat". March 2014, 6 p.m., Albert Schweitzer Haus, Schwarzspanierstraße 13, 1090 Vienna. Free entrance!
For more information: Summer school: 'The Green Economy'
The Norwegian University of Life Sciences is organizing a summer school series in Environmental Governance. The course in 2014 is titled 'The Green Economy' and is running from June 16 to June 27. The summer school is directed towards PhDs. A few places will also be offered to young researchers in the field. More information is found at: Deadline for application for the 2014 course is February 20. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Research projects Erasmus Intensive Programme "SUSAKI": Achieving sustainable development on an island. Social ecology concepts and methods in a real world context.
The course is designed as a 12-days excursion to the island of Samothraki in Greece with the aim to learn and apply social ecology approaches in a local setting while building synergy with an on-going UNESCO Man and Biosphere process. The objectives of the course are: (a) expose students to a search for solutions for sustainability and development challenges in a local setting by applying socioecological thinking, (b) be trained in a set of social science and natural science methods frequently used in socioecological research , and (c) allow students the experience of a transdisciplinary research process by learning to interact with stakeholders in a culturally challenging environment (translation will be provided by locals as far as required). The course will take place in May 2014 with students from 5 different universities (National University of Ireland, Galway, Lund University, University of the Aegean, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt). Milestone in WWWforEurope: Developing Resource use Scenarios for Europe
The objective of the project is to provide the analytical basis for the need, the feasibility and the scope of a socio-ecological transition, to derive policy instruments for shifting Europe to a new "high road path", and the institutional changes needed at all policy levels. The Institute of Social Ecology (SEC) is involved in two work packages: "Assessing Past Transitions" and "Biophysical Scenarios for Resource Constraints". In the second work package ("Biophysical Scenarios for Resource Constraints") SEC develops a set of scenarios for future resource use in Europe, with a close consideration of the biophysical constraints involved. These scenarios will then be implemented in macroeconomic models on the basis of which several different trajectories of European development can be forecast and compared. This comparison should provide the analytical basis for the development of effective policy tools to steer European development onto a more sustainable trajectory.
Research paper on resource use scenarios for Europe: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Wiedenhofer, Dominik, Haas, Willi, Pallua, Irene, and Hausknost, Daniel (2013): Developing Resource use Scenarios for Europe. Work Package 204, MS 35 "Developing resource use scenarios for Europe". Vienna: WWWforEurope - WelfareWealthWork. EU project: ASOREE
The Europe 2020 Strategy, endorsed by the European Council in June 2010, establishes resource efficiency as one of its fundamental flagship initiatives for ensuring the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of Europe. The Resource efficiency flagship should "help the EU to prosper in a low-carbon, resource constrained world while preventing environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and unsustainable use of resources". Renewable resources should not be degraded below sustainable levels, and non-renewable resources should not get depleted. The Flagship calls for the development of a Resource Efficient Europe roadmap that develops policy frameworks helping help to increase resource productivity and decouple resource use from economic growth. Final results of the ASOREE project will be presented at a conference in Brussels on 20 February 2014. At the Conference titled "Scenarios towards a resource efficient Europe. Resource efficiency improvements in the Built Environment" the study findings will be discussed with stakeholders and the European Commission. Marie Curie Grant: Water and Transition
The Marie Curie Mobility Grant of the European Union supports Dr. Giacomo Parrinelli who investigates the historical transformation of river basins and water circulation in the urban-industrial age from perspective which integrates social and environmental sciences. The empirical case study is the Po river basin, which hosts one of the most developed urban-industrial region in the EU, and which is lacking of a comprehensive historical reconstruction. The project fills that void, retracing the genealogy of the present condition by looking at the interplays of social and environmental processes over the last two centuries. The four specific goals of the project are: 1) retracing the historical development of agricultural, urban, and industrial uses of Po basin water; as well as the main actors, projects, and phases of the transformation; 2) mapping the changing geographies of water metabolic circulation in the Po river basin, related to the historical transformation of water uses in the transition to the urban-industrial society; 3) studying the impact of the transformation in water uses and circulation on the river basin hydro-ecosystem, and the consequences of this on the various set of human activities over time; 4) identifying the most relevant characteristics that can qualify the transformation in water socio-ecological metabolism in the transition to the urban-industrial society. This research will provide a comprehensive historical account of the Po river basin transformation from an environmental point of view. It will also implement an interdisciplinary analytical framework on river systems transformations and metabolic exchanges with urban-industrial societies: a crucial issue for European research and policies. The project is hosted at SEC and coordinated by Fridolin Krausmann and will be carried out in close cooperation with Prof. Craig E. Colten at Louisiana State University. UNEP: Global Trade in Natural Resources
The biophysical dimensions of international trade, including their upstream requirements, will be subject of a next report of UNEP's International Resource Panel. SEC in collaboration with a number of international partners has been preparing this report which is currently under review. The report finds apparent structural change: countries of the global South become much more dominant in resource trade not so much as providers, but as demanders of resources on the world market; while global demand for natural resources is rapidly rising, supply shows signs of exhaustion: petroleum and (wild) fishcatch stagnate since a decade, and the supply of several metals suffers from declining ore grades. For the first time in the last 100 years, there is a consistent trend of rising resource prices. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (German and English) Klaus Taschwer
"Porsches machen nicht unbedingt potenter"
Der Standard, Forschung Spezial, 8. Jänner 2014, Seite 14
zum Artikel... Verena Winiwarter: Umweltgeschichte zum Angreifen
Apa, Natur & Technik/, 8. Jänner 2014
zum Artikel... For all media resonance on Verena Winiwarter as Scientist of the Year 2013, please visit: Verena Ahne
Im Wald verschwindet viel CO2
Die Presse, Wissenschaft, 18. Jänner 2014 Angelika Wienerroither
"Upcycling": Alten Dingen wieder Wert geben
Salzburger Nachrichten, 31. Dezember 2013, Seite 10 Martin Kugler
Die Gase der Tiere
Die Presse, Wissenschaft, 22. Dezember 2013, Seite 22 Adam Vaughan
Tax meat to cut methane emissions, say scientists, December 20, 2013 Martin Kugler
Wie Schifahren die Alpen prägte
Die Presse, Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2013 Hannah Hoag
Humans are becoming more carnivorous (Thomas Kastner was interviewed in Nature News.)
Nature, December 02, 2013 Tobias Müller
Der Sprit im Strohhaufen
Der Standard, 23. Oktober 2013 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News Helmut Haberl will intensively collaborate with the Integrative Research Institute on Transformation of Human-Environment System (IRI THESys) at Humboldt-University zu Berlin as research fellow over the next couple of months. The focus of his joint research with IRI THESys (see will be on global land-use competition. One of the concrete activities will be the preparation of the KOSMOS summery university on "FutureLand: Understanding land use competition under conditions of global change" to be held in September 2014 at Humboldt-University in Berlin. Marina Fischer-Kowalski is President of the International Society for Ecological Economics, and responsible for the ISEE conference in Reykjavik Aug. 2014,"Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries", Irene Pallua has finished her MA in Social Ecology with honours. We welcome Christina Spitzbart, who works on the FWF project "Vienna´s Urban Waterscape 1683-1918. An Environmental History", starting on February 3rd. Wolfgang Deutsch will be on our Institute as temporary Teaching Administrator starting in March replacing Mirjam Weber, who will be on maternity leave. Michael Neundlinger was invited for a two-month research sojourn at the Historical GIS Lab at University of Saskatchewan. From January until February 2014 Neundlinger benefited from the leading expertise of Dr. Geoff Cunfer and his team in Historical Geoinformation Systems and Environmental History. The visit strengthened cooperation between Canadian and Austrian researchers and contributed to the project aims of Sustainable Farm Systems: Long-Term Socio-Ecological Metabolism in Western Agriculture, 1700-2000. International Guests: Visiting scholar Zizi Moneer is from Egypt and does her PhD at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Politics of the University of Freiburg in Germany. She visitied the Institute of Social Ecology from 11 November to 20 December as part of a COST Action fellowship. In her PhD she analyses the causes of and possible solutions to environmental conflicts in protected areas in Egypt. Central to her project is the phenomenon of failed or 'manipulative' participation in the governance of protected areas and the ways to overcome it. During her stay Zizi Moneer is supervised by Dr. Daniel Hausknost and DI Willi Haas. The Inst. of Social Ecology initiated a Joint Study Agreement between Alpen Adria University and the Graduate School of Environmental Studies of Nagoya University to advance academic exchange and research cooperation. In January 2014Prof. Hiroki Tanikawa, Ass. Prof. Keijiro Okuoka and two phd students visited the Inst. of Social Ecology for a workshop on modelling global material stocks. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Brand, Ulrich, Achim Brunnengräber, Ines Omann, Uwe Schneidewind, Steinar Andresen, Peter Driessen, Helmut Haberl, Daniel Hausknost, Sebastian Helgenberger, Kirsten Hollaender, Jeppe Læssøe, Sebastian Oberthür, 2013. Debating transformation in multiple crises. In: International Social Science Council, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (eds.). World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments. OECD Publishing and UNESCO Publishing, Paris, pp. 480-484 Chertow, Marian, Singh, Simron J., Haberl, Helmut, Mirtl, Michael, and Schmid, Martin (2013): Conclusion. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 555-561.
Cunfer, Geoff and Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): Sustaining Agricultural Systems in the Old and New Worlds: A Long-Term Socio-Ecological Comparison. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. New York: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 269-296. de Ruiter, Henri, Thomas Kastner, and Sanderine Nonhebel. "European Dietary Patterns and Their Associated Land Use: Variation Between and Within Countries." Food Policy 44 (2014): 158-166. Dirnböck, Thomas, Bezák, Peter, Dullinger, Stefan, Haberl, Helmut, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Mirtl, Michael, Peterseil, Johannes, Redpath, Steve, Singh, Simron J., Travis, Justin, and Wijdeven, Sander (2013): Critical scales for long-term socio-ecological biodiversity research. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, Lond: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 123-138. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2013): Leaping over disciplinary shadows. In: Global Change(81), pp. 36-39. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Pallua, Irene 2014. A socio-metabolic reading of the Anthropocene: modes of subsistence, population size, and human impact on Earth. The Anthropocene Review 1/2014 (online first) Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Smetschka, Barbara (2013): Modelling Transport as a Key Constraint to Urbanisation in Pre-industrial Societies . In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society Nature Interactions across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, pp. 77-101. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Wiedenhofer, Dominik, Haas, Willi, Pallua, Irene, and Hausknost, Daniel (2013):. WWWforEurope Working Papers, Milestone 36: Documentation of scenarios implemented and used by macroeconomic models, pp. 1-72, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Mayer, Andreas, and Hausknost, Daniel (2013): Umwelt und Soziale Ökologie. In: Flicker, Eva and Forster, Rudolf (Eds.): Forschungs- und Anwendungsfelder der Soziologie. Wien: Facultas, WUV, pp. 251-267. Gaube, Veronika and Remesch, Alexander (2013): Impact of urban planning on household's residential decisions and energy use: An agent-based simulation model for Vienna. In: Environmental Modelling & Software. 45(July 2013), pp. 92-103. Gaube, Veronika and Haberl, Helmut (2013): Using integrated models to analyze socio-ecological system dynamics in Long-Term Socio-ecological Research - Austrian Experiences. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 53-75. Gingrich, Simone, Schmid, Martin, Gradwohl, Markus, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): How Material and Energy Flows Change Socio-natural Arrangements: The Transformation of Agriculture in the Eisenwurzen Region, 1860-2000. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 297-313. Haas, Willi, Singh, Simron J., Erschbamer, Brigitta, Reiter, Karl, and Walz, Ariane (2013): Integrated Monitoring and Sustainability Assessment in the Tyrolean Alps: Experiences in Transdisciplinarity. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 527-554. Haberl, Helmut, Mbow, Cheik, Deng, Xiangzheng, Irwin, Elena G., Kerr, Suzi, Kuemmerle, Tobias, Mertz, Ole, Meyfroidt, Patrick, and Turner II, Billie L. (2013): Finite Land Resources and Competition. In: Karen Seto, Anette Reenberg (eds.), Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era. MIT Press, pp. 33-67. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl H., and Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production. In: Victor, Peter (Ed.): The Costs of Economic Growth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Cheltenham [reprinted from the Online Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics, International Society for Ecological Economics,], pp. 304-318. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl H., Gingrich, Simone, Kastner, Thomas, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production, Stocks and Flows of Carbon, and Biodiversity. In: Lal, Rattan et al. (Eds.): Ecosystem Services and Carbon Sequestration in the Biosphere. Berlin: Springer, pp. 313-331. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl H., Gaube, Veronika, Gingrich, Simone, and Singh, Simron J. (2013): Socioeconomic Metabolism and the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production: What Promise Do They Hold for LTSER? In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 29-52. Haberl, Helmut (2013): Sozialökologische Transitionen und nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: Herzog, Eva M. et al. (Eds.): Blickpunkt: Biologische Vielfalt. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, pp. 87-110. Haberl, Helmut, Körner, Christian, Lauk, Christian, Schmid-Staiger, Ulrike, Smetacek, Victor, Schulze, Ernst D., Thauer, Rudolf K., Weiland, Peter, and Wilson, Karen (2013): Verfügbarkeit und Nachhaltigkeit von pflanzlicher Biomasse als Energiequelle. In: Stellungnahme: Bioenergie, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Halle and der Saale: Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften. pp. 10-50 (übersetzte und überarbeitete Ausgabe der Stellungnahme "Bioenergy - Chances and Limits", 2012). Haidvogl, Gertrud, Guthyne-Horwath, Marianna, Gierlinger, Sylvia, Hohensinner, Severin, and Sonnlechner, Christoph (2013): Urban land for a growing city at the banks of a moving river: Vienna's spread into the Danube island Unterer Werd from the late 17th to the beginning of the 20th century. In: Water History Thematic Issue 2013, pp. 195-217. Hohensinner, Severin, Lager, Bernhard, Sonnlechner, Christoph, Haidvogl, Gertrud, Schmid, Martin, Gierlinger, Sylvia, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Winiwarter, Verena (2013): Changes in water and land: the reconstructed Viennese riverscape 1500 to the present. In: Water History (Thematic Issue 2013), pp. 145-172. Hohensinner, Severin, Drescher, Anton, Eckmüller, Otto, Egger, Gregory, Gierlinger, Sylvia, Hager, Herbert, Haidvogl, Gertrud, and Jungwirth, Mathias (2013): Genug Holz für Stadt und Fluss? Wiens Holzressourcen in dynamischen Donau-Auen. Intitut für Hydrobiologie, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. Kallis, G., P. Petridis, and Iliosporoi (Eds.), (2013): Πέρα από το δίλημμα λιτότητα ή ανάπτυξη: 11 κείμενα για την Αποανάπτυξη(Beyond the dilemma austerity or growth: 11 essays on degrowth), Iliosporoi Editions, 194pp. (in Greek), online first, available at [accessed: 13 Dec. 2013] Kallis, G. and P. Petridis, (2013): "Συμπεράσματα: αποανάπτυξη, Ελλάδα και κρίση (Conclusions: degrowth, Greece and crisis)", In: Kallis, G., P. Petridis, and Iliosporoi (Eds.), 2013. Πέρα από το δίλημμα λιτότητα ή ανάπτυξη: 11 κείμενα για την Αποανάπτυξη (Beyond the dilemma austerity or growth: 11 essays on degrowth), Iliosporoi Editions, pp. 169-186. Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): A city and its Hinterland: Vienna's Energy Metabolism 1800-2006. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society Nature Interactions across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, pp. 247-268. Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): Gesellschaftlicher Stoffwechsel. Langfristige Trends und räumliche Muster in der Ressourcennutzung. In: Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, pp. 61-72. Krausmann, Fridolin, Schaffartzik, Anke, Mayer, Andreas, Gingrich, Simone and Eisenmenger, Nina (2013): Global trends and patterns in material use. MRS Online Proceedings Library, 1545, mrss13-1545-k04-03 doi:10.1557/opl.2013.1075. Krausmann, Fridolin and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2013): Global socio-metabolic transitions. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 339-365. Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): The social metabolism of European industrialization: Changes in the relation of energy and land use from eighteenth to the twentieth century. In: Unger, Richard W. (Ed.): Energy Transitions in History: Global Cases of Continuity and Change. Munich: Rachel Carson Centre, RCC perspectives 2013/02, pp. 31-36. Lutz, Juliana (2013): Lokale Lebensmittelnetzwerke. Kollektives Engagement für Veränderung. Soziale Technik, 4, 5-7. Lutz, Juliana and Schachinger, Judith (2013): Do Local Food Networks Foster Socio-Ecological Transitions towards Food Sovereignty? Learning from Real Place Experiences. Sustainability, 5(11), 4778-4796 Peterseil, Johannes, Neuner, Angelika, Stocker-Kiss, Andrea, Gaube, Veronika, and Mirtl, Michael (2013): The Eisenwurzen LTSER Platform (Austria) - Implementation and Services. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 461-484. Petridis, Panos, (2013): "Από τον οικονομισμό στην αυτονομία: η ελληνική κρίση και το πρόταγμα της αποανάπτυξης. (From economism to autonomy: the Greek crisis and the project of degrowth)", In: Kallis, G., P. Petridis, and Iliosporoi (Eds.), 2013. Πέρα από το δίλημμα λιτότητα ή ανάπτυξη: 11 κείμενα για την Αποανάπτυξη (Beyond the dilemma austerity or growth: 11 essays on degrowth), Iliosporoi Editions, pp.156-168. Pollack, Gudrun (2013): Verschmutzt - Verbaut - Vergessen. Eine Umweltgeschichte des Wienflusses von 1780 bis 1910. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper 138) Ringhofer, Lisa, Singh, Simron Jit, and Smetschka, Barbara (2013): Climate Change Mitigation in Latin America: A Mapping of Current Policies, Plans and Programs. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 143). Ripple, William J., Pete Smith, Helmut Haberl, Stephen A. Montzka, Clive MacAlpine, Douglas H. Boucher, 2014. Ruminants, climate change, and climate policy. Nature Climate Change, 4, 2-5. Schmid, Martin (2013): Book Review: Stéphane Castonguay and Matthew Evenden (eds.): Urban Rivers: Remaking Rivers, Cities, and Space in Europe and North America. In: Water History January 2013, pp. 1-3. Schmid, Martin (2013): Stadt am Fluss: Wiener Häfen als sozio-naturale Schauplätze von der Frühen Neuzeit bis nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. In: Morscher, Lukas et al. (Eds.): Orte der Stadt im Wandel vom Mittelalter zur Gegenwart: Treffpunkte, Verkehr und Fürsorge . Innsbruck: Innsbrucker Studienverlag, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Städte Mitteleuropas , Bd. 24, pp. 275-312. Schmid, Martin (2013): Towards an Environmental History of the Danube: Understanding a great European river through its transformation as a socio-natural site, c. 1500-2000., Habilitation, Environmental History, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Graz, IFF Vienna. Singh, Simron J., Haberl, Helmut, Chertow, Marian, Mirtl, Michael, and Schmid, Martin (2013): Introduction. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 1-26. Singh, Simron J., Haberl, Helmut, Chertow, Marian, Mirtl, Michael, and Schmid, Martin (2013): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society Nature Interactions across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer (Human - Environment Interactions; 2) Steinberger, Julia K., Krausmann, Fridolin, Getzner, Michael, Schandl, Heinz, West, Jim (2013): Development and dematerialization: an international study. PLoS One, 8, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070385 Verburg, Peter H., Erb, Karl H., Mertz, Ole, and Espindola, G. (guest editors), (2013): Land System Science: between global challenges and local realities. Special issue of Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5(5), pp. 433-534. Weisz, Ulli and Possanner, Nikolaus (2013): Arbeit und Energie. Perspektiven für Österreich. Wien: Endbericht an das BMLFUW, Abt. Umweltökonomie und Energie. Weisz, Ulli, Wegleitner, Klaus-Jürgen, Haas, Willi, Heimerl, Kathrina, and Reitinger, Elisabeth (2013): Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Konzepten von Gesundheitsförderung und Palliative Care: für ein gutes Leben für alle - bis zuletzt. Ergebnisse eines inter- und transdisziplinären Experiments (TREX) der IFF Institut für Soziale Ökologie (SEC) und Palliative Care und Organisationsethik (PallOrg). Gefördert durch die IFF. Wiedenhofer, Dominik, Lenzen, Manfred, and Steinberger, Julia (2013): Energy Requirements of Consumption: Urban Form, Climatic and Socio-Economic Factors, Rebounds and Their Policy Implications. In: Energy Policy 63, pp. 696-707. Winiwarter, Verena, Rüpke, Jörg, and Stagl, Justin (2013): Formen des Wissens über die Zukunft. In: Saeculum, Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte 12(2), pp. 183-187. Winiwarter, Verena (2013): Gesellschaft-Natur-Verhältnisse in langfristiger Betrachtung. In: Gebhardt, Hans et al. (Eds.): Europa - eine Geographie. Heidelberg, pp. 28-29. Winiwarter, Verena, Schmid, Martin, Hohensinner, Severin, and Haidvogl, Gertrud (2013): The Environmental History of the Danube River Basin as an Issue of Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 103-122. Winiwarter, Verena (2013): The View from Below: On Energy in Soils (and Food). In: Unger, Richard W. (Ed.): Energy Transitions in History: Global Cases of Continuity and Change. Munich: Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, RCC Perspectives, Bd. 2013-2, pp. 43-48.
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Mag. Gabriela Miechtner
Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz (AAU)
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 29 – October 2013
- Verena Winiwarter is nominated for the Presse-Award "Austrian of the Year"
- ENVIEDAN in "Humanities in the Societal Challenges"
- Special Issue on "Land System Science: between global challenges and local realities"
- Danube:Future
- Winter Semester 2013/14: Course information online
- Guest Professor and Guest Lecturer: Dr. Henrike Rau and Bo Poulsen
- How to navigate Spaceship Earth's food security and land-based mitigation
+ Sustainability events
- ISEE International Biennial Conference 2014: "Equity Within Planetary Boundaries"
- ZUG-Minisymposium
+ Public outreach / Media resonance (mostly German) + Staff news + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News Verena Winiwarter is nominated for the Presse-Award "Österreicher des Jahres "
The Environmental Historian and Dean of the Faculty for "Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung", and Member of the Institute of Social Ecology Vienna, and of the Center for Environmental History is nominated in the category "Science". The Newspaper "Die Presse" invites all interested persons to vote till October 11.
For more information:
Vote for her: ENVIEDAN in "Humanities in the Societal Challenges - 12 Compelling Cases for Policymakers"
The FWF Project "ENVIEDAN Environmental history of the Viennese Danube 1500 - 1890: Understanding long-term dynamics, patterns and side-effects of the colonization of rivers" was selected as one of 12 projects in Europe which make compelling cases for policymakers about the relevance of humanities' scholarship. This is the first brochure produced by the Science Europe Scientific Committee for the Humanities. Its objective is to increase awareness of how the humanities are actually contributing to the Societal Challenges. The Humanities have important resources to offer and it is essential that in the formulation of the Horizon 2020 programme texts there is scope to include these valuable lines of research. The projects highlighted in the brochure not only have made a concrete, societal impact but also break through the usual stereotypes of the humanities and therefore widened the view on our field. The brochure was presented at the EU Presidency conference `Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities in Vilnius, Lithuania.
See: Special Issue on "Land System Science: between global challenges and local realities
Synthesis product of the Global Land Project ( published. In the journal 'Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (COSUST)', a special issue on "Land System Science: between global challenges and local realities" was just released. It contains 14 internationally authored review articles and an editorial overview by the guest editors on the current research frontiers of land system science. Several members of the Institute of Social Ecology contributed to this special issue, including Karl-Heinz Erb who also served as guest-editor (together with Peter H. Verburg, Ole Mertz and Giovana Espindola).
See Danube:Future
Among the macroregional strategies of the EU, the Danube Strategy (EUSDR) is of particular relevance to Austria. Its 4 pillars are subdivided into 7 priority areas. The Danube:Future umbrella program has recently been endorsed by the Steering Committee of Priority Area 7 of EUSDR, "Knowledge Society" as a flagship project of PA7. This is an important step for the 13 Mio Euro initiative in the making. The project is lead by Verena Winiwarter on behalf of the Danube Rector's Conference and the Alps-Adriatic Rector's conference. Vienna's University of Life Sciences (BOKU), University degli Studi Trieste (IT) and the University of Novi Sad are the partners of AAU in this endeavor. The project seeks to contribute with research and capacity building to the sustainable development of the Danube Region, with particular emphasis on the Humanities. The role of natural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube Region is the focus of the next DIANET International School, to be held in Gorizia from March 21-31, 2014.
More information at Fall term 2013/14: Course information online
Detailed information can be found on our website:
For further information please contact: [at] Guest Professor and Guest Lecturer: Dr. Henrike Rau and Bo Poulsen
Henrike Rau (Universität Galway, Irland) is a lecturer in Political Science and Sociology, specialising in environmental sociology and sustainability research. She is a member of the SAI committee (2009-present) and ISA-RC24 (Environment and Society). She is also co-chair of the Governance and Sustainable Development research cluster at NUIG and leader of the Socio-Economics and Policy cross-cutting theme in the Ryan Institute. Henrike Rau's research focuses on socio-cultural and political aspects of (un)sustainable consumption, especially with regard to transport patterns. Her other areas of expertise include environmental sociology, social-scientific and interdisciplinary sustainability research and cross-cultural studies. She is particularly interested in the implications of human time use for sustainability, which enables her to link her previous research on time cultures and temporal practices in Germany and Ireland to her current interests in sustainability. In winter term 2013 Henrike Rau will give a seminar on "Sustainable Consumption: Concepts and Cases". Bo Poulsen from the Aalborg University, Denmark will give a seminar "The History of Oceans and Fishes - Interdisciplinary Perspectives" (11.-13. November 2013) How to navigate Spaceship Earth's food security and land-based mitigation
Sonja Vermeulen, Head of Research for CCAFS (Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security) appreciates the journal article "How much land-based greenhouse gas mitigation can be achieved without compromising food security and environmental goals?" co-authored by Pete Smith and a global team of scientists, including Helmut Haberl, Karl-Heinz Erb and Christian Lauk of the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna in "AgClim Letters, a regular analysis on science and policy". See the September 2013 edition of AgClim Letters: "BEST LECTURES LIBRARY"
eseia is currently working on a project called "BEST LECTURES LIBRARY": This project aim to gather the best lectures held during the STYRIAN ACADEMY, in order to make them available online. This collection will include a conceptual framework for how to run sustainable energy courses integrating the three sides of the knowledge triangle. The lecture of Marina Fischer-Kowalski was been selected for the purpose of dealing with "Energy and Society: The Great Transformation". The best lectures library will display the Power point PDF the lectures, and it will be release on the eseia website by the end of September 2013 for all eseia members. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sustainability events ISEE International Biennial Conference 2014: "Equity Within Planetary Boundaries"
Save the date: The ISEE Conference will take place from 13 - 15 August 2014 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The 2014 ISEE conference aims to provide a setting where Ecological Economics ambitions are tried out, examining if the community is up to making a difference in securing Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries. To achieve this aim the conference will provide a platform for mobilizing the world's intellectual capacity and creativity, concentrating on three overarching themes that all relate closely to the focal concept of the conference. The themes are: i) Planetary boundaries and resource constraints, ii) Equity and economic development dynamics, and iii) A great transition ahead? For each theme numerous sub-themes have been identified. Marina Fischer-Kowalski as president of ISEE, in cooperation with the local organizer Binna Davidsdottir, will be responsible for organizing this conference. For more information, visit the conference website: ZUG-Minisymposium
Ao. Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Cerman (Universität Wien), Univ.Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl (Universität Wien) and Priv.Doz. Dr. Thomas Frank (Universität Pavia) will give a talk on "Spätmittelalterliche Ländliche Bodenmärkte in Österreich und Norditalien im Vergleich".
IFF, 1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, October 17th 2013, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Details:,6645,Kopie+57.+Minisymposium+am+17.10.2013.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (mostly German) Forscher rekonstruierten Verlauf der Donau seit Beginn der Neuzeit
Der Standard, 21. September 2013 Klagenfurter Uni klärt Klimarätsel, 26. September 2013, Seite 11 Rätsel um 2,5 Milliarden Tonnen "abgängigen" Kohlenstoff gelöst
Der Standard, NetBusiness/Wissenschaft, 26. September 2013, Seite 20 Wohin der Kohlenstoff verschwindet, 25. September 2013 Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung
Profil, Wissen, 18. September 2013, Seite 70-75 Leben an der wilden blauen Donau
Wiener Zeitung, Wissen/Geschichte, 18. September 2013 Mehr Zeit heißt mehr Lebensqualität
Der Standard, 3. September 2013 Effizienz beeinflusst Ökologie
Kleine Zeitung/Wissen, Samstag, 31. August 2013, Seite 20-21 Human appropriation of biomass energy doubled in the 20th century, June 26, 2013 Probleme im Stoffwechsel der Gesellschaft
Der Standard, 25. Juni 2013 Martin Kugler
Wie die Donau gebändigt wurde
Die Presse, 13. Juni 2013 Böden werden immer effizienter genutzt, 4. Juni 2013 The Intensity of Land Use Doubled in the 20th Century
Science News, June 4, 2013 Weltweite Landnutzung wird immer intensiver
Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Welt, Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013, Seite D6 Landnutzungsintensität in 100 Jahren verdoppelt
Der Standard, NetBusiness/Wissenschaft, Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013, Seite 22 Die wichtigsten Stationen aus zehn Jahren Forschung
Der Standard, 28. Mai 2013 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News Marina Fischer-Kowalski received the 2013 ESAIA Best Lecture Award for her presentation "Energy and Society - The Great Transformation." We welcome Mag. Gudrun Pollack, who works on the FWF project "Vienna´s Urban Waterscape 1683-1918. An Environmental History", starting on October 1st. Gudrun Pollack, Master degree in Human and Social Ecology at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (2012), Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Resource Management (2007) from Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU), Cottbus (Germany). Her bachelor thesis was awarded the Best Bachelor Thesis of BTU Cottbus in 2007. Parts of this thesis on challenges to sustainable fisheries management in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve were published in the peer reviewed Journal of Marine Policy. In her Master thesis, she investigated the environmental history of the Wien River (a tributary of the Danube) from the late 18th to the beginning of the 20th century. Mag. Dino Güldner is working since 1.10.2013 as a doctoral student on the project "Sustainable Farm Systems: Long-Term Socio-Ecological Metabolism in Western Agriculture". He studied History at the University of Vienna. Anna Liza Bais holds a BSc in Forestry from the University of the Philippines (2003) and MSc in European Foresty and Forest and Nature Conservation from the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland and Wageningen University, the Netherlands, respectively (2012; a double degree Erasmus Mundus Programme). She is involved in the CASTLE project, working on one of the CASTLE's individual research projects entitled "Using material flow indicators for sustainability impact assessment of bioenergy systems". Her PhD research will explore and look at (un) sustainability issues on global biomass flows in the past decades in particular to bioenergy provision and consumption. This research aimed at developing methods on integrated accounts of society-nature interactions. Nelson Grima is part of the project team working on the EU project "ROBIN - Role of Biodiversity in Climate Change Mitigation". He graduated in Spain as MSc in Forest Engineering and at the BOKU Vienna as MSc in European Forestry. In ROBIN he will work on social-multi-criteria-evaluation (SMCE) and write his dissertation. Incoming and Outgoing Students, Erasmus exchange The following students spend/spending their exchange semester at the SEC: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spanien: Alejandro Garcia Lopez de Lamadrid, Albert Anducas Riba and Clara Duran Mestre TATA Institute for Social Sciences, Mumbai, India: Akanksha Singh and Rinku The following students spend/spending their semester abroad: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Frankreich: Sylvia Gierlinger Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spanien: Marlene Bacher, Jana Wettstein and Johanna Fellner Universidad de Cordoba, Spanien: Susanne Lehner National University of Ireland, Galway: Lukas Sattlegger and Hanspeter Wieland Universidad Centroamericana, Nicaragua: Kathrin Wabnigg TATA Institute for Social Sciences, Mumbai, India: Dominik Noll and Sebastian Berger (student from the Psychology Department, Klagenfurt) Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis, Senegal: Jan Felizeter Petra Machold received for her research semester in Ecuador the "Marietta Blau Stipendium". She researched in several archives on the evolution of the cultivated landscape of the Chota - Mira Valley after the expulsion of the Society of Jesus in 1767. Research Stay and Field Studies Severin Ettl worked on the subject "Biofuel as social fuel" at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Berlin. Monika Sperrer works at the Katastrophenstelle at the Freie Universität Berlin. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Dullinger, Stefan, Essl, Franz, Rabitsch, Wolfgang, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gingrich, Simone, Haberl, Helmut, Hülber, Karl, Vojtech, Jarosik, Krausmann, Fridolin, Kühn, Ingolf, Pysek, Petr, and Hulme, Philip E. (2013): Europe's other debt crisis: The long legacy of human impact in the current extinction risk of European taxa. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, pp. 7342-7347. online first: doi:10.1073/pnas.1216303110 Erb, Karl-Heinz, Kastner, Thomas, Luyssaert, Sebastiaan, Houghton, R. A., Kuemmerle, Tobias, Olofsson, Pontus, and Haberl, Helmut (2013): Bias in the attribution of forest carbon sinks. In: Nature Climate Change 3, pp. 854-856. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, Rudbeck Jepsen, Martin, Kuemmerle, Tobias, Lindner, Marcus, Müller, Daniel, Verburg, Peter H., Reenberg, Anette (2013). A conceptual framework for analysing and measuring land-use intensity. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(5), 464-470, doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2012.11.001. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Wiedenhofer, Dominik, Haas, Willi, Pallua, Irene, and Hausknost, Daniel (2013): Developing Resource use Scenarios for Europe. Work Package 204, MS 35 "Developing resource use scenarios for Europe". Vienna: WWWforEurope - WelfareWealthWork.
Gaube, Veronika, Haberl, Helmut, and Erb, Karl-Heinz (2013): Biophysical indicators of society-nature interaction: Material and energy flow analysis, human appropriation of NPP and the ecological footprint. In: Fahy, Frances and Rau, Henrike (Eds.): Methods for Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences. London: Sage, pp. 114-132. Gierlinger, Sylvia, Haidvogl, Gertrud, Gingrich, Simone, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): Feeding and Cleaning the city: The role of the urban waterscape in provision and disposal in Vienna during the industrial transformation. In: Water History 5(2), pp. 219-239. Groß, Robert (2013): Damüls im Strom der Modernisierung. In: Kasper, M. and Rudigier, A. (Eds.): Damüls. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Gegenwart. Damüls, pp. 247-286. Groß, Robert (2013): Wie das ERP (European Recovery Program) die Entwicklung des alpinen, ländlichen Raumes in Vorarlberg prägte. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 141). Groß, Robert (2013): Zwischen Kruckenkreuz und Hakenkreuz. Tourismuslandschaften während der 1000-Reichsmark-Sperre. In: Montfort.Zeitschrift für Geschichte Vorarlbergs 65(2), pp. 53-72. Haberl, Helmut (2013): Net land-atmosphere flows of biogenic carbon related to bioenergy: towards an understanding of systemic feedbacks. In: Global Change Biology - Bioenergy 5, pp. 351-357. Haberl, Helmut, Schulze, Ernst-Detlef, Körner, Christian, Law, Beverly E., Holtsmark, Bjart, and Luyssaert, Sebastiaan (2013): Response: Complexities of sustainable forest use. In: Global Change Biology - Bioenergy 5, pp. 1-2. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Running, Steve, Searchinger, Timothy D., Smith, W. Kolby (2013): Bioenergy: how much can we expect for 2050? In: Environmental Research Letters, 8, 031004. Krausmann, Fridolin, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gingrich, Simone, Haberl, Helmut, Bondeau, Alberte, Gaube, Veronika, Lauk, Christian, Plutzar, Christoph, and Searchinger, Timothy (2013): Global human appropriation of net primary production doubled in the 20th century. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, pp. 10324-10329. Kuemmerle, Tobias, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Meyfroidt, Patrick, Müller, Daniel, Verburg, Peter H., Estel, Stephan, Haberl, Helmut, Hostert, Patrick, Kastner, Thomas, Levers, Christian, Lindner, Marcus, Rudbeck, Jepsen, Martin, Plutzar, Christoph, Verkerk, Pieter J., van der Zanden, Emma H., Reenberg, Anette (2013): Challenges and opportunities in mapping land use intensity globally. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(5), 484-493, doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2013.06.002. Petridis, Panos, Hickisch, Raffael, Klimek, Milena, Fischer, Rebekka, Fuchs, Nina, Kostakiotis, Giorgos, Wendland, Maike, Zipperer, Michael, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2013): Exploring local opportunities and barriers for a sustainability transition on a Greek island. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 142). Schaffartzik, Anke, Eisenmenger, Nina, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Weisz, Helga (2013): Consumption-based Material Flow Accounting - Austrian Trade and Consumption in Raw Material Equivalents, 1995-2007. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology,online first doi: 10.1111/jiec.12055 Schaffartzik, Anke, Eisenmenger, Nina, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Weisz, Helga (2013): Raw Material Equivalents (RME) of Austria's Trade. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 125). Schmid, Martin and Winiwarter, Verena (2013): Looking at half a millennium of co-existence: The Danube in Vienna as a challenge for an interdisciplinary environmental history. In: Water History. (Thematic Issue 2013) Schmid, Martin, Winiwarter, Verena, Hohensinner, Severin, and Sonnlechner, Christoph (2013): Two steps back, one step forward: Reconstructing the dynamic Danube riverscape under human influence in Vienna. In: Water History. (Thematic Issue 2013) Smith, Pete, Bustamante, Mercedes, Ahammad, Helal, Berndes, Göran, Böttcher, Hannes, Clark, Harry, Dong, Hongmin, Elsiddig, Elnour A., Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, Harper, Richard, Herrero, Mario, House, Joanna I., Jafari, Mostafa, Lauk, Christian, Masera, Omar, Mbow, Cheikh, de Siqueira Pinto, Alexandre, Popp, Alexander, Ravindranath, Nijavalli H., Rice, Charles W., Robledo Abad, Carmenza, Romanovskaya, Anna, Rose, Steven, Sperling, Frank, Sohi, Saran, Tubiello, Francesco, and Zougmore, Robert (2013): How much land based greenhouse gas mitigation can be achieved without compromising food security and environmental goals? In: Global Change Biology 19(8), pp. 2285-2302. online first doi:10.1111/gcb.12160 Theurl, Michaela C., Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Lindenthal, Thomas (2013): Contrasted greenhouse gas emissions from local versus long-range tomato production. In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, doi: 10.1007/s13593-013-0171-8 [online]. Verburg, Peter, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Mertz, Ole, and Espindola, G. (eds.) (2013): Land System Science: between global challenges and local realities. Editorial overview. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5(Special Issue), pp. 433-437. Verburg, Peter H., Mertz, Ole, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, Wu, Wenbin (2013): Land change and food security: towards multi-scale land system solutions. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(5), 494-502, doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2013.07.003. Weisz, Ulli, Possanner, Nikolaus (2013): Arbeitszeit und Energieverbrauch. Grundsatzfragen diskutiert an der historischen Entwicklung in Österreich. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 144). Wiedenhofer, Dominik, Rovenskaya, Elena, Haas, Willi, Krausmann, Fridolin, Pallua, Irene, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2013): Is there a 1970s Syndrome? Analyzing Structural Breaks in the Metabolism of Industrial Economies. In: Energy Procedia 40, pp. 182-191. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff "Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Gabriela Miechtner
Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
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IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 28 – March 2013
- New Book LTSER
- Summer Term 2013
- Global SCP Clearinghouse
- Job announcements
- Guest Professors
+ Upcoming Events
- ZUG-Minisymposium: "A Daughter of the Rhine"
- ZUG-Minisymposium: "Learning to Live with the Danube"
- Austrian Climate Research Day
- WWWforEurope conference on Modelling "Growth and Socio-ecological Transition"
- ESEH Conference 2013 "Circulating Natures: Water - Food - Energy"
+ New Research projects
- IRP Trade (UNEP 2012): Trade, development and pressures upon the environment
- Workshop "Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (1658-1730) and the Contemporary Fascination for
the Telluric Reign: Transdisciplinary Perspectives from History to Science" + Public outreach / Media resonance (German only) + Staff news
- International Guests
- Incoming and Outgoing Students
- Research Stay and Field Studies
+ New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News New Book: Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER):
How to Study Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales.
Edited by Simron Jit Singh, Helmut Haberl, Marian R. Chertow, Michael Mirtl, Martin Schmid, Springer, 2013.
Over the last half century, exceptional changes in the environment have placed renewed importance on the study of society-nature interactions. Around the globe, ever increasing human demands on ecosystems not only harm the environment, but also induce great potential for social conflict. In this sense sustainability problems are not only "ecological" but "socio-ecological" since the ways societies interact with the environment affects both ecosystems and social systems.
The emerging interdisciplinary field of Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) is primarily concerned with questions of global environmental change and sustainability. It aims to conceptualise, observe, analyse, and model changes in coupled socio-ecological systems over generations. Tracking these changes over extended periods is accomplished in research traditions that include social and human ecology, industrial ecology, environmental history, human geography and anthropology. LTSER aims to provide a knowledge base that helps reorient socioeconomic trajectories towards more sustainable pathways.
The authors of the just published volume make a case for LTSER's potential in providing insights, knowledge and experience necessary for a sustainability transition. Contributions from Europe and North America review the development of LTSER since its inception and assess its current state. Through many case studies, this book gives the reader a greater sense of where we are and what needs to be done to engage in and make meaning from long-term, place-based and cross-disciplinary engagements with socio-ecological systems.
For more information: Wolfgang Cramer recommends our new book in his article: " Regional Environmental Change refocuses on sustainability and the human-environment relationship", with the words "new quality of rigorous investigations into the human-environment relationship at the regional level". See: Summer Term 2013: Course information online
Detailed information can be found on our website:
For further information please contact: [at] Global SCP Clearinghouse
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), as the Secretariat of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production, is starting a one-stop hub dedicated to advancing Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) worldwide. The Global SCP Clearinghouse is a harmonized and dynamic information and knowledge platform that will facilitate and trigger more innovation and cooperation towards SCP implementation. Today, in a context of increasing environmental degradation and climate change, it is clear that a systemic change is needed to move towards resource efficient and sustainable lifestyles. This requires the participation and action of all: governments to the business sector, civil society and citizens. During the pre-launching phase (till May) you can: Sign up and become a member to be among the first ones connected to the Global SCP Clearinghouse; Register as an expert or resource person; Share information about your SCP initiatives - policies, partnerships, projects, etc. to feed the worldwide SCP initiatives database.
Take a virtual tour on Job announcements
We are providing a new service for our current and former students, and persons with similar educational backround, by posting job announcements from our project partners and several scientific communities we are involved in, on our website. If you are interested, please feel invited to visit us under following link: Guest Professors Mikko Jalas PhD (Aalto School of Helsinki) currently works as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of management and international business at Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki, Finland. His research concentrates on sustainable consumption, everyday rhythms, practice-theory and social aspects of time, temporality and business. Currently he is also conducting research on the implementation of technologies for distributed energy production and on the institutional development of business in new energy solutions in response to climate change. In summer term 2013 Mikko Jalas will give a seminar on "Sustainable Consumption, everyday rhythms and eco-social time policy". PD Dr. Martin Knoll (Habilitation at TU Darmstadt) is associate professor at the TU Darmstadt and visiting senior fellow at the Institute of Social Ecology, especially in co-operation with ZUG (Center of Environmental History). In summer 2013 Martin Knoll will give an excursion on "Environment in the view of arts". Martina Schulte-Derne, Dr. Michael Schulte-Derne are professional coaches at Conecta, their key activities are: advisory skills for managers, conflict management, supervision and coaching, mediation. In summer term 2013 they will give a seminar on "Advisory Skills as Complementary Qualification for Sustainability Researcher". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events 54. ZUG- Minisymposium: Ellen Arnold
Ellen Arnold, Assistant Professor of History, Ohio Wesleyan University will give a talk on "A Daughter of the Rhine": Rivers and Identity in Gallo-Roman Poetry"
Abstract: "This presentation will attempt to assess the "environmental imagination" of the early middle ages in Gaul by examining the poems, letters, and religious writings of three men. Ausonius, Sidonius Apollinaris, and Venantius Fortunatus. They were all active writers and also political and religious figures during the 300s-500s, and all members of what we now call the "Gallo-Roman elite." All three of these men lived for much or most of their adult lives in Gaul, and all found themselves at least partially pulled between the culture of distant Rome and the immediacy, vibrancy, and beauty of Gaul - the "New Frontier" of Late Antiquity. Finally, all three wrote poems, letters, and other works that explicitly describe, discuss, and praise the natural and built environments of Gaul, and especially its rivers.
I will discuss the ways in which the poets described and used rivers in their writings, and how rivers helped them to present and negotiate complex issues of ethnic, cultural, and political identity. The rivers of Gaul, on the one hand fixed and permanent, on the other always shifting and changing their courses, came to stand in for the problems of defining, marking, and bounding the many ethnicities of the Roman and post-Roman world."
IFF, 1070 Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Thursday, 21st March 2013, 18.00 c.t. - 20.00
Details:,5595,54.+Minisymposium+am+21.3.2013.html 55. ZUG-Minisymposium: Robert W. B. Gray
Dr. Robert W. B. Gray, Keele University will give a talk on "Learning to Live with the Danube:
Local Institutions and Community Knowledge in the Gemenc and Sárköz regions of Hungary in the Nineteenth Century"
Abstract: "The control of riparian resources along the Danube formed an essential part of Hungarian rural life since the thirteenth century. In a land dominated by water, the reed-beds, water-meadows, alluvial forests and side channels that characterized the extensive flood plains provided both a vital supplement to the peasants' regular holdings and a significant source of income for their lords. Access to these common resources were regulated by village and estates institutions and governed by a complex mix of practice, custom and statute law. Following the revolution of 1848 and the end of Hungary's old rural order, traditional means of regulation that emphasised communal rights were supplanted by statute laws and state institutions. Furthermore, as river regulation gathered speed from the late eighteenth century, first under the auspices of the 'enlightened absolutist' rulers in Vienna and subsequently the reformist government in Pest-Buda, local concerns were threatened by the wider interests of state and nation. This paper will investigate how communities within the Gemenc and Sárköz region of Hungary adapted their everyday practices, institutions and customs to account for the shifting riparian environment of the Danube. In this, it will reveal how customary practices and institutions - the repositories of community knowledge - adapted to and were accommodated within the competing interests of lords, state officials and experts during the breakdown of Hungary's old rural order in the nineteenth century."
IFF, 1070 Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 29, Monday, 22nd April 2013, 18.00 c.t. - 20.00 14th Austrian Climate Research Day
Austrian climate research, including climate impact, adaptation and mitigation research, will be discussed at the 14th Austrian Climate Research Day that will take place on 4th and 5th April 2013 at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna.
See: WWWforEurope conference on Modelling "Growth and Socio-ecological Transition"
The aim of the WWWforEurope modelling conference in Vienna, March 12-13, is to promote the exchange of ideas among researchers active in the broad field of applied modelling, taking into account smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The availability of models incorporating the social and the environmental dimension is an important prerequisite to objectively and realistically evaluate the potential consequences of a socio-ecological transition.
For more information: ESEH Conference 2013 "Circulating Natures: Water - Food - Energy"
The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) will hold its biannual conference this year in Munich, August, 20-24. Our Center for Environmental History (ZUG) is strongly represented in the program. The program committee accepted all the c. 10 panels (co-)organised by ZUG-members, covering a wide range of such diverse topics as the environmental histories of rivers, of tourism, of war, on the circulation of food, feed and fertilizers in the past, on historical fish ecology, and on sustainable farm systems. In a special session for early career researchers alumni of our master program (G. Pollack, M. Neundlinger and S. Gierlinger) will present their research.
More information: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Research projects IRP Trade (UNEP 2012): Trade, development and pressures upon the environment
We wish to understand the impact of world trade on the size and distribution of environmental pressures, and therefore focus on the physical dimensions of trade. From a global perspective, it would be desirable that all resources were extracted and commodities were produced where they exert the least environmental pressure. If international trade were structured in a way that supports this optimally, it would support the decoupling of resource use and environmental impacts from economic activity on a global level (UNEP, 2011). If international trade, by contrast, were structured mainly by relations of economic and political power, it would concentrate also the environmental benefits with the high income nations, and externalize the environmental pressures to low income peripheries. World trade would then be creating structures far from a global optimum of minimal environmental pressure. This is the key distributional question we will pursue throughout this assessment for the International Resource Panel of UNEP, and we will look at the international structures of direct trade in material terms as well as at the upstream requirements of trade flows in material resources, energy and CO2 emissions, human appropriation of net primary production, and land. Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] Workshop "Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (1658-1730) and the Contemporary Fascination for the Telluric Reign: Transdisciplinary Perspectives from History to Science"
This project aimed at bridging the gap between sciences and humanities, creating a unique interdisciplinary platform where the manifold early modern manifestations of interest in the telluric world were discussed in their biophysical and socio-cultural historical contexts. Luigi Ferdinando Marsili offered an excellent example for such an endeavour. A workshop funded by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung and held in Vienna in April 2012 explored the environmental, scientific, economic, and imaginary dimensions of historical thinking about the soil and the subterranean. This project was led by Martin Schmid together with Rengenier Rittersma, a historian of science and food from the Netherlands. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (selection, German only) Zu viel und zu wenig Dünger
Die Presse, Sonntag, 3. März, Seite 22-23 Grenzen der Leistungsfähigkeit der Ökosysteme
In einem aktuellen "Letter to SCIENCE" in der gleichnamigen Fachzeitschrift diskutiert Karl-Heinz Erb vom Institut für Soziale Ökologie mit Co-AutorInnen, wie wir mit der Messung von Biomasseproduktion und -verbrauch die Grenzen der "Produktivkraft der Ökosysteme" besser verstehen können.
For more information: Wachsende Wälder teuer erkauft
Apa, Kultur & Gesellschaft/, 22. Februar 2013 Wien und die Donau: Eine Scheinehe
Die Presse, Sonntag, 3.2.2013 Astrid Kuffner
Kunstschnee, Alm und Landwirtschaft
Der Standard, Forschung Spezial, Mittwoch, 30. Jänner 2013, Seite 13 Wie Österreich von Biomasse leben könnte, 07. November 2012 Was soll wachsen?
Ö1 - Radiokolleg - 3. Jänner 2013, 09:05 Fleischkonsum
BR - IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung - Magazin - 09.01.2013
Brauchen wir eine Steuer auf Fleisch? - Über die ökologischen Folgen des übermäßigen Konsums +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News Christian Lauk (SEC) finished his PhD in Social Ecology with his thesis on "Global Aspects of the Socioeconomic Metabolism", on February 04, 2013. Congratulations! We welcome Michaela Theurl at SEC. Michaela studied ecology at the University of Vienna and holds a degree in human ecology/plant physiology. In her diploma thesis at the Institute of Social Ecology, she specialized in Carbon Footprinting. Since 2010, she has been working on food production systems and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the different projects at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). International Guests Enric Tello is spending his sabbatical from January to June 2013 at SEC.
He is Full Professor and former Head of the Department of Economic History and Institutions ( in the Economics and Business Faculty at the University of Barcelona .
Besides collaborating with Fridolin Krausmann and all the members of the IFF group working in environmental history, and involved in the international research project "Sustainable farm systems: long-term socio-ecological metabolism in western agriculture", the main project of my stay as a visiting professor at the IFF is to start writing a book on Socio-ecological transitions in Spanish agriculture (1850-2010): Resource use, Landscape Change and Biodiversity (provisional title) co-edited with Manuel González de Molina (Pablo de Olavide University in Seville) and co-authored with all the members of our coordinated research groups working in social metabolism of agricultural systems from a historical standpoint in Spain. Incoming and Outgoing Students, Erasmus exchange Marcela Stuker-Kropf is a PhD Student from Brazil (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (Seropedica city, Brazil) , staying at SEC from January to April 2013.
Marcela is focusing on transboundary protected areas with an interdisciplinary approach: environmental history, policy and management. At SEC, Marcela is having the opportunity to talk to experts on this subject and to visit the Austrian transboundary national parks. This internship should lead to compare the management benefits and challenges of these transboundary national parks in Europe with the ones in Brazil. Jitka Strakova from the Department of Ecosystem Biology, Faculty of Science , University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovic, visited SEC the second time from January to Februar 2013 to work on her PhD thesis with the title: "Drivers of agricultural abandonment in the Czech marginalized regions: A case study from the Šumava Mountains." Heidi Astikainen from the University of Helsinki will spend her summer semester at the SEC. Monika Sperrer and Severin Ettl will spend their summer semester at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in Germany. Maria Niedertscheider (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Deutschland) will work on her PhD-project which is about analysing the Trajectories of Land use Intensity and Yield Gaps from a Multi-Level Perspective. Robert Groß (Aalborg University, Denmark) will work on his PhD-project which is about the environmental history of winter tourism in Voralberg/Austria from 1920 - 2010. Research Stay and Field Studies The research project of Dominik Wiedenhofer at the Nagoya University in Japan aims to make use of an existing database of global resource use in order to develop a model for the long term evolution of global material stocks on the level of six world regions, from 1900 - 2010. This provides the basis for estimating future resource demand, impact of changes to service lifetimes, material efficiency and recycling potentials. During her field study in Turkana (Kenia) Rebekka Fischer will focus on generating a time-use study of a family which lives in Turkana.
Lara Esther Bartels conducted her research on "The grazing system of pastoralists in northern Tanzania - A HANPP based Case Study" at the Tanzania Natural Rsource Forum (TNRF). TNRF is an organization with the goal to promote the improvement of natural resource governance in Tanzania by linking policies and practices. Nikolaus Ludwiczek has received an invitation from the Instituto Giramundo Mutuando in Brazil where he will work on his PhD-project. The Instituto Giramundo Mutuando is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable local development in the agriculture. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Andraschek-Holzer, Ralph, Schmid, Martin (2012): Umweltgeschichte und Topographische Ansichten: Zur Transformation eines österreichischen Donau-Abschnitts in der Neuzeit. In: Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung Jg. 120 (1), Wien, pp. 80-115. Cunfer, Geoff and Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): Sustaining Agricultural Systems in the Old and New Worlds: A Long-Term Socio-Ecological Comparison. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. New York: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 269-296. Dirnböck, Thomas, Bezák, Peter, Dullinger, Stefan, Haberl, Helmut, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Mirtl, Michael, Peterseil, Johannes, Redpath, Steve, Singh, Simron J., Travis, Justin, and Wijdeven, Sander. (2013): Critical scales for long-term socio-ecological biodiversity research. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 123-138. Egner, Heike and Schmid, Martin (2012): Wissensproduktion jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft - eine Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und für Gesellschaft. In: Egner, Heike, Schmid, Martin (Eds.), Jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft? Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft, München: oekom, Seite 7-26. Egner, Heike and Schmid, Martin (Eds.) (2012): Jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft? Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft, München: oekom. Fetzel, Tamara, Niedertscheider, Maria, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, Gingrich, Simone, Haberl, Helmut, Krausmann, Fridolin, Lauk, Christian, and Plutzar, Christoph (2012): Human appropriation of net primary production in Africa: Patterns, trajectories, processes and policy implications. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 137). Fischer, Roland, Schendl, Georg, Schmid, Martin, Veichtlbauer, Ortrun, Winiwarter, Verena (2012): Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft und der Rolle von Wissenschaft. In: Egner, Heike, Schmid, Martin (Eds.), Jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft? Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft, München: oekom, pp. 49-70. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2012): Über die Bedingungen der Macht von Wissenschaft als kollektiver gesellschaftlicher Akteurin. Ein Versuch im Rückgriff auf die Klassentheorie Alvin Gouldners. In: Egner, Heike and Schmid, Martin (Eds.): Jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft? Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft. München: OEKOM, pp. 159-174. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Smetschka, Barbara (2013): Modelling Transport as a Key Constraint to Urbanisation in Pre-industrial Societies . In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society Nature Interactions across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 77-101. Gaube, Veronika and Haberl, Helmut (2013): Using integrated models to analyze socio-ecological system dynamics in LTSER regions. Farm households, agrarian subsidies, time use, land-use change and substance flows. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 53-75. Gaube, Veronika and Remesch, Alexander (2013): Impact of urban planning on household's residential decisions and energy use: An agent-based simulation model for Vienna. In: Environmental Modelling & Software, online first: Gingrich, Simone, Schmid, Martin, Gradwohl, Markus, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): How material and energy flows change human practices and environments: The transformation of agriculture in the Eisenwurzen region, 1860-2000. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 297-313. Haas, Willi, Singh, Simron J., Erschbamer, Brigitta, Reiter, Karl, and Walz, Ariane (2013): Integrated Monitoring and Sustainability Assessment in the Tyrolean Alps: Experiences in Transdisciplinarity. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 527-554. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, Gingrich, Simone, and Singh, Simron J. (2013): Socioeconomic Metabolism and the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production: What Promise Do They Hold for LTSER? In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 29-52. Haselsteiner, Edeltraud, Gaube, Veronika, Remesch, Alexander, Smetschka, Barbara, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2012): Urban Time and Energy (UTE): Time-space-energy Scenarios in Urban Areas. Re-mixing the city. Towards Sustainability and Resilience? Proceedings REAL CORP 2012. Krausmann, Fridolin (2013): A city and its Hinterland: Vienna's Energy Metabolism 1800-2006. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. New York: Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 247-268. Krausmann, Fridolin and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2013): Global socio-metabolic transitions. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 339-365. Peterseil, Johannes, Neuner, Angelika, Stocker-Kiss, Andrea, Gaube, Veronika, and Mirtl, Michael (2013): The Eisenwurzen LTSER Platform (Austria) - Implementation and Services. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 461-484. Schmid, Martin (2013): Book Review: Stéphane Castonguay and Matthew Evenden (eds.): Urban Rivers: Remaking Rivers, Cities, and Space in Europe and North America. In: Water History (January 2013), pp. 1-3. Schmid, Martin and Egner, Heike (2012): Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft: Ein Resümee voller Gemeinsamkeiten, Widerprüche und Perspektiven. In: Egner, Heike, Schmid, Martin (Hg.), Jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft? Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft, München: oekom, Seite 229-240. Schmid, Martin and Rittersma, Rengenier (2012): Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (1658-1730) and the Contemporary Fascination for the Telluric Reign: Transdisciplinary Perspectives from History to Science (TELLUREXPLOR), Workshop Vienna, 19-21 April 2012, Schlußbericht an die Fritz Thyssen Stiftung. Wien und Rotterdam. Schriefl, E., Lauk, Christian, Kalt, G., and Kranzl, L. (2012): Can Austria "feed" itself in a post-fossil world? Proceedings of the 15th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 2-4 May 2012, Bregenz, Austria Singh, Simron J. and Haas, Willi (2013): Aid, metabolism and social conflicts in the Nicobar Islands. In: Healy, Hali et al. (Eds.): Ecological Economics from the Ground Up. Earthscan | Routledge, pp. 35-54. Singh, Simron J., Haberl, Helmut, Chertow, Marian, Mirtl, Michael, and Schmid, Martin (2013): Conclusion. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 555-562. Singh, Simron J., Haberl, Helmut, Chertow, Marian, Mirtl, Michael, and Schmid, Martin (2013): Introduction. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 1-26. Singh, Simron J., Haberl, Helmut, Chertow, Marian, Mirtl, Michael, and Schmid, Martin (Eds.) (2013): Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in society - nature interactions across spatial and temporal scales (= Human - Environment Interactions, series edited by Emilio Moran, Volume 2) Qiang, W., Liu, A., Cheng, S., Kastner, T., Xie, G., 2013. Agricultural trade and virtual land use: The case of China's crop trade. Land Use Policy 33, 141-150. Winiwarter, Verena, Schmid, Martin, Hohensinner, Severin, and Haidvogl, Gertrud (2013): The Environmental History of the Danube River Basin as an Issue of Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research. In: Singh, Simron J. et al. (Eds.): Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society - Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer, Human - Environment Interactions, Bd. 2, pp. 103-122. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. 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IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 27 – October 2012
CONTENTS + News - Winter Semester 2012/13: Course information online - Guest Professor: Espen Moe - New material flow datasets available - CFA: 2nd Vienna Workshop on Sustainable Development for Doctoral Students - Successful Economy without Continuous Economic Growth? - JIE Special Issue: Greening Growing Giants - New project: Sustainable Farm Systems + Events in Vienna - IFF lecture: Werner Zittel: Peak Oil ... - 50th ZUG Minisymposium - IFF lecture: Ingolfur Blühdorn: Post-Democracy ... - IFF lecture: Erik Swyngedouw : Anthropocenic Promises ... - Marina Fischer-Kowalski: It's the Ecology, Stupid! - WWWforEurope lecture series - Growth in Transition + Public Outreach (German only) + Staff news and guests + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + NEWS: - Winter Semester 2012/13: Course information online
Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: [at] - Guest Professor: Espen Moe
Espen Moe, Ph.D. is a postdoctoral fellow at NTNU Social Research in Trondheim, Norway, and has a Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science at UCLA. He is the author of "Governance, Growth and Global Leadership" (Ashgate, 2007). He has also worked for two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Industrial Ecology Programme at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and one year at Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences Fellow at Kwansei Gakuin University in Kobe-Sanda. His work has mainly focused on major processes of structural economic transformation and on the political economy enabling or hindering such processes, drawing on international political economy, economic history, energy policy, environmental policy and international relations. He publishes regularly, of late both in "Energy" and in "Energy Policy", and is currently actively involved in three book projects on energy, one manuscript on the political economy of energy transitions since the Industrial Revolution, one on the political economy of renewable energy, and one as editor on a project on renewable energy and energy security in Japan, China and Northern Europe.
For more information: - New material flow datasets available:
Please visit the data download area of the webpage of the Institute of Social Ecology to get access to data on long term trends of material and energy use in selected countries and regions. New additions are MEFA data for Japan (1878-2005), the USA (1870-2005), India (1961-2008), the City of Vienna (1800-2009). Also an updated version of the global time series (1900-2009) is now available.
For more information: - Call for Abstracts: 2nd Vienna Workshop on Sustainable Development for Doctoral Students
The 2nd VWSD will be hosted by the Doctoral School of the Institute of Social Ecology (SEC) in Vienna on the 15th and 16th of November 2012, advancing the discourse and further increasing the academic networking among young researchers. The workshop will be organised around individual short presentations, followed by joint discussion rounds. The target audience is doctoral students as well as young academics and researchers at the early stages of their career, who are affiliated to a Vienna-based University or research institute and work on any issue related to sustainable development. Due to the interdepartmental nature of the Alpen-Adria University, researchers in Klagenfurt and Graz are also encouraged to apply and get advantage of this unique opportunity for scientific exchange.
For more information: - Center for Humans and Nature: successful economy without continuous economic growth?
The Center for Humans and Nature opened a discussion on the big question: How can we create a successful economy without continuous economic growth? Marina Fischer-Kowalski started her text with: When you pump a lot of energy into a system, it is going to accelerate. This not only holds true for physical systems, it also holds true for social systems. If a substantial part of this energy is withdrawn (as may be expected to happen in the next decades), the system will slow down. For many, this will be a great relief. But the system may also freeze to a very unpleasant state. is a new website that invites interaction on issues like socioecological transition and degrowth.
Read more at: - JIE Special Issue: Greening Growing Giants
Industrial Ecology reaching out beyond the core industrial countries: A special issue on Greening Growing Giants (eds. S.Hashimoto, M.Fischer-Kowalski, S. Suh und X.Bai) searches for another more sustainable development pathway for countries that now contain the majority of the world population, and will soon dominate the world economy.
For more information: - New project: Sustainable Farm Systems
How did farmers maintain soil fertility as they cultivated the same land over decades and centuries? How did they transfer energy and nutrients across the landscape to fertilize crops? How did farmers structure landscapes (field, pasture, woodland) to sustain communities, ensure long-term productivity, and produce profits? The way Western agriculture faced these challenges changed considerably over three centuries. In the transition from traditional to industrial agriculture, production and profits expanded but ecosystem functions degraded, threatening long-term sustainability. Guidance about options for sustainable agriculture resides in the rich historical record of rural communities on either side of the Atlantic Ocean. The move from traditional to industrial agriculture in the 19th and 20th centuries was a major transformation. Researchers will investigate the drivers of that transition, explore why it began at different times in different places, and consider why the manufacturing sector industrialized decades earlier than the agricultural sector. The project Sustainable farm systems: long term socio-ecological metabolism in western agriculture integrates scholars from across a broad range of disciplines from Canada, the USA, Cuba, Colombia, Spain and Austria. It draws upon multiple case studies of historical farm communities in Europe, North America and Latin America will create a common database of agricultural systems over the past 300 years. The research program employs "socio-ecological metabolism" methods, an approach that views farms as ecosystems and measures flows of energy and soil nutrients through the landscape. This project's overarching goal is to understand the biophysical choices and trade-offs available to farmers and the options that are possible for long-term sustainability. The project is funded by the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Councils (SSHRC Partnership Grant). It started with a kick off workshop in June in Colombia and runs for a period of five years. The Austrian subproject is coordinated by Fridolin Krausmann and involves Verena Winiwarter, Simone Gingrich and Michael Neundlinger.
Contact: fridolin.krausmann [at]
For more information: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + EVENTS: - IFF Lecture: Werner Zittel (in German)
Werner Zittel, Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik Germany, will give a talk on "Peak oil as herald of further resource scarcities- What does this paradigm shift mean?"
IFF Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna, Tuesday, 30. October 2012, 18:00
Details: - 50. ZUG Minisymposium: Environmental History of the Danube 1500-1890 (in German)
The Center for Environmental History celebrates its 50th Minisymposium, where national and international guests present their research, and invites to a small reception. Environmental History of the Danube 1500-1890. With Gertrud Haidvogl, Severin Hohensinner, Martin Schmid, Christoph Sonnlechner and Verena Winiwarter.
IFF Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna, Thursday, 8. November 2012, 18:00
Details: - IFF lecture: Ingolfur Blühdorn (in German)
Ingolfur Blühdorn, University of Bath, UK will give a talk on "POST-DEMOCRACY, POST-POLITICS, AND ECO-DICTATORSHIP: Some clarifications on controversial concepts".
Abstract: What exactly is post-democracy? The discussion of this widely-used concept has in recent years started to develop into a debate on post-politics more broadly. It refers to the widely perceived tendency of an increasing exclusion of crucial societal matters from the sphere of political negotiation and decision and their subjection to a mode of administrative agency that does not allow for political alternatives. With a view to the politics of climate change and the environment, this could be perceived as leading directly into a technocratic-authoritarian eco-dictatorship. The lecture deals critically with the popular notions of post-democracy and post-politics. It analyses current changes in democratic values and opens an unexpected perspective on mobilisations against eco-dictatorial tendencies.
IFF Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna, 15. November 2012, 18.00
Details: - IFF lecture: Erik Swyngedouw
Erik Swyngedouw, University of Manchester, UK will give a talk on "ANTHROPOCENIC PROMISES: The End of Nature, Climate Change and the Process of Post-Politicization" Abstract: In the paper, I explore the paradoxical situation whereby the environment is politically mobilized, yet this political concern with the environment, as presently articulated, is argued to suspend the proper political dimension. I shall explore how the elevation of the environment to a public concern is both a marker of and constituent force in the production of de-politicization. The paper has four parts. In the first part, I problematise the question of Nature and the environment. I argue that there is no such thing as a singular Nature around which an environmental or climate policy and future can be constructed and performed. Rather, there are a multitude of natures and a multitude of existing, possible or practical socio-natural relations - and proper politicization of the environment needs to endorse this heterogeneity fully. In a second part, the emblematic case of climate change policy will be presented as cause célèbre of de-politicization. I argue how climate matters were brought into the domain of politics, but articulated around a particular imag(in)ing of what a 'good' climate or a 'good' environment is, while the political was systematically evacuated from the terrain of the - now Anthropocenic - environment. The third part will relate this argument to the views of political theorists who have proposed that the political constitution of contemporary western democracies is increasingly marked by the consolidation of post-political and post-democratic arrangements. In the fourth section, I discuss the climate change consensus in light of the post-political thesis. I shall conclude that the matter of the environment in general, and climate change in particular, needs to be displaced onto the terrain of the properly political.
IFF Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna, 28. November 2012, 18.00
Details: - Marina Fischer-Kowalski: It's the Ecology, Stupid! (in German)
Marina Fischer-Kowalski will give a lecture with the title "It's the Ecology, Stupid! Warum die Ökonomie die Ökologie nicht überlisten kann und jede Hoffnung auf weiteres materielles Wachstum unserer Industriegesellschaft direkt in die Sackgasse führt." at the Symposium from Grüne Wirtschaft: "Weltwirtschaft XXL, Wie lange wachsen wir noch? Über das Ende des Wirtschaftswachstums und den schwierigen Weg zurück..."
Friday, 23 .November 2012, 10.30 -17.30 Uhr, Palais Eschenbach, Vienna
Details: - WWWforEurope lecture series
The lecture series will cover the main project topics as well as cross-cutting issues, for example gender equity, distributional aspects, education, green innovation and EU governance. We plan to invite interested researchers and the general public who seek to learn about recent developments in areas key for a socio-ecological transition, to this lecture series. The first lecture "Welfare Beyond GDP: Some Insights from Feminist Economics" will be held by Julie A. Nelson, Professor of Economics, at the University of Massachusetts Boston/USA and internationally well-known expert on feminist and ecological economics on Monday, 8th of October at WIFO.
For more information: - Growth in Transition
From 8 to 10 October 2012, the 2nd international conference "Growth in transition" took place in Vienna, Austria. Within the framework of the "Growth in Transition" Conference committed people from political, administrative, scientific, economic, civil and other backgrounds discussed the key issues of the future and jointly work on solutions. Marina Fischer-Kowalski spoke at the opening session about the question "Where are we? The Paradigm of Growth put to test".
For more information: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (German only) - Das System sperrt sich selbst ein
Jorgen Randers, Mitautor des berühmt gewordenen Nachhaltigkeitsberichts "Die Grenzen des Wachstums", tingelt derzeit durch den deutschsprachigen Raum. Im Gepäck hat er sein neues Mammutwerk "2052 - Eine globale Prognose für die nächsten 40 Jahre". Wie wird's uns in Zukunft gehen? Das Interview wurde geführt von Michael Neundlinger, der aktuell am Institut für Soziale Ökologie die Nachhaltigkeit österreichischer Landwirtschaft untersucht.
For more information: (german only) - Stadt am Fluss: Häfen als sozio-naturale Schauplätze
Martin Schmid vom Institut für Soziale Ökologie sprach in den Ö1-"Dimensionen" um Thema "Stadt am Fluss: Häfen als sozio-naturale Schauplätze". Die Sendung berichtet von der Tagung "Orte der Stadt im Wandel vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart" von 19. bis 21. September 2012 in Innsbruck, organisiert vom Österreichischen Arbeitskreis für Stadtgeschichtsforschung.
For more information: (german only) - Studier' was G'scheits
Studien, die nicht nur für die persönliche, sondern auch die gesellschaftliche Zukunft gewinnbringend sind, werden immer gefragter. Das Angebot ist vielseitig, für die Studenten aber auch verwirrend. Friedrich Faulhammer, Generalsekretär des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMWF) empfiehlt im Gespräch mit BIORAMA über nachhaltige Studien in Österreich das Lehrangebot des Instituts für Soziale Ökologie.
For more information: (german only) - Global Energy Assessment: Energiewende zahlt sich aus
Unser Planet steht vor großen Herausforderungen: 1,4 Milliarden Menschen leben noch ohne Versorgung mit elektrischer Energie, 3 Milliarden ohne moderne Kochmöglichkeiten. Für sie muss ein Zugang zu sauberer, nachhaltiger Energie geschaffen werden, ansonsten drohen ein Anstieg der Umweltbelastungen und eine weitere Beschleunigung des Klimawandels. Das Global Energy Assessment (GEA) der IIASA zeigt 41 Wege auf, wie ein Umstieg auf nachhaltige Energiequellen gelingen kann. ForscherInnen des Instituts für Soziale Ökologie haben an mehreren Teilen des Berichtes mitgearbeitet. Sie haben unter anderem neue Ergebnisse zum Zusammenhang von Ernährungssicherheit und Bioenergie beigetragen.
For more information: (german only) - Erst 4 von 90 Umweltzielen umgesetzt. Materialverbrauch und Landnutzung steigen weiter.
In zahlreichen internationalen Konferenzen haben sich die politischen Kräfte in den letzten Jahren auf die 90 wichtigsten Umweltziele geeinigt. Die ambitionierten Ziele können aber nur erreicht werden, wenn verstärkte Maßnahmen gesetzt werden. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt der aktuelle Bericht des "United Environment Programme (UNEP)". Forschungsergebnisse zur globalen Ressourcennutzung vom Institut für Soziale Ökologie sind wichtiger Teil des UNEP Berichtes.
For more information: (german only) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News and Guests Marina Fischer-Kowalski was awarded honorary citizenship by the commune of the Greek island Samothraki for her sustained efforts to transform the island into a Man-and-Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO standards. The preparatory scientific work was supported by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute, India, under the leadership of Dr.R.K.Pachauri - established an annual Georgescu-Roegen award and invited Marina Fischer-Kowalski to become part of the jury.
See Simone Gingrich, Senior researcher, is back from her maternity leave since October 1st. Thomas Kastner gained a Phd and was awarded the Degree of Doctor by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Groningen, Netherlands for his thesis on "Changes in Human Food and Wood Consumption and their Impacts of Global Land Demand" Martin Schmid was invited to be on the program committee for the International Water History Association's 2013 conference in Montpellier, France, to be held June 24-29. The general conference website can be found at Simron Jit Singh, senior researcher at SEC, has been invited to University of Waterloo, Canada as Assistant Professor, from July 2012 to March 2013. Mirjam Weber, Master in Human and Social Ecology, forms part of the administrative team since 1st of September. She is in charge of teaching agendas and student support at SEC. - Guest Student Outgoing: Sylvia Gierlinger will spend three month as a guest student at the Géographie-Cité Laboratory at the University Paris, Pantheon-Sorbonne working on her PhD thesis on "The urban metabolism of Vienna during the industrial transformation." - Guest Students Incoming: Christelle Beyers, PhD Student, Sustainability Institute (University of Stellenbosch) and part time consultant in sustainability, development and planning fields has the research topic: "A study of material flow analysis to develop and empirical foundation and learning base to transition to a green economy." Contact: christellebeyers [at] Antonio Cid Escudero, PhD Student, Agro-ecosystems History Laboratory, University Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain) has the research topic: "Water Metabolism in the Spanish Agricultural History from 1900 to 2010" Contact: ajcid [at] Mariko Frame, PhD Student, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, has the research topic: "Ecological imperialism and ecologically unequal exchange with regards to the current influx of foreign investment in African primary sectors, with Tanzania as particular case study." Contact: mframe [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Dullinger, S., Willner, W., Plutzar, C., Englisch, T., Schratt-Ehrendorfer, L., Moser, D., Ertl, S., Essl, F., Niklfeld, H., 2012. Postglacial migration lag restricts range filling of plants in the European Alps. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21 (8), pp. 829-840. Dullinger, S., Gattringer, A., Thuiller, W., Moser, D., Zimmermann, N.E., Guisan, A., Willner, W., Plutzar, C., Leitner, M., Mang, T., Caccianiga, M., Dirnböck, T., Ertl, S., Fischer, A., Lenoir, J., Svenning, J.C., Psomas, A., Schmatz, D.R., Silc, U., Vittoz, P., Hülber, K., 2012. Extinction debt of high-mountain plants under twenty-first-century climate change. Nature Climate Change, 2, pp. 619-622. Exner, A. and Lauk, C. (2012): Social Innovations for Economic Degrowth. Solutions 3(4), pp. 45-49. Groß, R., 2011. Das "schneereichste Dorf der Welt" im Spannungsfeld "gigantischer Landschaftszerstörungen" und "reiner Natur". Eine Damülser Dorfgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Montfort. Zeitschrift für Geschichte Vorarlbergs, 63 (1), pp. 23-48. Groß, R., 2012. Die Modernisierung der Vorarlberger Alpen durch mechanische Aufstiegshilfen. Montfort. Zeitschrift für Geschichte Vorarlbergs, 64 (2), pp. 13-25. Groß, R., 2012. Als die Gäste ins Haus fielen. Eine Umweltgeschichte der 1950er Jahre in Damüls. Bregenzerwald Heft, 32, pp. 6-21. Groß, R. (2012): Wie das 1950er Syndrom in die Täler kam. Umwelthistorische Überlegungen zur Konstruktion von Wintersportlandschaften am Beispiel Damüls in Vorarlberg. Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Regionalforschung, Veröffentlichungen 10. Regensburg, Roderer Verlag, pp. 1-192. Haberl, H., Erb, K.-H., Lauk, C., Plutzar, C., 2012. Menschliche Aneignung von Nettoprimärproduktion in Europa: Schlussfolgerungen für Bioenergiepotentiale. In: Leopoldina (Eds.), Bioenergy - Chances and Limits. Leopoldina - nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Halle, pp. 102-118. Haberl, H., Körner, C., Lauk, C., Schmid-Staiger, U., Smetacek, V., Schulze, E.-D., Thauer, R.K., Weiland, P., Wilson, K., 2012. The availability and sustainability of biomass as an energy source. In: Leopoldina (Eds.), Bioenergy - Chances and Limits. Leopoldina - nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Halle, pp. 9-42. Haberl, H., 2012. Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP). In: Fogel, D., Fredericks, S., Harrington, L. and Spellerberg, I. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol.: 6. Measurements, Indicators, and Research Methods for Sustainability. Berkshire Publishing, Great Barrington, MA, pp. 186-189. Hashimoto, S., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Suh, S., Bai, X. (eds.), 2012. Greening Growing Giants. A Major Challenge of Our Planet. Special Issue of the Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(4). Hashimoto, S., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Suh, S., Bai, X., 2012. Editorial: Greening Growing Giants. A Major Challenge of Our Planet. Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(4), 459-466. Krausmann, F., 2012. Global Material Flows. In: Ginley, D. and Gahen, D. (Eds.), Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, 81-89. Lauk, C., Haberl, H., Erb, K.-H., Gingrich, S., Krausmann, F., 2012. Global socioeconomic carbon stocks and carbon sequestration in long-lived products 1900-2008. Environmental Research Letters, 7 (034023) Ramanujam, V.R., Singh, S.J., Vatn, A., 2012. From the Ashes into the Fire? Institutional Change in the Post-Tsunami Nicobar Islands, India. Society & Natural Resources, 25 (11), pp. 1152-1166. Seitzinger, S.P., Svedin, U., Crumley, C.L., Steffen, W., Abdullah, S.A., Alfsen, C., Broadgate, W.J., Biermann, F.H.B., Bondre, N.R., Dearing, J.A., Deutsch, L., Dhakal, S., Elmqvist, T., Farahbakhshazad, N., Gaffney, O., Haberl, H., Lavorel, S., Mbow, C., McMichael, A.J., deMorais, J.M.F., Olsson, P., Pinho, P.F., Seto, K.C., Sinclair, P., Stafford-Smith, M., Sugar, L., 2012. Planetary stewardship in an urbanising world: beyond city limits. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, [online first: 10.1007/s13280-012-0353-7]. Schulze, E.-D., Körner, C., Law, B.E., Haberl, H., Luyssaert, S., 2012. Large-scale bioenergy from additional harvest of forest biomass is neither sustainable nor greenhouse gas neutral. Global Change Biology - Bioenergy, 4 (6), pp. 611-616. Winiwarter, V., 2012. Die Donau als Kriegsschauplatz in der englischen Presse des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. In: Metzler, G. and Wildt, M. (Eds.), Berichtsband des 48. Deutschen Historikertag in Berlin 2010. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp. 88-89. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Gabriela Miechtner
Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria Universitaet
Schottenfeldgasse 29
1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 26 – July 2012
CONTENTS + News & RIO +20 Special - Global Energy Assessment (GEA) Report presented in Rio - Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5) launched in Rio - UNCTAD Report urges Africa to avoid 'grow now, clean up later' approach - Online platform "OpenScience4Sustainability" (German only) - Rio+20: researchers and young people are taking stock - Extinction debt of high-mountain plants in "Nature Climate Change" + Public Outreach (German only) + Staff news: open calls and congratulations + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We wish all friends, students, project and cooperation partners a fabulous summer! All the best, Helmut Haberl ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + NEWS & RIO +20 Special: - Global Energy Assessment (GEA) Report presented in Rio The Global Energy Assessment (GEA) was presented in Rio de Janeiro in June. The aim of this project which was coordinated by the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), was to evaluate and summarize the current state of research on global energy issues in a policy relevant document. The GEA report comprises chapters on questions such as energy resources, climate-change mitigation, risks, scenarios as well as policy options and recommendations. The Institute of Social Ecology (SEC) contributed to the three chapters on energy resources, trade-offs land and water and urban issues. SEC researchers involved were Karl-Heinz Erb, Helmut Haberl, Fridolin Krausmann, Christoph Plutzar, Julia Steinberger and Helga Weisz. GEA will be published as a book from Cambridge University Press which will become available in the course of July 2012. IIASA press release: - Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5) launched in Rio UNEP press release: "The fifth edition of the Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5), launched on the eve of the Rio+20 Summit, assessed 90 of the most-important environmental goals and objectives and found that significant progress had only been made in four. These are eliminating the production and use of substances that deplete the ozone layer, removal of lead from fuel, increasing access to improved water supplies and boosting research to reduce pollution of the marine environment." GEO-5 prominently quotes from research at the Institute of Social Ecology (SEC). Marina Fischer-Kowalski contributed as Scientific Peer-Reviewer. The report features in various parts results from our database on global patterns and trends of material use in the last century by Krausmann et al. (Krausmann, F., Gingrich, S., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K.H., Haberl, H. and Fischer-Kowalski, M. 2009. Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century. Ecological Economics 68, 2696-2705). In the chapter "Land" a study on HANPP effects due to dryland degradation is discussed, which presents an innovative perspective on the important, but complex phenomenon of dryland degradation and desertification (Zika, M. and Erb, K.H. 2009. The global loss of net primary production resulting from humaninduced soil degradation in drylands. Ecological Economics 69, 310-318.) Full report and materials: - UNCTAD Report urges Africa to avoid 'grow now, clean up later' approach UNCTAD press release: "Africa, a latecomer to establishing complex, modernized economies, should strive to do this in a way that uses the continent's abundant natural resources in an efficient, "green" manner that both raises living standards and protects the environment, a new UNCTAD report urges. The Economic Development in Africa Report 2012, subtitled Structural Transformation and Sustainable Development in Africa, was released on June 13th, 2012. It focuses on the dilemma of accomplishing much-needed economic growth while protecting the environment." The Team Social Ecology has contributed substantially to this report with a commissioned report on HANPP in Africa and is cited as: UNCTAD (2012a). Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production in Africa: Patterns, trajectories, processes and policy implications. Written by Fetzel T, Niedertscheider M, Erb K H, Gaube V, Gingrich H, Haberl H, Krausmann F, Lauk C and Plutzar C. Alpen-Adria University. Paper commissioned by UNCTAD. Geneva. Find the report as free pdf at: - Online platform "OpenScience4Sustainability" (German only) Die Initiative "OpenScience4Sustainability", kurz "OS4S", wurde anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der Rio Konferenz ins Leben gerufen. "OpenScience4Sustainability" ist eine Plattform, auf der Infos zum Thema Nachhaltigkeitsforschung angeboten werden. Im Vordergrund steht die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. Neben Informationen zur UN Konferenz und Live Berichterstattung aus Rio, gibt es unter anderem eine digitale Galerie der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung mit Portraits von WissenschafterInnen. Interviews mit ForscherInnen des Instituts für Soziale Ökologie wie Helmut Haberl, Marina Fischer-Kowalski und Verena Winiwarter sind nachzulesen. Viel Vergnügen mit "OpenScience4Sustainability": - Rio+20: researchers and young people are taking stock To mark the 20th anniversary of the pioneering United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the Federal Ministry of Research and Science will grant 365 young people the opportunity to gain insight into Austrian sustainability research. The four-week summer internships in Austrian research facilities are organised in the framework of the initiative "Rio+20 - Stocktaking by Researchers and Young People". Together with scientists from prestigious research facilities, the pupils will learn more about successful and thrilling research results or product developments conforming to the objectives of Agenda 21. Three pupils will visit the Institute of Social Ecology this summer and report on the research projects they find most interesting. Details: - Extinction debt of high-mountain plants in "Nature Climate Change" Quantitative estimates of the range loss of mountain plants under climate change have so far mostly relied on static geographical projections of species' habitat shifts. In this paper a European research team used a hybrid model that combines such projections with simulations of demography and seed dispersal to forecast the climate-driven spatio-temporal dynamics of 150 high-mountain plant species across the European Alps. Alarmingly, species endemic to the Alps seem to face the highest range losses. These results caution against optimistic conclusions from moderate range size reductions observed during the twenty-first century as they are likely to belie more severe longer-term effects of climate warming on mountain plants. Stefan Dullinger, Andreas Gattringer, Wilfried Thuiller, Dietmar Moser, Niklaus E. Zimmermann, Antoine Guisan, Wolfgang Willner, Christoph Plutzar, Michael Leitner, Thomas Mang, Marco Caccianiga, Thomas Dirnböck, Siegrun Ertl, Anton Fischer, Jonathan Lenoir, Jens-Christian Svenning, Achilleas Psomas, Dirk R. Schmatz, Urban Silc, Pascal Vittoz, & Karl Hülber. Extinction debt of high-mountain plants under twenty-first-century climate change. Nature Climate Change. Published online 06 May 2012. DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1514 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (German only) Die Donau - Eine Sendung über die historische Lebensader der Stadt Wien
June 2012 Die Donau ist nicht nur schön und blau. Sie war über Jahrhunderte auch wild, unberechenbar und bedrohlich. Die Donau war auch immer schon ein vielfältiger und abwechslungsreicher Lebensraum - für Mensch und Tier. Ö1 Dimensionen von Wolfgang Slapansky mit starker Beteiligung der IFF (Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte am Institut für Soziale Ökologie) bereichtet über das derzeit laufende FWF-Projekt "ENVIEDAN - Umweltgeschichte der Wiener Donau 1500-1890". Interview u. a. mit Projektleiterin Verena Winiwarter, Martin Schmid, Michael Neundlinger, Sylvia Gierlinger u. v. a.
Ö1 - Dimensionen
Montag, 25. Juni 2012, 19:05 Verena Winiwarter
Vom Gebären, Bilden und Ausbilden
Falter, heureka 25/12, Seite 3
Werner Reiter
Die vielen kleinen Bausteine nachhaltiger Lebensstile
Biorama Nr. 18, Mai 2012, Seite 73-74
Eva Linsinger und Edith Meinhart
Gefährlicher Wahnsinn Auto
Profil, Nr. 20, 14. Mai 2012, Seite 21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News: Open calls and Congratulations Open call for a three year PhD position within EU project, see Open call for a teaching administrator, see Michael Neundlinger won research grant of the city of Vienna Michael Neundlinger has won the "Research Grant" awarded by the Cultural Department of Vienna (Förderungspreise der Stadt Wien - Kulturabteilung) due to his work on the Environmental History of the Viennese Sanitation System. Neundlinger and the SEC team (Fridolin Krausmann, Sylvia Gierlinger & Gudrun Pollack) have reconstructed grand phases of the development of Vienna´s Sanitation Regime from Roman to Modern Times. First results will be published in the internationally renowned series "A History of Water" (I.B. Tauris) in 2013. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Abadi, B., Gaube, V., and Shahvali, M. (2012): Agro-environmental systems and agent-based simulation: specific implications and an integrated baseline. In: Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 3(1), pp. 54-62 Coelho, S.T., Agbenyega, O., Agostini, A., Erb, K.-H., Haberl, H., Hoogwijk, M., Rattan, L., Dos Santos Lucon, O., Masera, O., Moreira, J.R., Björklund, G., Krausmann, F., Msangi, S:, and Plutzar, C. (2012). Land and Water: Linkages to Bionenergy. In: Gomez-Echeverri, L., Johansson, T.B., Nakicenovic, N. and Patwardhan, A. (Eds.), Global Energy Assessment: Toward a Sustainable Future. Laxenburg, Cambridge, UK: IIASA and Cambridge University Press, pp. 1459-1526 Erb, K.-H., Mayer, A., Kastner, T., Sallet, K.-E., and Haberl, H. (2012): The impact of Industrial Grain fed Livestock Production on Food Security:an extended literature review. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 136). Erb, K.-H., Plutzar, C., and Haberl, H. (2012): Dependency of global primary bioenergy crop potentials in 2050 on food systems, yields, biodiversity conservation and political stability. In: Energy Policy 47, pp. 260-269. Essl, F., Dullinger, S., Plutzar, C., Willner, W., and Rabitsch, W. (2011): Imprints of glacial history and current environment on correlations between endemic plant and invertebrate species richness. In: Journal of Biogeography 38(3), pp. 604-614. Fetzel, T., Niedertscheider,M., Erb,K.-H., Gaube,V., Gingrich,S., Haberl,H., Krausmann,F., Lauk,C., and Plutzar,C. (2012): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production in Africa: Patterns, trajectories, processes and policy implications. Paper commissioned by UNCTAD. Geneva: UNCTAD Fischer-Kowalski, M., Haas,W., Wiedenhofer,D., Weisz,U., Pallua,I., Possanner,N., Behrens,A., Serio,G., Alessi,M., and Weis,E. (2012): Socio-ecological transitions: definition, dynamics and related global scenarios. Vienna, Brussels: Institute for Social Ecology - AAU, Centre for European Policy Studies Grubler, A., Bai, X., Buettner, T., Dhakal, S., Fisk, D.J., Ichinose, T., Keirstead, J.E., Sammer, G., Satterthwaite, D., Schulz, N.B., Shah, N., Steinberger, J., and Weisz, H. (2012): Urban Energy Systems. In: Gomez-Echeverri, L. Johansson, T.B., Nakicenovic, N. and Patwardhan, A. (Eds.): Global Energy Assessment: Toward a Sustainable Future. Laxenburg, Cambridge, UK: IIASA and Cambridge University Press Haberl, H., Steinberger, J., Plutzar, C., Erb, K.-H., Gaube, V., Gingrich, S., and Krausmann, F. (2012): Natural and socioeconomic determinants of the embodied human appropriation of net primary production and its relation to other resource use indicators. In: Ecological Indicators 23, pp. 222-231. Hauer, F., Gierlinger, S., Nagele, C., Albrecht, J., Uschmann, T., and Martsch, M. (2012): Die Wiener Verzehrungssteuer. Auswertung nach einzelnen Steuerposten (1830 - 1913). Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 134). Luyssaert, S., Abril, G., Andres, R., Bastviken, D., Bellassen, V., Bergamaschi, P., Bousquet, P., Chevallier, F., Ciais, P., Corazza, M., Dechow, R., Erb, K.-H., Etiope, G., Fortems-Cheiney, A., Grassi, G., Hartman, J., Jung, M., Lathiere, J., Lohila, A., Moosdorf, N., Njakou Djomo, S., Otto, J., Papale, D., Peters, W., Peylin, P., Raymond, P., Rödenbeck, C., Saarnio, S., Schulze, E. D., Szopa, S., Thompson, R., Verkerk, P. J., Vuichard, N., Wang, R., Wattenbach, M., and Zaehle, S. (2012): The European CO2, CO, CH4and N2O balance between 2001 and 2005. In: Biogeosciences Discussions 9(2), pp. 2005-2053. Petridis, P. (2012): Perceptions, attitudes and involvement of local residents in the establishment ofa Samothraki Biosphere Reserve, Greece. In: eco.mont - Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research 4(1), pp. 59-63. Rogner, H.-H., Aguilera, R. F., Archer, C. L., Bertani, R., Bhattacharya, S. C., Bryden, I., Charpentier, R. R., Dusseault, M. B., Gagnon, L., Goswami, Y., Haberl, H., Hoogwijk, M., Johnson, A., Odell, P., Wagner, H., Yakushev, V., Arent, D., Bryden, J., Krausmann, F., Schilling, C., and Shafiei, A. (2012): Energy Resources and Potentials. In: Gomez-Echeverri, L. Johansson, T.B., Nakicenovic, N. and Patwardhan, A. (Eds.): Global Energy Assessment: Toward a Sustainable Future. Laxenburg, Cambridge, UK: IIASA and Cambridge University Press, pp. 425-512. Schmid, M. and Winiwarter, V. (2011): Umwelt Donau: Eine andere Geschichte. In: Der Donaulimes in Österreich (herausgegeben vom Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, Projektleitung Andreas Schwarcz, Redaktion Sonja Jilek). Wien, pp. 32-35. Schulze, E.-D., Körner, C., Law, B. E., Haberl, H., and Luyssaert, S. (2012): Large-scale bioenergy from additional harvest of forest biomass is neither sustainable nor greenhouse gas neutral. In: Global Change Biology - Bioenergy [online first:] Singh, S. J. and Dudley, N. (2012): Ecosystem Services in Rural Areas and Natural Resource Management. In: Wittmer, H. and Gundimeda, H. (Eds.): The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity for Local and Regional Policy Makers. London: Routledge, Earthscan, TEEB - Publication series, pp. 81-104. UNCTAD, Niedertscheider, M., Gingrich, S., and Erb, K.-H. (2012): Changes in land use in South Africa between 1961 and 2006: an integrated socio-ecological analysis based on the human appropriation of net primary production framework. In: Regional Environmental Change, [online first:]. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Barbara Smetschka
Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC)
Alpen-Adria Universitaet
Schottenfeldgasse 29
1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 24 – August 2011
CONTENTS + News - Job vacancy: Assistant "Social Metabolism" - UNEP Report 2011 - Samothraki: Biosphere Reserve - Winter Semester 2011/2012: Guest professors + Upcoming Events - World Resources Forum 2011 in Davos - td-conference 2011 in Berne - 12. Austrian Climate Research Day in Vienna + Public Outreach (German only) + Staff news + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +News - Job vacancy: Assistant "Social Metabolism" The Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt is pleased to offer the position of Assistant "Social Metabolism" at the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna. We invite applications for the position of Assistant of "Social Metabolism" (B1, 50%, with the possibility of full employment financed by project funds) starting in September 2011 and limited to four years. The applicant will help to advance the understanding of interrelations in socio-ecological systems. He or she will contribute to research in social metabolism, modeling and scenario building in support of policy processes. We are looking for an individual with an interdisciplinary background (natural and social sciences) and experience in methods of industrial ecology. We are seeking a committed and creative person with intellectual curiosity, strong communicative skills, organizational talent and enthusiasm for team work. Details at the official job announcement: - "Humanity Can and Must Do More with Less: UNEP experts warn: 'Decouple' resource consumption and economic growth rates" By 2050, humanity could devour an estimated 140 billion tons of minerals, ores, fossil fuels and biomass per year - three times its current appetite - unless the economic growth rate is "decoupled" from the rate of natural resource consumption, warns a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme. UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner and International Resource Panel Co-Chair Ashok Khosla, together with lead authors Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Mark Swilling, launched the report 12 May 2011 at the 19th annual meetings of the Commission for Sustainable Development, UN Secretariat, New York. The full report, "Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth," is available at - Samothraki: Biosphere Reserve Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Laz Xenidis and Simron J. Singh gladly announce that the municipality of the Island of Samothraki has submitted an application to UNESCO for becoming a Biosphere Reserve. This is an important milestone in a transdisciplinary project supported by the Austrian Academy of Sciences to create the first Biosphere Reserve in Greece. The Island of Samothraki is among the rare remaining examples of island natural beauty and rich biodiversity in the Aegean archipelago; most of its territory is mountainous, and there are numerous streams and waterfalls that flow all year round. Samothraki is also known for its rich archaeological heritage - the famous "Nike of Samothraki" is now exhibited in the Louvre, but the impressive remains of the "City of the Great Gods" where it came from attract many visitors. This project resulted from a collaborative effort of local NGOs, scientists and local administration directed at preserving the island from destruction by animal grazing and mass tourism, and seeking for a sustainable way of living for its inhabitants, which will be subject to a number of follow-up projects. For pictures by a local photographer see - Winter Semester 2011/2012: Guest professors We are happy to announce two guest professors for the coming winter semester An Environmental History of Fire Geoff Cunfer, PhD; SE (1 SWS/2 ECTS) Kick-off: 05.10.2011 from 14:00-15:00, blocked seminar: 19. Oct - 30. Nov 2011 Qualitative Approaches to Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences Henrike Rau, PhD & Dr. Ricca Edmondson; SE (1 SWS/2 ECTS) Kick-off: 05.12.2011, blocked seminar: 5. Dec - 16. Dec 2011 Detailed information on course information can be found on our website in September: For further information please contact: michael.neundlinger [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events - World Resources Forum, Davos, September 19-21, 2011 Shaping the Future of Natural Resources - Towards a Green Economy,
The World Resources Forum (WRF) is a science-based platform to exchange knowledge about the economic, political and environmental implications of global resource use. WRF promotes innovation for resource productivity by building bridges between researchers and policymakers, business, NGO's and the public. Flagship activity is the bi-annual conference, held in Davos, Switzerland. Marina Fischer-Kowalski will give a plenary talk on "Sociometabolic regimes, revolutions and transitions." Details: - td-conference 2011: Evaluation of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research Berne, 14-16 September 2011 Workshop: Sustainability Sciences: Evaluating Strategies of Setting and Shifting Boundaries Organizers: Willi Haas and Barbara Smetschka (Institute of Social Ecology Vienna, SEC, Alpen-Adria University), Alexander Bogner (Austrian Academy of Sciences) Details: - 12. Austrian Climate Research Day (German only) Forschung zu "Klima, Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung" in Österreich. Zeit: Mittwoch, 21. September bis Donnerstag 22. September 2011 Ort: Exnerhaus der Universität für Bodenkultur, 1190 Wien, Peter Jordanstraße 82 Details: <h1></h1> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (German only) - Susanne Strnadl Die Ökonomie als Organismus betrachtet Der Standard, Wissenschaft/Forschung Spezial, Mittwoch, 29.Juni 2011, Seite 20 - Karin Krichmayr Die Natur ist kein Handelspartner Der Standard, Wissenschaft/Forschung Spezial, Mittwoch, 18.Mai 2011, Seite 30 - Josef Kirchengast Vier Weltkriege, das Frühstück und ein Dorf in Oberösterreich Der Standard, Crossover, Dienstag, 5.April 2011, Seite 8 - Sebastian Gilli Hinter dir dein Fußabdruck Der Standard, Kultur, Mittwoch, 30.März 2011, Seite 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News - Karlheinz Erb was elected junior member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) due to his ERC Starting grant. - Marina Fischer-Kowalski was elected vice-president of the board of the European Society of Ecological Economics (ESEE). - Marina Fischer-Kowalski has been coopted as a member of the ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant peer review panel for a third period. - We welcome new team members Thomas Kastner (Human Ecology) and Christian Lauk (Social Ecology). - Michael Neundlinger has finished his MA in Social Ecology with honours. - Causing Ignition: Biofuels and Social Conflicts Anke Schaffartzik was awarded a DocTeam fellowship for interdisciplinary teams by the Austrian Academy of Sciences for her PhD project on the potential of biofuels. The potential to fuel future economies was ascribed to biofuels early in the public discourse. As of late, it seems that their spark ignites conflicts rather than engines. Biofuels have been promoted as a solution to the multiple global crises of rising energy prices, climate change, and economic downturn. Internationally, economic powers such as the EU, the USA, Brazil, China, and India are determined to expand and develop the use of biofuels. Mandatory blending to motor fuels, most notably in the European Union, has created a strong demand for biofuels resulting in the emergence of a growing global market. Due to its strong impact on land use the production of biofuels is directly linked to cultural, ecological, economic, political, as well as social change. - Prof. Geoff Cunfer has joined the Institute of Social Ecology as a visiting scientist from July to December 2011. Prof. Cunfer is an environmental historian and Professor at the Department of History
and at the School of Environment and Sustainability at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. He is investigating land use change and environmental change in the North American Great Planes region and links historical and ecological approaches in his work. In cooperation with Fridolin Krausmann he is currently engaged in building up a research network on "Sustainable farm systems: long-term socio-ecological metabolism in western agriculture". The "New York Times" issue (26th of July 2011) includes an article about historical GIS, including some discussion of Prof. Cunfers research about the history of the Dust Bowl: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Bogner, Alexander, Gaube, Veronika, and Smetschka, Barbara (2011): Partizipative Modellierung. Beteiligungsexperimente in der sozialökologischen Forschung. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 36(2), pp. 74-97. Eisenmenger, Nina, Schaffartzik, Anke, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Milota, Eva (2011): Ressourcennutzung in Österreich. Wien: Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2011): Analyzing sustainability transitions as a shift between socio-metabolic regimes. In: Environmental Innovation.and Societal.Transitions 1(1), pp. 152-159. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Mayer, Andreas, and Schaffartzik, Anke (2011): Zur sozialmetabolischen Transformation von Gesellschaft und Soziologie. In: Groß, Matthias (Ed.): Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 97-120. Gaube, Veronika, Smetschka, Barbara and Lutz, Juliana (2011). Sozialkapital und Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel transdisziplinär entwickelter Computermodelle. In: Stefan Vater, Wolfgang Kellner, Wolfgang Jütte (Hrsg.): Erwachsenenbildung und Sozialkapital (Studies in lifelong learning, Band 4). Berlin: Lit Verlag, pp. 133-143. Gingrich, Simone (2011): Foreign trade and early industrialisation in the Habsburg Monarchy and the United Kingdom - Two extremes in comparison. In: Ecological Economics 70(7), pp. 1280-1288. Gierlinger, Sylvia and Krausmann, Fridolin (2011): The physical economy of the United States of America: Extraction, trade and consumption of materials from 1870 to 2005. In: Krausmann, Fridolin (Ed.): The socio-metabolic transition.Long term historical trends and patternsin global material and energy. Social Ecology Working Paper 131. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology, Social Ecology Working Paper Haberl, Helmut (2011): Feeding & fueling the 9 billion - sustainably. In: Options Summer 2011, pp. 8-9. Haberl, Helmut and Erb, Karl-Heinz (2011): Feeding and fuelling the world 2050 - a new perspective on the food versus fuel debate. In: GLP News 7, pp. 5-6. Jirsa, Franz and Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Eingeweidewürmer in Galens Schriften. Intestinal Helminths in the works of Galen. In: Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 122(1), pp. 14-18. Kastner, Thomas and Nonhebel, Sanderine (2010): Changes in land requirements for food in the Philippines: A historical analysis. In: Land Use Policy 27(3), pp. 853-863. Kastner, Thomas, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Nonhebel, Sanderine (2011): International wood trade and forest change: a global analysis. In: Global Environmental Change 21, pp. 947-956. Kastner, Thomas, Kastner, Michael, and Nonhebel, Sanderine (2011): Tracing distant environmental impacts of agricultural products from a consumer perspective. In: Ecological Economics 70(6), pp. 1032-1040. Krausmann, Fridolin (ed.) (2011): The socio-metabolic transition.Long term historical trends and patterns in global material and energy use. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 131). Krausmann, Fridolin (2011): The global metabolic transition: a historical overview. In: Krausmann, Fridolin (Ed.): The socio-metabolic transition.Long term historical trends and patternsin global material and energy. Social Ecology Working Paper 131. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology, Social Ecology Working Paper, pp. 74-102. Krausmann, Fridolin, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Schaffartzik, Anke, Steinberger, Julia K., Eisenmenger, Nina, and Weisz, Ulli (2011): Trends and Developments of the Use of Natural Resources in the European Union. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 123). Krausmann, Fridolin, Gingrich, Simone, and Nourbakhch-Sabet, Reza (2011): The metabolic transition in Japan: A material flow account for the period 1878 to 2005. In: Krausmann, Fridolin (Ed.): The socio-metabolic transition.Long term historical trends and patternsin global material and energy. Social Ecology Working Paper 131. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology, pp. 4-23. Milota, Eva, Schaffartzik, Anke, and Eisenmenger, Nina (2011): Ressourcendaten - Verbesserung des statistischen Datenmaterials im Bereich natürliche Ressourcen. Projektbericht. Wien: Statistik Austria Schaffartzik, Anke (2011): A Toe in America, a Heel in Asia? A Discussion of the Applicability of the Ecological Footprint to International Trade. In: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 26(4), pp. 89-110. Singh, Simron J. (2011): Introduction: The "nature" of development studies. In: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 26(4), pp. 4-13. Singh, Simron J. and Köhler, Bettina (eds.) (2011): Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (JEP) [Austrian Journal for Development Studies]: The "nature" of development studies. An ecological perspective on uneven development. Vienna: Mattersburger Kreis für Entwicklungspolitik an den österreichischen Universitäten26(4). Singh, Simron J. and Haberl, Helmut (2011): Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) across Temporal and Spatial Scales. In: GLP News 7, pp. 15-16. Steinberger, Julia K. and Krausmann, Fridolin (2010): What do economic resource productivities measure? In: Proceedings of the International Society for Ecological Economics conference: Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis, 22-25 August 2010, Oldenburg - Bremen, Germany. Oldenburg: ISEE, pp. 1-22. UNEP (2011): Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth. A Report of the Working Group on Decoupling to the International Resource Use Panel. Fischer-Kowalski, M., Swilling, M., Weizsäcker, E.U., Ren, Y., Moriguchi, Y., Crane, W., Krausmann, F., Eisenmenger, N., Giljum, S., Hennicke, P., Romero Lankao, P., Siriban Manalang, A.Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Singh, Simron J., Krausmann, Fridolin, Gingrich, Simone, Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Lanz, Peter (2011): India's biophysical economy, 1961 - 2008. Sustainability in a national and global context. In: Krausmann, Fridolin (Ed.): The socio-metabolic transition.Long term historical trends and patternsin global material and energy. Social Ecology Working Paper 131. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology, Social Ecology Working Paper, pp. 50-73. Virgl, Christoph (2011): Protest in der Weltgesellschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag Weisz, Ulli, Gingrich, Simone, Winiwarter, Verena, Radits, Franz, Soukup-Altrichter, Katharina, Schmied, Christopher, Spranz, Astrid, Antic Aleksandar, Bosina, Christine, Ecker, Irene, Kalla, Maximilian J., Petrin, Walter, and Steinkellner, Gudrun (2011): Schüler(innen) auf der Suche nach den Wurzeln unserer Umweltprobleme. Umwelthistorische Forschung in technischen Schulen als Beitrag zur Bildung für nachhahaltige Entwicklung. In: GAIA 20(2), pp. 122-128. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Abordagens sobre a História Ambiental: um guia de campo para os seus conceitos. In: Abordagens Geográficas 1(1), pp. 1-21. Winiwarter, Verena (2011): Rezension von Aloys Winterling (Hg.), Historische Anthropologie. (Basistexte 1, ed. Winterling), Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2006, 301 S., in: 2, 295-297. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Barbara Smetschka Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC) Alpen-Adria Universitaet Schottenfeldgasse 29 1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 23 – February 2011
CONTENTS + News - Summer Semester 2011: Course information online - NOW ONLINE: Download Publications - Job vacancies: Senior scientist and Assistant + Upcoming Events - IFF Lecture: Donald Worster, March 31 - 41. ZUG MiniSymposium: Heike Krause, Martin Mosser, March 23 + Public Outreach (German only) - Boserup conference 2010 in Standard - Homo oecologicus in Standard - Water issues in past, present and future in Ö1 + Staff news + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +News - Summer Semester 2011: Course information online Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: michael.neundlinger [at] - NOW ONLINE: Download Publications Preprints of many scientific articles by SEC members are now freely available for download at We are glad to send reprints on request (please contact the respective corresponding author via email). - Job vacancy: Assistant "Social Metabolism" The Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt is pleased to offer the position of Assistant "Social Metabolism" at the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna. We invite applications for the position of Assistant of "Social Metabolism" (B1, 50%, with the possibility of full employment financed by project funds) starting in March 2011 and limited to four years. The applicant will help to advance the understanding of interrelations in socio-ecological systems. He or she will contribute to research in social metabolism, modeling and scenario building in support of policy processes. We are looking for an individual with an interdisciplinary background (natural and social sciences) and experience in methods of industrial ecology. We are seeking a committed and creative person with intellectual curiosity, strong communicative skills, organizational talent and enthusiasm for team work. Details at the official job announcement: - Job vacancy: Temporary replacement Senior Scientist "Environmental History" The Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt is pleased to offer the position of Senior Scientist "Environmental History"at the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna. We invite applications for the position of a Senior Scientist "Environmental History" (B1) starting in March 2011 and limited to one year. Details at the official job announcement: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events <h1></h1> - IFF Lecture: Donald Worster, March, 31st, 18:00 Prof. Donald Worster, Hall Distinguished Professor of U.S. History, University of Kansas (U.S.) and Carson Fellow, Rachel Carson Center, Munich, Germany, one of the world's leading environmental historians, has embarked on a new project. He investigates the history of the seminal, 'Limits to Growth': Abundance or Scarcity? The Limits to Growth Debate Revisited The best selling environmental book in the postwar period was The Limits to Growth, by Donella and Dennis Meadows et al (1972). It touched off a firestorm of protests and rebuttals, for it called into question assumptions about the earth that had been made since Columbus discovered for Europe the New World. It seemed at the time that the economists and business interests effectively answered the book and that economic growth could continue without restraint. But with the vantage of nearly forty years it is now possible to see that the book's main argument has, if anything, survived and strengthened and that the book marked a critical turning point in modern history. Increasingly, the natural sciences have demonstrated the vulnerability of global systems to disturbance, so that now even many economists have begun to acknowledge the seriousness of environmental problems. Have we reached a new era - as called - as called for in the book - a time for a "new Copernican revolution?" - 41st ZUG Minisymposium: Heike Krause, Martin Mosser, March 23 "Zur Umweltgeschichte der Wiener Donau: Beiträge der stadtarchäologischen Forschung" Mag. Heike Krause und Mag. Martin Mosser, Stadtarchäologie Wien IFF Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien Wednesday, 23. March 2011, 18.00 - 20.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (German only) - Karin Krichmayr Entwicklungsforscherin mit Weitblick Der Standard Wissenschaft/Forschung Spezial, Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010, Seite 14 - Susanne Strnadl Der Mensch, ein Sorgenkind Der Standard Wissenschaft/Forschung Spezial, Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010, Seite 14 - On January, 21st, Verena Winiwarter spoke at a public symposium of the Austrian Academy of Sciences about the environmental history of water. The slides are available at On January, 20th, she was interviewed on public radio about water issues in past, present and future, the broadcast is available for download at: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News - Julia Steinberger started a lectureship in ecological economics at the Sustainability Research Institute of the University of Leeds in January. At the end of January, she participated in an "ideas sandpit" of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and is now preparing proposals based on two successful project ideas! The first is on Multi-Utility Service Companies and their role in infrastructure integration and efficiency, the other is on more precise and effective infrastructure materials modelling. <h1></h1> - Alexander Bogner has accepted a call from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Technology Assessment. We wish him all the best for this new step in his career. - Ulli Weisz spent two months as a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra (October-December 2010). She was invited by Prof. Tony Capon from the National Center for Epidemiology and Population Health (NCEPH). - Martin Schmid leaves the Institute of Social Ecology on March, 1st for a six- month senior fellowship at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC) in Munich where he will work on his "Environmental History of the Danube 1500-1900". - Simone Gingrich was granted an "Award of Excellence 2010" by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research for her dissertation "A social ecology of European industrialisation: energy, materials, carbon and the socio-ecological transition". Congratulations! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Essl, Franz, Dullinger, Stefan, Rabitsch, Wolfgang, Hulme, P. E., Hülber, Karl, Jarosik, V., Kleinbauer, I., Krausmann, Fridolin, Kühn, Ingolf, Nentwig, Wolfgang, Vila, Montserrat, Genovesi, P., Gherardi, F., Desprez-Lusteau, A., Roques, A., and Pysek, Petr (2011): Socio-economic legacy yields an invasion debt. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(1), pp. 203-207. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2010): Energy in Nature and Society. General Energetics of Complex Systems, by Vaclav Smil. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-262-69356-1 2008, 512 pp., (Paper). In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(6), pp. 980-981. Gingrich, Simone, Kuskova, Petra, and Steinberger, Julia K. (2011): Long-term changes in CO2-emissions in Austria and Czechoslovakia - identifying the drivers of environmental pressures. In: Energy Policy 39(2), pp. 535-543. Haberl, Helmut, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Martinez-Alier, Joan, and Winiwarter, Verena (2011): A socio-metabolic transition towards sustainability? Challenges for another Great Transformation. In: Sustainable Development 19(1), pp. 1-14. Haberl, Helmut, Beringer, Tim, Bhattacharya, Sribas C., Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Hoogwijk, Monique (2010): The global technical potential of bio-energy in 2050 considering sustainability constraints. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability2(6), pp. 394-403. Hoffmann, Richard C. and Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Making Land and Water Meet: Cycling of nutrients between fields and ponds in Pre-Modern Europe. In: Agricultural History 84(3), pp. 352-380. Hutter, H-P., Kuni, M., Moshammer, H., Haas, W., Weisz, U., Niederkrotenthaler, T., Wallner, P. (2011): Anpassungsmaßnahmen zur Reduktion von Klimawandel-induzierten Gesundheitsrisiken in Österreich. Schwerpunkt Extremwetterereignisse. In: Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. Online First, January 2011. Springer Verlag Krausmann, Fridolin (2010): Vom Solarzeitalter zur fossilen Energieversorgung. Der Stoffwechsel der Industriegesellschaft. In: Stiftung Brandenburger Tor (Ed.): Energie gleich Arbeit. Nachdenken über das, was die Welt in Bewegung hält Acht Essays zum Thema Energie. Berlin: Nicolai Verlag, pp. 22-28. Mayer, Andreas (2010): Resource use and material flows in the Brazilian economy, 1960-2005. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 118). Mirtl, Michael, Bahn, Michael, Battin, Tom, Borsdorf, Axel, Englisch, Michael, Gaube, Veronika, Grabherr, Georg, Gratzer, Georg, Kreiner, D., Haberl, Helmut, Richter, Andreas, Schindler, Stephan, Tappeiner, Ulrike, and Winiwarter, Verena (2010): LTER-Austria White Paper - "Next Generation LTER" in Austria, On the status and orientation of process oriented ecosystem research, biodiversity and conservation research and socio-ecological research in Austria. LTER- Austria Series, Vol. 1. Vienna: LTER Austria.: (available also in German) Ribeiro de Oliveira, Rogerio and Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Toiling in Paradise: Knowledge Acquisition in the context of colonial agriculture in Brazil's atlantic forest. In: Environment and History 16, pp. 483-508. Scheidel, Arnim and Krausmann, Fridolin (2011): Diet, trade and land use: A socio-ecological analysis of the transformation of the olive oil system. In: Land Use Policy 28(1), pp. 47-56. Schmid, Martin, Winiwarter, Verena, and Haidvogl, Gertrud (2010): Legacies from the past: The Danube's riverine landscapes as socio-natural sites. In: Danube News: Bulletin of the International Association for Danube Research IAD 21, pp. 2-5. Singh, Simron J. and Dudley, Nigel (2010): Ecosystem Services in Rural Areas and Natural Resource Management. In: The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB). D2 for Local and Regional Policy Makers. Bonn: TEEB, pp. 83-104. Singh, Simron J. and Ramunjam, R. V. (2010): Exploring ecological unequal exchange using land and labour appropriation: trade in the Nicobar Islands, 1880-2000. In: Hornborg, Alf (Ed.): International Trade and Environmental Justice: Toward a Global Political Ecology. New York: Nova Science, pp. 19-48. Singh, Simron J. (2010): Vom Überfluss zur Knappheit. Handel und Geld auf den Nikobaren. Trade and Money in the Nicobar Islands). In: Polylog 23, pp. 17-43. Steinberger, Julia K. and Roberts, J. T. (2010): From constraint to sufficiency: the decoupling of energy and carbon from human needs, 1975-2005. In: Ecological Economics 70(2), pp. 425-433. Steinberger, Julia K. and Krausmann, Fridolin (2011): Material and energy productivity. In: Environmental Science and Technology 45(4), pp. 1169-1176. Turner II, Billie L. and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2010): Ester Boserup: An interdisciplinary visionary relevant for sustainability. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(51), pp. 21963-21965. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Mahlers bodenlose Erde. In: Kosmos Österreich 36, pp. 13-17. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Rezension von Christof MAUCH, Christian PFISTER (Hg.), Natural Disasters, Cultural Responses. Case Studies toward a Global Environmental History. International Environmental History Publications of the German Historical Institute, Lanham MD 2009. In: Geschichte-Transnational , pp. 1-1. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Soil Concepts and Soil Amendments in Late Medieval Agricultural Literature. In: Avista Forum Journal.Medieval Technology, Science and Art.Kalamazoo Roundup , pp. 87-88. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Telling interactive stories: Animals and their remains in environmental history. In: Pluskowski, Aleksander G. et al. (Eds.): Bestial Mirrors - Using Animals to construct human Identities in medieval Europe. Wien: Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages, pp. 8-14. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): The Art of Making the Earth Fruitful: Medieval and Early Modern Improvements of Soil Fertility. In: Bruce, Scott G. (Ed.): Ecologies and Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Studies in Environmental History for Richard C. Hoffmann. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, Brill's Series in the History of the Environment, pp. 93-116. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Barbara Smetschka Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC) Alpen-Adria Universitaet Schottenfeldgasse 29 1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 22 – October 2010
CONTENTS + News - Summer Semester 2011: Course information online - NOW ONLINE: Download Publications - Job vacancies: Senior scientist and Assistant + Upcoming Events - IFF Lecture: Donald Worster, March 31 - 41. ZUG MiniSymposium: Heike Krause, Martin Mosser, March 23 + Public Outreach (German only) - Boserup conference 2010 in Standard - Homo oecologicus in Standard - Water issues in past, present and future in Ö1 + Staff news + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +News - Summer Semester 2011: Course information online Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: michael.neundlinger [at] - NOW ONLINE: Download Publications Preprints of many scientific articles by SEC members are now freely available for download at We are glad to send reprints on request (please contact the respective corresponding author via email). - Job vacancy: Assistant "Social Metabolism" The Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt is pleased to offer the position of Assistant "Social Metabolism" at the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna. We invite applications for the position of Assistant of "Social Metabolism" (B1, 50%, with the possibility of full employment financed by project funds) starting in March 2011 and limited to four years. The applicant will help to advance the understanding of interrelations in socio-ecological systems. He or she will contribute to research in social metabolism, modeling and scenario building in support of policy processes. We are looking for an individual with an interdisciplinary background (natural and social sciences) and experience in methods of industrial ecology. We are seeking a committed and creative person with intellectual curiosity, strong communicative skills, organizational talent and enthusiasm for team work. Details at the official job announcement: - Job vacancy: Temporary replacement Senior Scientist "Environmental History" The Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt is pleased to offer the position of Senior Scientist "Environmental History"at the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna. We invite applications for the position of a Senior Scientist "Environmental History" (B1) starting in March 2011 and limited to one year. Details at the official job announcement: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events <h1></h1> - IFF Lecture: Donald Worster, March, 31st, 18:00 Prof. Donald Worster, Hall Distinguished Professor of U.S. History, University of Kansas (U.S.) and Carson Fellow, Rachel Carson Center, Munich, Germany, one of the world's leading environmental historians, has embarked on a new project. He investigates the history of the seminal, 'Limits to Growth': Abundance or Scarcity? The Limits to Growth Debate Revisited The best selling environmental book in the postwar period was The Limits to Growth, by Donella and Dennis Meadows et al (1972). It touched off a firestorm of protests and rebuttals, for it called into question assumptions about the earth that had been made since Columbus discovered for Europe the New World. It seemed at the time that the economists and business interests effectively answered the book and that economic growth could continue without restraint. But with the vantage of nearly forty years it is now possible to see that the book's main argument has, if anything, survived and strengthened and that the book marked a critical turning point in modern history. Increasingly, the natural sciences have demonstrated the vulnerability of global systems to disturbance, so that now even many economists have begun to acknowledge the seriousness of environmental problems. Have we reached a new era - as called - as called for in the book - a time for a "new Copernican revolution?" - 41st ZUG Minisymposium: Heike Krause, Martin Mosser, March 23 "Zur Umweltgeschichte der Wiener Donau: Beiträge der stadtarchäologischen Forschung" Mag. Heike Krause und Mag. Martin Mosser, Stadtarchäologie Wien IFF Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien Wednesday, 23. March 2011, 18.00 - 20.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach / Media resonance (German only) - Karin Krichmayr Entwicklungsforscherin mit Weitblick Der Standard Wissenschaft/Forschung Spezial, Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010, Seite 14 - Susanne Strnadl Der Mensch, ein Sorgenkind Der Standard Wissenschaft/Forschung Spezial, Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010, Seite 14 - On January, 21st, Verena Winiwarter spoke at a public symposium of the Austrian Academy of Sciences about the environmental history of water. The slides are available at On January, 20th, she was interviewed on public radio about water issues in past, present and future, the broadcast is available for download at: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News - Julia Steinberger started a lectureship in ecological economics at the Sustainability Research Institute of the University of Leeds in January. At the end of January, she participated in an "ideas sandpit" of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and is now preparing proposals based on two successful project ideas! The first is on Multi-Utility Service Companies and their role in infrastructure integration and efficiency, the other is on more precise and effective infrastructure materials modelling. <h1></h1> - Alexander Bogner has accepted a call from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Technology Assessment. We wish him all the best for this new step in his career. - Ulli Weisz spent two months as a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra (October-December 2010). She was invited by Prof. Tony Capon from the National Center for Epidemiology and Population Health (NCEPH). - Martin Schmid leaves the Institute of Social Ecology on March, 1st for a six- month senior fellowship at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC) in Munich where he will work on his "Environmental History of the Danube 1500-1900". - Simone Gingrich was granted an "Award of Excellence 2010" by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research for her dissertation "A social ecology of European industrialisation: energy, materials, carbon and the socio-ecological transition". Congratulations! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Essl, Franz, Dullinger, Stefan, Rabitsch, Wolfgang, Hulme, P. E., Hülber, Karl, Jarosik, V., Kleinbauer, I., Krausmann, Fridolin, Kühn, Ingolf, Nentwig, Wolfgang, Vila, Montserrat, Genovesi, P., Gherardi, F., Desprez-Lusteau, A., Roques, A., and Pysek, Petr (2011): Socio-economic legacy yields an invasion debt. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(1), pp. 203-207. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2010): Energy in Nature and Society. General Energetics of Complex Systems, by Vaclav Smil. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-262-69356-1 2008, 512 pp., (Paper). In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(6), pp. 980-981. Gingrich, Simone, Kuskova, Petra, and Steinberger, Julia K. (2011): Long-term changes in CO2-emissions in Austria and Czechoslovakia - identifying the drivers of environmental pressures. In: Energy Policy 39(2), pp. 535-543. Haberl, Helmut, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Martinez-Alier, Joan, and Winiwarter, Verena (2011): A socio-metabolic transition towards sustainability? Challenges for another Great Transformation. In: Sustainable Development 19(1), pp. 1-14. Haberl, Helmut, Beringer, Tim, Bhattacharya, Sribas C., Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Hoogwijk, Monique (2010): The global technical potential of bio-energy in 2050 considering sustainability constraints. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability2(6), pp. 394-403. Hoffmann, Richard C. and Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Making Land and Water Meet: Cycling of nutrients between fields and ponds in Pre-Modern Europe. In: Agricultural History 84(3), pp. 352-380. Hutter, H-P., Kuni, M., Moshammer, H., Haas, W., Weisz, U., Niederkrotenthaler, T., Wallner, P. (2011): Anpassungsmaßnahmen zur Reduktion von Klimawandel-induzierten Gesundheitsrisiken in Österreich. Schwerpunkt Extremwetterereignisse. In: Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. Online First, January 2011. Springer Verlag Krausmann, Fridolin (2010): Vom Solarzeitalter zur fossilen Energieversorgung. Der Stoffwechsel der Industriegesellschaft. In: Stiftung Brandenburger Tor (Ed.): Energie gleich Arbeit. Nachdenken über das, was die Welt in Bewegung hält Acht Essays zum Thema Energie. Berlin: Nicolai Verlag, pp. 22-28. Mayer, Andreas (2010): Resource use and material flows in the Brazilian economy, 1960-2005. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 118). Mirtl, Michael, Bahn, Michael, Battin, Tom, Borsdorf, Axel, Englisch, Michael, Gaube, Veronika, Grabherr, Georg, Gratzer, Georg, Kreiner, D., Haberl, Helmut, Richter, Andreas, Schindler, Stephan, Tappeiner, Ulrike, and Winiwarter, Verena (2010): LTER-Austria White Paper - "Next Generation LTER" in Austria, On the status and orientation of process oriented ecosystem research, biodiversity and conservation research and socio-ecological research in Austria. LTER- Austria Series, Vol. 1. Vienna: LTER Austria.: (available also in German) Ribeiro de Oliveira, Rogerio and Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Toiling in Paradise: Knowledge Acquisition in the context of colonial agriculture in Brazil's atlantic forest. In: Environment and History 16, pp. 483-508. Scheidel, Arnim and Krausmann, Fridolin (2011): Diet, trade and land use: A socio-ecological analysis of the transformation of the olive oil system. In: Land Use Policy 28(1), pp. 47-56. Schmid, Martin, Winiwarter, Verena, and Haidvogl, Gertrud (2010): Legacies from the past: The Danube's riverine landscapes as socio-natural sites. In: Danube News: Bulletin of the International Association for Danube Research IAD 21, pp. 2-5. Singh, Simron J. and Dudley, Nigel (2010): Ecosystem Services in Rural Areas and Natural Resource Management. In: The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB). D2 for Local and Regional Policy Makers. Bonn: TEEB, pp. 83-104. Singh, Simron J. and Ramunjam, R. V. (2010): Exploring ecological unequal exchange using land and labour appropriation: trade in the Nicobar Islands, 1880-2000. In: Hornborg, Alf (Ed.): International Trade and Environmental Justice: Toward a Global Political Ecology. New York: Nova Science, pp. 19-48. Singh, Simron J. (2010): Vom Überfluss zur Knappheit. Handel und Geld auf den Nikobaren. Trade and Money in the Nicobar Islands). In: Polylog 23, pp. 17-43. Steinberger, Julia K. and Roberts, J. T. (2010): From constraint to sufficiency: the decoupling of energy and carbon from human needs, 1975-2005. In: Ecological Economics 70(2), pp. 425-433. Steinberger, Julia K. and Krausmann, Fridolin (2011): Material and energy productivity. In: Environmental Science and Technology 45(4), pp. 1169-1176. Turner II, Billie L. and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2010): Ester Boserup: An interdisciplinary visionary relevant for sustainability. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(51), pp. 21963-21965. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Mahlers bodenlose Erde. In: Kosmos Österreich 36, pp. 13-17. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Rezension von Christof MAUCH, Christian PFISTER (Hg.), Natural Disasters, Cultural Responses. Case Studies toward a Global Environmental History. International Environmental History Publications of the German Historical Institute, Lanham MD 2009. In: Geschichte-Transnational , pp. 1-1. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Soil Concepts and Soil Amendments in Late Medieval Agricultural Literature. In: Avista Forum Journal.Medieval Technology, Science and Art.Kalamazoo Roundup , pp. 87-88. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): Telling interactive stories: Animals and their remains in environmental history. In: Pluskowski, Aleksander G. et al. (Eds.): Bestial Mirrors - Using Animals to construct human Identities in medieval Europe. Wien: Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages, pp. 8-14. Winiwarter, Verena (2010): The Art of Making the Earth Fruitful: Medieval and Early Modern Improvements of Soil Fertility. In: Bruce, Scott G. (Ed.): Ecologies and Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Studies in Environmental History for Richard C. Hoffmann. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, Brill's Series in the History of the Environment, pp. 93-116. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Mag. Barbara Smetschka Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (SEC) Alpen-Adria Universitaet Schottenfeldgasse 29 1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 21 – June 2010
CONTENTS + News + Upcoming Events + Public Outreach + Staff news + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News Call for Paper - International Ester Boserup Conference 2010 From November 15th - 17th, 2010, the Institute of Social Ecology will host the International Ester Boserup Conference. For all those who want to participate but have not yet submitted an abstract, there is good news: The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to July 12, 2010! Ester Boserup was one of the pioneers of an integrated theoretical approach to questions of development and sustainability. 2010 marks the centennial of her birth. The international Boserup conference "Long-term trajectories in population, gender relations, land use, and the environment" wishes to pay tribute to her work and to her intellectual heritage. The detailed conference call as well as session abstracts and further information are available at UN Workshop: RIO 20+ THE CHALLENGE OF SUSTAINABILITY: A WORKSHOP IN PREPARATION FOR RIO + 20 NEW YORK, MAY 8-10, 2010 2 UN PLAZA, NEW YORK NY 10017 Marina Fischer-Kowalski gave her talk "The world economy's use of natural resources: history, dynamics, drivers and future perspectives" on May 8th, 2010. Find the final statement of the workshop at: Helmut Haberl invited as IPCC lead author Helmut Haberl was invited as 'lead author' for the IPCC's 5th assessment report scheduled for 2014. He will be part of the Working Group III (Adaptation and Mitigation), chapter 11 ' Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses'. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events GLP 2010 Open Science Meeting The Global Land Project (GLP) is pleased to announce the GLP 2010 Open Science Meeting (GLP OSM), to be held 17-19 October 2010 at Arizona State University. This Meeting is organized in close cooperation with IHDP's Urbanization and Global Environmental Change project (UGEC). UGEC will hold its 1st International Science and Practice Conference from the 15-17 October, with the 17 October organized jointly with GLP. The aim of the GLP OSM on 'Land Systems, Global Change and Sustainability' is to bring together large parts of the international research community working on land change issues, showcase the width and scope of ongoing research, help build a community in this highly interdisciplinary field, inspire new research and facilitate review, theory building and extrapolation. Please visit: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach Helmut Haberl's view on Bioenergy was quoted in an article in NewScientist: Andy Coghlan Intensive farming "massively slowed" global warming +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News We welcome Dr. Alexander Bogner, a sociologist and STS expert, as new member of our team. Congratulations: Simone Gingrich graduated with a PhD in Social Ecology with a presentation on "A social ecology of European industrialisation: energy, materials, carbon and the socio-ecological transition", 11th June 2010. Christoph Plutzar graduated with a PhD in Social Ecology with a presentation on "Biodiversität und Gesellschaft: Mensch-Natur-Interaktionen auf unterschiedlichen maßstäblichen Ebenen" on Thursday, 17th June 2010. Christoph Virgl graduated with a PhD in Political Sciences with a presentation on "Protest in der Weltgesellschaft" on Friday, 18th June 2010. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications 2010 Binder, Claudia R., Feola, Giuseppe, and Steinberger, Julia K. (2010): Considering the normative, systemic and procedural dimensions in indicator-based sustainability assessments in agriculture. In: Environmental Impact Assessment Review 30, pp. 71-81. Cunfer, G. and Krausmann, Fridolin (2010): Sustaining soil fertility. Agricultural practice in the old and new worlds. In: Global Environment 4, pp. 9-43. Erb, Karl-Heinz and Gingrich, Simone (2010): Die Industrialisierung der Landschaft. Der österreichische Kohlenstoffhaushalt in Gesellschaft und Natur 1830-2000. In: Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur (mit Geographie) 54(2), pp. 134-145. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Steinberger, Julia, and Ayres, Robert U. (2010): Towards a low carbon society: Setting targets for a reduction of global resource use. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 115). Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Singh, Simron Jit, Ringhofer, Lisa, Grünbühel, Clemens M., Lauk, Christian, and Remesch, Alexander (2010): Sociometabolic regimes in indigenous communities and the crucial role of working time: A comparision of case studies. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 121). Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Steinberger, Julia K. (2010): Social Metabolism and hybrid structures Gavrilova, Olga, Jonas, Matthias, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Haberl, Helmut (2010): International trade and Austria's livestock system: direct and hidden carbon emission flows associated with production and consumption of products. In: Ecological Economics 69, pp. 920-929. Haberl, Helmut and Erb, Karl-Heinz (2010): Global HANPP - Processes, Trajectories and Application. In: GLP News 6, pp. 19-20. Kennedy, Christopher, Steinberger, Julia K., Gasson, Barrie, Hansen, Yvonne, Hillman, Tim, Havranek, Miroslav, Pataki, Diane E., Phdungsilp, Aumnad, Ramaswami, Anuradha, and Villalba Mendez, Gara (2010): Methodology for inventorying greenhouse gas emissions from global cities. In: Energy Policy 38(9), pp. 4828-4837. Krausmann, Fridolin, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Schandl, Heinz (2010): Out of the frying pan into the fire: Industrialization as a socio-ecological transition process. In: McNeill, John R. et al. (Eds.): Environmental History: As if Nature Existed. Ecological Economics and Human Well-Being. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 26-48. Krausmann, Fridolin and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2010): Gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse: Energiequellen und die globale Transformation des gesellschaftlichen Stoffwechsels. Wien: IFF-Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 117). Schmid, Martin A. (2010): Herrschaft und Kolonisierung von Natur: Ein umwelthistorischer Versuch zur Integration von Materiellem und Symbolischem. In: Burger, Paul et al. (Eds.): Macht, Recht und Natur: Mensch-Natur Beziehungen im Spannungsfeld ihrer rechtlichen, sozialen, ökonomischen, historischen und wissenschaftlichen Konstituiertheit. Basel: Edition Gesowip, pp. 93-118. Sedlacek, Sabine and Gaube, Veronika (2010): Regions on their way to sustainability: The role of institutions in fostering (sustainable) development at the regional level. In: Environment, Development and Sustainability 12(1), pp. 117-134. Singh, Simron Jit, Ringhofer, Lisa, Haas, Willi, Krausmann, Fridolin, Lauk, Christian, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2010): Local Studies Manual: A researcher's guide for investigating the social metabolism of rural systems. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 120). Steinberger, Julia K., Krausmann, Fridolin, and Eisenmenger, Nina (2010): Global patterns of material use: a socioeconomic and geophysical analysis. In: Ecological Economics 69(5), pp. 1148-1158. Swilling, Mark and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2010): Decoupling and Sustainabel Resource Management: Scoping the challenges. Paris: UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Barbara Smetschka IFF Social Ecology Schottenfeldgasse 29/1/5 A-1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 20 – September 2009
CONTENTS + News - Job vacancy: Assistant Professor of Social Metabolism - Special Section of Ecological Economics on HANPP - Now online: Global Materials Extraction 1900-2005 Dataset - New Book: Planet Austria - Winter Semester 2009/10: Course information online + Upcoming Events - World Resources Forum, Davos, September 2009 - IFF Lecture: Rudolf Stichweh, November 2009 + Public Outreach - Social Ecology in the Media + Staff news - Awards and doctorate - Visiting scientist + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News - Job vacancy: Assistant Professor of Social Metabolism The Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna, part of the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies at Alps-Adria University, invites applications for the position of an Assistant Professor of Social Metabolism (tenure track). We are looking for an individual with a background in social sciences such as sociology, political science, anthropology, human geography and a broad perspective on social science theories and methods. We wish this candidate to be familiar with interdisciplinary fields such as human ecology, ecological economics, political ecology or industrial ecology, and open minded towards the natural sciences. Applicants should have experience with empirical research. We are seeking for a committed and creative person with intellectual curiosity, strong communicative skills and organizational talent, and enthusiasm for team work. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be preferred. Letters of application can be sent until 14th of October, 2009. Details at the official job announcement: - Special Section in Ecological Economics: HANPP Analyzing the global human appropriation of net primary production - processes, trajectories, implications. Guest editors: Erb, K.-H., Haberl, H. and Krausmann, F. First articles are published online. Watch out for data available online
- Erb, K.-H., Krausmann, F., Gaube, V., Gingrich, S., Bondeau, A., Fischer-Kowalski, M. and Haberl, H. Analyzing the global human appropriation of net primary production - processes, trajectories, implications. An introduction. -
- Kastner, T. Trajectories in Human Domination of Ecosystems: Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production in the Philippines throughout the 20th Century.
- Musel, A. Human appropriation of net primary production in the United Kingdom, 1800 - 2000. Changes in society's impact on ecological energy flows during the agrarian-industrial transition.
- Schwarzlmüller, E. Human domination of ecosystem biomass flows in Spain: a HANPP time series, 1955-2003.
- Kohlheb, N., Krausmann, F. Land use change, Biomass production and HANPP: The case of Hungary 1961-2005.
- Lauk, C., and Erb, K.-H. Biomass consumed in global anthropogenic fires: patterns and processes.
- Zika, M. and Erb, K.-H. The global loss of net primary production resulting from human-induced soil degradation in drylands.
- O'Neill, D.W., and Abson D.J. To settle or protect? A global analysis of net primary production in parks and urban areas.
- Erb, K.-H., Krausmann, F., Lucht, W., Haberl, H. Embodied HANPP: Mapping the spatial disconnect between global biomass production and consumption.
- Now online: Global Materials Extraction 1900-2005 dataset Fridolin Krausmann and his team have quantified the growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century in the FWF funded project GLOMETRA - the global metabolic transition. The results are published in Ecological Economics ( and show that global materials use per year has increased from 7 billion tons to 60 billion tons in the last century. This dataset contains data on global materials extraction for the period 1900 to 2005 by main material groups. Mass flows are provided for biomass, fossil energy carriers, ores and industrial minerals and construction minerals. Data are available online at: - New Book "Planet Austria: Stones - Water - Life" The national and international research programs of the Austrian Academy of Sciences have inspired the book project Planet Austria: Stein - Wasser - Leben (Planet Austria: Stones - Water - Life). The aim of this extensive volume is to present the broad spectrum of research being done at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in the fields of Alpine studies, geology, hydrology, and environmental and climate studies. In addition to textual descriptions, the volume also includes high-quality reproductions of photographs taken by one of the most famous photographers in Austria, Lois Lammerhuber. Helmut Haberl, Karlheinz Erb und Simone Gingrich are represented with their research projects on long term changes in Austria's carbon metabolism and their effects on ecosystems. Details: - Winter Semester 2009/10: Course information online Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: gabriela.miechtner [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events - World Resources Forum, Davos, September 2009 An excellent occasion to draw attention to sustainable resource use in the context of the current economic crisis: World Resources Forum (WRF) "Shaping the Future of Natural Resources" and the associated R'09 World Congress on "Resource Management and Technology for Material and Energy Efficiency" will take place in Davos/Switzerland from September 14-16, 2009. Dennis Meadows, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Timo Mäkelä, Anders Wijkman, and Helga Weisz are among the keynote speakers. Details: and, <h1></h1> - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Rudolf Stichweh Prof. Rudolf Stichweh, rector of the University of Luceren, Switzerland, will visit the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Evolution and Ecology of Social Systems" this winter term. He will give a public IFF lecture during his visit in Vienna. Details: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach Astrid Kuffner Viele Wege führen zum Paradeiser Der Standard, Wissenschaft /Forschung Spezial, 20./21. Mai 2009, Seite 21 Christopher Le Coq "We are already using a high proportion of biomass production in the ecosystem." Interview with Karl-Heinz Erb Scitizen, 2008 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News Congratulations! We are very proud of the following national and international awards for members of the Institute: Veronika Gaube got her PhD in Social Ecology with a presentation on "Regionale Umsetzung des Nachhaltigkeitskonzeptes - eine methodische Herausforderung" on Thursday, 7th of May, 2009. Anke Schaffartzik graduated in Social and Human Ecology with her thesis on "Berechnung und Analyse des Ökologischen Fußabdrucks auf subnationaler Ebene am Beispiel der Steiermark 2003". Nina Eisenmenger received the dissertation award 2009 of the Privatstiftung Kärntner Sparkasse for her dissertation on "A Biophysical View on Trade and the International Division of Labour." Karlheinz Erb and Veronika Gaube got "Best Feedback" from students for their seminar on "Material- und Energieflüsse und nachhaltige Entwicklung". Anita Hipfinger received one of this year's science awards of the Theodor Körner Fonds for her project "Regulierte Lebenswelten? Zum Verhältnis von Obrigkeit und Untertanen am Beispiel der Herrschaft Wilfersdorf in der Frühen Neuzeit." Simron Jit Singh received the Royal Anthropological Fellowship award in Urgent Anthropology for the year 2009 for his research on the Nicobar Islands. Venkat Ramanujam, PhD student of Social Ecology gained a full-financed fellowship at the University of Cambridge. We welcome Szu-Hua Wang as guest scientist. She is a Taiwanese PhD student at the Graduate Institute of Urban Planning, National Taipei University in Taipei. Her research focus is "Integrated Ecosystem Model and Agent-Based Model for Simulating Peri-Urban Land Use Change". She will join our Institute until Apirl 2010 and participate in our research project on "Analyzing Global HANPP." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Binder, Claudia, Steinberger, Julia K., Schmidt, Henrik, and Schmid, Alfons (2009): Sustainability Solution Space for the Swiss milk value added chain: Combing LCA data with socio-economic indicators. In: Nemecek, Thomas and Gaillard, Gérard (Eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on LCA in the Agri-Food Sector - Towards a sustainable management of the Food chain. November 12-14, 2008, Zurich, Switzerland. Zürich: Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station ART, pp. 219-227. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, Gingrich, Simone, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2009): Integrated assessment of carbon in Austria 1830-2000 reveals strong feedbacks between socioeconomic and ecological drivers. In: GLP News 5, pp. 16-17. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, and Gingrich, Simone (2009): Kohlenstoff. In: Köck, Günter et al. (Eds.): Planet Austria. Wien: Edition Lammerhuber, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bd. 26, pp. 330-337. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Sieferle, Rolf Peter (2009). 12 Fragen an... Marina Fischer-Kowalski. GAIA 18 (3):190-191. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2009): Den Zusammenbruch von Zivilisationen konzeptualisieren? Plädoyer für eine sozialökologische Gesellschaftstheorie. In: GAIA 18(1), pp. 13-14. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Rotmans, Jan (2009): Conceptualizing, Observing and Influencing Social-Ecological Transitions. In: Ecology and Society 14(2)3. - Gaube, Veronika (2009): Regionale Umsetzung des Nachhaltigkeitskonzeptes - eine methodische Herausforderung. Empirische Untersuchungen zu Landnutzung und nachhaltiger Entwicklung in Regionen Österreichs mit Hilfe von "Institutionenanalyse" und "Integrierter Modellierung". Dissertation, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt-Graz-Wien. Giljum, Stefan and Eisenmenger, Nina (2008): North-south trade and the distribution of environmental goods and burdens: a biophysical perspective, Journal of Environment and Development 13(1), 73-100. In: Martinez-Alier, Joan and Roepke, Inge (Eds.): Recent Developments in Ecological Economics, Volume I. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 383-410. Haas, Willi, Reiter, Karl, Ertl, Sigrun, Erschbamer, Brigitta, Mayer, Roland, Ackermann, Mirjam, and Walz, Ariane (2009): Footprints, MaB Biosphärenpark Ötztal - Future/Past/Present. Endbericht an das MAB Nationalkomitee der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien: IFF Soziale Ökologie Haberl, Helmut (2008): 12 Questions to... Joan Martinéz-Alier. In: GAIA 17(4), pp. 334-335. Haberl, Helmut, Plutzar, Christof, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, Pollheimer, Martin, and Schulz, Niels B. (2008): Human appropriation of net primary production as determinant of avifauna diversity in Austria. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 110, 119-31. In: Martinez-Alier, Joan and Roepke, Inge (Eds.): Recent Developments in Ecological Economics, Volume I. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 323-335. Haberl, Helmut, Weisz, Helga, Amann, Christof, Bondeau, Alberte, Eisenmenger, Nina, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2008): The Energetic Metabolism of the European Union and the United States: Decadal Energy Input Time-Series with an Emphasis on Biomass. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(4), pp. 151-171. Haberl, Helmut (2008): Sustainable Fossil Fuels: The Unusual Suspect in the Quest for Clean and Enduring Energy by Mark Jaccard. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(5-6), pp. 799-801. Haberl, Helmut, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Martinez-Alier, Joan, and Winiwarter, Verena (2009): A sociometabolic transition towards sustainability? Challenges for another Great Transformation. In: Sustainable Developmentonline first. Haberl, Helmut, Gaube, Veronika, Díaz-Delgado, Riccardo, Krauze, Kinga, Neuner, Angelika, Peterseil, Johannes, Singh, Simron J., and Vadineanu, Angheluta (2009): Towards an integrated model of socioeconomic biodiversity drivers, pressures and impacts. A feasibility study based on three European long-term socio-ecological research platforms. In: Ecological Economics 68(6), pp. 1797-1812. Haberl, Helmut (2009): Bioenergie nachhaltig nutzen. - Krausmann, Fridolin, Gingrich, Simone, Eisenmenger, Nina, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2009): Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century. In: Ecological Economics 68(10), pp. 2696-2705. Le Toan, Thuy, Baltzer, Heiko, Paillou, P., Papathanassiou, Kostas, Plummer, S., Quegan, S, Rocca, F., Ulander, L., Saatchi, S. S., Shugart, H., Freeman, H., Erb, Karl-Heinz, Schaphoff, Sibyll, Lucht, Wolfgang, and Davidson, Malcolm (2008): Candidate Earth Explorer Core Mission: Biomass. Report for Assessment, November 2008. Nordwijk, The Netherlands: ESA Communication Production. Lekan, Thomas, Brantz, Dorothee, Gißibl, Bernhard, Warde, Paul, Winiwarter, Verena, and Zeller, Thomas (2009): Forum: The Nature of German Environmental History. In: German History 27(1), pp. 113-130. Morrison, Keith D. and Singh, Simron J. (2009): Adaptation and indigenous knowledge as a bridge to sustainability. In: Begossi, Albina and Lopes, Priscilla (Eds.): Current Trends in Human Ecology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 125-155. Schaffartzik, Anke (2009): Berechnung und Analyse des Ökologischen Fußabdrucks auf subnationaler Ebene am Beispiel der Steiermark 2003. Master thesis, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt-Graz-Wien. Schandl, Heinz, Poldy, Franzi, Turner, Graham, Measham, Thomas G., Walker, Daniel H., and Eisenmenger, Nina (2008): Australia's Resource Use Trajectories. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(5/6), pp. 669-686. Sedlacek, Sabine and Gaube, Veronika (2009): Regions on their way to sustainability: The role of institutions in fostering (sustainable) development at the regional level. In: Environment, Development and Sustainability online 13th Jan 2009. Singh, Simron J. (2009): Complex disasters: the Nicobar Islands in the grip of humanitarian aid. In: Geographische Rundschau - International Edition 5(3), pp. 48-56. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2009): Integration der Genderperspektive im Nachhaltigkeitsdreieck mittels Zeitverwendung. In: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie 18(2), pp. 135-148. Steinberger, Julia K. and Roberts, J. Timmons (2009): Across a Moving Threshold: energy, carbon and the efficiency of meeting global human development needs. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 114). Steinberger, Julia K., Friot, Damien, Jolliet, Olivier, and Erkman, Suren (2009): A spatially explicit life cycle inventory of the global textile chain. In: International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14(5), pp. 443-455. Wätzold, Frank, Haberl, Helmut, Svarstadt, Hanne, van Reeth, Wouter, and White Rehema (2009): Integrating knowledge from social and natural sciences for biodiversity management: the asymmetric information trap. Leipzig: Department Ökonomie. Weisz, Helga (2008): Combining social metabolism and input-output analyses to account for ecologically unequal trade, in Alf Hornborg, J.R. McNeill and Joan Martinez-Alier (eds.), Rethinking Environmental History: World-System History and Global Environmental Change, Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 289-306. In: Martinez-Alier, Joan and Roepke, Inge (Eds.): Recent Developments in Ecological Economics, Volume I. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 427-444. Weisz, Helga, Krausmann, Fridolin, Amann, Christof, Eisenmenger, Nina, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Hubacek, Klaus, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2008): The physical economy of the European Union: cross-country comparison and determinants of material consumption, Ecological Economics 58, 676-98. In: Martinez-Alier, Joan and Roepke, Inge (Eds.): Recent Developments in Ecological Economics, Volume I. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 300-322. Winiwarter, Verena, Haidvogl, Gertrud, Knoll, Martin, and Schmid, Martin (2008): ESF Exploratory Workshop on Long Term Socio-Ecological Research of a European Watershed - Towards an Environmental History of the Danube's Riverine Landscape (ENVIRDANUBE), Vienna, Austria, 20-24 February. Wien: IFF Soziale Ökologie Winiwarter, Verena and Haberl, Helmut (2009): Verlorene an der Peripherie: Eine humanökologische Betrachtung von Joseph Roths Roman Das falsche Gewicht. In: Lughofer, Johann G. (Ed.): Im Prisma: Joseph Roths Romane. Wien: Edition Art Science, pp. 388-399. Winiwarter, Verena (2009): Von der gemessenen zur gesellschaftlich bedeutenden Wissenschaft. Eine Utopie. In: Ehalt, Hubert C. et al. (Eds.): Kritik und Utopie. Positionen und Perspektiven. Wien, Berlin: Lit Verlag, pp. 438-441. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Barbara Smetschka IFF Social Ecology Schottenfeldgasse 29/1/5 A-1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 19 – February 2009
CONTENTS + News - Journal of Industrial Ecology - Special Issue - New "Social Ecology Working Papers" Online - Download Area - Social Ecology Data - Summer semester 2009: Course information online + Upcoming Events - World Resources Forum, Davos, September 2009 - International Symposium on "Society and Resource Management", Vienna, July 2009 - International Conference on "Human Ecology", Manchester, June 2009 - 2009 ISIE Conference, Lisboa, June 2009 - CIPRA: Cool minds in the greenhouse, Bolzano, April 2009 - 28th ZUG Minisymposium: Heike Weber, Vienna, March 2009 + New Projects - Adaptation Strategy - CEECEC - Exhibition Ardagger - Global Biomass Scenarios - Glometra - Global Use of Ecosystems - Green policies in the sustainability triangle - Our environment has a history - Sustainable Hospital - Transfer - White Paper LTER - Youth@Risk + Public Outreach - Social Ecology in the media + Staff news - Helga Weisz after Yale University to PIK Potsdam - Guest professor: Lorenz Hilty - Guest professor: Arild Vatn - New professor for sustainable resource use - list - Junior professor in environmental history - list + New publications +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +News - Journal of Industrial Ecology - Special Issue Helga Weisz, Heinz Schandl (guest eds.) 2008. Materials Use Across World Regions: Inevitable Pasts and Possible Futures. Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(5-6): 629-819. This special issue of the renowned "Journal of Industrial Ecology" assembles a must-read collection of papers on global socioeconomic metabolism. It contains several articles authored by scientists of the Institute of Social Ecology as well as papers from renowned material flow scholars across the world. - New "Social Ecology Working Papers" Online 10 new Social Ecology Working Papers including 7 diploma thesis can be ordered or downloaded at: - Download Area - Social Ecology Data The Institute of Social Ecology's download area provides a host of valuable data for free download, among them global HANPP, land-use and biomass flow data as well as data on the agrarian-industrial transition in the Czech republic. New data on C flows in Austria 1830-2000 will be added soon. Watch out! - Summer Semester 2009: Course information online Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: lehre.socec [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events - World Resources Forum, Davos, September 2009 An excellent occasion to raise the sustainable resource use issue in the context of the current economic crisis. Marina Fischer-Kowalski will act as a chair and keynote speaker. Details: - International Symposium on "Society and Resource Management", Vienna, July 2009 BOKU, Vienna, July 5-8, 2009 The 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management will be hosted by The University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) from July 5 - 8, 2009 in Vienna, Austria. The symposium will discuss methodological as well as practical issues of resource management. It will explore cultural and political influences on planning and decision making processes. The organizers stress the need for transdisciplinary and transboundary approaches. Details: - International Conference on "Human Ecology", Manchester, June 2009 The 2009 conference on "Human Ecology for an Urbanising world" will be jointly convened by the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council and the Society for Human Ecology and held in Manchester, UK, June 29th to July 3rd, 2009. The Institute of Social Ecology is involved in organizing two potential sessions: "The urban metabolism approach" (contact anke.schaffartzik [at] and "Urbanization and land-system change" (contact helmut.haberl [at] Abstracts are welcome until May 1st, 2009. The session organizers will be glad to provide potential contributers with further information. - 2009 ISIE Conference, Lisboa, June 2009 The 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology on "Transitions Toward Sustainability" will be held on 21-24 June 2009, in Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon, Portugal. Details: - CIPRA: Cool minds in the greenhouse, Bolzano, April 2009 What do we do to respond to climate change? Do we know what effects our actions have on society, economy and environment? The international conference "Cool minds in the greenhouse - conscious action during climate change" gives answers to these questions. The conference will take place on April 2-3, 2009 in Bolzano, Italy, and will be held in all alpine languages (not in english). It is organised by CIPRA international and the City of Bolzano. Details: - 28th ZUG Minisymposium: Heike Weber "Am Ende des Warenstroms? - Zur Geschichte des Hausmülls im deutsch-französischen Vergleich" Dr. Heike Weber, Institut für Philosophie, Technische Universität Berlin IFF Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien Thursday, 26. March 2009, 18.00 - 20.00 Details: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Projects Adaptation Strategy - first action recommendations Based on the project "Investigation of the actual state for the adaptation to climate change" (12/08 - 03/08) which supplies an overview of research activities and practical measures of the adaptation to climate change in Austria, the present project was supposed to identify first recommendations for action for selected areas for the adaptation to climate change in Austria. From 06/08 - 10/08 a survey with interviews of hundreds of experts, as well as 5 expert workshops with altogether about 50 experts was carried out to identify their recommendations for action for in the areas of agriculture, forestry, water management, energy-/electricity generation as well as tourism. In this context recommendations for action refer to gaps in knowledge, need for further research and essential framework development as well as proposals for concrete measures. The results were presented at the "3. Workshop on a strategy for climate change adaptation" hosted by the BMLFUW. The investigation will form the basis for future political agenda setting. Both these projects were realized for AustroClim by order of the BMLFUW by the IFF Institute of Social Ecology, University of Klagenfurt, the Federal Environmental Agency and the Institute of Meteorology, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. More information and downloads: Contact: willi.haas [at] CEECEC Ecological Economics is a scientific community with a variety of methods to determine the impacts of civil initiatives on both the social system and the physical environment. These methods could be useful to NGOs/CSOs if they are conveyed to and applied by them in their work, at the same time they should be adapted to NGO/CSO needs. In turn NGOs can offer knowledge from practical experience, which could enable Ecological Economics to further develop its scientific concepts and tools and make them accessible to a broader community, as well as increasing its influence in terms of policy making. Within the present project, which is being funded by the EU's RP7 program, such Ecological Economics - NGO/CSO cooperation is being put to the test based on different case studies. The project is being coordinated by the University of Barcelona (UAB - Institut de Ciencia i Tecnologia Ambientals) under the lead of Prof. Dr. Joan Martinez Alier and got underway at a kick-off meeting in Paris in mid April, 2008. Project partners involved include scientists from 6 different research institutions, amongst them IFF, and representatives from 8 different NGOs/CSOs from all over the world. The case studies span from a study in Cameroon on the impacts of French logging on the livelihoods of the local people, to a case study in India about the possibilities provided by the Rural Employment Guarantee Act for the development of a local community. They further include studies in Italy, Brazil, Ecuador and Croatia on topics such as waste management, impacts of the Pan-European Corridor, infrastructure, forest protection, tourism, national park management etc. Key ecological economic tools and concepts that might be of use and applied in these cases range from environmental indicators such as Material Flow Accounting (MFA) and Human Apprpriation of Net-Primary Production (HANPP) to decision-making tools such as Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) and concepts such as ecosystem services, natural capital, resilience and so forth. Case studies will be revised within a stepwise process, through conference between researchers and NGOs/CSOs and results put together in a handbook, which will be translated into different languages. This will be placed online as part of a practice-orientated platform, which will be devised, based on the lessons learned within the project. The intention behind this platform is not only to make ecological economic tools more accessible to NGOs/CSOs to use in their work but also to engage them in the Ecological Economic research community. Contact: willi.haas [at] Exhibition Ardagger The provincial government of Lower Austria has announced an exhibition about the environmental history of the Danube. It will be held from May-October, 2010 in the 18th century parish house in Ardagger-Markt, a small village adjacent to the Danube close to the Upper Austrian border. The Centre for Environmental History has been invited to submit a proposal and is now curating the exhibition. The show will feature historical artifacts on floods, river regulation, habitat changes and land-use in alluvial areas, to name but the most important themes. In cooperation with the University of Life Sciences and Natural Resources (BOKU), the Institute will provide not only the exhibit but also produce a catalogue with scholarly articles on the various subjects. In close co-operation with the provincial archive we hope to interest a wider public in the environmental history of the Danube, showing how humans have dealt with these highly dynamic ecosystems. Fishes and plants will be used to offer non-anthropocentric narratives which should allow visitors to reflect their own relationship to "nature". The project is lead by Verena Winiwarter, with Martin Schmid as Co-Leader. Contact: verena.winiwarter [at] Global Biomass Scenarios Population growth and increasing meat demand, above all in Southern and South-East Asia, contribute to a surge in biomass demand for food and fodder. Moreover, ambitious programmes aim at a promotion of bio-energy production and use. At the same time, more than three quarters of the global land area are already used more or less intensively by humans: as settlement, industrial or traffic areas, cropland, forestry or as grazing lands for livestock. This project aims at a global analysis of the following questions: To what extent can the aims of improving humanity's food supply (qualitatively and quantitatively) and increasing bio-energy production be reconciled? What will be the impact of global climate change? What could be the contribution of changes in dietary patterns? What would be the impact of a promotion of organic agriculture? Contact: helmut.haberl [at] GLOMETRA - The global metabolic transition The size of the physical economy has multiplied during industrialization. Socioeconomic material and energy flows have reached a volume that interferes with global biogeochemical cycles and increased the scope and complexity of environmental problems. The concept of social metabolism recognizes that all economic activity is based on a throughput of materials and energy and it relates, conceptually and methodologically, to the (monetary) system of national accounts and to ecosystem analysis. It allows the systematic treatment of sustainability problems occurring both at the input side (related to resource provision) and at the output side (related to wastes and emissions) of socio-economic systems and has emerged as a key concept in sustainability science. This project takes a systemic and long term view upon global social metabolism and its transformations. It will provide a country-by-country comprehensive global database for socio-economic material and energy flows for at least ten points in time during the last 100 years. It will analyse temporal and cross country patterns of social metabolism and their underlying bio-geographical and socioeconomic drivers such as population and economic growth. Special attention will be given to the interrelation of energy use (and available energy services) and material flows. The project will establish a typology of countries with respect to their metabolic characteristics (metabolic profiles). Based on time series data, it will investigate metabolic transitions and identify differences in development pathways and trajectories, thus exploring potentials and limitations for shifts towards a more sustainable industrial metabolism. This research will allow to draw conclusions on the characteristics of ongoing transition processes and the role of globalisation for changing patterns of resource use. It will show if newly industrializing countries are following the (resource intensive) path of industrialization observed historically or if also other, more sustainable paths are emerging. This provides important background information for the development of policies for sustainable resource use and the restructuring of industrial metabolism required for the protection of the climate system. Contact: fridolin.krausmann [at] Global Use of Ecosystems - GLP endorsed project The project "Global Use of Ecosystems - Patterns, dynamics and implications of the global human use of terrestrial ecosystems" aims to enhance an integrated understanding of socioeconomic as well as of natural drivers and implications of the global human use of terrestrial ecosystems. It is focused on one major integrated socio-ecological indicator, the human appropriation of net primary production (abbreviated HANPP). Other measures of human use of ecosystems will be investigated as well, including human-induced changes in nutrient flows (above all N). Contact: helmut.haberl [at] Green policies in the sustainability triangle Considering economic, ecological, and social dimensions in an integrated manner is important if we want to move towards sustainable development. This could hardly have been proven more starkly than by the food crisis of 2008. A series of feedback loops between stock market trends, changes in farming practices, and rising crop prices led to acute social crises in many parts of the world. Can politics adequately react to such multi-dimensional problems? Together with the Austrian Green Foundation for Education (Grüne Bildungswerkstatt GBW), a team from the Institute of Social Ecology is pursuing this question in relation to sustainable development. The conceptual model used to inform this cooperation between science and politics is the "sustainability triangle": It allows for the depiction of positive and negative feedback loops between the economic, the ecological, and the social sphere. Both for the grass roots of the Austrian Greens and its politicians, the application of this model enables a more holistic policy assessment, for example allowing for the analysis of the ecological and social effects which economic measures might have. The workshops jointly organised by the Institute of Social Ecology and the GBW provide an opportunity for in-depth political reflection of policy alternatives for which there is often hardly time in the day-to-day bustle of party politics. Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at], anke.schaffartzik [at] Our environment has a history - Sparkling Science project "Our environment has a history" supports students of a technical secondary school in independent scholarly research on Austrian environmental history. Students are introduced to scholarly research and issues of environmental history in several excursions. On the basis of these experiences, and supported by environmental historians and didacticists the students develop research questions and research designs. Thus, they introduce new topics to environmental history which are relevant to young people interested in technology. The students conduct their research primarily during the "project week", held in the school each February. The products of the project distribute the results in schools and the scholarly community. The project is monitored by didactics: Didacticists facilitate common workshops and thus foster successful communication between school and academic scholarship. Concomitant research during the project week yields insights for future cooperation between schools and science. In addition, accompanying evaluation serves as quality control during the course of the project. In order to ensure lasting effects of the projects, teaching materials on environmental history are developed and provided online for free download. Continuing education seminars for teachers on environmental history are prepared during the project. A university course will introduce the supervision of environmental history school projects into academic teaching. Contact: verena.winiwarter [at], simone.gingrich [at] Sustainable Hospital - Transfer Following two successful "Fabrik der Zukunft" projects on the theme of sustainable hospitals ("Feasibility study" 2004-2005 and "Testing the sustainable hospital" 2006-2008) the cross-disciplinary team aims for distributing the results and key findings from the four-year cross-disciplinary cooperation beyond the pilot hospital itself to the Viennese hospital association (Wiener Krankenanstaltenverbund) and its hospitals, the national and international networks of Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) as well as to hospital management, health promotion and transdisciplinary research communities. The contents of the transfer strategy include a "sustainable hospital instruction" which will be designed to look like a medicine packet complete with an instruction leaflet. The project "The sustainable hospital - transfer" (10/2008-03/2010; funded by the BMVIT Fabrik der Zukunft) is a cooperation involving the Viennese Otto Wagner Hospital, the Vienna Hospital Association and the Berlin Immanuel Diakonie Group with an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Institute of Social Ecology and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Health Promotion Research. Contact: ulli.weisz [at] White Paper LTER LTER Austria, the Austrian research association for Long-Term Ecological Research, is currently developing a so called "White Paper" elaborating its research strategy. LTER Austria combines the research capacity in Austria in the research fields Long-Term Ecosystem Research, Long-Term Biodiversity Research and Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research. Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research covers environmental history as well as historical sustainability science. The Institute of Social Ecology is intensively involved in the preparation of the White Paper by delivering and refining the conceptual framework of the Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER). The project is led by the Austrian Environmental Agency. Contact: helmut.haberl [at], veronika.gaube [at] Youth@Risk - Sparkling Science project The main focus of the project "Youth@Risk: Risk Perception and Young People" is the exploration of risk perception of adolescents in a research process involving young people actively. In an research-education-cooperation students of the secondary school 'Gymnasium Schlierbach' will investigate risk perception together with researchers of the Institute for Pharmaeconomic Research, the Austrian Institute of Ecology and the Institute for Social Ecology. The risks young people perceive will be analyzed in relation to urban/rural differences, scientific knowledge on and media coverage of risks. The adolescents are learning to apply social sciences methods (e.g. social simulation, questionnaires, media monitoring) in cooperation with the researchers. So, teachers and pupils are getting to know methods, which can be integrated in other school work and activities. The project will be evaluated by the Institute for Development of Education and School. The results should be embedded in the configuration of long term cooperations between schools and researchers on the one hand, and in the integration of the research-education-cooperation into the mission statement of 'Gymnasium Schlierbach' on the other hand. Contact: willi.haas [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach (German only) Helmut Haberl Bioenergie: Ja, aber richtig! ORF on Science, 20. Februar 2009, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News Helga Weisz, after returning from her guest professorship at Yale University, has accepted a call from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) to become co-chair of the research domain climate impacts & vulnerability by April this year. We understand that this is a very interesting new challenge and opportunity for her, and wish her all the best for this new step in her career - even if we will badly miss her. Lorenz Hilty from EMPA (St. Gallen) has now returned to his workplace after spending a semester with us as a guest professor and highly esteemed research fellow during his sabbatical. We have enjoyed his company very much, both intellectually and personally. Arild Vatn from the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Norway will visit the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Institutional Perspectives on Environmental Governance" from April 21 to 23, 2009. For the Institute's new professorship for sustainable resource use, after reviewing many and highly qualified candidates, the commission has submitted the following list to the Rector of Klagenfurt University: 1. Edgar Hertwich, 2. Fridolin Krausmann, 3. Claudia Binder. Martin Schmid is listed (place 2) for the position of a Junior Professor in environmental history at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Darnhofer, Ika, Auer, Ingeborg, Eckmüllner, Otto, Gaube, Veronika, Kirchengast, Anna, Loibl, Wolfgang, Pröbstl, Ulrike, Prutsch, Andrea, Seebacher, Ulrike, Vospernik, Sonja, and Weigelhofer, Gabriele (2008): Forschungs-Bildungs-Kooperation - Erste Erfahrungen aus transdisziplinärer Forschung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. In: International Journal of Sustainability Communication 2, pp. 45-59. Eisenmenger, Nina, Haas, Willi, Krausmann, Fridolin, Moll, Stephan, Schütz, Helmut, and Weisz, Helga (2008): Development of material use in the EU-25 time series. Final Report to Eurostat. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology. Eisenmenger, Nina, Gaube, Veronika, Mayer, Andreas, and Do Nascimento, Fernanda S. (2008): IARU - Integrated Assessment of Resource Use in Lençóis Maranhenses, Northeast Brazil. Final report to the ÖNB Jubiläumsfonds. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology. Erb, Karl-Heinz and Klein Goldewijk, Kees (2008): Global land use mapping workshop. Vienna, Austria, May 22 - 23th 2008. In: GLP News 4, pp. 31-31. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gingrich, Simone, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Haberl, Helmut (2008): Industrialization, fossil fuels and the transformation of land use: An integrated analysis of carbon flows in Austria 1830-2000. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(5-6), pp. 686-703. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gingrich, Simone, Gaube, Veronika, Gavrilova, Olga, Haberl, Helmut, Kastner, Thomas, Krausmann, Fridolin, Weisz, Helga, and Zandl, Stefan (2008): Kohlenstoffhaushalt und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, Zusammenhänge von Kohlenstoffflüssen und sozioökonomischer Dynamik in Österreich 1830-2000. Endbericht an die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien: IFF Soziale Ökologie. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2008): Book review: Energy in Nature and Society: General Energetics of Complex Systems by Vaclav Smil, MIT Press, Cambridge. In: Regional Environmental Change 8(4), published online: 10 October 2008. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Schaffartzik, Anke (2008): Ökologisierung der Arbeit? Arbeit, gesellschaftlicher Stoffwechsel und nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: Washietl, Engelbert and Pfisterer, Eva (Eds.): Arbeit - der Mensch zwischen Fremd- und Selbstbestimmung. Wien: LIT Verlag, pp. 131-145. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Mayer, Andreas (2008): Umwelt und Ökologie. In: Forster, Rudolf (Ed.): Forschungs- und Anwendungsbereiche der Soziologie. Wien: Facultas Verlag, pp. 266-281. Fritsch, Michaela and Haberl, Helmut (2008): Menschliche Landnutzung beansprucht Ökosysteme. Auswirkungen der globalen Nutzung über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahrhunderten untersucht. In: Wasser, Luft und Boden - Zeitschrift für Umwelttechnik (9), pp. 23-24. Gaube, Veronika, Kaiser, Christina, Wildenberg, Martin, Adensam, Heidelinde, Fleissner, Peter, Kobler, Johannes, Lutz, Juliana, Smetschka, Barbara, Wolf, Angelika, Richter, Andreas, and Haberl, Helmut (2008): Ein integriertes Modell für Reichraming. Partizipative Entwicklung von Szenarien für die Gemeinde Reichraming (Eisenwurzen) mit Hilfe eines agentenbasierten Landnutzungsmodells. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 106). Gaube, Veronika, Adensam, Heidi, Gingrich, Simone, Haberl, Helmut, Kaiser, Christina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Lutz, Juliana, Richter, Andreas, Smetschka, Barbara, and Wildenberg, Martin (2008): LTSER Eisenwurzen - Integrierte Modellierung von gesellschaftlichen und ökosystemaren Stoff- und Materialflüssen. Endbericht an das BMWF, proVISION Programm. Wien: IFF Soziale Ökologie. Gingrich, Simone and Krausmann, Fridolin (2008): Der soziale Metabolismus lokaler Produktionssysteme. Reichraming in der oberösterreichischen Eisenwurzen 1830-2000. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 107). Gingrich, Simone (2008): Historical sustainability research: Past processes and current challenges. In: Szabo, Péter and Hédl, Radim (Eds.): Human Nature: Studies in Historical Ecology and Environmental History. Brno: Institute of Botany of the ASCR, pp. 28-35. Haas, Willi and Weisz, Ulli (2008): Das nachhaltige Krankenhaus. Eine wirtschaftsbezogene Grundlagenforschung zur praktischen Erprobung in einem Pilotkrankenhaus. Endbericht an den FFG. Wien: IFF Soziale Ökologie. Haas, Willi, Weisz, Ulli, Pelikan, Jürgen, Schmid, Hermann, Purzner, Karl, Hartl, Sylvia, and Himpelmann, Monika (2008): Das nachhaltige Krankenhaus. Eine wirtschaftsbezogene Grundlagenforschung zur Erprobung in einem Pilotkrankenhaus. Endbericht an das BMVIT, Programmlinie Fabrik der Zukunft. Wien: IFF Soziale Ökologie. Haas, Willi, Weber, Mirjam, Reiter, Karl, Wrbka, Thomas, Prinz, Martin, Kaufmann, Rüdiger, and Erschbamer, Brigitta (2008): Footprints, MaB Biosphärenpark Ötztal, Phase 2. Endbericht an das Nationalkomitee der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Haas, Willi, Weisz, Ulli, Balas, Maria, McCallum, Sabine, Lexer, Wolfgang, Pazdernik, Wolfgang, Prutsch, Andrea, Radunsky, Klaus, Formayer, Herbert, Kromp-Kolb, Helga, and Schwarzl, Ingeborg (2008): Identifikation von Handlungsempfehlungen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Österreich. Erste Phase. Bericht für AustroClim im Auftrag des Lebensministeriums. Wien: IFF Soziale Ökologie. Haberl, Helmut (2008): Ein weiter Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit: Analysen sozialökologischer Übergänge zeigen das Ausmaß nötiger Veränderungen auf. In: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 24(3), pp. 36-55. Haberl, Helmut (2008): Kosmetik als Anti-Inflations-Strategie? In: Der Standard. S. 34. Haidvogl, Gertrud and Schmid, Martin (2008): Towards and environmental history of the Danube: Long-term socio-ecological research on a European watershed. In: Teodorovic, Ivana et al. (Eds.): The Danube River in a Changing World. 37th IAD Conference, Chisinau, Moldowa, 29.10.-1.11.2008. Limnological Reports 37 Proceedings. Chisinau, pp. 204-209. Kitzes, Justin A., Galli, Allessandro, Bagliani, Marco, Barrett, John, Dige, Gorm, Ede, Sharon, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Giljum, Stefan, Haberl, Helmut, Hails, Chris, Jolia-Ferrier, Laurent, Jungwirth, Sally, Lenzen, Manfred, Lewis, Kevin, Loh, Jonathan, Marchettini, Nadia, Messinger, Hans, Milne, Krista, Moles, Richard, Monfreda, Chad, Moran, Dan, Nakano, Katsura, Pyhälä, Aili, Rees, William, Simmons, Craig, Wackernagel, Mathis, Wada, Yoshihiko, Walsh, Connor, and Wiedmann, Thomas (2008): A research agenda for improving national Ecological Footprint accounts. In: Ecological Economics, published online 31.8.2008. Krausmann, Fridolin (2008): Die Landwirtschaft Niederösterreichs in sozialökologischer Perspektive. In: Melichar, Peter et al. (Eds.): Niederösterreich im 20. Jahrhundert. Band 2: Wirtschaft. Wien: Böhlau, pp. 261-269. Krausmann, Fridolin, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Schandl, Heinz, and Eisenmenger, Nina (2008): The global socio-metabolic transition: past and present metabolic profiles and their future trajectories. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(5/6), pp. 637-656. Krausmann, Fridolin, Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Wiesinger, Michaela, Gaube, Veronika and Gingrich, Simone (2009): What determines geographical patterns of the global human appropriation of net primary production? Journal of Land Use Science 4 (1):15-34. Kuskova, Petra, Gingrich, Simone, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2008): Long term changes in social metabolism and land use in Czechoslovakia, 1830-2000: An energy transition under changing political regimes. In: Ecological Economics 68(1-2), pp. 394-407. Newig, Jens, Haberl, Helmut, Pahl-Wostl, Claudia, and Rothman, Dale (2008): Formalised and Non-Formalised Methods in Resource Management, Knowledge and Learning in Participatory Processes. Special Issue of Systemic Practice and Action Research 21(6), 381-515. Newig, Jens, Haberl, Helmut, Pahl-Wostl, Claudia, and Rothman, Dale (2008): Formalised and Non-Formalised Methods in Resource Management, Knowledge and Learning in Participatory Processes. An Introduction. In: Systemic Practice and Action Research 21(6), pp. 381-387. Newig, Jens, Gaube, Veronika, Berkhoff, Karin, Kaldrack, Kai, Kastens, Britta, Lutz, Juliana, Schlußmeier, Bianca, Adensam, Heidelinde, and Haberl, Helmut (2008): The Role of Formalisation, Participation and Context in the Success of Public Involvement Mechanisms in Resource Management. In: Systemic Practice and Action Research 21(6), pp. 423-441. Ornetzeder, Michael, Hertwich, Edgar G., Hubacek, Klaus, Korytarova, Katharina, and Haas, Willi (2008): The environmental effect of car-free housing: A case in Vienna. In: Ecological Economics 65(3), pp. 516-530. Schandl, Heinz, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Grünbühel, Clemens M., and Krausmann, Fridolin (2008): Socio-metabolic transitions in developing Asia. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 76(2), pp. 267-281. Schmid, Martin and Haidvogl, Gertrud (2008): Coupling the long-term dynamics of natural and social systems: Towards an environmental history of the Danube. In: Szábo, Peter and Hédl, Radim (Eds.): Human Nature: Studies in Historical Ecology and Environmental History. Brno, pp. 64-73. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2008): GenderGAP oder: Wie kommt Gender in sozial-ökologische Projekte und transdisziplinäre Prozesse. In: Berger, Wilhelm and Mertlitsch, Kirstin (Eds.): Quer zu den Disziplinen. Gender in der inter- und transdisziplinären Forschung. Wien: Turia + Kant, pp. 95-115. Steinberger, Julia K. (2008): Book review of Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options by J. W. Tester, E. M. Drake, M. W. Golay, M. J. Driscoll, and W. A. Peters and Energy at the Crossroads: Global Perspectives and Uncertainties by V. Smil. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(2), pp. 248-249. Steinberger, Julia K., van Niel, Johan, and Bourg, Dominique (2008): Vers une économie fondée sur la performance énergétique. In: La Revue Durable (31), pp. 46-50. Steinberger, Julia K., van Niel, Johan and Dominique Bourg. (2009). Profiting from negawatts: reducing absolute consumption and emissions through a performance-based energy economy. In: Energy Policy 37 (1):361-370. Weisz, Helga, Eisenmenger, Nina, and Schaffartzik, Anke (2008): Methodische Weiterentwicklung der Berechnung des Rohmaterialbedarfes im Außenhandel. Endbericht an das BMLFUW. Wien: IFF Soziale Ökologie. Winiwarter, Verena (2008): The challenges of teaching environmental history. In: Szabo, Peter and Hedl, Radim (Eds.): Human Nature: Studies in Historical Ecology and Environmental History. Brno: Institute of Botany of the ASCR, pp. 8-13. Lekan, Thomas, Brantz, Dorothee, Gissibl, Bernhard, Warde, Paul, Winiwarter, Verena, and Zeller, Thomas (2009): Forum: The Nature of German Environmental History. In: German History 27 (1), 113-130. Winiwarter, Verena (2009): Die Vermessung der Wissenschaft. Editorial in: GAIA 18 (1), 1. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Barbara Smetschka IFF Social Ecology Schottenfeldgasse 29/1/5 A-1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 18 – June 2008
CONTENTS + News Job vacancy: Professor of sustainable resource use US National Science Foundation CIPRA Competition Sustainability Award 2008 + Upcoming Events ISEE Conference in Nairobi GRC on Industrial Ecology in New London, NH + New Projects HANPP II cc.alps UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management + Public Outreach Social Ecology in print media + Staff news Habilitation Karlheinz Erb Habilitation Kurt Kratena Rigorosum Nina Eisenmenger Research Award Veronika Gaube Martin Schmid teaches in Brazil Verena Winiwarter: Mentoring & Editorial Board + New publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News Job vacancy: Professor of sustainable resource use The Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna, part of the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies at Alps-Adria University, invites applications for the position of a Professor of sustainable resource use. The position will be a full professor (according to § 98 UG) for an initial period of three years that may then be transformed into an unlimited contract. The successful candidate for this position requires, on the basis of a natural science background (preferably biology), a thorough understanding of approaches from social sciences and the humanities and experience in directing interdisciplinary research projects in the field of sustainability science. He or she is expected to contribute to an existing team by developing formalized methods for the empirical analysis of system interrelations and long term trajectories in the societal use of materials, energy, water and land. The new position will be instrumental to advance research into integrated socioecological analysis and modelling and foster the integration of biophysical variables into macroeconomic models as part of international collaboration. The professor should help to establish international master and doctoral programmes in Human and Social Ecology by offering courses in English and by raising funds for doctoral candidates. Candidates should be able to teach in English and German, and have acquired a venia docendi (habilitation) or an equivalent. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be preferred. Letters of application can be sent until 23rd of July, 2008. Please find more details on the official announcement: National Science Fund (USA): Preparing new research initiative "Sociological Perspectives on Global Climate Change" At Washington DC, a preparatory workshop was organized by the NSF in May 2008. The goal of this workshop was generate a promising agenda for the sociology of climate change, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary. As only European representative Marina Fischer-Kowalski was asked to contribute. Contact: Patricia E.White, Program Director Sociology, NSF (pwhite [at] CIPRA Competition cc.alps: win prizes worth up to €20,000 each In the course of the project cc.alps, CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps, is awarding prizes worth a total of €100,000 for exemplary response measures contributing to climate protection or to adapting to the consequences of climate change. The projects submitted will be posted on the internet after the closing date for the competition. The winning projects will be announced separately to the general public in autumn 2008. The closing date is 31 July 2008. Details: Sustainability Award 2008 IFF - the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies received the Sustainability Award 2008 given to institutions for higher education by the Austrian Ministry of Science each second year. Details: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events At the Tenth ISEE Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, Aug 7-11, 2008 Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Helga Weisz will give a joint keynote on "Transition to a Globally Sustainable Metabolism - Possible and Impossible Futures". Details: The Gordon Research Conference on INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY 2008 under the theme "Transforming The Use Of Energy, Materials, Water And Wastes", August 17-22, 2008 will be chaired by Faye Duchin and Reid Lifset. Helga Weisz will lead the discussion on "Satisfying Strategic Material Requirements". Details: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Projects Analyzing global HANPP In June 2008 the Institute of Social Ecology launched a large project funded by the Austrian Science Funds (FWF, see aimed at comprehensively analyzing drivers of spatial and temporal patterns in the human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) on the global level. The project will conduct several country-level case studies of the evolution of HANPP over decadal or even centennial time scales. It will analyze long-term, cross-country and panel data to detect socioeconomic as well as natural determinants of HANPP. Causal models of HANPP will be developed as well as a high-resolution global HANPP time series for the period 1700-2005. The science will contribute to the Global Land Project ( as well as to IIASA's ongoing Global Energy Assessment. The project will run well into 2011. Contact: Helmut.Haberl [at] CC.ALPS Since February 2008 the Institute of Social Ecology has been contributing to cc.alps, a project of the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) funded by the swiss MAVA foundation. Cc.alps aims at ensuring that climate response measures are as much in harmony with the principles of sustainable development as possible. To this end, the project gathers, evaluates and communicates climate response measures already implemented in the alpine region. The Institute of Social Ecology is involved particularly in developing an evaluation scheme for the sustainability assessment of these measures. The project will run for 18 months in total and will be finished in June 2009. Contact: Helmut.Haberl [at] Details: UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management Upon the initiative from China, the EU, Germany and Japan, the United Nations Environment Program has started an International Partnership for Sustainable Resource Management, chaired by Ernst U. v. Weizsaecker. The Austrian Ministry of the Environment finances scientific support for Marina Fischer-Kowalski in her expert role on the panel. Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Public Outreach (German only) Wie der Mensch im Ökosystem wirkt Simron Singh und Veronika Gaube vom Institut für Soziale Ökologie der Universität Klagenfurt modellieren, wie Menschen mit ihren Entscheidungen das Ökosystem beeinflussen. Universum, Juni 2008, Seite 96 Astrid Kuffner Geistesblitz: Die Globalisierung erfassen Der Sozialökologe Karlheinz Erb beschäftigt sich mit Landnutzung Der Standard, 11.Juni 2008, Seite 22 Globale Landnutzung: Experten geht Datenbasis verloren Für Ökologen Karlheinz Erb ist satellitengestützte Datensammlung "sehr wertvoll", aber "nicht ausreichend" APA, 30.Mai 2008 Helmut Haberl Klimaschutzlüge "Biotreibstoff" Der Standard, 11.April 2008, Kommentar der Anderen , Seite 34 Verena Winiwarter Lyrisches Potenzial der Wissenschaftssprache ORF on Science, 28. März 2008 Astrid Kuffner Geistesblitz: Der Spurensucher Fridolin Krausmann analysiert Mensch-Natur Interaktion bis 1800 zurück Der Standard, 26.März 2008, Seite 18 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Staff News Dr. Karlheinz Erb received his habilitation for Social Ecology after a lecture on "Landnutzung und globaler Wandel. Sozial-ökologische Dimensionen der Landnutzung" on Monday, 28th April 2008. Dr. Kurt Kratena received his habilitation for Environmental Economics after a lecture on "Das Bewertungsproblem in der Ökologischen VGR im Rahmen eines erweiterten Input-Output Ansatzes" on Friday, 18th April 2008. Nina Eisenmenger got her PhD on Social Ecology with a presentation on "Die biophysische Seite von internationalem Handel und der globalen Arbeitsteilung" on Thursday, 17th April 2008. Veronika Gaube received an award for outstanding research activities of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration on 5th March 2008. Social Ecology teaches in Brazil On May 26th Martin Schmid gave a postgraduate course at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) in Rio de Janeiro on "A História Ambiental e o Desenvolvimento Sustentável/Environmental History and Sustainable Development" Verena Winiwarter has been asked to be a mentor in the German mentoring program "proProfessur". Verena Winiwarter is new member of the editorial board of the journal "Environmental History". +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Binder, Claudia, Steinberger, Julia K., Brundiers, Katja, Schmidt, Henrik, and Schmid, Alfons (2008): Nachhaltigkeit in der Schweizerischen Milchwertschöpfungskette (Schlussbericht). Social and Industrial Ecology, University of Zurich Dirnböck, Thomas, Bezák, Peter, Dullinger, Stefan, Haberl, Helmut, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Mirtl, Michael, Peterseil, Johannes, Redpath, Steve, Sing, J. S., Travis, Justin, and Wijdeven, Sander. (2008): Scaling issues in long-term socio-ecological biodiversity research: A review of European cases. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 100). Eisenmenger, Nina (2008): A Biophysical View on Trade and the International Division of Labour. Dissertation, Institute of Social Ecology, Klagenfurt University. Eisenmenger, Nina, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Wiesinger, Michaela (2008): Materialflows in the Chinese economy, 1950 to 2005. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper). Eisenmenger, Nina (2008): Ressourcenproduktivität als politisches Programm und seine Umsetzung in der Praxis. In: Hartard, Susanne et al. (Eds.): Ressourceneffizienz im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, pp. 47-62. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Wiesinger, Michaela, Gaube, Veronika, Haberl, Helmut, Adensam, Heidi, and Gingrich, Simone (2008): Ecological Footprint Calculator Austria. Update 2007. Wien: Institut für Soziale Ökologie. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Singh, Simron J. (2008): Extending BRIM to BRIA: Social monitoring and integrated sustainability assessment. In: Chmielewski, Tadeusz (Ed.): Nature conservation management: From idea to practical results. Lublin: PWZN "Print 6", pp. 208-219. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2008): Wie kann Wissenschaft gesellschaftliche Veränderung bewirken? Eine Hommage an Alvin Gouldner, und ein Versuch, mit seinen Mitteln heutige Klimapolitik zu verstehen. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 102). Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Schaffartzik, Anke (2008): Arbeit, gesellschaftlicher Stoffwechsel und nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: Füllsack, Manfred (Ed.): Verwerfungen moderner Arbeit. Zum Formwandel des Produktiven. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 65-82. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Weisz, Helga (2008): Das industrielle sozialökologische Regime und globale Transitionen. In: Gleich, Arnim v. and Gößling-Reisemann, Stefan (Eds.): Industrial Ecology: Erfolgreiche Wege zu nachhaltigen industriellen Systemen. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, pp. 181-201. Gingrich, Simone, Balas, Maria, Drack, Andreas, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Formayer, Herbert, Haberl, Helmut, Hackl, Josef, Kromp-Kolb, Helga, Mayer, Sabine, Pazdernik, Karin, Radunsky, Klaus, and Schwarzl, Ingeborg (2008): Anpassungsstudie - Ist-Stand-Erhebung zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Österreich. Wien: Institut für Soziale Ökologie, Umweltbundesamt, Institut für Meteorologie der Universität für Bodenkultur, OÖ Akademie für Umwelt und Natur für AustroClim. Haberl, Helmut, 2008. Energy in the Alps. In: CIPRA (ed.) Alps Know How. CIPRA International, Schaan, Liechtenstein (on CD). Haberl, Helmut (2008): Measuring humanity's draw on terrestrial ecosystems - the HANPP approach. In: GLP News (3), pp. 6-7. Haberl, Helmut, 2008. Terrestrische Ökosysteme. Nachwachsende Rohstoffe - Mitteilungen der Fachbereichsarbeitsgruppe. Nr. 48, S. 3. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2008): Global human appropriation of net primary production. In: Earth Portal (Ed.): Encyclopedia of the Earth. [online] Haberl, Helmut (2008): Klimaschutzlüge "Biokraftstoff". In: Der Standard. pp. 34-34. Krausmann, Fridolin, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gingrich, Simone, Lauk, Christian, and Haberl, Helmut (2008): Global patterns of socioeconomic biomass flows in the year 2000: A comprehensive assessment of supply, consumption and constraints. In: Ecological Economics 65(3), pp. 471-487. Krausmann, Fridolin, Schandl, Heinz, and Sieferle, Rolf P. (2008): Socio-ecological regime transitions in Austria and the United Kingdom. In: Ecological Economics 65(1), pp. 187-201. Krausmann, Fridolin and Schneider, Petra (2008): Transformationen. Das moderne Energiesystem. In: Wissenschaft und Umwelt Interdisziplinär 11, pp. 104-110. Krausmann, Fridolin (2008): Land Use and Socio-economic Metabolism in Pre-industrial Agricultural Systems: Four 19th Century Austrian Villages in Comparison. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 72). Pimentel, David, Patzek, Ted, Siegert, Florian, Giampietro, Mario, and Haberl, Helmut (2008): Biofuel in question. In: New Scientist 197(2369), pp. 18-18. Schwarzlmüller, Elmar (2008): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) in Spain, 1955-2003: a social-ecological analysis. Vienna: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 99). Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2008): Gender als forschungsleitendes Prinzip in der transdisziplinären Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. In: Reitinger, Elisabeth (Ed.): Transdisziplinäre Praxis. Heidelberg: Carl-Auer Verlag, pp. 23-34. Winiwarter, Verena (2008): Nationalized Nature on Picture Postcards: Subtexts of Tourism from an Environmental Perspective. In: Global Environment 1, pp. 164-187. Winiwarter, Verena and Schmid, Martin (2008): Umweltgeschichte als Untersuchung sozionaturaler Schauplätze? Ein Versuch, Johannes Colers "Oeconomia" umwelthistorisch zu interpretieren. In: Knopf, Thomas (Ed.): Umweltverhalten in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Vergleichende Ansätze. Göttingen: Attempto, pp. 158-173. Winiwarter,Verena and Blum,Winfried E. H. (2008): From marl to rock powder: On the history of soil fertility management by rock materials. In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171,3, pp. 316-324. Winiwarter, Verena (2008): Sozialökologische Perspektiven auf die Geschichte der Landwirtschaft. In: Markus Cerman, Ilja Steffelbauer, Sven Tost (eds.), Agrarrevolutionen. Verhältnisse in der Landwirtschaft vom Neolithikum zur Globalisierung. (= Querschnitte, Bd. 24) Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen, Studienverlag, pp. 227-248. Winiwarter, Verena (2008): Umweltberichte: Viel hilft viel? Editorial. In: GAIA 17 (2), 177. Winiwarter, Verena (2008): Rezension von Catrin GERSDORF, Sylvia MAYER (eds.), Nature in Literary and Cultural Studies: Transatlantic Conversations on Ecocriticism. Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York, 2006. In: Environmental History 13 (1), 2008, 182-183. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Barbara Smetschka IFF Social Ecology Schottenfeldgasse 29/1/5 A-1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 17 – February 2008
CONTENTS + News - New Website and Download Area Online! - Summer Semester 2008: Course information online - UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management - Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause - Austrian Footprint Calculator - Article on global HANPP in PNAS - MFA data ready for download at Eurostat website + Upcoming Events - 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium - 21st ZUG Minisymposium: Verena Winiwarter - 22nd ZUG Minisymposium: Christian Rohr - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Diana Hummel + Public Outreach - Ö1/von tag zu tag/23.01.2008 - Radiokulturhaus/ScienceEvent/24.01.2008 + New Projects: - Adaptation Study - Ecological Footprint Styria - FP7 SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe - Raw Material Equivalents for the Austrian Imports and Exports - Time-use and material & energy use - MAB Samothraki - Environmental accounting of imports: IMEA + Reports on recent Conferences and Guests - 8th Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change - 20th ZUG Minisymposium: Martin Knoll - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Eugene Rosa - ENVIRDANUBE - ESF Exploratory Workshop + Selected Publications 2007 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News New Website and Download Area Online! Please have a look at and redirect your links to: The website now includes a free download area. At present, it contains global HANPP data, biomass flow data and a global land-use dataset. Updates are planned. Summer Semester 2008: Course information online Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: simone.gingrich [at] UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management On the 9th of November the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management (Resource Panel) was launched on the World Science Forum in Budapest. The Resource Panel was established by UNEP, with the support of a wide range of governments, the European Commission and representatives from civil society. The overall objective of the Resource Panel is to provide independent scientific assessment on environmental impacts due to the use of resources over the full life cycle, and advise governments and organisations on ways to reduce these identified impacts. Marina Fischer-Kowalski is one of the 19 scientific members of the Resource Panel. For more information go to: Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause "A Global Contract for the Great Transformation" is the title of the Potsdam Memorandum that resulted from the Interdisciplinary Nobel Laureates Symposium on grand challenges of global sustainability, held by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 8-10 October 2007 in Potsdam/Germany. Find the memorandum in detail at: Austrian Footprint Calculator In November 2007, the "Austrian Footprint Calculator" was introduced by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in order to provide an opportunity for everyone to calculate his or her personal Ecological Footprint. The algorithms used in this calculator were developed by experts from the Institute of Social Ecology and experts from the "Plattform Footprint". Article on global HANPP in PNAS "Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in the Earth's terrestrial ecosystems" Helmut Haberl, K. Heinz Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Veronika Gaube, Alberte Bondeau, Christoph Plutzar, Simone Gingrich, Wolfgang Lucht, Marina Fischer-Kowalski PNAS, published July 6, 2007 This article was the second-most read article of the 200 PNAS articles in July. Over 100 websites cited the article. MFA data ready for download at Eurostat website In our Eurostat projects we compiled MFA data for the EU-15 countries. These data are now integrated into the Eurostat website and can be downloaded: >> data >> environment >> environmental accounts +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upcoming Events 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium Austrian climate research, including climate impact, adaptation and mitigation research, will be discussed at the 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium that will take place on 13th and 14th March 2008 at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. The Institute of Social Ecology is part of the Austrian climate research initiative AustroClim that hosts the symposium and will also present own research there. See: 21st ZUG Minisymposium: Verena Winiwarter "Von Langzeitfolgen & Nebenwirkungen: Lernen aus der Umweltgeschichte?" Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr.phil. Verena Winiwarter Institut für Soziale Ökologie, Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4. Stock, Seminarraum 4c Thursday, 6. March 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Details: 22nd ZUG Minisymposium: Christian Rohr "Laune der Natur oder Hexerei? Zur Wahrnehmung, Deutung und Bewältigung von Unwettern im Alpenraum (15./16. Jahrhundert)" Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Rohr M.A.S. Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Universität Salzburg IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4. Stock, Seminarraum 4c Donnerstag, 15. May 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Details: IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Diana Hummel "Bevölkerungsdynamik und Versorgungssysteme in der sozial-ökologischen Forschung" Dr. Diana Hummel Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, Frankfurt/Main Monday, 16. June, 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Diana Hummel will visit the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Social Ecology as transdisciplinary scientific practice" from June 12 to 16, 2008. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Public Outreach (German only) Ö1/von tag zu tag/23.01.2008 Helmut Haberl: Von der Biomasse zur Fossilenergie - und wieder zurück? Radiokulturhaus/ScienceEvent/24.01.2008 Risikodialog: Dynamik demografischer Entwicklungen mit u.a. Marina Fischer-Kowalski; moderiert von Verena Winiwarter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Projects: Adaptation Study The Institute of Social Ecology is leading a consortium that is currently working on a first, rough-and-ready assessment of Austrian research and policy measures aimed at adaptation to climate change. Hundreds of policy measures as well as research reports are currently being incorporated in a database that will provide an overview of adaptation activities in Austria. The consortium also includes Austria's Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Department of Meteorology of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna and the OÖ Akademie für Umwelt und Natur. The study started in December 2007 and is expected to deliver results as early as March 2008. The study is financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Forest and Water Management. Contact: simone.gingrich [at] Ecological Footprint Styria The Institute of Social Ecology is currently working on an assessment of the Ecological Footprint of the Austrian province of Styria (Steiermark). This is a feasibility study for the calculation of the EF for Austrian provinces in a way that is compatible with the Austrian Footprint accounts. The study is carried out in close collaboration with the Global Footprint Network ( and its Austrian branch ( The project is funded by the Styrian government and is expected to be finished in September 2008. Contact: helmut.haberl [at] FP7 SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe The Institute for Social Ecology is a partner in the successful SUME consortium on the topic "Urban metabolism and resource optimization in the urban fabric". This three year project will link metabolism concepts with urban planning policies, in order to design more sustainable cities. SUME will analyse the potential to transform existing urban built environment in order to significantly reduce the impact on resource and energy consumption. The coordinator of SUME is the Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning. Contact: helga.weisz [at] Raw Material Equivalents for the Austrian Imports and Exports This project, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management will calculate the upstream raw material requirements of Austrian trade flows by using input-output tables. Results will be available in autumn 2008. Contact: helga.weisz [at] Time-use and material & energy use Finally, we were able to raise some funds to promote our long-standing interest in the relationship between time use and the environment. The Austrian Ministry of the Environment finances a feasibility study (literature & data) on the chances of analyzing working time reductions in Austria as a potential mechanism of minimizing the rebound effect between efficiency gains and material & energy use. Martin Bruckner will write his diploma thesis on this subject. Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] MAB Samothraki On top of a strong wave of local support from the community of Samothraki (an island in the northern Agaeis), various NGOs and the MAB committee of Greece, we could convince the Austrian Man & Biosphere Committee rooted in the Austrian Academy of Sciences to finance a feasibility study for transforming the whole island into a "Man and Biospere Reserve" as defined by UNESCO. Under the guidance from Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Lazaros Xenidis, an environmental studies graduate from Utrecht, and Simron Singh will be the principal investigators to explore both the environmental and the socio-economic preconditions of such a transformation towards sustainability. Contact: simron.singh [at] Environmental accounting of imports: IMEA A team from the Institute will take part in a year-long research project reviewing methodologies towards "environmental accounting of imports" to the EU. The IMEA project is part of the SKEP-ERA EU 6th framework program. We are responsible for a work package on environmental footprints, focusing on land and water use. We will also be active in several other work packages: on Environmentally Extended Multi-Region Input-Output modelling, Material Flow Analysis and Life-Cycle Analysis. Our collaborators in this project are the Ecole des Mines (ARMINES) in France, the coordinator, TNO in the Netherlands, VITO in Belgium and the University of OULO in Finland. Contact: julia.steinberger [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reports on recent Conferences and Guests 8th Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change This 2008 Berlin Conference was the eighth event in the series of annual European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, and the first International Conference of the Social-Ecological Research Programme. It was held in Berlin on 22-23 February 2008. It particularly targeted at bringing together trandisciplinary research results on long-term policies from various fields. It provided ample opportunities to advance social-ecological research into international debates and to discuss future perspectives of this field. The conference has been endorsed by the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP), by the Earth System Governance Scientific Planning Committee and the German Association for Ecological Economic Research (VÖW). The papers can be downloaded at 20th ZUG Minisymposium: Martin Knoll "Schreiben und Schweigen über Natur. Vom umweltgeschichtlichen Quellenwert historisch-topographischer Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit." Dr. Martin Knoll, Neuere Geschichte/Schwerpunkt Stadt- und Umweltgeschichte, Technische Universität Darmstadt Universität Wien - Institut für Geschichte, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Wednesday, 23. January 2008, 20h00 IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Eugene Rosa "Sustainability and Other Grand Risks: New Challenges to Risk Analysis" Eugene A. Rosa, Professor of Sociology, Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professor of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, Washington State University IFF Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29 Monday, 14 January 2008, 18h30-20h Eugene Rosa visited the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Structural Human Ecology" from January 14 to 17, 2008. ENVIRDANUBE - ESF Exploratory Workshop Financed by an ESF Exploratory Workshop grant, researchers from 10 countries met in Vienna in February to discuss possible long-term-socio-ecological research covering the entire Danube watershed. This workshop was conducted in co-operation between IFF Social Ecology and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. An informal network of information exchange was set up. If you are interested in participating in the network, please contact Martin Schmid: martin.schmid [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selected Publications 2007 Books Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Schmid, Martin and Veichtlbauer, Ortrun (2007): Vom Naturschutz zur Ökologiebewegung. Umweltgeschichte Österreichs in der zweiten Republik. Innsbruck: Studienverlag (Österreich - Zweite Republik. Befund, Kritik, Perspektive; 19) Winiwarter, Verena and Knoll, Martin (2007): Umweltgeschichte. Eine Einführung. Köln: Böhlau Articles in journals Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, Krausmann, Fridolin, Plutzar, Christoph, Bondeau, Alberte, and Haberl, Helmut (2007): A comprehensive global 5min resolution land-use dataset for the year 2000 consistent with national census data. In: Journal of Land Use Science 2(3), pp. 191-224. Gaube, Veronika and Sedlacek, Sabine (2007): Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung - Die Rolle regionaler Institutionen in Österreich. In: Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung 18(1), pp. 113-132. Gingrich, Simone, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Gaube, Veronika, and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Long-term dynamics of terrestrial carbon stocks in Austria. A comprehensive assessment of the time period from 1830 to 2000. In: Regional Environmental Change 7(1), pp. 37-47. Haberl, Helmut (2007): Measuring the global human impact on terrestrial ecosystems - the HANPP approach. In: Bridges 15 [online] Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Gaube, Veronika, Bondeau, Alberte, Plutzar, Christof, Gingrich, Simone, Lucht, Wolfgang, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104, pp. 12942-12947. Ohl, Cornelia, Krauze, Kinga, and Grünbühel, Clemens M. (2007): Towards an understanding of long-term ecosystem dynamics by merging socio-economic and environmental research. Criteria for long-term socio-ecological research sites selection. In: Ecological Economics 63(2-3), pp. 383-391. Ramos-Martin, Jesus, Giampietro, Mario, and Mayumi, Kozo (2007): On China's exosomatic energy metabolism: An application of multi-scale integrated analysis of societal metabolism (MSIASM). In: Ecological Economics 63(1), pp. 174-191. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2007): Bäuerinnen gestalten Land(wirt)schaft. Ein Computermodell zur Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft. In: Zoll+ 17(10), pp. 70-72. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Nationalized Nature on Picture Postcards: Subtexts of Tourism from an Environmental Perspective. In: Global Environment 00, pp. 164-187. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Soils and Society. An environmental history of challenge and response. In: Die Bodenkultur 57 (4), pp. 231-242. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Vom stummen Frühling zum Lärm um den Klimawandel. Wie Umweltthemen Karriere machen. (Editorial). In: GAIA 16(4), pp. 241-241. Book chapters Bauler, Tom, Douglas, Ian, Daniels, Peter L., Demkine, Volodymyr, Eisenmenger, Nina, Grosskurth, Jasper, Hak, Tomas, Knippenberg, Luuk, Martin, Jock, Mederly, Peter, Prescott-Allen, Robert, Scholes, Robert J., and van Woerden, Jaap (2007): Identifying Methodological Challenges. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington,D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 49-64. Dearing, John A., Graumlich, Lisa J., Grove, Richard, Grübler, Arnulf, Haberl, Helmut, Hole, Frank, Pfister, Christian, and van der Leeuw, Sander E. (2007): Integrating socio-environment interactions over centennial timescales: needs and issues. In: Costanza, Robert et al. (Eds.): Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth. Cambridge, MA, London, UK: The MIT Press, pp. 243-274. Eisenmenger, Nina and Giljum, Stefan (2007): Evidence from Societal Metabolism Studies for Ecological Unequal Trade. In: Hornborg, Alf and Crumley, Carol L. (Eds.): The World System and the Earth System: Global Socioenvironmental Change and Sustainability since the Neolithic. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 288-302. Eisenmenger, Nina, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Weisz, Helga (2007): Indicators of Natural Resource Use and Consumption. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C.: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 193-209. Eisenmenger, Nina, Schandl, Heinz, and Ramos-Martin, Jesus (2007): Transition in a modern context: patterns of development in a globalizing world. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 179-222. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The fossil-fuel powered carbon sink. Carbon flows and Austria's energetic metabolism in a long-term perspective. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 60-82. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Conceptualizing, observing and comparing socioecological transitions. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 1-30. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Conclusions: Likely and unlikely pasts, possible and impossible futures. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 223-256. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): Multidisziplinäre Wurzeln der Industrial Ecology. In: Isenmann, Ralf and Hauff, Michael v. (Eds.): Industrial Ecology. Mit Ökologie zukunftsorientiert wirtschaften. München: Elsevier, pp. 89-100. Grünbühel, Clemens M., Singh, Simron J., and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): The local base of transitions in developing countries. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 139-178. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Plutzar, Christof, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) as indicator for pressures on biodiversity. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 271-288. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Human appropriation of net primary production. In: Neumayer, Eric (Ed.): Online Encyclopedia for Ecological Economics. The International Society for Ecological Economics Haberl, Helmut and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The local base of the historical agrarian-industrial transition, and the interaction between scales. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 116-138. Haberl, Helmut and Weisz, Helga (2007): The potential use of the Materials and Energy Flow Analysis (MEFA) framework to evaluate the environmental costs of agricultural production systems and possible applications to aquaculture. In: Bartley, Devin M. et al. (Eds.): Comparative Assessment of the Environmental Costs of Aquaculture and Other Food Production Sectors. Methods for Meaningful Comparisons. Rome: FAO, pp. 97-120. Krausmann, Fridolin and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism. A macro view of Austria 1830-2000. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 31-59. Rickard, Louise, Jesinghaus, Jochen, Amann, Christof, Glaser, Gisbert, Hall, Stephen, Cheatle, Marion, Le Kama, Alain A., Lippert, Erich, McGlade, Jaqueline, Ruffing, Kenneth, and Zaccai, Edwin (2007): Ensuring Policy Relevance. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 65-82. Schandl, Heinz and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The Great Transformation: A socio-metabolic reading of the industrialization of the United Kingdom. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 83-115. Schmid, Martin (2007): Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft: Ein normativer Entwurf am Beispiel historischer Wissenschaften. In: Krainer, Larissa and Trattnig, Rita (Eds.): Kulturelle Nachhaltigkeit: Konzepte, Perspektiven, Positionen. München: oekom Verlag, pp. 369-394. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2007): GenderGAP: Geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen der Reform der EU-Agrarpolitik. In: Lutter, Christina and Balti, Sonya (Eds.): Forschungsprogramm Transdisziplinäres Forschen Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften (TRAFO). Einblicke und Rückblicke. Wien: BMWF, pp. 15-20. Sonnlechner, Christoph and Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Cultural landscape development in Europe: taking the long view on European history and its landscapes. In: Bicik, Ivan and et al. (Eds.): Land use/land cover changes in the period of globalization. Proceedings of the IGU-LUCC International Conference Prague 2001. Prag, pp. 15-22. Weisz, Helga (2007): Combining Social metabolism and Input-Output Analyses to account for Ecologically Unequal Trade. In: Hornborg, Alf et al. (Eds.): Rethinking Environmental History: World System History and Global Environmental Change. AltaMira: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 289-306. Weisz, Helga (2007): Metabolismus von Industriegesellschaften. In: Isenmann, Ralf and Hauff, Michael v. (Eds.): Industrial Ecology. Mit Ökologie zukunftsorientiert wirtschaften. Heidelberg: Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pp. 209-224. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Zum Umgang mit Zufall und Kontingenz in den Geschichtswissenschaften - mit einem Ausblick in die Technik- und Umweltgeschichte. In: Zeilinger, Anton et al. (Eds.): Der Zufall als Notwendigkeit. Wien: Picus, Wiener Vorlesungen im Rathaus, pp. 71-84.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 16 – June 2007
CONTENTS + News - New Website and Download Area Online! - Summer Semester 2008: Course information online - UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management - Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause - Austrian Footprint Calculator - Article on global HANPP in PNAS - MFA data ready for download at Eurostat website + Upcoming Events - 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium - 21st ZUG Minisymposium: Verena Winiwarter - 22nd ZUG Minisymposium: Christian Rohr - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Diana Hummel + Public Outreach - Ö1/von tag zu tag/23.01.2008 - Radiokulturhaus/ScienceEvent/24.01.2008 + New Projects: - Adaptation Study - Ecological Footprint Styria - FP7 SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe - Raw Material Equivalents for the Austrian Imports and Exports - Time-use and material & energy use - MAB Samothraki - Environmental accounting of imports: IMEA + Reports on recent Conferences and Guests - 8th Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change - 20th ZUG Minisymposium: Martin Knoll - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Eugene Rosa - ENVIRDANUBE - ESF Exploratory Workshop + Selected Publications 2007 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ News New Website and Download Area Online! Please have a look at and redirect your links to: The website now includes a free download area. At present, it contains global HANPP data, biomass flow data and a global land-use dataset. Updates are planned. Summer Semester 2008: Course information online Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: simone.gingrich [at] UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management On the 9th of November the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management (Resource Panel) was launched on the World Science Forum in Budapest. The Resource Panel was established by UNEP, with the support of a wide range of governments, the European Commission and representatives from civil society. The overall objective of the Resource Panel is to provide independent scientific assessment on environmental impacts due to the use of resources over the full life cycle, and advise governments and organisations on ways to reduce these identified impacts. Marina Fischer-Kowalski is one of the 19 scientific members of the Resource Panel. For more information go to: Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause "A Global Contract for the Great Transformation" is the title of the Potsdam Memorandum that resulted from the Interdisciplinary Nobel Laureates Symposium on grand challenges of global sustainability, held by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 8-10 October 2007 in Potsdam/Germany. Find the memorandum in detail at: Austrian Footprint Calculator In November 2007, the "Austrian Footprint Calculator" was introduced by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in order to provide an opportunity for everyone to calculate his or her personal Ecological Footprint. The algorithms used in this calculator were developed by experts from the Institute of Social Ecology and experts from the "Plattform Footprint". Article on global HANPP in PNAS "Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in the Earth's terrestrial ecosystems" Helmut Haberl, K. Heinz Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Veronika Gaube, Alberte Bondeau, Christoph Plutzar, Simone Gingrich, Wolfgang Lucht, Marina Fischer-Kowalski PNAS, published July 6, 2007 This article was the second-most read article of the 200 PNAS articles in July. Over 100 websites cited the article. MFA data ready for download at Eurostat website In our Eurostat projects we compiled MFA data for the EU-15 countries. These data are now integrated into the Eurostat website and can be downloaded: >> data >> environment >> environmental accounts +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upcoming Events 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium Austrian climate research, including climate impact, adaptation and mitigation research, will be discussed at the 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium that will take place on 13th and 14th March 2008 at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. The Institute of Social Ecology is part of the Austrian climate research initiative AustroClim that hosts the symposium and will also present own research there. See: 21st ZUG Minisymposium: Verena Winiwarter "Von Langzeitfolgen & Nebenwirkungen: Lernen aus der Umweltgeschichte?" Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr.phil. Verena Winiwarter Institut für Soziale Ökologie, Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4. Stock, Seminarraum 4c Thursday, 6. March 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Details: 22nd ZUG Minisymposium: Christian Rohr "Laune der Natur oder Hexerei? Zur Wahrnehmung, Deutung und Bewältigung von Unwettern im Alpenraum (15./16. Jahrhundert)" Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Rohr M.A.S. Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Universität Salzburg IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4. Stock, Seminarraum 4c Donnerstag, 15. May 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Details: IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Diana Hummel "Bevölkerungsdynamik und Versorgungssysteme in der sozial-ökologischen Forschung" Dr. Diana Hummel Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, Frankfurt/Main Monday, 16. June, 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Diana Hummel will visit the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Social Ecology as transdisciplinary scientific practice" from June 12 to 16, 2008. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Public Outreach (German only) Ö1/von tag zu tag/23.01.2008 Helmut Haberl: Von der Biomasse zur Fossilenergie - und wieder zurück? Radiokulturhaus/ScienceEvent/24.01.2008 Risikodialog: Dynamik demografischer Entwicklungen mit u.a. Marina Fischer-Kowalski; moderiert von Verena Winiwarter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Projects: Adaptation Study The Institute of Social Ecology is leading a consortium that is currently working on a first, rough-and-ready assessment of Austrian research and policy measures aimed at adaptation to climate change. Hundreds of policy measures as well as research reports are currently being incorporated in a database that will provide an overview of adaptation activities in Austria. The consortium also includes Austria's Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Department of Meteorology of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna and the OÖ Akademie für Umwelt und Natur. The study started in December 2007 and is expected to deliver results as early as March 2008. The study is financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Forest and Water Management. Contact: simone.gingrich [at] Ecological Footprint Styria The Institute of Social Ecology is currently working on an assessment of the Ecological Footprint of the Austrian province of Styria (Steiermark). This is a feasibility study for the calculation of the EF for Austrian provinces in a way that is compatible with the Austrian Footprint accounts. The study is carried out in close collaboration with the Global Footprint Network ( and its Austrian branch ( The project is funded by the Styrian government and is expected to be finished in September 2008. Contact: helmut.haberl [at] FP7 SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe The Institute for Social Ecology is a partner in the successful SUME consortium on the topic "Urban metabolism and resource optimization in the urban fabric". This three year project will link metabolism concepts with urban planning policies, in order to design more sustainable cities. SUME will analyse the potential to transform existing urban built environment in order to significantly reduce the impact on resource and energy consumption. The coordinator of SUME is the Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning. Contact: helga.weisz [at] Raw Material Equivalents for the Austrian Imports and Exports This project, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management will calculate the upstream raw material requirements of Austrian trade flows by using input-output tables. Results will be available in autumn 2008. Contact: helga.weisz [at] Time-use and material & energy use Finally, we were able to raise some funds to promote our long-standing interest in the relationship between time use and the environment. The Austrian Ministry of the Environment finances a feasibility study (literature & data) on the chances of analyzing working time reductions in Austria as a potential mechanism of minimizing the rebound effect between efficiency gains and material & energy use. Martin Bruckner will write his diploma thesis on this subject. Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] MAB Samothraki On top of a strong wave of local support from the community of Samothraki (an island in the northern Agaeis), various NGOs and the MAB committee of Greece, we could convince the Austrian Man & Biosphere Committee rooted in the Austrian Academy of Sciences to finance a feasibility study for transforming the whole island into a "Man and Biospere Reserve" as defined by UNESCO. Under the guidance from Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Lazaros Xenidis, an environmental studies graduate from Utrecht, and Simron Singh will be the principal investigators to explore both the environmental and the socio-economic preconditions of such a transformation towards sustainability. Contact: simron.singh [at] Environmental accounting of imports: IMEA A team from the Institute will take part in a year-long research project reviewing methodologies towards "environmental accounting of imports" to the EU. The IMEA project is part of the SKEP-ERA EU 6th framework program. We are responsible for a work package on environmental footprints, focusing on land and water use. We will also be active in several other work packages: on Environmentally Extended Multi-Region Input-Output modelling, Material Flow Analysis and Life-Cycle Analysis. Our collaborators in this project are the Ecole des Mines (ARMINES) in France, the coordinator, TNO in the Netherlands, VITO in Belgium and the University of OULO in Finland. Contact: julia.steinberger [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reports on recent Conferences and Guests 8th Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change This 2008 Berlin Conference was the eighth event in the series of annual European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, and the first International Conference of the Social-Ecological Research Programme. It was held in Berlin on 22-23 February 2008. It particularly targeted at bringing together trandisciplinary research results on long-term policies from various fields. It provided ample opportunities to advance social-ecological research into international debates and to discuss future perspectives of this field. The conference has been endorsed by the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP), by the Earth System Governance Scientific Planning Committee and the German Association for Ecological Economic Research (VÖW). The papers can be downloaded at 20th ZUG Minisymposium: Martin Knoll "Schreiben und Schweigen über Natur. Vom umweltgeschichtlichen Quellenwert historisch-topographischer Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit." Dr. Martin Knoll, Neuere Geschichte/Schwerpunkt Stadt- und Umweltgeschichte, Technische Universität Darmstadt Universität Wien - Institut für Geschichte, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Wednesday, 23. January 2008, 20h00 IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Eugene Rosa "Sustainability and Other Grand Risks: New Challenges to Risk Analysis" Eugene A. Rosa, Professor of Sociology, Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professor of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, Washington State University IFF Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29 Monday, 14 January 2008, 18h30-20h Eugene Rosa visited the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Structural Human Ecology" from January 14 to 17, 2008. ENVIRDANUBE - ESF Exploratory Workshop Financed by an ESF Exploratory Workshop grant, researchers from 10 countries met in Vienna in February to discuss possible long-term-socio-ecological research covering the entire Danube watershed. This workshop was conducted in co-operation between IFF Social Ecology and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. An informal network of information exchange was set up. If you are interested in participating in the network, please contact Martin Schmid: martin.schmid [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selected Publications 2007 Books Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Schmid, Martin and Veichtlbauer, Ortrun (2007): Vom Naturschutz zur Ökologiebewegung. Umweltgeschichte Österreichs in der zweiten Republik. Innsbruck: Studienverlag (Österreich - Zweite Republik. Befund, Kritik, Perspektive; 19) Winiwarter, Verena and Knoll, Martin (2007): Umweltgeschichte. Eine Einführung. Köln: Böhlau Articles in journals Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, Krausmann, Fridolin, Plutzar, Christoph, Bondeau, Alberte, and Haberl, Helmut (2007): A comprehensive global 5min resolution land-use dataset for the year 2000 consistent with national census data. In: Journal of Land Use Science 2(3), pp. 191-224. Gaube, Veronika and Sedlacek, Sabine (2007): Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung - Die Rolle regionaler Institutionen in Österreich. In: Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung 18(1), pp. 113-132. Gingrich, Simone, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Gaube, Veronika, and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Long-term dynamics of terrestrial carbon stocks in Austria. A comprehensive assessment of the time period from 1830 to 2000. In: Regional Environmental Change 7(1), pp. 37-47. Haberl, Helmut (2007): Measuring the global human impact on terrestrial ecosystems - the HANPP approach. In: Bridges 15 [online] Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Gaube, Veronika, Bondeau, Alberte, Plutzar, Christof, Gingrich, Simone, Lucht, Wolfgang, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104, pp. 12942-12947. Ohl, Cornelia, Krauze, Kinga, and Grünbühel, Clemens M. (2007): Towards an understanding of long-term ecosystem dynamics by merging socio-economic and environmental research. Criteria for long-term socio-ecological research sites selection. In: Ecological Economics 63(2-3), pp. 383-391. Ramos-Martin, Jesus, Giampietro, Mario, and Mayumi, Kozo (2007): On China's exosomatic energy metabolism: An application of multi-scale integrated analysis of societal metabolism (MSIASM). In: Ecological Economics 63(1), pp. 174-191. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2007): Bäuerinnen gestalten Land(wirt)schaft. Ein Computermodell zur Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft. In: Zoll+ 17(10), pp. 70-72. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Nationalized Nature on Picture Postcards: Subtexts of Tourism from an Environmental Perspective. In: Global Environment 00, pp. 164-187. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Soils and Society. An environmental history of challenge and response. In: Die Bodenkultur 57 (4), pp. 231-242. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Vom stummen Frühling zum Lärm um den Klimawandel. Wie Umweltthemen Karriere machen. (Editorial). In: GAIA 16(4), pp. 241-241. Book chapters Bauler, Tom, Douglas, Ian, Daniels, Peter L., Demkine, Volodymyr, Eisenmenger, Nina, Grosskurth, Jasper, Hak, Tomas, Knippenberg, Luuk, Martin, Jock, Mederly, Peter, Prescott-Allen, Robert, Scholes, Robert J., and van Woerden, Jaap (2007): Identifying Methodological Challenges. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington,D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 49-64. Dearing, John A., Graumlich, Lisa J., Grove, Richard, Grübler, Arnulf, Haberl, Helmut, Hole, Frank, Pfister, Christian, and van der Leeuw, Sander E. (2007): Integrating socio-environment interactions over centennial timescales: needs and issues. In: Costanza, Robert et al. (Eds.): Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth. Cambridge, MA, London, UK: The MIT Press, pp. 243-274. Eisenmenger, Nina and Giljum, Stefan (2007): Evidence from Societal Metabolism Studies for Ecological Unequal Trade. In: Hornborg, Alf and Crumley, Carol L. (Eds.): The World System and the Earth System: Global Socioenvironmental Change and Sustainability since the Neolithic. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 288-302. Eisenmenger, Nina, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Weisz, Helga (2007): Indicators of Natural Resource Use and Consumption. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C.: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 193-209. Eisenmenger, Nina, Schandl, Heinz, and Ramos-Martin, Jesus (2007): Transition in a modern context: patterns of development in a globalizing world. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 179-222. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The fossil-fuel powered carbon sink. Carbon flows and Austria's energetic metabolism in a long-term perspective. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 60-82. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Conceptualizing, observing and comparing socioecological transitions. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 1-30. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Conclusions: Likely and unlikely pasts, possible and impossible futures. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 223-256. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): Multidisziplinäre Wurzeln der Industrial Ecology. In: Isenmann, Ralf and Hauff, Michael v. (Eds.): Industrial Ecology. Mit Ökologie zukunftsorientiert wirtschaften. München: Elsevier, pp. 89-100. Grünbühel, Clemens M., Singh, Simron J., and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): The local base of transitions in developing countries. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 139-178. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Plutzar, Christof, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) as indicator for pressures on biodiversity. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 271-288. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Human appropriation of net primary production. In: Neumayer, Eric (Ed.): Online Encyclopedia for Ecological Economics. The International Society for Ecological Economics Haberl, Helmut and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The local base of the historical agrarian-industrial transition, and the interaction between scales. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 116-138. Haberl, Helmut and Weisz, Helga (2007): The potential use of the Materials and Energy Flow Analysis (MEFA) framework to evaluate the environmental costs of agricultural production systems and possible applications to aquaculture. In: Bartley, Devin M. et al. (Eds.): Comparative Assessment of the Environmental Costs of Aquaculture and Other Food Production Sectors. Methods for Meaningful Comparisons. Rome: FAO, pp. 97-120. Krausmann, Fridolin and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism. A macro view of Austria 1830-2000. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 31-59. Rickard, Louise, Jesinghaus, Jochen, Amann, Christof, Glaser, Gisbert, Hall, Stephen, Cheatle, Marion, Le Kama, Alain A., Lippert, Erich, McGlade, Jaqueline, Ruffing, Kenneth, and Zaccai, Edwin (2007): Ensuring Policy Relevance. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 65-82. Schandl, Heinz and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The Great Transformation: A socio-metabolic reading of the industrialization of the United Kingdom. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 83-115. Schmid, Martin (2007): Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft: Ein normativer Entwurf am Beispiel historischer Wissenschaften. In: Krainer, Larissa and Trattnig, Rita (Eds.): Kulturelle Nachhaltigkeit: Konzepte, Perspektiven, Positionen. München: oekom Verlag, pp. 369-394. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2007): GenderGAP: Geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen der Reform der EU-Agrarpolitik. In: Lutter, Christina and Balti, Sonya (Eds.): Forschungsprogramm Transdisziplinäres Forschen Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften (TRAFO). Einblicke und Rückblicke. Wien: BMWF, pp. 15-20. Sonnlechner, Christoph and Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Cultural landscape development in Europe: taking the long view on European history and its landscapes. In: Bicik, Ivan and et al. (Eds.): Land use/land cover changes in the period of globalization. Proceedings of the IGU-LUCC International Conference Prague 2001. Prag, pp. 15-22. Weisz, Helga (2007): Combining Social metabolism and Input-Output Analyses to account for Ecologically Unequal Trade. In: Hornborg, Alf et al. (Eds.): Rethinking Environmental History: World System History and Global Environmental Change. AltaMira: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 289-306. Weisz, Helga (2007): Metabolismus von Industriegesellschaften. In: Isenmann, Ralf and Hauff, Michael v. (Eds.): Industrial Ecology. Mit Ökologie zukunftsorientiert wirtschaften. Heidelberg: Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pp. 209-224. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Zum Umgang mit Zufall und Kontingenz in den Geschichtswissenschaften - mit einem Ausblick in die Technik- und Umweltgeschichte. In: Zeilinger, Anton et al. (Eds.): Der Zufall als Notwendigkeit. Wien: Picus, Wiener Vorlesungen im Rathaus, pp. 71-84.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 15 – February 2007
CONTENTS + News - New Website and Download Area Online! - Summer Semester 2008: Course information online - UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management - Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause - Austrian Footprint Calculator - Article on global HANPP in PNAS - MFA data ready for download at Eurostat website + Upcoming Events - 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium - 21st ZUG Minisymposium: Verena Winiwarter - 22nd ZUG Minisymposium: Christian Rohr - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Diana Hummel + Public Outreach - Ö1/von tag zu tag/23.01.2008 - Radiokulturhaus/ScienceEvent/24.01.2008 + New Projects: - Adaptation Study - Ecological Footprint Styria - FP7 SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe - Raw Material Equivalents for the Austrian Imports and Exports - Time-use and material & energy use - MAB Samothraki - Environmental accounting of imports: IMEA + Reports on recent Conferences and Guests - 8th Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change - 20th ZUG Minisymposium: Martin Knoll - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Eugene Rosa - ENVIRDANUBE - ESF Exploratory Workshop + Selected Publications 2007 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ News New Website and Download Area Online! Please have a look at and redirect your links to: The website now includes a free download area. At present, it contains global HANPP data, biomass flow data and a global land-use dataset. Updates are planned. Summer Semester 2008: Course information online Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: simone.gingrich [at] UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management On the 9th of November the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management (Resource Panel) was launched on the World Science Forum in Budapest. The Resource Panel was established by UNEP, with the support of a wide range of governments, the European Commission and representatives from civil society. The overall objective of the Resource Panel is to provide independent scientific assessment on environmental impacts due to the use of resources over the full life cycle, and advise governments and organisations on ways to reduce these identified impacts. Marina Fischer-Kowalski is one of the 19 scientific members of the Resource Panel. For more information go to: Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause "A Global Contract for the Great Transformation" is the title of the Potsdam Memorandum that resulted from the Interdisciplinary Nobel Laureates Symposium on grand challenges of global sustainability, held by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 8-10 October 2007 in Potsdam/Germany. Find the memorandum in detail at: Austrian Footprint Calculator In November 2007, the "Austrian Footprint Calculator" was introduced by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in order to provide an opportunity for everyone to calculate his or her personal Ecological Footprint. The algorithms used in this calculator were developed by experts from the Institute of Social Ecology and experts from the "Plattform Footprint". Article on global HANPP in PNAS "Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in the Earth's terrestrial ecosystems" Helmut Haberl, K. Heinz Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Veronika Gaube, Alberte Bondeau, Christoph Plutzar, Simone Gingrich, Wolfgang Lucht, Marina Fischer-Kowalski PNAS, published July 6, 2007 This article was the second-most read article of the 200 PNAS articles in July. Over 100 websites cited the article. MFA data ready for download at Eurostat website In our Eurostat projects we compiled MFA data for the EU-15 countries. These data are now integrated into the Eurostat website and can be downloaded: >> data >> environment >> environmental accounts +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upcoming Events 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium Austrian climate research, including climate impact, adaptation and mitigation research, will be discussed at the 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium that will take place on 13th and 14th March 2008 at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. The Institute of Social Ecology is part of the Austrian climate research initiative AustroClim that hosts the symposium and will also present own research there. See: 21st ZUG Minisymposium: Verena Winiwarter "Von Langzeitfolgen & Nebenwirkungen: Lernen aus der Umweltgeschichte?" Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr.phil. Verena Winiwarter Institut für Soziale Ökologie, Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4. Stock, Seminarraum 4c Thursday, 6. March 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Details: 22nd ZUG Minisymposium: Christian Rohr "Laune der Natur oder Hexerei? Zur Wahrnehmung, Deutung und Bewältigung von Unwettern im Alpenraum (15./16. Jahrhundert)" Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Rohr M.A.S. Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Universität Salzburg IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4. Stock, Seminarraum 4c Donnerstag, 15. May 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Details: IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Diana Hummel "Bevölkerungsdynamik und Versorgungssysteme in der sozial-ökologischen Forschung" Dr. Diana Hummel Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, Frankfurt/Main Monday, 16. June, 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Diana Hummel will visit the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Social Ecology as transdisciplinary scientific practice" from June 12 to 16, 2008. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Public Outreach (German only) Ö1/von tag zu tag/23.01.2008 Helmut Haberl: Von der Biomasse zur Fossilenergie - und wieder zurück? Radiokulturhaus/ScienceEvent/24.01.2008 Risikodialog: Dynamik demografischer Entwicklungen mit u.a. Marina Fischer-Kowalski; moderiert von Verena Winiwarter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Projects: Adaptation Study The Institute of Social Ecology is leading a consortium that is currently working on a first, rough-and-ready assessment of Austrian research and policy measures aimed at adaptation to climate change. Hundreds of policy measures as well as research reports are currently being incorporated in a database that will provide an overview of adaptation activities in Austria. The consortium also includes Austria's Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Department of Meteorology of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna and the OÖ Akademie für Umwelt und Natur. The study started in December 2007 and is expected to deliver results as early as March 2008. The study is financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Forest and Water Management. Contact: simone.gingrich [at] Ecological Footprint Styria The Institute of Social Ecology is currently working on an assessment of the Ecological Footprint of the Austrian province of Styria (Steiermark). This is a feasibility study for the calculation of the EF for Austrian provinces in a way that is compatible with the Austrian Footprint accounts. The study is carried out in close collaboration with the Global Footprint Network ( and its Austrian branch ( The project is funded by the Styrian government and is expected to be finished in September 2008. Contact: helmut.haberl [at] FP7 SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe The Institute for Social Ecology is a partner in the successful SUME consortium on the topic "Urban metabolism and resource optimization in the urban fabric". This three year project will link metabolism concepts with urban planning policies, in order to design more sustainable cities. SUME will analyse the potential to transform existing urban built environment in order to significantly reduce the impact on resource and energy consumption. The coordinator of SUME is the Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning. Contact: helga.weisz [at] Raw Material Equivalents for the Austrian Imports and Exports This project, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management will calculate the upstream raw material requirements of Austrian trade flows by using input-output tables. Results will be available in autumn 2008. Contact: helga.weisz [at] Time-use and material & energy use Finally, we were able to raise some funds to promote our long-standing interest in the relationship between time use and the environment. The Austrian Ministry of the Environment finances a feasibility study (literature & data) on the chances of analyzing working time reductions in Austria as a potential mechanism of minimizing the rebound effect between efficiency gains and material & energy use. Martin Bruckner will write his diploma thesis on this subject. Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] MAB Samothraki On top of a strong wave of local support from the community of Samothraki (an island in the northern Agaeis), various NGOs and the MAB committee of Greece, we could convince the Austrian Man & Biosphere Committee rooted in the Austrian Academy of Sciences to finance a feasibility study for transforming the whole island into a "Man and Biospere Reserve" as defined by UNESCO. Under the guidance from Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Lazaros Xenidis, an environmental studies graduate from Utrecht, and Simron Singh will be the principal investigators to explore both the environmental and the socio-economic preconditions of such a transformation towards sustainability. Contact: simron.singh [at] Environmental accounting of imports: IMEA A team from the Institute will take part in a year-long research project reviewing methodologies towards "environmental accounting of imports" to the EU. The IMEA project is part of the SKEP-ERA EU 6th framework program. We are responsible for a work package on environmental footprints, focusing on land and water use. We will also be active in several other work packages: on Environmentally Extended Multi-Region Input-Output modelling, Material Flow Analysis and Life-Cycle Analysis. Our collaborators in this project are the Ecole des Mines (ARMINES) in France, the coordinator, TNO in the Netherlands, VITO in Belgium and the University of OULO in Finland. Contact: julia.steinberger [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reports on recent Conferences and Guests 8th Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change This 2008 Berlin Conference was the eighth event in the series of annual European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, and the first International Conference of the Social-Ecological Research Programme. It was held in Berlin on 22-23 February 2008. It particularly targeted at bringing together trandisciplinary research results on long-term policies from various fields. It provided ample opportunities to advance social-ecological research into international debates and to discuss future perspectives of this field. The conference has been endorsed by the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP), by the Earth System Governance Scientific Planning Committee and the German Association for Ecological Economic Research (VÖW). The papers can be downloaded at 20th ZUG Minisymposium: Martin Knoll "Schreiben und Schweigen über Natur. Vom umweltgeschichtlichen Quellenwert historisch-topographischer Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit." Dr. Martin Knoll, Neuere Geschichte/Schwerpunkt Stadt- und Umweltgeschichte, Technische Universität Darmstadt Universität Wien - Institut für Geschichte, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Wednesday, 23. January 2008, 20h00 IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Eugene Rosa "Sustainability and Other Grand Risks: New Challenges to Risk Analysis" Eugene A. Rosa, Professor of Sociology, Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professor of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, Washington State University IFF Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29 Monday, 14 January 2008, 18h30-20h Eugene Rosa visited the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Structural Human Ecology" from January 14 to 17, 2008. ENVIRDANUBE - ESF Exploratory Workshop Financed by an ESF Exploratory Workshop grant, researchers from 10 countries met in Vienna in February to discuss possible long-term-socio-ecological research covering the entire Danube watershed. This workshop was conducted in co-operation between IFF Social Ecology and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. An informal network of information exchange was set up. If you are interested in participating in the network, please contact Martin Schmid: martin.schmid [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selected Publications 2007 Books Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Schmid, Martin and Veichtlbauer, Ortrun (2007): Vom Naturschutz zur Ökologiebewegung. Umweltgeschichte Österreichs in der zweiten Republik. Innsbruck: Studienverlag (Österreich - Zweite Republik. Befund, Kritik, Perspektive; 19) Winiwarter, Verena and Knoll, Martin (2007): Umweltgeschichte. Eine Einführung. Köln: Böhlau Articles in journals Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, Krausmann, Fridolin, Plutzar, Christoph, Bondeau, Alberte, and Haberl, Helmut (2007): A comprehensive global 5min resolution land-use dataset for the year 2000 consistent with national census data. In: Journal of Land Use Science 2(3), pp. 191-224. Gaube, Veronika and Sedlacek, Sabine (2007): Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung - Die Rolle regionaler Institutionen in Österreich. In: Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung 18(1), pp. 113-132. Gingrich, Simone, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Gaube, Veronika, and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Long-term dynamics of terrestrial carbon stocks in Austria. A comprehensive assessment of the time period from 1830 to 2000. In: Regional Environmental Change 7(1), pp. 37-47. Haberl, Helmut (2007): Measuring the global human impact on terrestrial ecosystems - the HANPP approach. In: Bridges 15 [online] Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Gaube, Veronika, Bondeau, Alberte, Plutzar, Christof, Gingrich, Simone, Lucht, Wolfgang, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104, pp. 12942-12947. Ohl, Cornelia, Krauze, Kinga, and Grünbühel, Clemens M. (2007): Towards an understanding of long-term ecosystem dynamics by merging socio-economic and environmental research. Criteria for long-term socio-ecological research sites selection. In: Ecological Economics 63(2-3), pp. 383-391. Ramos-Martin, Jesus, Giampietro, Mario, and Mayumi, Kozo (2007): On China's exosomatic energy metabolism: An application of multi-scale integrated analysis of societal metabolism (MSIASM). In: Ecological Economics 63(1), pp. 174-191. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2007): Bäuerinnen gestalten Land(wirt)schaft. Ein Computermodell zur Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft. In: Zoll+ 17(10), pp. 70-72. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Nationalized Nature on Picture Postcards: Subtexts of Tourism from an Environmental Perspective. In: Global Environment 00, pp. 164-187. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Soils and Society. An environmental history of challenge and response. In: Die Bodenkultur 57 (4), pp. 231-242. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Vom stummen Frühling zum Lärm um den Klimawandel. Wie Umweltthemen Karriere machen. (Editorial). In: GAIA 16(4), pp. 241-241. Book chapters Bauler, Tom, Douglas, Ian, Daniels, Peter L., Demkine, Volodymyr, Eisenmenger, Nina, Grosskurth, Jasper, Hak, Tomas, Knippenberg, Luuk, Martin, Jock, Mederly, Peter, Prescott-Allen, Robert, Scholes, Robert J., and van Woerden, Jaap (2007): Identifying Methodological Challenges. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington,D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 49-64. Dearing, John A., Graumlich, Lisa J., Grove, Richard, Grübler, Arnulf, Haberl, Helmut, Hole, Frank, Pfister, Christian, and van der Leeuw, Sander E. (2007): Integrating socio-environment interactions over centennial timescales: needs and issues. In: Costanza, Robert et al. (Eds.): Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth. Cambridge, MA, London, UK: The MIT Press, pp. 243-274. Eisenmenger, Nina and Giljum, Stefan (2007): Evidence from Societal Metabolism Studies for Ecological Unequal Trade. In: Hornborg, Alf and Crumley, Carol L. (Eds.): The World System and the Earth System: Global Socioenvironmental Change and Sustainability since the Neolithic. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 288-302. Eisenmenger, Nina, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Weisz, Helga (2007): Indicators of Natural Resource Use and Consumption. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C.: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 193-209. Eisenmenger, Nina, Schandl, Heinz, and Ramos-Martin, Jesus (2007): Transition in a modern context: patterns of development in a globalizing world. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 179-222. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The fossil-fuel powered carbon sink. Carbon flows and Austria's energetic metabolism in a long-term perspective. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 60-82. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Conceptualizing, observing and comparing socioecological transitions. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 1-30. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Conclusions: Likely and unlikely pasts, possible and impossible futures. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 223-256. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): Multidisziplinäre Wurzeln der Industrial Ecology. In: Isenmann, Ralf and Hauff, Michael v. (Eds.): Industrial Ecology. Mit Ökologie zukunftsorientiert wirtschaften. München: Elsevier, pp. 89-100. Grünbühel, Clemens M., Singh, Simron J., and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): The local base of transitions in developing countries. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 139-178. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Plutzar, Christof, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) as indicator for pressures on biodiversity. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 271-288. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Human appropriation of net primary production. In: Neumayer, Eric (Ed.): Online Encyclopedia for Ecological Economics. The International Society for Ecological Economics Haberl, Helmut and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The local base of the historical agrarian-industrial transition, and the interaction between scales. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 116-138. Haberl, Helmut and Weisz, Helga (2007): The potential use of the Materials and Energy Flow Analysis (MEFA) framework to evaluate the environmental costs of agricultural production systems and possible applications to aquaculture. In: Bartley, Devin M. et al. (Eds.): Comparative Assessment of the Environmental Costs of Aquaculture and Other Food Production Sectors. Methods for Meaningful Comparisons. Rome: FAO, pp. 97-120. Krausmann, Fridolin and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism. A macro view of Austria 1830-2000. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 31-59. Rickard, Louise, Jesinghaus, Jochen, Amann, Christof, Glaser, Gisbert, Hall, Stephen, Cheatle, Marion, Le Kama, Alain A., Lippert, Erich, McGlade, Jaqueline, Ruffing, Kenneth, and Zaccai, Edwin (2007): Ensuring Policy Relevance. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 65-82. Schandl, Heinz and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The Great Transformation: A socio-metabolic reading of the industrialization of the United Kingdom. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 83-115. Schmid, Martin (2007): Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft: Ein normativer Entwurf am Beispiel historischer Wissenschaften. In: Krainer, Larissa and Trattnig, Rita (Eds.): Kulturelle Nachhaltigkeit: Konzepte, Perspektiven, Positionen. München: oekom Verlag, pp. 369-394. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2007): GenderGAP: Geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen der Reform der EU-Agrarpolitik. In: Lutter, Christina and Balti, Sonya (Eds.): Forschungsprogramm Transdisziplinäres Forschen Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften (TRAFO). Einblicke und Rückblicke. Wien: BMWF, pp. 15-20. Sonnlechner, Christoph and Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Cultural landscape development in Europe: taking the long view on European history and its landscapes. In: Bicik, Ivan and et al. (Eds.): Land use/land cover changes in the period of globalization. Proceedings of the IGU-LUCC International Conference Prague 2001. Prag, pp. 15-22. Weisz, Helga (2007): Combining Social metabolism and Input-Output Analyses to account for Ecologically Unequal Trade. In: Hornborg, Alf et al. (Eds.): Rethinking Environmental History: World System History and Global Environmental Change. AltaMira: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 289-306. Weisz, Helga (2007): Metabolismus von Industriegesellschaften. In: Isenmann, Ralf and Hauff, Michael v. (Eds.): Industrial Ecology. Mit Ökologie zukunftsorientiert wirtschaften. Heidelberg: Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pp. 209-224. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Zum Umgang mit Zufall und Kontingenz in den Geschichtswissenschaften - mit einem Ausblick in die Technik- und Umweltgeschichte. In: Zeilinger, Anton et al. (Eds.): Der Zufall als Notwendigkeit. Wien: Picus, Wiener Vorlesungen im Rathaus, pp. 71-84.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 14 – October 2006
CONTENTS + News - New Website and Download Area Online! - Summer Semester 2008: Course information online - UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management - Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause - Austrian Footprint Calculator - Article on global HANPP in PNAS - MFA data ready for download at Eurostat website + Upcoming Events - 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium - 21st ZUG Minisymposium: Verena Winiwarter - 22nd ZUG Minisymposium: Christian Rohr - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Diana Hummel + Public Outreach - Ö1/von tag zu tag/23.01.2008 - Radiokulturhaus/ScienceEvent/24.01.2008 + New Projects: - Adaptation Study - Ecological Footprint Styria - FP7 SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe - Raw Material Equivalents for the Austrian Imports and Exports - Time-use and material & energy use - MAB Samothraki - Environmental accounting of imports: IMEA + Reports on recent Conferences and Guests - 8th Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change - 20th ZUG Minisymposium: Martin Knoll - IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Eugene Rosa - ENVIRDANUBE - ESF Exploratory Workshop + Selected Publications 2007 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ News New Website and Download Area Online! Please have a look at and redirect your links to: The website now includes a free download area. At present, it contains global HANPP data, biomass flow data and a global land-use dataset. Updates are planned. Summer Semester 2008: Course information online Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact: simone.gingrich [at] UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management On the 9th of November the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management (Resource Panel) was launched on the World Science Forum in Budapest. The Resource Panel was established by UNEP, with the support of a wide range of governments, the European Commission and representatives from civil society. The overall objective of the Resource Panel is to provide independent scientific assessment on environmental impacts due to the use of resources over the full life cycle, and advise governments and organisations on ways to reduce these identified impacts. Marina Fischer-Kowalski is one of the 19 scientific members of the Resource Panel. For more information go to: Global Sustainability: A Nobel Cause "A Global Contract for the Great Transformation" is the title of the Potsdam Memorandum that resulted from the Interdisciplinary Nobel Laureates Symposium on grand challenges of global sustainability, held by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 8-10 October 2007 in Potsdam/Germany. Find the memorandum in detail at: Austrian Footprint Calculator In November 2007, the "Austrian Footprint Calculator" was introduced by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in order to provide an opportunity for everyone to calculate his or her personal Ecological Footprint. The algorithms used in this calculator were developed by experts from the Institute of Social Ecology and experts from the "Plattform Footprint". Article on global HANPP in PNAS "Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in the Earth's terrestrial ecosystems" Helmut Haberl, K. Heinz Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Veronika Gaube, Alberte Bondeau, Christoph Plutzar, Simone Gingrich, Wolfgang Lucht, Marina Fischer-Kowalski PNAS, published July 6, 2007 This article was the second-most read article of the 200 PNAS articles in July. Over 100 websites cited the article. MFA data ready for download at Eurostat website In our Eurostat projects we compiled MFA data for the EU-15 countries. These data are now integrated into the Eurostat website and can be downloaded: >> data >> environment >> environmental accounts +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upcoming Events 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium Austrian climate research, including climate impact, adaptation and mitigation research, will be discussed at the 10th Austrian Climate Research symposium that will take place on 13th and 14th March 2008 at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. The Institute of Social Ecology is part of the Austrian climate research initiative AustroClim that hosts the symposium and will also present own research there. See: 21st ZUG Minisymposium: Verena Winiwarter "Von Langzeitfolgen & Nebenwirkungen: Lernen aus der Umweltgeschichte?" Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr.phil. Verena Winiwarter Institut für Soziale Ökologie, Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4. Stock, Seminarraum 4c Thursday, 6. March 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Details: 22nd ZUG Minisymposium: Christian Rohr "Laune der Natur oder Hexerei? Zur Wahrnehmung, Deutung und Bewältigung von Unwettern im Alpenraum (15./16. Jahrhundert)" Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Rohr M.A.S. Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Universität Salzburg IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4. Stock, Seminarraum 4c Donnerstag, 15. May 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Details: IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Diana Hummel "Bevölkerungsdynamik und Versorgungssysteme in der sozial-ökologischen Forschung" Dr. Diana Hummel Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, Frankfurt/Main Monday, 16. June, 2008, 18:00 - 20:00 Diana Hummel will visit the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Social Ecology as transdisciplinary scientific practice" from June 12 to 16, 2008. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Public Outreach (German only) Ö1/von tag zu tag/23.01.2008 Helmut Haberl: Von der Biomasse zur Fossilenergie - und wieder zurück? Radiokulturhaus/ScienceEvent/24.01.2008 Risikodialog: Dynamik demografischer Entwicklungen mit u.a. Marina Fischer-Kowalski; moderiert von Verena Winiwarter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Projects: Adaptation Study The Institute of Social Ecology is leading a consortium that is currently working on a first, rough-and-ready assessment of Austrian research and policy measures aimed at adaptation to climate change. Hundreds of policy measures as well as research reports are currently being incorporated in a database that will provide an overview of adaptation activities in Austria. The consortium also includes Austria's Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Department of Meteorology of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna and the OÖ Akademie für Umwelt und Natur. The study started in December 2007 and is expected to deliver results as early as March 2008. The study is financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Forest and Water Management. Contact: simone.gingrich [at] Ecological Footprint Styria The Institute of Social Ecology is currently working on an assessment of the Ecological Footprint of the Austrian province of Styria (Steiermark). This is a feasibility study for the calculation of the EF for Austrian provinces in a way that is compatible with the Austrian Footprint accounts. The study is carried out in close collaboration with the Global Footprint Network ( and its Austrian branch ( The project is funded by the Styrian government and is expected to be finished in September 2008. Contact: helmut.haberl [at] FP7 SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe The Institute for Social Ecology is a partner in the successful SUME consortium on the topic "Urban metabolism and resource optimization in the urban fabric". This three year project will link metabolism concepts with urban planning policies, in order to design more sustainable cities. SUME will analyse the potential to transform existing urban built environment in order to significantly reduce the impact on resource and energy consumption. The coordinator of SUME is the Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning. Contact: helga.weisz [at] Raw Material Equivalents for the Austrian Imports and Exports This project, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management will calculate the upstream raw material requirements of Austrian trade flows by using input-output tables. Results will be available in autumn 2008. Contact: helga.weisz [at] Time-use and material & energy use Finally, we were able to raise some funds to promote our long-standing interest in the relationship between time use and the environment. The Austrian Ministry of the Environment finances a feasibility study (literature & data) on the chances of analyzing working time reductions in Austria as a potential mechanism of minimizing the rebound effect between efficiency gains and material & energy use. Martin Bruckner will write his diploma thesis on this subject. Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] MAB Samothraki On top of a strong wave of local support from the community of Samothraki (an island in the northern Agaeis), various NGOs and the MAB committee of Greece, we could convince the Austrian Man & Biosphere Committee rooted in the Austrian Academy of Sciences to finance a feasibility study for transforming the whole island into a "Man and Biospere Reserve" as defined by UNESCO. Under the guidance from Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Lazaros Xenidis, an environmental studies graduate from Utrecht, and Simron Singh will be the principal investigators to explore both the environmental and the socio-economic preconditions of such a transformation towards sustainability. Contact: simron.singh [at] Environmental accounting of imports: IMEA A team from the Institute will take part in a year-long research project reviewing methodologies towards "environmental accounting of imports" to the EU. The IMEA project is part of the SKEP-ERA EU 6th framework program. We are responsible for a work package on environmental footprints, focusing on land and water use. We will also be active in several other work packages: on Environmentally Extended Multi-Region Input-Output modelling, Material Flow Analysis and Life-Cycle Analysis. Our collaborators in this project are the Ecole des Mines (ARMINES) in France, the coordinator, TNO in the Netherlands, VITO in Belgium and the University of OULO in Finland. Contact: julia.steinberger [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reports on recent Conferences and Guests 8th Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change This 2008 Berlin Conference was the eighth event in the series of annual European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, and the first International Conference of the Social-Ecological Research Programme. It was held in Berlin on 22-23 February 2008. It particularly targeted at bringing together trandisciplinary research results on long-term policies from various fields. It provided ample opportunities to advance social-ecological research into international debates and to discuss future perspectives of this field. The conference has been endorsed by the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP), by the Earth System Governance Scientific Planning Committee and the German Association for Ecological Economic Research (VÖW). The papers can be downloaded at 20th ZUG Minisymposium: Martin Knoll "Schreiben und Schweigen über Natur. Vom umweltgeschichtlichen Quellenwert historisch-topographischer Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit." Dr. Martin Knoll, Neuere Geschichte/Schwerpunkt Stadt- und Umweltgeschichte, Technische Universität Darmstadt Universität Wien - Institut für Geschichte, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Wednesday, 23. January 2008, 20h00 IFF Lecture and Guest Professorship: Eugene Rosa "Sustainability and Other Grand Risks: New Challenges to Risk Analysis" Eugene A. Rosa, Professor of Sociology, Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professor of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, Washington State University IFF Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29 Monday, 14 January 2008, 18h30-20h Eugene Rosa visited the Institute of Social Ecology for a Guest Professorship on "Structural Human Ecology" from January 14 to 17, 2008. ENVIRDANUBE - ESF Exploratory Workshop Financed by an ESF Exploratory Workshop grant, researchers from 10 countries met in Vienna in February to discuss possible long-term-socio-ecological research covering the entire Danube watershed. This workshop was conducted in co-operation between IFF Social Ecology and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. An informal network of information exchange was set up. If you are interested in participating in the network, please contact Martin Schmid: martin.schmid [at] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selected Publications 2007 Books Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Schmid, Martin and Veichtlbauer, Ortrun (2007): Vom Naturschutz zur Ökologiebewegung. Umweltgeschichte Österreichs in der zweiten Republik. Innsbruck: Studienverlag (Österreich - Zweite Republik. Befund, Kritik, Perspektive; 19) Winiwarter, Verena and Knoll, Martin (2007): Umweltgeschichte. Eine Einführung. Köln: Böhlau Articles in journals Erb, Karl-Heinz, Gaube, Veronika, Krausmann, Fridolin, Plutzar, Christoph, Bondeau, Alberte, and Haberl, Helmut (2007): A comprehensive global 5min resolution land-use dataset for the year 2000 consistent with national census data. In: Journal of Land Use Science 2(3), pp. 191-224. Gaube, Veronika and Sedlacek, Sabine (2007): Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung - Die Rolle regionaler Institutionen in Österreich. In: Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung 18(1), pp. 113-132. Gingrich, Simone, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Gaube, Veronika, and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Long-term dynamics of terrestrial carbon stocks in Austria. A comprehensive assessment of the time period from 1830 to 2000. In: Regional Environmental Change 7(1), pp. 37-47. Haberl, Helmut (2007): Measuring the global human impact on terrestrial ecosystems - the HANPP approach. In: Bridges 15 [online] Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Gaube, Veronika, Bondeau, Alberte, Plutzar, Christof, Gingrich, Simone, Lucht, Wolfgang, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104, pp. 12942-12947. Ohl, Cornelia, Krauze, Kinga, and Grünbühel, Clemens M. (2007): Towards an understanding of long-term ecosystem dynamics by merging socio-economic and environmental research. Criteria for long-term socio-ecological research sites selection. In: Ecological Economics 63(2-3), pp. 383-391. Ramos-Martin, Jesus, Giampietro, Mario, and Mayumi, Kozo (2007): On China's exosomatic energy metabolism: An application of multi-scale integrated analysis of societal metabolism (MSIASM). In: Ecological Economics 63(1), pp. 174-191. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2007): Bäuerinnen gestalten Land(wirt)schaft. Ein Computermodell zur Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft. In: Zoll+ 17(10), pp. 70-72. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Nationalized Nature on Picture Postcards: Subtexts of Tourism from an Environmental Perspective. In: Global Environment 00, pp. 164-187. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Soils and Society. An environmental history of challenge and response. In: Die Bodenkultur 57 (4), pp. 231-242. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Vom stummen Frühling zum Lärm um den Klimawandel. Wie Umweltthemen Karriere machen. (Editorial). In: GAIA 16(4), pp. 241-241. Book chapters Bauler, Tom, Douglas, Ian, Daniels, Peter L., Demkine, Volodymyr, Eisenmenger, Nina, Grosskurth, Jasper, Hak, Tomas, Knippenberg, Luuk, Martin, Jock, Mederly, Peter, Prescott-Allen, Robert, Scholes, Robert J., and van Woerden, Jaap (2007): Identifying Methodological Challenges. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington,D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 49-64. Dearing, John A., Graumlich, Lisa J., Grove, Richard, Grübler, Arnulf, Haberl, Helmut, Hole, Frank, Pfister, Christian, and van der Leeuw, Sander E. (2007): Integrating socio-environment interactions over centennial timescales: needs and issues. In: Costanza, Robert et al. (Eds.): Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth. Cambridge, MA, London, UK: The MIT Press, pp. 243-274. Eisenmenger, Nina and Giljum, Stefan (2007): Evidence from Societal Metabolism Studies for Ecological Unequal Trade. In: Hornborg, Alf and Crumley, Carol L. (Eds.): The World System and the Earth System: Global Socioenvironmental Change and Sustainability since the Neolithic. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 288-302. Eisenmenger, Nina, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Weisz, Helga (2007): Indicators of Natural Resource Use and Consumption. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C.: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 193-209. Eisenmenger, Nina, Schandl, Heinz, and Ramos-Martin, Jesus (2007): Transition in a modern context: patterns of development in a globalizing world. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 179-222. Erb, Karl-Heinz, Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The fossil-fuel powered carbon sink. Carbon flows and Austria's energetic metabolism in a long-term perspective. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 60-82. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Conceptualizing, observing and comparing socioecological transitions. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 1-30. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Haberl, Helmut, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Conclusions: Likely and unlikely pasts, possible and impossible futures. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 223-256. Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): Multidisziplinäre Wurzeln der Industrial Ecology. In: Isenmann, Ralf and Hauff, Michael v. (Eds.): Industrial Ecology. Mit Ökologie zukunftsorientiert wirtschaften. München: Elsevier, pp. 89-100. Grünbühel, Clemens M., Singh, Simron J., and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2007): The local base of transitions in developing countries. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 139-178. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Plutzar, Christof, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) as indicator for pressures on biodiversity. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 271-288. Haberl, Helmut, Erb, Karl-Heinz, and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): Human appropriation of net primary production. In: Neumayer, Eric (Ed.): Online Encyclopedia for Ecological Economics. The International Society for Ecological Economics Haberl, Helmut and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The local base of the historical agrarian-industrial transition, and the interaction between scales. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 116-138. Haberl, Helmut and Weisz, Helga (2007): The potential use of the Materials and Energy Flow Analysis (MEFA) framework to evaluate the environmental costs of agricultural production systems and possible applications to aquaculture. In: Bartley, Devin M. et al. (Eds.): Comparative Assessment of the Environmental Costs of Aquaculture and Other Food Production Sectors. Methods for Meaningful Comparisons. Rome: FAO, pp. 97-120. Krausmann, Fridolin and Haberl, Helmut (2007): Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism. A macro view of Austria 1830-2000. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 31-59. Rickard, Louise, Jesinghaus, Jochen, Amann, Christof, Glaser, Gisbert, Hall, Stephen, Cheatle, Marion, Le Kama, Alain A., Lippert, Erich, McGlade, Jaqueline, Ruffing, Kenneth, and Zaccai, Edwin (2007): Ensuring Policy Relevance. In: Hak, Tomas et al. (Eds.): Sustainability Indicators. A Scientific Assessment. Washington, D.C., Covelo, London: SCOPE, Island Press, pp. 65-82. Schandl, Heinz and Krausmann, Fridolin (2007): The Great Transformation: A socio-metabolic reading of the industrialization of the United Kingdom. In: Fischer-Kowalski, Marina and Haberl, Helmut (Eds.): Socioecological transitions and global change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 83-115. Schmid, Martin (2007): Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft: Ein normativer Entwurf am Beispiel historischer Wissenschaften. In: Krainer, Larissa and Trattnig, Rita (Eds.): Kulturelle Nachhaltigkeit: Konzepte, Perspektiven, Positionen. München: oekom Verlag, pp. 369-394. Smetschka, Barbara, Gaube, Veronika, and Lutz, Juliana (2007): GenderGAP: Geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen der Reform der EU-Agrarpolitik. In: Lutter, Christina and Balti, Sonya (Eds.): Forschungsprogramm Transdisziplinäres Forschen Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften (TRAFO). Einblicke und Rückblicke. Wien: BMWF, pp. 15-20. Sonnlechner, Christoph and Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Cultural landscape development in Europe: taking the long view on European history and its landscapes. In: Bicik, Ivan and et al. (Eds.): Land use/land cover changes in the period of globalization. Proceedings of the IGU-LUCC International Conference Prague 2001. Prag, pp. 15-22. Weisz, Helga (2007): Combining Social metabolism and Input-Output Analyses to account for Ecologically Unequal Trade. In: Hornborg, Alf et al. (Eds.): Rethinking Environmental History: World System History and Global Environmental Change. AltaMira: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 289-306. Weisz, Helga (2007): Metabolismus von Industriegesellschaften. In: Isenmann, Ralf and Hauff, Michael v. (Eds.): Industrial Ecology. Mit Ökologie zukunftsorientiert wirtschaften. Heidelberg: Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pp. 209-224. Winiwarter, Verena (2007): Zum Umgang mit Zufall und Kontingenz in den Geschichtswissenschaften - mit einem Ausblick in die Technik- und Umweltgeschichte. In: Zeilinger, Anton et al. (Eds.): Der Zufall als Notwendigkeit. Wien: Picus, Wiener Vorlesungen im Rathaus, pp. 71-84.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 13 – July 2006
CONTENTS + Department News - Job announcements - Science: "No man is an island" - Habilitation Helga Weisz + Upcoming Events - 2006 ConAccount Conference - ISEE 2006 Session on 'Social Metabolism' - 'Knowledge and Learning in Participatory Processes' + Projects - The sustainable hospital - Proving phase - Development of material use in the EU-25 time series - European Resource Strategy - C-MFA - LTSER Eisenwurzen - Recover - REXSECO - GenderGAP - Footprints: Integrated research of the Ötztal region - MFA consultancy (PHARE) + New Publications We hope you're enjoying your summer!!!! Extreme climatic events are becoming more frequent. My personal traditionalism makes me expect summer each year only once, at roughly the same time. My expectation was rewarded. I wish all of you the weather you like, extreme or not, and encourage you to make use of it for holidays, days of rest, pleasure and reflexion. Marina Fischer-Kowalski ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Department News -------------------- Job announcements We are searching for additional members for our team: have a look at the job announcements on our website: and -------------------- Science: "No man is an island" Who has managed to be personally praised in the Journal Science while still being perfectly alive? Exactly this happened to Simron Singh for his work on the Nicobar Islands dedicated to helping the indigenous people there reconstruct their lives after the tsunami. He has been able to make good use of the Sustainable Indigenous Futures Fund (SIF) to which so many of you contributed.
Details on: -------------------- Habilitation Helga Weisz Dr. Helga Weisz received what in the German-speaking academic world is called a "habilitation" in Social Ecology at the University of Klagenfurt, with great praise by the international reviewers. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events -------------------- 2006 ConAccount meeting September 13 to 14, Vienna, Austria We would like to draw your attention to the 2006 ConAccount meeting in Vienna. The conference programme has been finalised and registration is now possible.
You'll find the full programme on the conference website: -------------------- 'Social Metabolism' ISEE 2006 Session organized by the Social Ecology Team Indicators and Indices such as Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production, Material Flow Accounting, Energy Accounting. Relations between Ecological Economics and Industrial Ecology. Physical Input-Output Tables.
Coordinators: Heinz Schandl, Helga Weisz, and Helmut Haberl, who has been invited to give a keynote as well.
The Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) on 'Ecological Sustainability & Human Well-Being' will be held at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India from the 15th to the 18th of December 2006.
The main theme of the conference will be 'Ecological Sustainability & Human Well-Being'. -------------------- 'Knowledge and Learning in Participatory Processes ' The closing workshop "Formalised and Non-Formalised Methods in Resource Management (Knowledge and Learning in Participatory Processes)" of the "PartizipA" project will be held at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, 21.-22.9.2006. Its jointly organized by the Institute of Social Ecoology and the University of Osnabrück, namely by Prof. Dr. Claudia Pahl-Wost, Dr. Jens Newig and Prof. Dr. Helmut Haberl.
Contact: heidi.adensam [at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Projects: -------------------- The sustainable hospital - Proving phase Health is for sustainable development a prerequisite and at the same an outcome of it. Based on this assumption of strong links between health and sustainable development this project is intervening into a hospital as an example for the health care system for the benefits of both. The feasibility study "The sustainable hospital" (funded by BMVIT "Fabrik der Zukunft") has provided the foundation for the follow-up project "Proving phase of the sustainable hospital" (funded by FFG and BMVIT "Fabrik der Zukunft"). The project goal is to integrate sustainable development criteria into the hospital's decision making at the normative, strategic und operative levels of management. The project is performed by a cooperation of an interdisciplinary team of researchers, namely the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine, and Arecon (Austria Recycling & Co. Consulting), together with an Austrian Health Promoting Hospital, Vienna's Otto-Wagner-Hospital, the Vienna Hospital Association (KAV) and Berlin's Immanuel Diakonie Group.
The feasibility study "The sustainable hospital" is available at:
Contact: willi.haas [at] -------------------- Development of material use in the EU-25 time series The Institute for Social Ecology and the Wuppertal Institute have jointly won an Eurostat tender to work on a four-year contract to develop material flow time series for the 25 member states of the European Union. Since the European statistical office (Eurostat) and the national statistical offices of the member states (including Statistics Austria) should provide these data as a standard routine, we will develop a "guide for beginners" to support this task. The availability of EU 25 material flow accounts is an essential base for deriving key indicators and for discussing Europe's environmental performance together with its economic performance.
Contact: helga.weisz [at] -------------------- European Resource Strategy In a recent project, Heinz Schandl, Helga Weisz and Willi Haas have advised the Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in finding a position of the environment section towards the European Resource Strategy. Because the strategy of the EU Commission for the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources remained rather vague in guiding member countries towards rational and environmentally friendly resource use, in a background paper developed jointly with representatives of the Ministry the Institute of Social Ecology has suggested strengthening the effectiveness of the strategy by defining natural resources quite narrow in terms of materials input and focusing on pressures from resource use rather than on related impacts in order to allow for measuring the EU performance. This would also allow the use of material flow indicators available for the EU-15 at Eurostat.
Contact: heinz.schandl [at] -------------------- C-MFA This feasibility study, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, aims at conceptual advances in the field of national carbon accounting. The combination of socio-economic parameters (e.g. System of National Accounts, SNA) with socio-economic and ecological material and substance flows is a central element of the study. On the basis of empiric examples, the advantages and intricacies of a combination of two established accounting tools - namely the Material Flow Accountings (MFA) and the Full Carbon Accountings (FCA) - to form an integrative indicator system, an "Economy-Wide Flow Accounting (ECA)", will be explored and discussed. Such an integrative indicator system will contribute to the evaluation of environmental consequences of socio-economic activities, or decisions in energy, environmental and regional policy making. Involving Austrian experts in the field of carbon accounting, the study will particularly elaborate on the policy relevance of such an accounting system.
Contact: karlheinz.erb [at] -------------------- LTSER Eisenwurzen The project aims at producing an integrated model which will be able to simulate changes in income and workload of farmsteads, land use, social/economic/ecological material/substance flows as well as selected ecological indicators. Dynamics in the model will be driven by assumptions about changes in the socio-economic framework conditions. The model is developed in an intensive interdisciplinary collaboration between natural and social scientists.
Contact: helmut.haberl [at] -------------------- Recover The Austrian Science Fund donated substantial resources to What it calls a "translational project" (that means it bridges from basic research to application) on the reconstruction of long-term sustainable livelihood for the Nicobar Islands. Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Willi Haas and Simron Singh will be dealing with the challenge of supporting the transition of a hunting-and-gathering culture into a new mode of subsistence.
Contact: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] -------------------- REXSECO The purpose of the REXSECO project is to understand and quantify the historical role of natural resource consumption and technological change in generating long-term economic growth in industrialised economies undergoing structural change. By so doing we expect to provide the basis for more robust forecasts of future rates of growth and natural resource consumption to serve as guides for economic and environmental policy makers. The core hypothesis of the REXSECO project is that the economy can be regarded as a materials/energy conversion system, wherein the energy delivered in useful form to the economy is a justifiable factor of production (together with capital and labour). Within this evolutionary non-equilibrium paradigm we suggest that technological progress can be quantified as proportional to the efficiency of the conversion of raw materials (including fossil fuels) into useful work (in the engineering sense) and finished materials.
Contact: nina.eisenmenger [at] -------------------- GenderGAP What are the ecological, economical and social impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy of EU? Are women and men on the farms affected differently by the reform? Scientists, farmers and stakeholders try to integrate a gender perspective into an agent-based model built to answer these questions and to work on future scenarios and strategies. The project is commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science in its programme on transdisciplinary research.
Contact: barbara.smetschka [at] -------------------- Footprints: Integrated research of the Ötztal region An interdisciplinary team is working in Obergurgl and Vent together with local stakeholders to better understand, if the locally intended developments are in line with an UNESCO biosphere park - or, in other words, if the developments are "formally" sustainable. On the one hand the researchers want to apprehend the social preconditions of a local community to manage its future in a sustainable manner. At the core of the project is a discourse-based valuation of ecosystem services like water supply, climate regulation, production of fodder, tourism and recreation, traditional uses of nature (e.g. sheep herding), etc. On the other hand the local stakeholders will gain knowledge of various consequences certain developments will have under varying external factors (climate change and EU agricultural policies). The three-year project is commissioned by the "Man and Biosphere National Committee" (MAB national committee). The consortium consists of the Department for Conservation Biology (University of Vienna), Faculty of Biology (University of Innsbruck), the Swiss Federal Institute of Snow and Avalanche Research (Davos, Switzerland) and is led by the Institute for Social Ecology.
Contact: willi.haas [at] -------------------- MFA consultancy (PHARE) The objective of this PHARE project is to train experts of National Statistical Institutes of the beneficiary countries on currently used methodologies for the different modules of environmental accounting and to introduce data surveys and existing reporting in the European Union. Priority is given to the following modules: NAMEA air emissions account, economy-wide material flow accounts and environmental protection expenditure and environmental industry accounts. Forest accounts, subsoil asset accounts and water accounts will be treated with lower priority. Pilot projects of the NSIs on the environmental accounting modules are supervised, supported and evaluated with the aim of improving existing data collection or establishing new data collections where those did not yet exist. Data collection and methods are developed in accordance with current EUROSTAT handbooks under consideration of possible adaptations based on the experience of Member States and beneficiary countries.
Contact: nina.eisenmenger [at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications: The following contributions from Team Social Ecology are part of the new Encyclopedia of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Erb, Karl-Heinz: Ecological Footprint. Biomass. Colonization. Turnover. Ecological Colonization Haberl, Helmut: Threshold. Metabolism. Cascades Krausmann, Fridolin: Industrialization. West Central Europe All in: Geist, Helmut J. (Ed.) (2006): The Earth's Changing Land: An Encyclopedia of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group Haberl, Helmut (2006): Wandel von Kulturlandschaften: Von der Biomasse zur Fossilenergie - und wieder zurück? In: Eisenbeiß, Gerd et al. (Eds.): Bioenergie: Zukunft für ländliche Räume. Bonn: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Heft 1/2.2006, Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung, pp. 111-123. Haberl, Helmut, Jasch, Christine, Adensam, Heidi, and Gaube, Veronika (2006): Nicht-nachhaltige Trends in Österreich: Maßnahmenvorschläge zum Ressourceneinsatz. Wien: IFF Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Paper; 85). Haberl, Helmut (2006): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production. In: Geist, Helmut J. (Ed.): The Earth's Changing Land: An Encyclopedia of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, Volume 1 A-K. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 292-294. Haberl, Helmut (2006): The global socioeconomic energetic metabolism as a sustainability problem. In: Energy - The International Journal 31(1), pp. 87-99. Haberl, Helmut and Erb, Karl-Heinz (2006): Assessment of Sustainable Land Use in Producing Biomass. In: Dewulf, J. and Langenhove, H. V. (Eds.): Renewables-Based Technology: Sustainability Assessment. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 176-192. Haberl, Helmut, Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Weisz, Helga, and Winiwarter, Verena (2006): Progress Towards Sustainability? What the conceptual framework of material and energy flow accounting (MEFA) can offer. Reprinted from: Land Use Policy 21(3), pp. 199-213. In: Pretty, Jules (Ed.): Sage Environment Major Work. Volume II: Managing the environment. Essex: SAGEBd. B15 Singh, Simron J. and Lehmann, Oliver (2006): The Nicobar Islands - Cultural choices in the aftermath of the tsunami. Vienna: Czernin Verlag Weisz, Helga and Duchin, Faye (2006): Physical and monetary input-output analysis: What makes the difference? In: Ecological Economics 57(3), pp. 534-541. Weisz, Helga (2006): Accounting for raw material equivalents of traded goods: A comparison of input-output approaches in physical, monetary, and mixed units. Vienna: IFF-Social Ecology (Social Ecology Working Papers; 87). Weisz, Helga, Krausmann, Fridolin, Amann, Christof, Eisenmenger, Nina, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Hubacek, Klaus, and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2006): The physical economy of the European Union: Cross-country comparison and determinants of material consumption. In: Ecological Economics 58(4), pp. 676-698. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Seit 1. März 2006 gilt das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz in Österreich. Es bestimmt, dass E-Mail-Aussendungen an mehr als 50 EmpfängerInnen nur dann legitim sind, wenn diese von dem/der EmpfängerIn so erwünscht sind. Falls Sie ungewollt diese Nachricht erhalten haben, möchten wir uns entschuldigen und bitten Sie, uns Ihre E-mail-Adresse mit dem Betreff *Entfernen" zu senden. Gabriela Miechtner
IFF Social Ecology
Schottenfeldgasse 29/1/5
A-1070 Vienna, Austria
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 12 – January 2006
We wish you all a happy and successful New Year 2006 CONTENTS + Upcoming Events: "Physique Sociale" Symposium, 14 January 2006 "Social Metabolism and Ecological Engineering" Workshop, February 2006 "Dematerialization across scales" ConAccount Conference, September 2006 + New Publication The Nicobar Islands ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events: The IFF-Institute for Social Ecology and Klagenfurt University are pleased to invite you to the symposium "Physique sociale": Marina Fischer-Kowalski and the formation of Social Ecology" on Saturday, 14 January 2006, 14-17h Heiligenkreuzerhof, 1010 Vienna In 1987 Univ. Prof. Dr. Marina Fischer-Kowalski initiated a new research programme at the IFF in Vienna, starting as a one-woman group. The goal she had in mind was quite unfamiliar to both natural and social science communities in those days. Her vision was to understand the physical interrelations between social and natural systems in a way which would eventually allow the forging of paths towards sustainable social development. This would require nothing less than a new theory of society, a "physique sociale," and a joint effort by researchers on both sides of the "great divide." Today Marina's vision has developed into the research area of social ecology, recognized among sustainability sciences around the world, and an institute of some 20 researchers of all disciplinary backgrounds. On the occasion of Marina's "big 0" birthday we have asked colleagues to express their personal views on the history, the significance and the prospects of social ecology. The Institute of Social Ecology of the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF), Klagenfurt University, Austria, and the Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT), Japan organize a joint workshop on "Social Metabolism and Ecological Engineering" on February 5-6, 2005-12-28 at the IFF-Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29 ConAccount conference 2006! SAVE THE DATE! The tradition of bi-annual ConAccount conferences will in 2006 be continued by a meeting in Vienna September 13-14, 2006, Vienna Austria at IFF. Theme: "dematerialization across scales: measurement, empirical evidence, future options" Back to back with a policy dialogue "dematerialization why and how?" September 15, 2006 Conference chairs: Helga Weisz, Heinz Schandl, Paul H. Brunner, Helmut Rechberger Further details will soon be available on ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publication Singh, Simron Jit (2005). The Nicobar Islands. Cultural Choices in the Aftermath of the Tsunami. Wien: Czernin Verlag. "The Nicobar Islands" by Simron Jit Singh, published by Oliver Lehmann, is a first extensive collection of photographs showing the every day life and rituals of the Nicobarese prior to the Tsunami. It also gives insights into the living conditions the Nicobarese have to face after the destruction of the Tsunami. The Austrian President Heinz Fischer handed over the newly published book to a group of Nicobarese leaders during their stay in Austria in September 2005. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 11 – September 2005
CONTENT + "Lange Nacht der Forschung": Research and Support on Nicobar Islands after tsunami
+ Magisterstudium "Sozial- und Humanökologie"
+ Winter Semester 2005/06: Course information online
+ "Lange Nacht der Forschung":
The IFF Social Ecology shall be participating in the "Lange Nacht der Forschung" of this year to be held on 1st October, from 17.00 to 24.00 hours.
The IFF Social Ecology will present its work on the Nicobar Islands (located in the Bay of Bengal) that were severely hit by the recent tsunami. The presentation will focus on the life and culture of the Nicobarese, and the Institute's research engagement with them before and after the tsunami. The event will also focus on the recent exchange visit between a delegation of six Nicobarese and the Sustainable Indigenous Futures Fund (SIF) that was initiated to support the self-rehabilitation efforts of the Nicobarese after the tsunami. The music CD produced by Andre Heller under the label "Austria for Asia" is available for sale, the proceedings of which will be donated to the SIF Fund. Further highlights of this event is a film on the Nicobarese rituals, a recently published book with images from the Nicobars and a presentation on the exchange visit. Dr. Simron Jit Singh, who has been researching on these islands for over 6 years, will also be available for discussions.
Please feel welcome to visit IFF Social Ecology on Saturday, 1st of October 2005 from 17.00-24.00 in the library of IFF, in Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna.
+ "Magisterstudium Sozial- und Humanökologie"
We are happy to announce the start of our "Magisterstudium Sozial- und Humanökologie" for students of the social and natural sciences.
Please find information on
or contact simone.gingrich [at]
+ Course information online
Detailed information can be found on our website:
For further information please contact:
simone.gingrich [at]
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 10 – July 2005
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde der Sozialen Ökologie!
Das Ende des Studienjahres begehen wir auch heuer wieder mit einem Sommerfest im Garten der Wiener IFF, zu dem wir am 22. Juni ab 18h einladen.
Diesmal begehen wir einen besonderen Anlass:
Die Soziale Ökologie wurde zu einem "Institut" - natürlich weiterhin im Rahmen der IFF, der Fakultät für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung der Universität Klagenfurt.
Über Forschung und Lehre am Institut können Sie sich im erstmals erscheinenden Jahresbericht informieren. Zum voraussichtlich im Herbst startenden Magisterstudium "Sozial- und Humanökologie" wird es einen ersten Informationsfolder geben. Nachhaltige Wiederaufbauprojekte für die Nikobaren, die wir gemeinsam mit Caritas und Universal Musik planen, können Sie mit dem Kauf der CD "Deine Hilfe wird gebraucht" unterstützen.
Udo E. Simonis wird uns als Mitglied des neu eingerichtenen 'International Board of Advisors' (IBA) die Ehre einer kleinen Ansprache erweisen. Das IBA berät das Institut für Soziale Ökologie in
strategischen und inhaltlichen Fragen. Mehrere seiner Mitglieder werden hoffentlich zu unseren Gästen zählen.
Zum Fest gehört Livemusik, Speis & Trank und reichlich Gelegenheit, sich miteinander im Grünen zu vergnügen.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!
Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Dear Friends of Social Ecology,
By this end of the academic year we invite you to our traditional Summerparty in the gardens of IFF Vienna.
This time we have to celebrate our new status: Social Ecology was promoted to become an "Institute" within IFF, the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies of Klagenfurt University. Please join us on the 22nd of June, at 6 pm.
Our Biannual Report will inform you on research and teaching in our Institute. A first leaflet will provide you with information on the planned master programme in "Social and Human Ecology". Rehabilitation projects to help the indigenous peoples of the Andamans and Nicobars to re-gain a sustainable livelyhood, advised by our long-term research on these islands, can be supported with buying the CD "Deine Hilfe wird gebraucht", produced in cooperation with Caritas and Universal Music.
Udo E. Simonis as member of the newly installed International Board of Advisors (IBA) is honouring us with a speech. The IBA will support the Institute of Social Ecology in strategic and substantial matters.
We hope to welcome many of its members as our guests.
And we hope you will enjoy the live music, food & drink and chat with the Institute's members and friends.
We look forward to share this evening with you.
Marina Fischer-Kowalski
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 9 – February 2005
CONTENTS Andaman Nicobar Trust Account + Upcoming Events: Lectures on Social Ecology LTSER Workshop + Spring Semester 04: Course information online + Ökologische Orientierungen Land and Territory + News from the Institute of Social Ecology Institute of Social Ecology Marina Fischer-Kowalski is delegate to the Austrian Science Fund Marina Fischer-Kowalski as president elect of ISIE Visiting Fellow: Naohiro Goto Guest professor: Robert U. Ayres + Projects Footprint Calculator "The sustainable hospital" at MAB BRIA + Presentations at international conferences + New Publications ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Andaman Nicobar Trust Account Simron Jit Singh is currently on the Nicobar Islands assessing the situation following the Tsunami disaster and starting to organize help to rebuild what has been lost. IFF Social Ecology is coordinating help in cooperation with Caritas Austria and many Austrian musicians who support this initiative with the CD "Deine Hilfe wird gebraucht" ( Please find informations on the Andaman Nicobar Trust Account at ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Upcoming Events: Invitation to the Lectures on Social Ecology Charles L. Redman: "Integrating Social Sciences in LTER: A Perspective From the US"
William Freudenburg: "Disproportionality in Socio-Ecological Impacts: Understanding the Tail that Wags the Distribution" Place: IFF Social Ecology, Schottenfeldgasse 29, A-1070 Vienna Date: 20. February 2005, 18-20h Rolf P. Sieferle "Kulturelle Evolution und gesellschaftlicher Stiffwechsel" Place: IFF Social Ecology, Schottenfeldgasse 29, A-1070 Vienna Date: 28. April 2005, 18-20h LTSER Workshop IHDP / IGBP / LUCC / IHDP-IT workshop: From LTER to LTSER: The socio-economic dimension of long-term socio-ecological research During this workshop around 20 scientists will convene to discuss concepts to better integrate socio-economic dynamics into long-term social-ecological research (LTSER). This requires interdisciplinary methods for integrated long-term research as well as a multi-scale approach. The workshop is funded by IHDP, IGBP, LUCC, IHDP-IT, and Klagenfurt University. Place: IFF Social Ecology, Schottenfeldgasse 29, A-1070 Vienna Date: 20-22 February 2005 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Spring Semester 2005: Course information online: Detailed information can be found on our website: For further information please contact nina.eisenmenger [at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ökologische Orientierungen Boden und Territorium "Ökologische Orientierungen" for the spring semester 2005 will take place as a block seminar from June 2-4. The theme for this seminar is "Land and territory" and it is open to students and professionals alike. The seminar is organised by Univ. Prof. Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Mag. Veronika Gaube, with Univ.Doz. Ing. Dr. Verena Winiwarter and Mag. Martin Schmid as guest speakers. Dates: June 2-4, 2005
Location: TBA (in the region of Rax/Prein) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News from the Institute of Social Ecology Institute of Social Ecology Core news from the Institute is that it is indeed legally an institute incorporated as such in the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies of Klagenfurt University. This doesn't make more than a formal difference but signalizes the degree of self-governance and independence it actually has. Rektor Hödl nominated Marina Fischer-Kowalski as the Universities' delegate to the Austrian National Science Funds. Marina Fischer-Kowalski has been elected as next president to the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Visiting Fellow: Naohiro Goto By beginning of March the renowned Japanese material flows expert Dr. Naohiro Goto will be our guest for a year. We welcome him and look forward to this cooperation. Guest professor: Robert U. Ayres: Robert U. Ayres honors our institute by his presence as guest professor this spring semester. He will give a lecture on 'Natural Science Meets Social Science: Convergence or Chaos?'. Initial session is on march 14th at 6 p.m., lecture will take place on june 10th and june 24th. The exact time schedule will be announced on, for further information please contact nina.eisenmenger [at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + News from projects Footprint Calculator Commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Water Management and the Environment, the Institute of Social Ecology has developed an "Ecological Footprint Calculator Austria," abbreviated EFC-Aut. This computer tool can be used to evaluate the bioproductive area required to meet the resource demand of individuals. The EFC-Aut considers Austrian patterns in energy supply, housing, transport systems, agriculture, etc., and offers the user various options to reduce his or her footprint on the Earth's ecosystems. In its current version, however, the EFC-Aut is designed for use by experts, not for the broad public. Whether it will be possible to develop a more user-friendly version will also depend upon the availability of appropriate funding. "The sustainable hospital" at The feasibility study "the sustainable hospital" is presented on the internetportal (bmlfuw) within the theme of december 2004: "sustainibility and health". The article was prepared by Ulli Weisz (IFF, Social Ecology) and Uschi Trummer (Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine). MAB BRIA IFF Social Ecology will be able to continue its conceptual and strategic work for MAB Unesco operationalizing society-nature interactions in Biosphere reserves and generating a monitoring tool and operational guidance for stake holder processes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Presentations at international conferences Eisenmenger, Nina (2004): "MFA indicators - Meaning and policy relevance" in the working group "Policy oriented approaches/indicators". Presentation at the ConAccount Meeting 2004 "A future research agenda for MFA - Towards a new common ground for Research on Sustainable Resource use" in Zürich, Switzerland. October 10-12, 2004. Haberl, Helmut (2004): Economic and Social Perspectives on Soil Protection. Keynote lecture at the EU workshop "Towards a harmonized management of European soil resources, research agenda for soil protection." Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 28-29 October 2004. Krausmann, Fridolin (2004): Historical patterns of biomass flows: The development of biomass harvest and trade in relation to land use and transport in Austria 1920-2000., Lecture at the ConAccount Meeting 2004 "ConAccount Meeting. A future research agenda for MFA - Towards a new common ground for Research on Sustainable Resource use". 10-12 October 2004, Zürich. Krausmann, Fridolin and Schandl, Heinz (2004): Energy in early and late industrialization in Austria and the UK. Lecture at the "Colloquium on Energy, Economic Growth and Population". 02-04 October 2004. Napoli, Italy. Singh, Simron J. (2004): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production as indicator for pressure on biodiversity. Presentation as the ALTERNET RA3 Workshop, Halle, Germany, 21-22 October 2004. Singh, Simron J. (2004): Metabolic Transitions in the Nicobar Archipelago. Presentation at the ConAccount Meeting 2004 "A future research agenda for MFA - Towards a new common ground for Research on Sustainable Resource use" in Zürich, Switzerland. October 10-12, 2004. Singh, Simron J. (2004): Multiple Scale Integrated Assessment of Socioecological Metabolism I & II. Presentations at the Research Seminar of Lund University, Human Ecology Division, Sweden, 16-17 November, 2004. Weisz, Beate U. (2004): Das nachhaltige Krankenhaus - Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zur Realisierung nachhaltiger Dienstleistungen im Krankenhaus. 9. Konferenz des Österreichischen Netzwerks Gesundheitsfördernder Krankenhäuser(ÖNGK). 4. und 5 . November 2004 in Schwaz in Tirol. Singh, Simron J. (2004): A Multiple Scale Integrated Assessment of the Future of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Presentation at the IUAES conference, Calcutta, India, 12-15 December 2004. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Publications Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Smetschka, Barbara (2004): Modelling scenarios of transport across history from a socio-metabolic perspective. In: Review. Fernand Braudel Center 27(4), pp. 307-342. Erb, Karl-Heinz (2004): Land-use Related Changes in Aboveground Carbon Stocks of Austria's Terrestrial Ecosystems. In: Ecosystems 7, pp. 563-572. Krausmann, Fridolin (2004): Milk, Manure and Muscular Power. Livestock and the Industrialization of Agriculture. In: Human Ecology 32(6), pp. 735-773. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unsubscribe simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 8 – October 2004
+ Fall Semester 04/05:
- Course information online
+ Upcoming Events:
- Habilitation lecture by Dr. Fridolin Krausmann
- Forschungstag - Faculty research workshop
- ConAccount workshop at ETH Zurich
+ Department News
- 3 new PhDs and a new Social Ecology team member
+ Projects
- Cooperation Austria - Czech Republic
- Sustainable Nicobars
+ Presentations at international conferences
+ Publications
- Special Issue "Land Use Policy"
Fall Semester 04/05: Course information online
This winter our institute is again offering a wide variety of courses in the field of social ecology.
Detailed information can be found on our website:
For further information please contact Nina Eisenmenger:
nina.eisenmenger [at]
Upcoming Events: Habilitation lecture by Dr. Fridolin Krausmann
The Department of Social Ecology cordially invites all to attend Dr. Fridolin Krausmann's habilitation
lecture (in German), "Langfristige Veränderung im gesellschaftlichem Umgang mit Natur: Eine sozialökologische
Perspektive der, Agrarmodernisierung."
When: Friday, 22.October 2004, 15.00h-16.30h
Where: IFF, Abteilung Soziale Ökologie, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien, 4.Stock, Seminar room 3
For further information please contact Gerda Hoschek:
gerda.hoschek [at] or 01/522 4000 401. Forschungstag - Faculty research workshop
Although faculty-wide workshops are common at Anglo-Saxon universities, they are still quite unusual
in German-speaking academia. The Department of Social Ecology, however, will offer a faculty-wide
workshop for presenting research. The workshop will take place on November 8 at the University of
Klagenfurt. It will be continued the next day in a smaller setting with other faculties participating as
well, the specific focus then being on "Society - Nature - Sustainability." ConAccount workshop at ETH Zurich
The ConAccount network that IFF-Social Ecology co-founded in 1997 with seed money from the
European Union demonstrates its vitality: From October 10-12, material flow analysis experts will
convene in Zurich for their yearly research conference, organized this time by Susanne Kytzia from
ETH Zurich.
Department News
3 new PhDs and a new Social Ecology team member Our institute is increasingly populated by post-docs! We congratulate Clemens Mayerhofer-
Grünbühel, our most recent post-doc, for having finished his doctoral degree cum laude in cultural
anthropology and social ecology at the University of Vienna in August 2004.
One of the focal goals in our project "Southeast Asia in Transition" was the support of scientific
capacity building in sustainability science in the SEA partner countries. In September 2004, two of our
collaborators from Laos, one of the poorest countries in the region, successfully finished their doctoral
degrees in human ecology at the University of Vienna, after having spent half a year working
intensively at our institute. Congratulations to Bounnam Pahoumthong and Sithong
The ecologist Mag. Veronika Gaube, after almost a year of successful research collaboration,
formally became part of our research team in September 2004. She has become indispensable for
much of our core research and we warmly welcome Veronika to the Social Ecology team! 3 Doctoral defenses
Clemens Mayrhofer-Grünbühel: Defense 18.08.2004
Resource Use Systems and Rural Smallholders. An Analysis of Two Lao Communities
Bounnam Pahoumthong: Defense 27.08.2004
Integrated Assesment of Socio-economic and Environmental Transition of a Subsistence Society, in
Nalang, Lao PDR.
Sithong Thongmanivong: Defense 27.08.2004
Sustainable Use of Land and Natural Resources in Lao PDR. Material Energy Flow Accounting,
Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production
Projects MATISSE
It is a long way to go for a European WP6 "integrated project," but it seems we have arrived, and will
be core members of the MATISSE project ("Methods and Tools for Integrated sustainability
Assessment") led by Jan Rotmanns (ICIS, Nl) and Alex Haxeltine (Tyndall Centre, UK), under the
Research theme Global Change and Ecosystems. We expect to start working in February 2005, and
continue over the next three years. Cooperation Austria - Czech Republic
The project "Comparative analysis of the long term development of land use and industrial metabolism
in Austria and the Czech Republic," funded by the programme "AKTION Österreich-Tschechien,"
allows us to further strengthen our cooperation with the Environment Center of Charles University in
Prague. Austria and the Czech Republic will serve as comparative case studies to analyse biophysical
aspects of socio-economic development during industrialization. Sustainable Nicobars
The OeNB Jubiläumsfond this summer approved funding for a research project on the Nicobar
Islands: "Participatory Strategic Integrated Analysis of Alternative Development Scenarios". The
project is designed with the objective of undertaking a stakeholder dialogue on alternate development
scenarios for the Nicobars, each of which would be scrutinized through an integrated assessment at a
later stage. The results will be fed back to the people and policymakers to aid in the making of sound
decisions concerning the archipelago's future. The project falls within the research program "Transition
Studies - Science for Governance" under the supervision of Dr. Heinz Schandl. The primary
researchers in the project are Dr. Simron Jit Singh and Dr. Clemens Grünbühel.
Presentations at international conferences EUROSEAS Paris
At the last EUROSEAS conference in Paris (1-4 Sept. 2004), Dr. Clemens Grünbühel and Dr. Simron
Jit Singh organised a panel titled "Biophysical and Socio-economic Transitions in Southeast Asia". The
session tackled issues of resource use and resource management in Thailand and Laos. Case studies
were presented using different units of analysis (i.e., national, community and watershed levels) and
different aspects of socio-economic resource use. In conclusion, the session presented a
comprehensive overview of how to approach resource use issues and social conflicts over resources
from a systematic and analytical perspective, most of which were complementary rather than
contradictory. The panel participants plan to publish the contributions, including those of persons not
able to attend due to lack of funding, in a special issue of a scientific journal. The journal, however,
has yet to be identified. Dr. Singh and Dr. Grünbühel have agreed to act as editors for this common
Publications The Special Issue of "Land Use Policy" on "Land Use and Sustainability Indicators"
was co-edited by Helmut Haberl and is now available.
Detailed information can be found on our website:
For further information please contact Helmut Haberl:
helmut.haberl [at]
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 7 – June 2004
+ Upcoming Events:
- Summer Party 2004
- Lecture by Richard Hoffmann
- UNESCO-MaB Consultancy Workshop
+ Department News
- Helmut Haberl at the European Environment Agency
- Visiting scholars from Prague and Laos
+ Presentations at international conferences (11)
+ Publications (5)
+ IFF Library highlights
- Humanökologie : Ursprünge - Trends - Zukünfte (Serbser 2004)
- Ökologie (Nentwig 2004)
Upcoming Events Summer Party 2004
IFF Social Ecology invites sponsors, colleagues, students and friends to celebrate its new institutional
identity within the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies of Klagenfurt University. We look forward to
seeing you at our garden party on June 29!
When: Tuesday, June 29, 6 pm
Where: IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29/6, 1070 Vienna Environmental History Mini-Symposium
Prof. Richard Hoffmann: "Footprint metaphor and metabolic realities: Environmental impacts of
medieval urbanism"
The Center for Environmental History (ZUG), a joint project of IFF Social Ecology and the Department
for the Analysis of Culture and Science, is pleased to invite you to this "Environmental History Mini-
Symposium" in the series "Lectures on Social Ecology."
The rise of the cities in the later Middle Ages is one of the most profound social and economic
changes characterising this period. While research on the these topics abounds, the environmental
impact of cities during the Middle Ages is yet poorly understood. This lecture aims at discussing the
metabolic relations between cities and their hinterlands. It will also discuss if and how environmental
indicators developed for industrial cases can be used to interpret historical cities.
Richard Hoffmann is a Professor of History at York University, Toronto, Canada. He teaches medieval
and early modern economic, social, and environmental history and is one of the world's leading
experts on medieval fish and fisheries. More information:
When: Monday, June 28, 5-7 pm
Where: IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29/6, 1070 Vienna, Seminar room #6 UNESCO-MaB Consultancy Workshop
Within the research project "Re-designing the Research Agenda of Man and Biosphere (MAB) -
Austria, in special consideration of BRIM," IFF Social Ecology has invited to an international workshop
June 17-18 in Illmitz in the Austrian biosphere reserve Neusiedlersee. New strategies of research on
biosphere reserves in the Austrian MAB Program have been discussed with UNESCO delegates,
biosphere reserve managers and national and international scientists.
Department News Helmut Haberl at the European Environment Agency
Helmut Haberl has been nominated as a member of the scientific committee of the European
Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen for 2004-2008. EEA is the main source of environmental
information for decision makers within the EU and beyond. 25 nations are members of the agency. Visiting scholars from Prague and Laos
Petra Kuskova and Jan Kovanda, scientists at the Environmental Center of Charles University
Prague, visited IFF Social Ecology for one month each. Scientific exchange of sustainability research
methods and concepts between the Environmental Center and IFF Social Ecology will be the focus of
a cooperation project in the coming years.
Sithong Thongmanivong and Bounnam Pathonmthong of Laos University are working on their
dissertations at the IFF Social Ecology from April 1 - September 30 thanks to an Austrian scholarship.
They will finish their doctoral study of biology in September and will be the first Laotian students to
graduate in Austria.
Presentations at international conferences Krausmann, Fridolin (2004): Monitoring the Physical Economy: Material Flow Trends and Patterns of
European Union Countries. Ecological Engineering for Homeostatic Human Activities. Presentation at
the "International Workshop on Sustainable Social Systems". 27 February 2004, Toyohashi University,
Toyohashi, Japan.
Erb, Karl-Heinz (2004): Methods for calculating the ecological footprint of nations in historic time
series: Austria 1926 - 2000 - Methoden zur Berechnung des ökologischen Fußabdrucks in
historischen Zeitreihen: Österreich 1926 - 2000. Vortrag am 8. österreichischer Klimatag "Klima,
Klimawandel und Auswirkungen", am 19. und 20. April 2004 im Festsaal der Universität für
Bodenkultur, Wien.
Grünbühel, Clemens M. and Schandl, Heinz (2004): An Integrated Assessement of Farming Systems
in Lao PDR. Paper presented at the Millenium Ecosystems Assessmenr Conference "Bridging Scales
and Epistemologies", March 17-20, Alexandria, Egypt.
Haberl, Helmut and Haas, Willi (2004): Die Klimaspirale: Führen Klimaimpacts zu immer mehr
Treibhausgasemissionen?, in: Vortrag am 8. österreichischer Klimatag, "Klima, Klimawandel und
Auswirkungen", 19.-20. April 2004, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien.
Haberl, Helmut and Mirtl, M. (2004): Current Austrian concepts for LTSER in multi-functional research
platforms (MFRPs). Presentation at the 1st meeting of partners involved in the Work Packages I2 and
RA1 of the Network of Excellence ALTER-Net, 22-23 March 2004, CNRS, Paris-Meudon.
Haberl, Helmut and Singh, Simron J. (2004): Sozioökonomische und sozial-ökologische Forschung in
der Eisenwurzen: Erste Konzepte und Ideen., in: Vortrag beim Workshop "Konzept der multifunktionalen
Forschungsplattformen (MFRP) in Österreich - MFRPs und Systemforschung",
Umweltbundesamt und BAL Gumpenstein, 28.-29.1.2004, BAL Gumpenstein, Irdning.
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2004): Österreichs sozialökologischer Fußabdruck. Vortrag beim
Symposion "Österreich.Bilder. Befunde und Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung" am 12. Mai
2004 im ORF Radiokulturhaus, Wien.
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2004): On the functions of social monitoring within BRIM. Presentation at
the Glochamore - Global Change in Mountain Regions 1st Thematic Workshop "Global Environment &
Social Monitoring", 9.-11. May 2004 in Vienna.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Living and Dying: The Nicobar Islands. Presentation invited by the British
Museum, 12. January 2004, British Museum, London.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Contextualising transition in the Nicobar Islands: past, present and future.
Presentation invited by the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), 12.
January 2004, British Museum, London.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Community Forest Management in Protected Areas: National Parks and
People Conflict in India. Seminar on "Ecological Economies" invited by the School of Environment of
Leeds University, 6th February 2004, Leeds.
Publications Haberl, Helmut, Wackernagel, Mathis, and Wrbka, Thomas (guest editors) (2004): Land Use and
Sustainability Indicators. Special issue of Land Use Policy 21(3), Oxford: Pergamon / Elsevier, 193-
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2004): Gesellschaftliche Kolonisierung natürlicher Systeme. Arbeiten an
einem Theorieversuch. In: Serbser, Wolfgang (Ed.): Humanökologie: Ursprünge - Trends - Zukünfte.
München: ökom, Edition Humanökologie: Band 1 , pp. 308-345.
Haberl, Helmut, Schulz, Niels B., Plutzar, Christoph, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Loibl,
Wolfgang, Moser, Dietmar, Sauberer, Norbert, Weisz, Helga, Zechmeister, Harald G., and Zulka,
Peter (2004): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production and Species Diversity in Agricultural
Landscapes. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 102(2), pp. 213-218.
Giljum, Stefan and Eisenmenger, Nina (2004): North-South Trade and the Distribution of
Environmental Goods and Burdens: A Biophysical Perspective. In: Journal of Environment and
Development 13(1), pp. 73-100.
Haberl, Helmut, Wackernagel, Mathis, and Wrbka, Thomas (2004): Endbericht zum
Forschungsauftrag: Leitschwerpunkt Kulturlandschaftsforschung: Herausgabe einer Special Issue:
Land Use and Sustainability Indicators aut Basis bisheriger KLF-Ergebnisse (KLF-Synthese). Vienna:
IFF Social Ecology
IFF Library highlights The IFF library is constantly expanding its resources in the field of Social Ecology.
The library is open during regular office hours Mo-Fr in the
IFF building, 5th floor, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna,
- Serbser, Wolfgang (Hg.) (2004). Humanökologie : Ursprünge -
Trends - Zukünfte. München: ökom. IFF: WP 5155,1.
- Nentwig, Wolfgang (2004). Ökologie. Heidelberg: Spektrum,
Akad. Verl. (Spektrum Lehrbuch). IFF: WP 5134 The library is open during regular office hours Mo-Fr in the IFF building, 5th floor, Schottenfeldgasse
29, 1070 Vienna, Austria.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 6 – March 2004
+ Upcoming Events:
- Gordon Conference on Industrial Ecology 2004
- Public Social Ecology Lecture by Stephen Bunker:
Transport innovations in relation to extractive economies in Latin America
+ Spring Semester 04:
- Course information online
+ Ökologische Orientierungen
- Ecological Dimensions of the Population Debate
+ Upcoming projects:
- PartízipA
- AlterNet
+ Project & Conference Reports:
- LAND Open Science Conference, Morelia, Mexico
+ Publications:
- Land Use and Sustainability Indicators
(Haberl, Wackernagel, Wrbka 2003)
+ IFF Library highlights:
- Multi-scale integrated analysis of agroecosystems
(Giampietro 2004)
- Genes, Memes and Human History: Darwinian Archaeology and Cultural Evolution
(Shennan 2002)
Upcoming Events Gordon Conference 2004
Univ. Prof. Marina Fischer-Kowalski will chair the forthcoming Gordon Conference on Industrial
Ecology, to be held at Oxford, UK, from August 1-6, 2004. The Gordon Research Conferences were
initiated by Dr. Neil E. Gordon in the late 1920s to promote discussion and the free exchange of ideas
at the frontiers of research in the biological, chemical and physical sciences. Prominent scientists with
common professional interests come together for a full week of intense discussion and examination of
the most advanced aspects of their field. The theme of the 2004 conference is long-term major
technological change. Participation in a Gordon conference is by invitation only.
For further information see
Dates: August 1-6, 2004
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom Public Social Ecology Lecture by Stephen Bunker:
Transport innovations in relation to extractive economies in Latin America
We are very proud to announce that Prof. Stephen Bunker will hold a lecture at the IFF on the topic of
"Transport innovations in relation to extractive economies in Latin America."
Stephen Bunker teaches sociology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. His current work
involves the growing material, energetic, technological, political, and financial inequalities between the
rapidly expanding industrial economies of the world and the extractive economies that deplete
themselves while providing the raw materials the industrial economies require.
Date: March 17, 2004, 6-8 p.m.
Location: IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna
Spring Semester 04 Course information online:
This spring our institute will again offer a wide variety of courses in the field of social ecology.
Detailed information can be found on our website:
For further information please contact nina.eisenmenger [at]
Ökologische Orientierungen Ecological Dimensions of the Population Debate
"Ökologische Orientierungen" for the spring semester 2004 will take place as a block seminar from
June 3-5. The theme for this seminar is "Ecological Dimensions of the Population Debate" and it is
open to students and professionals alike. The seminar is organised by Univ. Prof. Marina Fischer-
Kowalski and Dr. Simron Jit Singh, with Univ. Prof. Heinz Fassmann and Dr. Ortrun Veichtlbauer as
guest speakers.
Dates: June 3-5, 2004
Location: TBA (in the region of Rax/Prein)
Upcoming projects MATISSE
"Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment"
Social Ecology figures as one of the core partners in one of the European Union's "Integrated
Projects," designed as new research policy instruments to better integrate the European Research
area. MATISSE is one of the three projects in the area of Global Change and Ecosystems VIII
(Developing tools for integrated sustainability assessment) to pass the first stage of the selection
process. So we now cross our fingers that we will have the chance to participate in an exciting 4-year
collaborative exercise with some of Europe's highest profile climate change and integrated
assessment institutions. AlterNet
"A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network"
ALTERNet is a Network of Excellence (NoE) funded by the EU's 6th Framework Programme. The NoE
is expected to start in April 2004 and will run for 5 years. The project will develop durable integration of
long-term ecosystem, biodiversity, and socio-economic research capacity at the European level. It
involves 24 partners from 17 European countries. ALTER-Net will develop integrated research
agendas focussing on priority policy issues through:
- an integration of national centres of excellence in biodiversity research and social science,
- an integration of environmental and socio-economic approaches,
- the development of multi-functional long-term ecosystem research platforms,
- partnerships between research scientists, science communicators and visitor-centres
- development of a science-policy link
- a framework for data, information and knowledge management.
IFF-Social Ecology is part of this NoE as subcontractor of the Austrian Federal Environment Agency
("Umweltbundesamt," PartizipA
"Participative model building, analysis of actors and ecosystems in industrialized agricultural
PartízipA is a collaborative project funded by the two research programmes "Socio-Ecological
Research" (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany) and "Austrian Landscape
Research" (Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, Austria). The project started in 2003
and will run until 2006.
Industrialized agricultural regions generate numerous sustainability problems, the most important
being pesticide use and the nitrate contamination of ground water. Together with scientists from the
University of Osnabrück (Germany) and with actors from the Austrian region "St. Pölten Umland,"
PartícipA develops models that integrate socio-economic processes - such as formal and informal
institutional structures and processes, values, prices for agricultural products - and ecosystem
processes such as land use patterns, fertilizer application, and nitrogen flows in soils and groundwater
bodies. The integration of both socio-economic and ecological data, and the use of agent-based
modelling techniques as well as GIS will help us not only to understand processes and interactions
within and between the two spheres but also to build models for the development of scenarios and
strategies that help the regions to cope with future sustainability challenges.
Project & Conference Reports LAND Open Science Conference, Morelia, Mexico
Helmut Haberl held a plenary lecture at the LAND Open Science Conference "Global change and the
terrestrial human-environment system," jointly sponsored by IGBP and IHDP, Morelia, Mexico, 1.-
5.12.2003 entitled "Land-Use Change and Socio-Economic Metabolism: An Approach to Analyze
Coupled Human Environment Systems".
Publications Land Use and Sustainability Indicators
(Haberl, Wackernagel, Wrbka 2003)
- Haberl, Helmut, Mathis Wackernagel, and Thomas Wrbka. 2003. Land Use and Sustainability
Indicators. Special issue of Land Use Policy 21(3), Oxford: Pergamon / Elsevier.
IFF Library highlights The IFF library is constantly expanding its resources in the field of Social Ecology.
- Giampietro, Mario: Multi-scale integrated analysis of agroecosystems. Boca Raton: CRC Press,
2004. (IFF-Wien: WP5046)
- Shennan, Stephen: Genes, Memes and Human History: Darwinian Archaeology and Cultural
Evolution. London: Thames and Hudson, 2002. (IFF-Wien: WP2639) The library is open during regular office hours Mo-Fr in the IFF building, 5th floor, Schottenfeldgasse
29, 1070 Vienna, Austria.
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 5 – January 2004
+ Department News:
- New home base for IFF and the Social Ecology team:
"Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies" with international "Virtual Collegium" at the University of
+ Support from Austrian Science Fund:
- Long-term Transformation of Society's Natural Relations
- Global Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production 1700-2000
Department News New home base for IFF and the Social Ecology team:
"Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies" with international "Virtual Collegium" at the University of
After 25 years of IFF's "inter-university" status affiliated with the Universities of Graz, Innsbruck,
Klagenfurt and Vienna, new legislation regarding universities in Austria has led to IFF's needing to
choose a new, unequivocal academic home base. The University of Klagenfurt, one of the younger
Austrian universities, has long been familiar with IFF's unique features as an interdisciplinary institute
and has offered to grant IFF the status of a "Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies."
IFF has proudly accepted this offer. In this period of increasing scarcity of resources for public higher
education, a scarcity which nourishes defensive bureaucratic streamlining, we are glad to ally
ourselves with an institutional partner unconventional enough to commit to interdisciplinarity and
interregional networking and to national and international cooperation as paths to success and
academic reputation. We hope that we will be able to use the new opportunities before us in mutual
support to build on one another's strengths and to reinforce our environmental and natural science
competence by stable partnerships across a wide range of organizations and people.
"Social Ecology" will remain one of six organizational subdivisions of IFF'S Vienna node and will
continue to engage in intensive research and offer courses to students from Austrian and international
universities. We will maintain our commitment to teaching in collaboration with the University of Vienna
and will intensify collaboration with the Vienna-based University of Natural Resources and Applied Life
Sciences. An internationally accessible doctoral and masters program of our own - "Environment and
Society" - is in preparation.
Beyond the members of the interdisciplinary faculty at the University of Klagenfurt, the university's
president will be asking a number of renowned personalities worldwide to be part of a "Virtual
Collegium" advising him on our Institute's affairs and supporting the Social Ecology Vienna team in
holding its course and achieving further scientific excellence. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Support from the Austrian Science Fund for basic research in Social Ecology
IFF Social Ecology is proud to announce having been granted substantial funding from the National
Austrian Science Fund for two new research projects to begin this year. Both projects will extend over
the next three years and allow the IFF Social Ecology Vienna team to systematically improve on its
data base for long term socio-metabolic processes and continue developing the theoretical base of
social ecology.
* Long-term Transformation of Society's Natural Relations
- Project manager: Marina Fischer-Kowalski
* Global Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production 1700-2000
- Project manager: Helmut Haberl ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 4 – September 2003
+ Upcoming Events: - Environmental History Mini-Symposium: Wed., Sept. 11
- "World System History and Global Environmental Change"
Conference in Lund, Sweden, Sept. 19-22
- Public lecture by Jonathan Lash (WRI) in Vienna
in early October
+ Fall Semester 03/04:
- Course information online
- Additional course: Transition Studies
(VOSE 2st.; Wilfing & Grünbühel)
+ Austrian research networking news:
- IFF Social Ecology heavily affected by science budget cuts
+ New environmental history networking project at IFF
Now online!
- Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte (ZUG) / Center for
Environmental History
+ Upcoming projects:
- Regional sustainability indicators for the Alpine Region - MARS
- Changes in social metabolism in Austria due to the 2002
flood: case study of an affected community in Kamptal
- Environmental impact of consumption
+ Project & Conference Reports:
- ISIE: Industrial Ecology for a Sustainable Future
- Participation at the Long Term Ecological Research meeting in Motz
+ Publications:
- Research report: Austria / UK
+ Department News:
- Marina Fischer-Kowalski back as Head of Department
- Four new PhDs at IFF Social Ecology
- Student interns at IFF Social Ecology
- New team member for finances
+ IFF Library highlight:
- The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change
(Smil 2002)
Upcoming events Environmental History Mini-Symposium: Wed., Sept. 11
IFF Social Ecology and the Center for Environmental History (ZUG) are pleased to invite you to an
"Environmental History Mini-Symposium" in the series "Lectures on Social Ecology." Two guests from
the United States will report on their current research:
Ravi Rajan:
"Technological Disasters and Cultures of Safety: Policy Lessons from Qualitative Risk Studies"
Geoff Cunfer:
"Agricultural Land Use and Environment in the U.S. Great Plains, 1870-2000"
Where: IFF Social Ecology, Seminar room 6, 6th floor
When: 11. September 2003, 18.00 - 20.00
Info: gerda.hoschek [at] "World System History and Global Environmental Change"
Conference in Lund, Sweden, Sept. 19-22
Some sixty scholars will gather in Lund, Sweden, between the 19th and 22nd of September for an
interdisciplinary conference on "World System History and Global Environmental Change". Among the
invited participants are Prof. Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Simron Jit Singh and Stefan Giljum (SERI).
More information: Public lecture by Jonathan Lash (WRI) in Vienna
in early October
SERI and IFF Social Ecology are jointly organizing a lecture by Jonathan Lash, President of the World
Resources Institute (WRI), an independent organization that provides solutions to global problems of
environment and development. Jonathan Lash also co-chaired the President's Council on Sustainable
Development and the OECD's High-Level Advisory Group on Environment.
Date: October 8, 9 or 10; the exact date & location will
be announced under ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fall Semester 03/04 Course information online
Detailed information about Social Ecology courses this fall and links to further resources can be found
on our website:
For further information please contact
Nina Eisenmenger: nina.eisenmenger [at] NB: An additional course has just been added to the palette of Social Ecology offerings this fall:
Transition Studies, VOSE 2st. Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Harald
Wilfing, Mag. Clemens Grünbühel
Termin: Do 10:00 bis 12:00, Beginn am 9. Oktober 2003
Ort: Anthropologie, Biozentrum (Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Wien)
Info: clemens.grunbuhel [at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Austrian research networking news IFF Social Ecology heavily affected by science budget cuts
The 2003 budget of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has been cut by almost 20% compared to 2002
while applications increased by about 20%. As a result, the FWF has been forced to suspend any new
grants, regardless of the quality of the proposed projects. All positively evaluated projects have been
listed but can only be commissioned if new money becomes available (see Currently two applications of the
IFF-Social Ecology are pending; one has been positively evaluated, the other is still being reviewed.
This severely hampers research at the department. The proposal now on the waiting list was a threeyear
project that would have involved significant international cooperation (among others with the
German PIK).
The situation is worsened by the fact that the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK)
lacks the money to fund projects submitted to a call for tenders in the so-called CONEX program that
should have financed projects to foster cooperation with Middle and Eastern European countries.
Although the project submitted by the Dept. of Social Ecology was rated as fifth best, and originally 10
projects had been called for, the BMBWK is currently unable to finance the project.
In both cases IFF Social Ecology has invested considerable amounts of its time and its own financial
resources to prepare the proposals, and in both cases the budget cuts jeopardize the Department's
efforts to strengthen international cooperation. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
New environmental history networking project at IFF
Now online! Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte (ZUG) / Center for Environmental History
The Center for Environmental History has been established as a joint project of the IFF Department for
the Analysis of Science and Culture (KWA) and and the Department of Social Ecology at IFF. This
project represents a further step in the process of institutionalizing environmental history as a focal
point in Austria's research landscape.
Directed by Verena Winiwarter (verena.winiwarter [at], the Center will concentrate at first on
coordinating the "Wahlfachbündel Umweltgeschichte" (Environmental History elective course
package) and providing an information point for students. Plans for the future include serving as a
virtual platform for networking among Austrian researchers and institutions.
The ZUG website was launched this month:
Information concerning the environmental history curriculum can be found on the ZUG site at ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Upcoming Projects Regional sustainability indicators for the Alpine Region - MARS
Within the INTERREG III/B project MARS (Monitoring the Alpine Regions' Sustainability) the
Department of Social Ecology (Heinz Schandl, Christof Amann, Karlheinz Erb) will develop an
environmental indicator set for all regions of the Alpine Space. The overall goal of MARS is to
establish a set of regional indicators for the assessment of sustainable development in the areas of
economy, society and the environment. The project is highly collaborative: Actors from the regions will
closely work together with research institutes. The results that will be presented on the International
Benchmarkforum (IBF) 2004 in Basel will help the regions to implement sustainability policies. Changes in social metabolism in Austria due to the 2002 flood:
case study of an affected community in Kamptal
This project is part of the Austrian Climate Change Research programme's first phase. It investigates
the following questions:
To what extent do extreme weather events like the 2002 flood have an impact on social metabolism?
Quantitatively spoken what are the immediate material inputs for clean-up and reconstruction? Are
these material inputs significant compared to the annual flows? Is there in end effect a reestablishment
of the pre-flood situation or does an ecologically more sound renewal occur? Has the
situation led to structural changes? Or an increase in the quality of life? We aim in the end to discover
whether this societal response increases pressure on nature and therefore will accelerate climate
change or whether it reduces pressure by leading to more ecologically innovative and responsible
action. The importance of these questions lies in that climate change makes it likely that extreme
weather events will become a more frequent threat to society. The project began in April 2003 and will
run until the end of November 2003. Environmental impact of consumption
This project is a joint research effort between IFF Social Ecology, the International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI). The project's key question is,
what are the impacts of various household consumption patterns on the national economy (e.g.
employment, GDP) and how does it alter the environmental performance of a nation? We focus on two
cases: a car-free housing development in Vienna, and another "normal" building with similar
demographic, socioeconomic and geographical conditions whose residents do own and drive cars.
The collected data from the two groups and samples from the Austrian Consumer Expenditure Survey
will be used within the input-output framework to conduct a comparative static analysis. In order to get
information on environmental impacts we will extend the input-output framework by the key
environmental indicators. Using this newly developed and innovative instrument, our investigation
should generate environmental and socio-economic profiles of different consumption patterns and a
better understanding of the causes and key factors that lead to these differences. The project begins
this month and will continue over the course of 14 months. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Project & Conference Reports ISIE: Industrial Ecology for a Sustainable Future
Report from the Second International Conference of ISIE
June 29 - July 2, 2003
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Over 300 people from governmental organisations, industries, academia, research institutes and
NGOs were gathered at Ann Arbor, MI, USA for the conference. Around 200 platform and 70 poster
presentations were distributed over 39 technical sessions for a variety of subjects including Material
Flow Analysis (MFA), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), sustainability issues, eco-industrial parks, Input-
Output Analysis (IOA), policy cases and education. Supported by nice weather and ample outside
space for informal gatherings, this conference again conveyed the lively spirit of a research community
that trusts it can promote its agenda - both scientifically and as a broader societal project.
The Vienna school of Social Ecology was highly visible at this conference: four of our members
(Marina Fischer- Kowalski, Nina Eisenmenger, Heinz Schandl and Helga Weisz) had been accepted
for presentations. Participation at the Long Term Ecological Research meeting in Motz (France)
Together with Michael Mirtl from the Austrian Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Christof Amann
from the Department of Social Ecology participated at the LTER (Long Term Ecological Research)
meeting in Motz (France) on July 1-5, 2003. In their presentation "Designing multifunctional research
platforms - Integration of socio-economic research and LTER in Austria" they introduced the concept
of socio- economic metabolism as a model to integrate socio-economic and ecological research
considering the "Eisenwurzen" region as an LTER site for empirical work. The ideas presented will
also flow into the EU-funded Network of Excellence ALTER (A Long Term Ecological Research
Network) in which IFF Social Ecology takes part as a subcontractor of the UBA that will start this fall or
early next year. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Publications Research report: Austria / UK
The research report "Vergleichende Untersuchung zur langfristigen Entwicklung von
gesellschaftlichem Stoffwechsel und Landnutzung in Österreich und dem Vereinigten Königreich" by
Fridolin Krausmann, Heinz Schandl und Niels B. Schulz will be published in September as Volume 11
of the series "der europäische sonderweg."
To order a free copy of the German version of this report please visit the Breuninger Foundation
(::projekte::geschichte::projekt "ursachen des europäischen sonderweges")
An English version will become available as a pdf download on the IFF Social Ecology website -
simply use our publication search at this address:
To order a hardcopy please contact Gerda Hoschek: gerda.hoschek [at]
Department News Marina Fischer-Kowalski back as Head of Department
Marina Fischer-Kowalski, after her visiting professorships at Yale University and the Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro, is now back at IFF in Vienna as Head of the Dept. of Social Ecology. Four new PhDs at IFF Social Ecology
Congratulations are in order for the four PhD candidates who have completed their work at IFF Social
Erb, Karl-Heinz (2003): Methods for calculating the ecological footprint of nations in historic time
series: Austria 1926-2000. PhD Thesis at the University of Vienna.
Singh, Simron Jit (2003): In the Sea of Influence: A World System Analysis of the Nicobar Islands.
PhD Thesis at the University of Lund.
Schulz, Niels B. (2003): Die industrielle Transformation des gesellschaftlichen Stoffwechsels:
Materialflüsse, Energieflüsse und Transport im Vereinigten Königreich von Grobritannien und
Nordirland. Dissertation an der Universität Wien.
Giljum, Stefan (2003): Biophysical Dimensions of North-South Trade: Material Flows and Land-Use.
Dissertation an der Universität Wien. Student interns at IFF Social Ecology
This summer five student interns worked together with the IFF Social Ecology team. During 6 weeks of
practical work, these sociology students were integrated in a number of projects and gained insight
into the everyday life of a research institute. Their tasks included literature and data research, data
organisation and presentation, qualitative interviews, and assistance in the organisation of an
international workshop. Their contribution was a great help in our ongoing project work and we are
looking forward to continuing this fruitful cooperation with the Institute of Sociology and its students in
the coming year.
For information about internships please contact Nina Eisenmenger: nina.eisenmenger [at] New team member for finances
Markus Einzmann has been part of our team since the summer and will be in charge of financial
markus.einzmann [at]
Tel. ++43-1-522 4000-332 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
IFF Library Highlight The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change
(Smil 2002)
The IFF library is constantly expanding its resources in the field of Social Ecology. We'll be highlighting
one of the many new library items in each newsletter!
Smil, Vaclav: The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change - : MIT Press, 2002. - 356 S. -
ISBN 0-262-19472-4
The library is open during regular office hours Mo-Fr in the IFF building, 5th floor, Schottenfeldgasse
29, 1070 Vienna, Austria. You can reach the library catalog online at with a click on "Bibliothek", or from any page on the IFF Social
Ecology website with a click on "library online / bibliothek online." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 3 – March 2003
+ Immediate job openings / Stellenangebote:
- Financial administrator
- Sozialwissenschaftliche/r DiplomandIn
+ Coming Events:
- iff-lecture by Faye Duchin (April 9): Household Lifestyles and the Future of the Environment
- iff-lecture by Marina Fischer-Kowalski (May 8): Zur Naturgeschichte der Gesellschaft
+ 3rd Ramingstein meeting on the Foundations of a Social Ecology of Time and Space
+ Department News:
- Colleagues from Laos back in Vienna
- Marina Fischer-Kowalski back in Vienna after sabbatical
- Sommersemester 2003 at IFF Social Ecology
+ Publications:
- EUROSTAT 2001:Material Use Indicators for the European Union, 1980-1997
- Land-Use Change and Socioeconomic Metabolism in Austria
- Theoretische Grundlagen für die gesellschaftliche Beobachtung nachhaltiger Entwicklung
- Internationaler Handel und globale Umweltverträglichkeit
Immediate job openings: FinanzadministratorIn am IFF Social Ecology, 30 Std./Wo.
Informationen auf
Bewerbungen bitte per e-mail bis spätestens 28.3.2003
an: gerda.hoschek [at] Sozialwissenschaftliche/r DiplomandIn
für Diplomarbeit zum Thema "Veränderungen in Arbeitszeit
und Time Use in den Ländern der Europäischen Union
(EU-15) seit 1970"
Kontakt: marina.fischer-kowalski [at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Events: IFF Lecture with Faye Duchin
"Household Lifestyles and the Future of the Environment"
Faye Duchin, Professor of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, New York), will be
Visiting Professor in our department throughout April. During her stay she will give a public lecture.
Ms. Duchin is a former student of Nobel Laureate Wassiliy Leontief and is world famous for her work
on the extension of input output analysis for sustainability questions. April 9, 18:30, IFF Schottenfeldg.
29, 1070 Vienna IFF Lecture with Univ.Prof. Dr. Marina Fischer-Kowalski
"Zur Naturgeschichte der Gesellschaft"
May 8, 19:00, IFF Schottenfeldg. 29, 1070 Vienna +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3rd Ramingstein meeting on the Foundations of a Social Ecology of Time and Space
Jointly organized by Verena Winiwarter (Forschungsinitiative Umweltgeschichte) and Helga Weisz
(IFF-Social Ecology) the third Ramingstein meeting took place between February 19th to 22nd . The
meeting was funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science, Education and Culture, research program:
sustainable development of cultural landscapes, as part of the project "Foundations of a Social
Ecology of time and space".
A interdisciplinary group of scientists came together to discuss the relevance of time and space for
social ecological research. Lectures were give by Prof. David Auerbach, physicist University of Graz,
Prof. Joan Martinez-Alier, economist, UAB Barcelona, Dr. Helga Weisz, biologist, IFF-Social Ecology,
Prof. Helmut Haberl, biologist, IFF-Social Ecology, and Dr. Verena Winiwarter, historian, University of
Vienna. The Ramingstein meetings will be continued. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Department News: Colleagues from Laos back in Vienna
Two Laotian researchers who are participants in the SEAtrans (Southeast Asia in Transition) project
are currently in Vienna for their second sojourn. Their objective is to complete the report on the
findings in the country study undertaken jointly in the Lao PDR. There, socio-ecological indicators
were assessed for the national level and for a case study in a remote village in Vientiane Province.
The report will serve as one of the inputs for the third SEAtrans workshop scheduled in June 2-5,
Mr. Bounnam Pathoumthong and Mr. Sithong Thongmanivong are also pursuing Ph.D studies at the
University of Vienna, Institute of
Anthropology under the supervision of Prof. Harald Wilfing. At the IFF-Social Ecology, they cooperate
closely with Heinz Schandl, Clemens Grunbuhel, and Niels B. Schulz. Marina Fischer-Kowalski back in Vienna after sabbatical
Guest Professorship at Yale,
CENERGIA in Rio de Janeiro,
Workshops on MFA in Brazil
Marina Fischer-Kowalski spent the first part of her sabbatical as guest professor at the Center for
Industrial Ecology (Faculty of Forestry and the Environment, Yale University, New Haven), where she
had a wonderful opportunity to encounter the challenge of a highly-trained US-American perspective
on social ecology and utilize Yale's excellent library and research facilities
The second part of her sabbatical was spent at CENERGIA, a newly created Center for
interdisciplinary postgraduate studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, coinciding with the
take-off of Brazils new leftist government led by "Lula" who promptly chose Marina's academic host,
Mauricio Tolmasquim, for Secretary of State in energy policy. Nevertheless, she returned very
impressed with the "Carioca" (i.e. Rio de Janeiro's) way of organizing interdisciplinary research.
Marina's presence was taken advantage of for organizing two workshops on material flow analysis.
One took place in the 18-million-inhabitants city of Sao Paulo, organized by professor Helena Ribeiro
at the School of Public Health.
The second workshop was organized by Ricardo Gorini at Cenergia, exloring the insights provided by
MFA for understanding Latin America's international role as "extractive economies". This workshop
bore the stamp of the international IHDP-program on "Industrial Transformation" and brought together
some of Brazil's most advanced research on material and energy flow analysis. Apart from Marina,
key presenters were José Alberto Machado (Federal University of Manaus) who had collaborated with
the IFF on an EU-financed MFA-study on the Amazon region (Amazonia 21), and Roberto Schaeffer
who published an input-output analysis of Brazilian trade in the journal Ecological Economics that
confirmed the diagnosis of the MFA-studies concerning energy and carbon. Sommersemester 2003 at IFF Social Ecology
Die Lehrveranstaltungen des Sommersemesters 2003 sind letzte Woche angelaufen.
Spätentschlossene können nach Absprache mit den verantwortlichen LehrveranstaltungsleiterInnen
gerne noch einsteigen.
Nähere Informationen finden Sie online unter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Publications: EUROSTAT 2002: Revised time series accounts on material use in the European Union
In 2002 the IFF-Social Ecology under took a material flow study with the goal to revise, improve and
extend the EUROSTAT 2001:Material Use Indicators for the European project was funded by and
carried out for the Commission's Directorate General for the Environment and EUROSTAT. The
results of the revision are now published as EUROSTAT working paper (EUROSTAT 2002: Material
Use in the European Union 1980-200: Indicators and Analysis. Working papers and studies). The
working paper is available online under:
The revisions predominantly referred to the accounting of biomass, which was substantially improved.
As a result the levels of the indicators are substantially lower in the revised estimate (minus 17 % for
the European Union as a whole). The working paper documents the data sources and applied
methods used for establishing the accounts in great detail, thus contributing to a further refinement of
MFA methods. In the analytical part the revised indicators are used in Environmental Kuznet Curves
analysis, IPAT decomposition analysis and in physical trade balance analysis. The reports concludes
with recommendations on how to further improve the analytical and policy use of theses accounts.
The project is now in the second year. We will extend the time series back to 1970 and continue to
work on the analytical value of the MFA approach by combining MFA and Input output analysis.
For further information on this study feel free to contact project leader Helga Weisz (helga.weisz@uniklu. Krausmann,F., H. Haberl, N.B. Schulz, K.-H. Erb, E. Darge, V. Gaube, 2003. Land-Use Change and
Socioeconomic Metabolism in Austria, Part I: Driving Forces of Land-Use Change 1950-1995.
Land Use Policy 20(1), 1-20.
Haberl, H., Erb, K.-H., Krausmann, F., H. Adensam, N.B. Schulz, 2003. Land-Use Change and
Socioeconomic Metabolism in Austria, Part II: Land-Use Scenarios for 2020. Land Use Policy
20(1), 21-39. Haberl,H., M. Fischer-Kowalski, F. Krausmann, H. Schandl, H. Weisz, V. Winiwarter 2002.
Theoretische Grundlagen für die gesellschaftliche Beobachtung nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Die
Bodenkultur 53 (Sondernummer), 55-64. Eisenmenger, Nina (2002): Internationaler Handel und globale Umweltverträglichkeit. Kann eine
Verbindung der Welt-System Theorie mit dem Konzept des gesellschaftlichen Metabolismus zu
einem besseren Verständnis beitragen? In: Kurswechsel 4/2002: Nachhaltigkeit - zwischen
Vereinnahmung und Alternative, S. 85-98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 2 – December 2002
## Killing Kyoto: Lecture by Riley Dunlap
++ Simron Jit Singh new member Social Ecology
++ Societies in Transition: Ökologische Orientierungen
++ Lifecycle Approaches to Sustainable Consumption, IIASA
++ Scientific cooperation with Spain
++ Advances in Energy Studies, Porto Venere
++ New Media in Teaching, Business Meeting in Innsbruck
++ Southeast Asia in Transition, workshop in Vietnam
++ CARBON Feasibility study completed
++ New Publications
## New on our Website
# Invitation to Lecture by Prof. Dr. Riley Dunlap
# Killing Kyoto: The American Right-Wing's Impact on U.S. Climate Change Policy
# Wed., Dec. 11, 2002, 6-8 pm at IFF, Schottenfeldg. 29, 1070 Vienna
# Riley E. Dunlap is currently Donner Professor at
# Åbo Akademi University in Finland, after recently
# resigning as Boeing Distinguished Professor of
# Environmental Sociology at Washington State Univ.
# One of the founders of Environmental Sociology, he
# is the author of several influential articles in
# the field and senior editor of the Handbook of
# Environmental Sociology (2002) and Sociological
# Theory and the Environment (2002).
+ Department News:
+ IFF Social Ecology welcomes Simron Jit Singh as a
+ new member of staff. Find details to his person and research under:
+ Societies in Transition:
+ In the context of the course "Ökologische Orientierungen"
+ (Nov. 7-9, W. Haas and N. Schulz), a group of 16 people from
+ various disciplines and professional backgrounds met in Krems, Lower
+ Austria, to discuss inputs about villages in Thailand, the Nicobar
+ Islands and Austria. Focussing on Society-Nature interactions, key
+ transitions were identified.
+ Lifecycle Approaches to Sustainable Consumption:
+ European researchers foussing on this issue met on Nov. 22
+ at the IIASA in Laxenburg, Lower Austria. Approximately 30
+ ten-minute presentations gave an ovierview on the research
+ activities. Willi Haas delivered a presentation on "What do
+ Social Systems consume?" using the example of a small
+ Austrian village to illustrate the level and composition of
+ consumption.
+ Scientific cooperation with Spain
+ "Acciones integradas" is an initiative for scientific exchange
+ between Austria and Spain funded by the Austrian Exchange Service.
+ Nina Eisenmenger and Niels Schulz visited Prof. Martinez-Alier at
+ the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) in Spain, where they
+ presented recent research of the Team Social Ecology and worked on
+ joint publications.
+ "Third Biennial Workshop 'Advances in Energy Studies'"
+ Helmut Haberl, Workshop in Porto Venere
+ This year's edition of the biennial workshop series "Advances
+ in Energy Studies" was held in Porto Venere, Italy, 24-28 Sept 2002.
+ The Dept. of Social Ecology presented a poster by H. Haberl,
+ K.H. Erb, F. Krausmann on the relation between
+ societal metabolism and land-use change, thus also contributing to
+ LUCC project No. 33, "Land Use Change and Socio-Economic
+ Metabolism".
+ Application of New Media in Teaching
+ November 29-30, Innsbruck
+ As IFF delegate, Willi Haas attended the 5th Business Meeting of the
+ "Forum Neue Medien," where a discussion of the initiative's future
+ took place. Willi Haas will participate for IFF in a task force to
+ develop strategic development options.
+ Southeast Asia in Transition
+ Heinz Schandl organized the 2. Workshop on "Southeast Asia in
+ Transition" at the University for Social Sciences and Humanities
+ (USSH) in Ho-Chi-Minh-City, Vietnam. Participants from 10 partner
+ institutions (from 4 Asian and 3 European countries) met to discuss
+ methods and results of the Asian case studies. An interview with
+ Marina Fischer-Kowalski was published in the Saigon Times.
+ CARBON Feasibility study completed:
+ The feasibility study "Carbon household and societal change:
+ Changes in socioeconomic carbon metabolism and land-use
+ induced changes in carbon stocks in terrestrial ecosystems,
+ Austria 1830-1995" was completed in early November 2002.
+ This project is a feasibility study for a larger research programme
+ for the comprehensive analysis of relations between carbon flows and
+ societal change in Austria from 1830 to today. It aims at the
+ analysis of socio-economic driving forces for changes in Austria's
+ carbon household currently only scarcely understood by
+ natural-science dominated approaches. We now hope that the main
+ study will be financed and can start in spring 2003.
+ New Publications
+ Krausmann, F., H. Haberl, N.B. Schulz, K.-H. Erb, E. Darge,
+ V. Gaube, 2003. Land-Use Change and Socioeconomic Metabolism
+ in Austria, Part I: Driving Forces of Land-Use Change 1950-1995.
+ Land Use Policy Vol. 20(1), 1-20.
+ Haberl, H., Erb, K.-H., Krausmann, F., H. Adensam, N.B. Schulz,
+ 2003. Land-Use Change and Socioeconomic Metabolism in Austria, Part
+ II: Land-Use Scenarios for 2020. Land Use Policy Vol. 20(1), 21-39.
# Project presentation CD-ROM "Rohstoff Landschaft" available online!
* We wish all our readers, all partners and friends a happy
* holiday season and a wonderful new year!
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 1 – September 2002
## New courses for Fall Semester 02/03 (KOVO)
++ Helmut Haberl as Head of Department until Sept. 2003
++ ÖGUT Conference on environmental fiscal reform
++ Research cooperation with the Nat. Univ. of Laos
++ New publication: "Handbook of Physical Accounting"
## NEW ON OUR WEBSITE: Full-text site & publication searches
# NEW COURSES for Fall Semester 02/03 (KOVO)
# Our new course catalog ("Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis")
# for the Fall semester is available on the web:
# Information about our course programs is also available online.
# Environmental Studies & Doctoral Studies Programs:
+ NEW HEAD OF DEPARTMENT for the coming year
+ Marina Fischer-Kowalski, since 1987 Head of Department
+ at IFF Social Ecology, will be on sabbatical as Visiting Professor
+ at the Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
+ and in Brazil, where she will be writing a book.
+ Helmut Haberl will take over in Vienna as Head of Department
+ until September 2003.
+ ÖGUT CONFERENCE on environmental fiscal reform
+ "Harmonisation of an European Environmental Fiscal Reform"
+ Date:
+ Organised by the Austrian Society for Environment and
+ Technology (ÖGUT) and supported by IFF Social Ecology
+ Location: BAWAG, Hochholzer Hof 2-4, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
+ Information: henriette-gupfinger [at]
+ RESEARCH COOPERATION with the Nat. Univ. of Laos
+ We are proud to have two new visiting research fellows
+ at our department.
+ Sithong Thongmanivong and Bounnam Pathoumthong from the
+ National University of Laos will be continuing their work
+ on "Southeast Asia in Transition" (SEAtrans) in Vienna until
+ November of this year, and again from March to May of 2003.
+ Nat. Univ. of Laos:
+ NEW PUBLICATION "Handbook of Physical Accounting"
+ IFF Social Ecology has authored the newly published
+ "Handbook of Physical Accounting: Measuring bio-physical
+ dimensions of socio-economic activities: MFA-EFA-HANPP."
+ The handbook presents further developments as well as
+ methodological guidelines for physical accounting.
+ This work was made possible by IFF Social Ecology's long-standing
+ cooperation with the Department of Environmental Economics
+ and Energy of the Ministry for Environment, the Department
+ for Energy and Environmental Technology of the Ministry
+ for Transport, Innovation and Technology, and Statistik Austria.
+ To order: 0800/240 260 (from Austria)
+ Tel. +43-1-51522-5044 (from abroad)
+ Working Paper Number 68: Gesellschaftliche Stoffflüsse des
+ österreichischen Landwirtschaftssektors 1950-1995, Eine
+ humanökologische Untersuchung, Veronika Gaube (2002) 124 S.
+ Our working papers can be ordered by mail or are available
+ as pdf-download:
# NEW ON OUR WEBSITE: Full-text site & publication searches
# A full-text site search function is available from any
# page on the site or:
# Our staff publications can be searched at:
+ UNSUBSCRIBE at any time!
+ If you are not interested in this Social Ecology e-newsletter,
+ simply reply with Subject: "unsubscribe".
+ You can always read current and past newsletters online at:
+ Questions, comments, etc:
+ socec.newsletter [at]
IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 0 – June 2002
New website
New e-Newsletter
iff lecture by Rolf Peter Sieferle
New publications
New working papers
# The IFF Social Ecology WEBSITE
# has a new LOOK and a new LOCATION!
# We welcome you to browse through our redesigned site.
# Visit our projects, publications (some downloadable) and staff
# pages and stay up to date with us in the field of social ecology!
# Please visit us at
# Do remember to add a new bookmark for IFF Social Ecology!
# Our site will be constantly growing in terms of information,
# functionality and current events.
+ We welcome you here to the first edition of our new
+ The newsletter will inform you about recent publications,
+ internship offers, upcoming conferences and important
+ developments at our department.
+ Prof. Rolf Peter Sieferle: 'Der europäische Sonderweg.
+ Warum haben Industrialisierung und Kapitalismus
+ ihren Ausgangspunkt in Europa genommen?' (in German)
+ 10. Juli 2002, 18 Uhr, Seminarraum 6. Stock
+ Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien
+ Defending HANPP in Science:
+ Haberl, Helmut, Fridolin Krausmann, Karl-Heinz Erb, Niels B.
+ Schulz, Stuart Rojstaczer, Shannon M. Sterling, Nathan Moore
+ 2002. Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production.
+ Science 296, 1968-69.
+ Articles in the new standard reader by Ayres & Ayres:
+ Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2002): Exploring the history of
+ industrial metabolism. In: Ayres, Robert U. and Ayres,
+ Leslie W. (Eds.): Handbook of Industrial Ecology.
+ Cheltenham, UK and Lyme, US: Edward Elgar.
+ Schandl, Heinz and Schulz, Niels B. (2002): Industrial Ecology:
+ United Kingdom. In: Ayres, Robert U. and Ayres, Leslie W.
+ (Eds.): Handbook of Industrial Ecology. Cheltenham, UK and
+ Lyme, US: Edward Elgar,pp. 323-333.
+ Nature, Society and History: Editing a special section of
+ Ecological Economics:
+ Martinez-Alier, Joan and Schandl, Heinz (2002): Special Section:
+ European Environmental History and Ecological Economics.
+ In: Ecological Economics 41(2), pp. 175-176.
+ Krausmann, Fridolin and Haberl, Helmut (2002): The Process of
+ Industrialization From the Perspective of Energetic Metabolism.
+ Socio-Economic Energy Flows in Austria 1830-1995.
+ In: Ecological Economics 41(2), pp. 177-201.
+ Schandl, Heinz and Schulz, Niels B. (2002): Changes in United
+ Kingdoms natural relations in terms of society's metabolism and
+ land use from 1850 to the present day. In: Ecological Economics
+ 41(2), pp. 203-221.
+ Brilliant on evolution, but unfortunately only in German:
+ Weisz, Helga (2002): Gesellschaft-Natur Koevolution:
+ Bedingungen der Möglichkeit nachhaltiger Entwicklung,
+ Dissertation, Humboldt Universität Berlin.
+ *als pdf unter:
+ *auch mit Postversand: gerda.hoschek [at]
+ Band 60: Materialeinflüsse im Krankenhaus, Entwicklung einer
+ Input-Output Methodik, Beate Ulrike Weisz (2001), 122 S.
+ Band 61: Metabolismus der Privathaushalte am Beispiel
+ Österreichs, Dagmar Hutter, Wien (2001), 94 S.
+ Band 62: Der ökologische Fußabdruck des österreichischen
+ Außenhandels, Karlheinz Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Niels B.
+ Schulz (2002), 83 S.
+ Band 63: Material Flow Accounting in Amazonia: A Tool for Sustainable
+ Development, Christof Amann, Willi Bruckner, Marina Fischer-Kowalski,
+ Clemens Grünbühel (2002), 26 S.
+ Band 64: Energieflüsse im österreichischen
+ Landwirtschaftssektor 1950- 1995, Eine humanökologische
+ Untersuchung, Ekkehard Darge (2002),140 S.
+ Band 65: Biomasseeinsatz und Landnutzung Österreich
+ 1995-2020, Helmut Haberl, Fridolin Krausmann, Karlheinz
+ Erb, Niels B. Schulz, Heidi Adensam (2002), 98 S.
+ Band 66: Der Einfluss des Menschen auf die Artenvielfalt.
+ Gesellschaftliche Aneignung von Nettoprimärproduktion als
+ Pressure-Indikator für + den Verlust von Biodiversität,
+ Helmut Haberl, Niels B. Schulz, Christoph Plutzar, Karlheinz
+ Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Wolfgang Loibl, Helga Weisz,
+ Norbert Sauberer (2002) 30 S.
+ UNSUBSCRIBE at any time!
+ If you are not interested in this Social Ecology e-newsletter, simply
+ reply with subject: "unsubscribe".
+ But do visit our new website:
+ Questions, comments, etc:
+ socec.newsletter [at]