Animal Science Days 2017

25th International Symposium Animal Science Days
Dear colleagues, researchers, students, experts,
Dear friends,
On behalf of the Organizing and Coordination Committee of the 25th Animal Science Days, we are pleased to invite you to an International Symposium at Brandlucken in the Teichalm Region, Province of Styria, Austria, from September 20 to 22, 2017.
In addition to the symposium there will be two parallel postgraduate courses:
Postgraduate course 1: Assessment of population fine structure with genomic markers, on September 18 and 19 (2 days), details: *pptx.
Postgraduate course 2: On-Farm cattle welfare assessment, on September 19 (1 day), details: *pdf.
Detailed scientific programme: *pdf.
Aims & Scope
Our aim is to create a platform for Central and Eastern European colleagues and for interested academics and professionals from around the globe in the field of Animal Sciences to exchange ideas and to enable efficient collaboration. We hope you will be able to join us in Brandlucken, September 20 to 22, 2017!
Symposium sections will be organized as follows:
• Animal breeding and genetics
• Animal nutrition and environment
• Animal behaviour and welfare
• Animal products
• Posters
Important Information Summary
Paper submission deadline: May 1, 2017
Symposium registration fee: 120 EUR if paid before August 19, 2017;
170 EUR if paid after August 19, 2017
Please arrange accommodations directly with the Naturparkhotel Bauernhofer, Brandlucken im Almenland 78, A-8172 Heilbrunn (; info(at); map: jpg)
General information
Naturparkhotel Bauernhofer****
Brandlucken im Almenland 78
A-8172 Heilbrunn
Telefon: +43 (0)3179 8202
E-Mail: info(at)
Date: September 20 to 22, 2017
Participating universities:
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Zootechnical Department, Ljubljana, Slovenia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agricultural, Zagreb, Croatia
University J. J. Strossmayer, Faculty of Agricultural, Osijek, Croatia
University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Kaposvár, Hungary
University of Padova, Padova, Italy
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia
Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Organizing Committee:
President: Johann Sölkner
Secretary: Michaela Bürtlmair
Birgit Fürst-Waltl
Negar Khayatzadeh
Michael Klaffenböck
Wilhelm Knaus
Daniela Kottik
Gábor Mészáros
Coordination Committee:
Martino Cassandro, Italy
Marko Čepon, Slovenia
Gulio Cozzi, Italy
Ino Čurik, Croatia
Peter Dovč, Slovenia
Birgit Fürst-Waltl, Austria
Vesna Gantner, Croatia
Radovan Kasarda, Slovakia
Wilhelm Knaus, Austria
Melinda Kovács, Hungary
Goran Kušec, Croatia
Ivan Majzlík, Czech Republic
Gábor Milisits, Hungary
Róbert Romvári, Hungary
Krešimir Salajpal, Croatia
Johann Sölkner, Austria
Anna Trakovická, Slovakia
Luboš Vostrý, Czech Republic
Gerolamo Xiccato, Italy
Silvester Žgur, Slovenia
Michaela Bürtlmair, asd2017(at), tel.: +43 1 47654-93200
Please note:
Registration, article submission and organizing accommodation must be done in three separate steps.
The registration fee includes:
• Participation in the symposium program
• Symposium materials
• Coffee breaks
• Gala dinner
• Field trip
Please transfer the registration fee to the following account:
NOTE: if an invoice is needed, please contact asd2017(at) BEFORE transfering the registration fee!
Bank name: Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederösterreich-Wien
Bank Address: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisenplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Account Number: 09300500512
Reference: 7932011476
IBAN: AT50 3200 0093 0050 0512
Account Holder: Universität für Bodenkultur
Address: Gregor Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
VAT Number: ATU16285008
Details of payment: Registration fee / ASD2017 / participant's name and surname
Please download and complete the REGISTRATION FORM (.pdf) and return it by email to asd2017(at)
Call for papers and guidelines
On behalf of the Organizing Commitee, we are pleased to invite you to submit papers on the research and practical activities relevant to one of the symposium sections.
The official language of the symposium will be English. Oral or poster presentation options will be available.
The contributed papers will be reviewed and are restricted in length to 6 pages (font 12, single space).
Accepted papers will be published when at least one of the authors has registered and paid the participation fee.
Papers will be published prior to the symposium in Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus.
Note: you have to register at ACS first. The submission for the Animal Science Days has to be done online on the site of Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus.
Please see the Author Guidelines for instructions on preparing your paper for publication. Unlike to the Author Guidelines, a maximum of 6 pages are allowed. Please mention in the cover letter that your manuscript is a contribution to Animal Science Days 2017.
Deadline for paper submission: May 1, 2017
Paper submission is through the online submission system of Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus.
Guidelines for oral presentations:
Please take into consideration that paper presentation slots are limited to 15 minutes including discussion (20 minutes for invited papers). Authors should prepare their presentations in Power Point on an USB flash drive.
Guidelines for posters:
Posters may not exceed the maximum dimension A0 (841 x 1189 mm). Poster should be clear and easy to read with a sufficiently large font size. Please note that during the poster session, each author should briefly present the topic while standing in front of the poster.
See the hotel website:
Room types and prices (full board included)
Single room: € 85.-
Double room: € 75.-
>2 persons per room: € 65.-
Family rooms on request Please mention that your reservation is linked to Animal Science Days 2017.
How to get to the congress venue: Hotel website (German only)
ASD 2017 Secretarial office
Michaela Bürtlmair, asd2017(at), tel.: +43 1 47654-93200