Steinwild in Vorarlberg:
Evaluierung von Auswilderungsmöglichkeiten im Rätikon
Ab sofort! Erste überarbeitete Berichtslegung Ende Jahr 2024.
Ziel ist die Einschätzung des Erfolges einer dauerhaften Auswildung von Steinwild im Voral-berger Ratikon. Hierbei soll ein HSI-Modell erstellt werden und anhand von Daten aus dem Kanton Graubünden evaluiert werden. Aufgrund dieses Modells soll das Habitat südlich der Ill auf die Eignung von Steinwild geprüft werden. Die Einschätzung basiert auf einschlägiger Literatur.
Freude an der Ausarbeitung eines plausiblen Modells und weitreichender Literaturrecherche als Grundlage der Einschätzung.
Hauptbetreuer ist Prof. Dr. Hackländer, Mitbetreuer sind Dr. Kunz und Dr. Frey-Roos.
Bewerbung per Email:
Begründung für die Bewerbung (max. 1 Seite) in Deutsch und Nachweis der Erfüllung der genannten Voraussetzungen.
Florian Kunz
Fredy Frey-Roos
Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft Wien
Feeding strategy of Snowfinches in relation to chick age and snow cover
Now!!! Field work in June, July with overnight stays in research hut in Salzburger Land at Großglockner Höhenstrase
Research question: What are the effects of snow cover, weather and chick age on the pick rate and pick quality of male and female snowfinches with respect to food item quality searched per time, and size of snow fields and distance to next snow field?
: Alpine Snowfinch chickswill be monitored in the research team, so data on chick age is already available and feeding sites of parents are known. During chick rearing the parents will be observed in the field when searching for food on the ground with binoculars and scopes, pickratesand food items will be protocolled and analysed with variables mentioned above..
- Interest to work and live in a team and to do fieldwork
- Interestinpatientbirdobservation,infeedingecologyandpopulationstudies
- Knowledge in statistics
Dr.Sabine Hille
Masters Thesis opportunity:
Threats and mitigation for raptor conservation
The selected candidate will conduct a Master’s thesis to learn about drivers and mitigation of mortality in red kites and
short-eared owls among regions across Europe. The aim is to examine and compare not only the state of knowledge but
also to reveal any gaps or mismatches. A team of species experts has developed a draft survey that build from outcomes
of previous work: 1) red kite: International Red Kite Workshop held during spring 2022 along with a recently published
review paper (Mattsson et al. in 2022); and 2) short-eared owls: The global owl project
( The student will finish designing an online questionnaire, administer
it, analyze the results, and prepare a short manuscript or report.
The student will be jointly supervised by Drs. Brady Mattsson (BOKU) and Petra Sumasgutner (Konrad Lorenz
Research Center, University of Vienna).
Desired knowledge and expertise
1. Familiarity with ecological literature on raptors, especially mortality, threats, and mitigation
2. Familiarity with the scientific method, including formulating and examining hypotheses
3. Good writing skills, including formulating logical arguments
4. Solid understanding of wildlife ecology and expert elicitation
5. Critical thinking
6. Good communication abilities in English, both oral and in writing
7. Generalized linear models, including use of discrete distributions for the response variable
To apply
Email brady.mattsson(at) your application as a single PDF including:
1) 1-page cover letter summarizing your background and interests along with an explanation for why you are applying
for this particular opportunity.
2) Curriculum Vitae
3) Research-oriented (e.g. Bachelor’s thesis) writing sample in English.
The opportunity will remain open until filled.
Mattsson et al. 2022. Enhancing monitoring and transboundary collaboration for conserving migratory species under global change:
The priority case of the red kite. Journal of Environmental Management 317.10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115345
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