Opportunity to examine drivers of distribution in large mammals of southern India

I am seeking a Masters student or intern to examine drivers of distribution in large mammals in the state of Karnataka in southern India. We have access to an enormous database that includes ca. 600K photographs taken from ca. 1000 camera traps during 2017-2018.  Over 20 species have been identified and individuals counted in photographs using manual identification by skilled technicians. The project focuses on data analysis, and applicants must be willing to familiarize themselves with state-of-the-art statistical modelling approaches. There may be an opportunity to visit field sites if the student obtains funding (e.g., via KUWI), but this is not required. Projects will develop and examine hypotheses regarding associations between environmental factors (i.e., management and climatic variables) and co-occurrence or avoidance among focal species using multispecies occupancy modeling (Rota et al. 2016). The successful applicant is expected to work independently, and their effort will lead to a manuscript suitable for publication in an SCIE journal. The student will be supervised by Dr. Brady Mattsson (IWJ) and co-supervised by Dr. Rahel Sollmann (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin) and Dr. T. Ramesh (Samil Ali Center for Ornithology and Natural History, India). This is an excellent opportunity to work with a motivated international team of scientists.

Desired knowledge and expertise

  1. Familiarity with literature review techniques including online databases

  2. Familiarity with the scientific method, including formulating and examining hypotheses

  3. Good writing skills, including formulating logical arguments

  4. Solid understanding of wildlife ecology and landscape ecology

  5. Critical thinking

  6. Good communication abilities in English, both oral and in writing

  7. Generalized linear models, including use of discrete distributions for the response variable

  8. Interest in statistics/hierarchical statistical modeling, such as occupancy modeling

To apply

Email your application as a single PDF to brady.mattsson(at)boku.ac.at. The application must include the following: 1) one-page cover letter summarizing your background and interests along with an explanation for why you are applying for this particular opportunity; 2) Curriculum Vitae; and 3) research-oriented (e.g. Bachelor’s thesis) writing sample in English. Applications are evaluated on a first come – first serve basis.

Literature cited and further reading

Rota, C.T., Ferreira, M.A., Kays, R.W., Forrester, T.D., Kalies, E.L., McShea, W.J., Parsons, A.W. and Millspaugh, J.J., 2016. A multispecies occupancy model for two or more interacting species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(10), pp.1164-1173.



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