Die Veränderung der Spritzmittelaustragung des österreichischen Erdäpfelanbaus in den Jahren 2009 bis 2017 sowie dessen Treibhausgasemissionen und Auswirkungen auf Regenwürmer
Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller
Giulia Palermini
Insect diversity in differently managed grasslands and arable crops
Betreuer / Supervisors: Thomas Frank, Raja Imran Hussain
Regina Rinner
Regenwurmgemeinschaften in Oberösterreichs Agrarökosystemen
Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller
Marion Schitzenhofer
Non-target effects of the fungicide fluopyram on cover crops (Cornflower, Italian clover) and soil organisms
Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller
Stefanie Schneider
Immune response and Haemosporidian infections of great tits in relation to different forest management regimes in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve
Determining the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on species-specific activity in bats within the Austrian/Hungarian transboundary National Park "Neusiedler See-Seewinkel/Fertö-Hanság"
Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Markus Milchram
Antonia Staudacher
Hidden and externalised costs of pesticide use in Austria
Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller
Raphael van Dyck
Roadkill Igel Projekt
Betreuer / Supervisors: Johann Zaller, Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler
Hendrik Walcher
Modelling occupancy of woodpeckers in the atlantic forest reserve Mbaracayú (Paraguay) using passive acoustic monitoring
Betreuerin / Supervisor: Marcela Suarez-Rubio
Ines Wiesmüller
Wirkung revitalisierter Wässer auf Bodenorganismen
Betreuer / Supervisor: Alexander Bruckner
Marion Zottl
The earthworm population in Waldviertel region and their role as bioindicators for soil quality