Annabel Baumgartner

Effects of cover crops on earthworm populations and subsequent maize crop

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Johann Zaller, Pia Eutenauer

Theresa Lena Bertl

Effects of microplastic on soil

Betreuer / Supervisor: Alexander Bruckner

Carolin Donat

Assessing the potential environmental impact of fungicide use on honeybees, earthworms, birds, fish and humans in Austria from 2010-2019

Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller

Valentin Dönz

Telemetry of Xylocopa violacea

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Sophie Kratschmer, Lukas Landler

Marlene Ebner

Pollination services in dependence of distance to semi-natural habitats in agroecosystems

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Thomas Frank, Sophie Kratschmer, Raja Imran Hussain

Livia Haberl

Nistplatzparameter ausgewählter Bienenarten

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Alexander Bruckner, Sophie Kratschmer

Jadzia Hack

Effects of forest management on the life history traits of the Great tit (Parus major) in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve

Betreuer:innen / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Joanna Fietz, Swen Renner

Florian Lukas Ihle

Land use effects on orientation capacity and performance of Xylocopa

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Sophie Kratschmer, Lukas Landler


Sophie Kampel

Permaculture as a holistic concept for biodiversity-increasing and sustainable farming

Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller

Robin Kirchmair

Vectors as health risk for great tits in relation to different forest management regimes in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Swen Renner

Bastian Kneißl

A comparison between organic and conventional vineyard management in terms of earthworm density and functional diversity in selected European countries

Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller


Isabell Kuhn

Effects of forest management on haemosporidian vectors infecting Parus major in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve

Betreuer:innen / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Joanna Fietz, Swen Renner

Katharina Liball

Life history of great tits in relation to different forest management regimes in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Swen Renner


Samira Linhart

Habitat use and habitat management options for Pipistrellus nathusii in Seewinkel region, Austria

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Markus Milchram, Patrick Scherhaufer


Raul Mühlgassner

Die Veränderung der Spritzmittelaustragung des österreichischen Erdäpfelanbaus in den Jahren 2009 bis 2017 sowie dessen Treibhausgasemissionen und Auswirkungen auf Regenwürmer

Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller

Giulia Palermini

Insect diversity in differently managed grasslands and arable crops

Betreuer / Supervisors: Thomas Frank, Raja Imran Hussain

Anna Planitzer

Populationsstudie an Xylocopa violacea und Xylocopa valga in Illmitz, Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel. Fang-Wiederfang Methode.

Betreuer:innen / Supervisors: Sophie Kratschmer, Thomas Frank, Lukas Landler, Julia Lanner


Iris Eva Reichl

Vegetation parameters for ground nesting bee species

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Alexander Bruckner, Sophie Kratschmer

Marion Schitzenhofer

Non-target effects of the fungicide fluopyram on cover crops (Cornflower, Italian clover) and soil organisms

Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller

Stefanie Schneider

Immune response and Haemosporidian infections of great tits in relation to different forest management regimes in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Swen Renner

Bernhard Schubert

Determining the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on species-specific activity in bats within the Austrian/Hungarian transboundary National Park "Neusiedler See-Seewinkel/Fertö-Hanság"

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Markus Milchram

Lukas Streißelberger

Comparison of heteropteran bugs in different grassland types

Betreuer / Supervisor: Thomas Frank, Raja Imran Hussain, Ronnie Walcher

Raphael van Dyck

Roadkill Igel Projekt

Betreuer / Supervisors: Johann Zaller, Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler

Daria Viel

Methodentest Phytotoxikologie

Betreuer / Supervisors: Alexander Bruckner, Johann Zaller

Henrike Paula Wacker

Telemetry of Xylocopa valga

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Sophie Kratschmer, Julia Lanner

Hendrik Walcher

Modelling occupancy of woodpeckers in the atlantic forest reserve Mbaracayú (Paraguay) using passive acoustic monitoring

Betreuerin / Supervisor: Marcela Suarez-Rubio

Ines Wiesmüller

Wirkung revitalisierter Wässer auf Bodenorganismen

Betreuer / Supervisor: Alexander Bruckner

Marion Zottl

The earthworm population in Waldviertel region and their role as bioindicators for soil quality

Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller

Simon Zwatz

Re-establishing grasslands to promote wild bee biodiversity in agro-ecosystems (Season 2022)

Betreuer:in / Supervisors: Thomas Frank, Sophie Kratschmer