Stephan Burgstaller

A changing toad in a changing environment: testing the effects of human disturbance on green toad demographics and hormonal status

Betreuer:innen / Supervisors: Johann Zaller, Lukas Landler, Marcela Suarez-Rubio

Chiara Fedrigotti

Explore the potential of Citizen Science data for the monitoring and conservation of NATURA 2000 species

Advisory board: Johann Zaller, Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler, Paolo Pedrini, Andrea Sforzi

Markus Milchram

Combining unmanned aerial vehicles and radio-telemetry to investigate niche partitioning of two morphological similar bats in light of the range expansion of Pipistrellus kuhlii

Betreuer:innen / Supervisors: Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Swen Renner, Alexander Bruckner

Marion Mittmannsgruber

Disentagling drivers of earthworm abundance and diversity: agricultural practices, other land use, soil properties, and climate factors

Betreuer / Supervisors: Johann Zaller, Rajasekaran Murugan, Alexander Bruckner

Maria Peer

Re-establishing grasslands in the agricultural landscape to promote insect diversity - Comparison of well-established old grasslands, newly established grasslands and subsidized grasslands

Betreuer:innen / Supervisors: Thomas Frank, Sophie Kratschmer, Dietmar Moser, Johann Zaller

Martin Rössler

Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Vermeidung von Vogelanprall an Glasscheiben

Betreuer / Supervisor: Alexander Bruckner, Swen Renner, Erdard Christian, Philipp Weihs

Magdalena Spießberger

Telomere dynamics of the European green toad (Bufotes viridis) in the context of urbanization and anthropogenically caused pollution

Betreuer / Supervisor: Johann Zaller, Lukas Landler, Steven Smith, Günter Gollmann

Laura Sturm