BOKU’s aim is to support all Doctoral Candidates during their dissertation period and to prepare them for a professional career both inside or outside of academia.
This page of the DocService serves as a platform informing about workshops, trainings, info sessions and events designed to expand and strengthen transferable competences & skills.
This platform lists workshops of special intererest to doctoral candidates and held by external experts, but importantly also trainings & events jointly organized with experts from various other BOKU divisions – e.g. the Service Unit “Research Support, Innovation & Technology Transfer”, the Library, the Center of International Relations, the Alumni-Network,….
However, many additional training workshops open to all BOKU doctoral candidates are offered by the Human Resources Development of BOKU. As an employee of BOKU you can add them to your BOKU Training Passport, however, participation is possible also for doctoral candidates that do not have an employment contract with BOKU.
In addition, the platform will also try to list external events of potential interest to doctoral candidates. You heard about an event that should be displayed on this platform? Just drop us a line at docservice(at) so that we can add it to the list.
This page will be regularly updated - so always check for updates!
Why should you attend?
Attending these trainings and events will not only help to recognize and develop key attributes needed to manage the doctoral research project, but also to plan and be prepared for your future career path. As a plus, you will meet and get to know other doctoral candidates from different research fields of BOKU, supporting the development of your interpersonal skills.
What do we mean with transferable skills?
Transferable skills are a personal core set of abilities or skills one acquires in one setting that can be applied or translated to a wide range of different settings or environments.
Basically, these are skills you need and acquire during your thesis, but are not directly related to your advanced technical or analytical research skills. As they can be translated, they will also be of tremendous importance for your future career.
OUR GOAL: Support the transition from I-shaped to T-shaped professionals

Functional skills (deep expertise) in one discipline (Specialist)
Functional skills in one discipline + Ability to apply knowledge across domains
PhD graduates are usually seen as specialists with deep knowledge, experience and expertise in one area of specialization (“I-shaped”). However, it will become more and more important to collaborate across disciplines and to transfer gained knowledge to other areas. T-shaped professionals are in high demand for their ability to solve complex problems, communicate across disciplines & cultural differences, innovate and lead & manage teams.
General information
Who can attend the trainings & events?
Everyone registered for doctoral studies at BOKU. No employment contract with BOKU is necessary.
What type of trainings should you attend?
First of all, this depends on your individual needs. To assist you in the course selections we have coloured all trainings and info sessions organized by the DocService according to the recommended phase of your doctoral studies.

In which languages are the courses offered?
Info sessions and events jointly organized by the DocService and other BOKU divisions are offered in English, to allow all our international doctoral candidates to join.
Courses organized by the Human Resources Development of BOKU, are held either in German or in English.
How to register?
Detailed instructions and registration deadlines are always listed in the individual course descriptions.
Most of the trainings do have limited places available, and waiting lists are expected. Therefore, if you would like to cancel your participation, please let us know immediately to give people on the waiting list the chance to join.
In case you have any questions please contact docservice(at)