The effects of infrastructure development on aquatic biodiversity in river systems
PROJECT ASSIGNED TO: Dominik von Spinn
The transformation of river systems into industrialized riverine landscapes (IRL) has profoundly impacted ecosystem functions, biodiversity, and ecosystem services (Hein et al. 2021). While rivers remain among the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth (Altermatt et al. 2020), they are also among the most endangered (Fryirs and Brierley 2016). Connectivity alterations play a pivotal role in the ongoing freshwater biodiversity crisis (Tickner et al. 2020; Dudgeon et al. 2006). Although connectivity is shaped by landscape features and the inherent dynamics of rivers, the establishment of societal infrastructure in riverine landscapes has changed connectivity properties on a global scale (Belletti et al. 2020; Dynesius and Nilsson 1994). Artificial barriers, such as dams and weirs disrupt longitudinal connectivity and cause fragmentation. Besides instream barriers, channelization and floodplain drainage are major anthropogenic interventions leading to ecological disconnectivity (Crook et al. 2015).
Freshwater fish species are particularly threatened by connectivity changes (Liermann et al. 2012; Bellard and Hugueny 2020). Due to the high level of autecological diversity (Aarts and Nienhuis 2003) and continuous life-history transitions (Lucas 2001), fish depend on habitat diversity and corridors that allow movement between habitats. As a consequence, abundances are decreasing in impacted rivers (Schiemer et al. 2004) and species richness cannot be maintained because recolonization after local extinctions is inhibited in fragmented systems (Brauer and Beheregaray 2020; Carvajal‐Quintero et al. 2017). Due to the high sensitivity, ecosystem management and restoration of rivers will be of fundamental importance for the long-term persistence of freshwater fish communities. By reverse conclusion, fish can serve as excellent bioindicators for the ecological integrity of riverine ecosystems (Aarts and Nienhuis 2003).
This PhD thesis is part of the FWF doc.funds project “Industrialized Riverine Landscapes” and linked to the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Meta Ecosystem Dynamics in Riverine Landscapes (MERI - Selected fish species are used to investigate how man-made infrastructure and riverine network characteristics influence population connectivity, spatial genetic variation, and connectivity-dependent community turnover. Furthermore, the influence of dendritic network structure and the role of anthropogenic infrastructure in facilitating or hindering the spread of invasive species are studied. State-of-the-art molecular ecological methods are applied and combined with a network-analytic framework based on a meta-ecosystem approach (Bondar-Kunze et al. 2022; Erős and Lowe 2019; Loreau et al. 2003). The research is focused on the upper Danube which can be classified as heavily impaired due to the long-term exposure to socio-economic usage (Hein et al. 2019). In addition, research is conducted in the Vjosa River in southern Albania, one of Europe’s last free-flowing rivers (Schiemer et al. 2018), representing an ideal reference system for floodplain rivers (Schiemer et al. 2018; Schiemer et al. 2020).
Restoring connectivity to mitigate the adverse effects of human interventions in riverine landscapes is embedded in several EU legislations, such as the European Water Framework Directive (European Commission 2000), the European Biodiversity Strategy (European Commission 2020), and the European Nature Restoration Law (European Commission 2023). The thesis aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of connectivity in the context of the fundamental transformation river systems have undergone due to human interventions. The findings will support ecologists and conservation practitioners in the successful planning of conservation and restoration projects and help to identify locations with the highest potential for ecological improvement. Within the conceptual framework of HR21 the project is placed in the research cluster “connectivity” and addresses aspects of “vulnerability”. Resulting considerations for future management fall under the cluster “governance and planning”. Additionally, it contributes to the research field of “urbanization and infrastructure.”
Publication bibliography
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