We accompany you with advice and support through all stages of reintegration into the work process!
Please contact us while you are still on sick leave!
Contact: Kirsten Sleytr, DW 10492, kirsten.sleytr(a)boku.ac.at

Part-time reintegration (WIETZ) is a new and very important topic. The "Part-time Reintegration Act", which has been in force in Austria since July 2017, gives all employees who have been on sick leave for longer than 3 months (at least 6 weeks) the option of gentle reintegration in the form of a temporary part-time agreement. We accompany you with advice and support through all stages of reintegration into the work process Reintegration is much more than a purely formal matter for both those affected and their colleagues!

A works agreement on WIETZ is currently being drawn up by the works council committees.